Point of no return

By JennyMarie1984

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Elizabeth's cousin Samantha moved to Greece two years ago after falling in love with the country while on hol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

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By JennyMarie1984

Elizabeth pulled up at Samantha's house. She hadn't known what to expect, but this traditional little house wasn't all what she'd been expecting. She loved it, at least from the outside. But coming from where she was currently residing it looked really tiny. And not at all the sort of house she would have thought Mateo would have gone for.

Samantha ran out of the door was, and she immediately stepped out to meet her halfway.

'I'm so glad you're here Lizzie. I can't believe the man made me wait five weeks before he let you come.'

'I missed you too. And it wasn't just his fault Samantha. We've been so busy, it's been insane.'

'I know. There have been new articles every other day about various charity do's you've attended and donated to.'

'That's not even half of what we've done. Half is being held for publication in the next months to come.'

'You guys look so good together. If I didn't love you as much as I did, I would be green with envy. To think, that my cousin has managed to snag the unattainable Luca Costas. I swear it's almost too much to take in. Most women would kill to be in your shoes.'

Maybe they would.

'Who's that?'

She pointed to Leandro's who was sitting in the car just looking at them.

'My bodyguard, Luca insisted.'

'Of course, he did. He loves you, Lizzie.'

Elizabeth felt it wiser not to make any comments to that statement.

'I saw the cat article. I almost peed my pants. I laughed so hard.'

'I'm glad I could be a source of amusement. Seriously, Sam, I was so scared I thought I was going to pee my pants.'

'The reporter wrote that it was not hard to imagine that some of the rumors concerning Luca's past were indeed correct and accurate. With the way, he looked at that woman at the cat shelter, with murder in his eyes.'

'Well. I don't think it was that bad. You know reporters like to sensationalize these things.'

'I really want to know something, Lizzie.'


'What does it feel like knowing that a man capable of such violent acts, a man feared by so many, for some reason only seems to care about you?'

What kind of question was that? How were you supposed to answer? She didn't want to think about all the heinous things that Luca had done. It freaked her out.

'Oh come on Sam. Luca is a businessman; he's not dangerous at all. I think most of the stories you've heard have been very much exaggerated. If he really was all they said he was. He would be behind bars.'

She could tell Sam didn't agree with her. But as always she sensed Elizabeth's hesitation in continuing the conversation and dropped it. She was grateful.

Elizabeth wanted to change the topic altogether.

'Look at you Sam, your belly is beginning to really show.'

'I know. I can believe I'm growing a human being. It's hard to wrap my brain around.'

'I can imagine. I won't lie and say I'm not a little jealous.'

'Come on let's move this inside. I can wait to show you the nursery, and then we are going to sit outside in the sunshine. I'm going to fix you one of my special drinks, and we are going to talk for hours. Just like old times.'

'Sounds like a plan.'

'And don't be jealous Lizzie. This will be you in no time if the way Luca looks at you is any indication to go by. Can you just imagine us running around with our children together? I'd always hoped that we would both get daughters and we would raise them as closely together as you and I were. And now we might be able to.'

'I'm not pregnant Sam.'

'You never know, are you using protection? Cause even that can sometimes fail, just look at me.'

It was said with a smile, but this really hit home for her. She had felt the same way that Sam had done. They were going to have children, or like their parents did, have a child, and then they raise them together. Sam and she were cousins, but their bond was stronger than any sibling relationship she'd ever witnessed.

He'd stolen that away from her too. She hadn't thought of it like that until now. And she hated lying to Sam, it felt awful.

'Let check this nursery out. I'm so excited to see what you have planned.'

She got a tour of the house which was actually bigger once you were inside it. It was cute.

And after they'd spent some time in the nursery, and she had heard everything that Sam was planning to do, they decided to head outside.

Sam went in to get drinks and came out smiling.

'I have frozen margaritas today, strawberry you're favorite. Don't worry, mines a virgin.'

'I should probably have a virgin as well.'

'Don't be silly, I'm living vicariously through you right now. Taste and tell me what you think?'

Elizabeth took a zip.

'It's absolutely delicious.'

The hours ticked on and the girls just kept on talking about everything and nothing. And they kept drinking. Elizabeth never had an empty glass. It was when the conversation steered into relationships that she felt, that perhaps she's had too much to drink.

'I can't believe your married Lizzie, and here I am five months pregnant and not a ring in sight.'

'Well, do you want mine?'

Samantha laughed

'Do you not like them? I did realize when I first saw them that they were a bit ostentatious. But I'm sure Luca just wanted to show you how much he cares for you.'

'Oh, I'm sure, by the weight.'

'Come on' Samantha said chuckling.

'They're not that bad.'

She gave her cousin an amused smile.

'They look like they came out of a Christmas cracker.'

They did. On her small finger and hands, the diamond ring accompanied by the wedding bad looked huge. They didn't fit her at all. But they certainly made a statement, and showed everyone within a five-mile radius, that he owned her ass. Which she was sure, was the real reason behind them.

'Well I don't have any, so you win.'

Elizabeth hadn't realized that this was really bothering Samantha. She thought they were just having fun.

'It's not a competition Sam. Do you really care whether you are married or not? It's not that important you know.'

'Says the girl who's on her second marriage.'

'If it had been up to me I would have settled for just the one.'

'What do you mean?'

The drinks were getting to her head.

'Nothing just that I don't think it's very important that's all.'

Sam gave her a look that said she wasn't completely satisfied with that answer. She should leave before she said anything else she might regret. Nikolaos had made it very clear that Samantha was not to know about the realities of her marriage. And she wouldn't jeopardize her freedom for anything.

'I need to go. I'm not feeling so well Sam.'

'What's the matter?'

'I don't know what you put in those frozen margaritas, but they are heady. My head's starting to spin.'

And it was. The minute she stood up she had to sit back down again. She was well and truly sloshed.

'I'm sorry Lizzie. I can't taste the cocktails anymore. I might have gone a bit heavy on the tequila. Do you want to spend the night here?'

'No I can't. I have to be home for dinner.'

'I'm sure Luca would understand if I called and explained.'

'I can assure you. He wouldn't.'

Sam came over to her and helped her out of the chair.

'Are you sure everything's fine between you Lizzie? You would tell me if something were the matter wouldn't you?'

'Yeah, of course, I would. Could you just help me out to the car?'

'Of course, I will. Will you come back tomorrow and go furniture shopping with me?'

'I can try.'

They made their way out of the front door, and to Elizabeth's misfortune immediately bumped into Luca, who was standing outside looking like he was just about to knock. She tried to pull herself together, but it was hard. She was going to be in so much trouble.

'What are you doing here?'

Luca heard the slur in her speech and with just one good look at her realized, she was drunk. And not just a little drunk, she was drunk.

He wondered how much worse this day could get. He's meeting had not gone as planned, he had an ache in his left side from a heavy kick that one man had gotten in while he'd been preoccupied fighting two others. And all he really needed to cap this day off was a wasted Elizabeth.

God knows what the hell she'd told her cousin.

'You're drunk.'

She gave him a defiant look and said.

'I had a cocktail.'

One? She looked like she had a pitcher.

'This is my fault, I made the drinks, and as I can't taste it anymore, I think I might have put a bit too much tequila in the margaritas.'

He didn't even look at Samantha while she spoke. All he had eyes for was Elizabeth, who immediately went into defense mode.

'You don't have to apologize to him, Sam. They were absolutely delicious. And If I want to have a cocktail that's my business.'

He'd had enough of this.

'Come on. Let's get you home.'

He took her by the arm and started walking her to the car, the fact that she managed to keep on her feet he thought at least was a good sign.

'I'll see you tomorrow then Lizzie.'

Elizabeth didn't answer, and Luca shortly said.

'If she can get out of bed, that is.'

He opened the car door and lifted her up.

'I don't feel so good. I'm a little nauseous.'

He strapped her in.

'That's what happens when you drink a pitcher of margaritas on your own.'

'It was over several hours. How was I supposed to know I would get this drunk?'

'Did you eat anything?'


'Did you eat any food since you got here?'

'We forgot about lunch actually.'

'Well, that would explain it then. One piece of toast and a hell of a lot to drink is not a great combination.'

Before she had a chance to respond, he shut the door and went over to his side. When he got in Elizabeth asked again.

'What are you doing here? Where's Leandro's?'

'I finished, and when I got home, and you weren't there, I figured I'd come to pick you up.'

'Check up on me would be more accurate.'


'And there you go again. Do you have any idea how irritating it is to hear you say my name in that tone?'


'I'm going to start saying your name in that tone several times a day, and you'll find out.'

'Why are you irritated with me? I just came to pick you up?'

'Yes. That's a good question. Why would I be irritated at you? Can you think of anything?'


'I thought you had the answers to everything? You seriously can't think of a single reason for why I would feel irritation or possibly anger towards you?'

He was starting to lose the plot here.

'I let you visit Samantha. I gave you what you wanted.'

'You gave me what I wanted? You let me visit? Do you even hear yourself? I guess I should feel grateful now that I was let out of the house on my own?'

'Where are you going with this?'

'I have just spent I don't know how many hours with Samantha lying through my teeth every time you came up. How do you think that makes me feel? Lying to the one person I love?'

Ok. Drunken Elizabeth was an irate Elizabeth. He would probably do well trying to just placate her.

'I can imagine that didn't feel very good. I'm sorry.'

'You're sorry?'

Her outraged tone told him that wasn't enough.

'Yes. I'm sorry I put you in a position where you would have to lie to Samantha.'

'Anything else you're sorry about, while we're at it I mean?'


'Here we go again. What about I'm sorry I stole your god damn life from under you? That would be a start.'

'Are we back to that?'

'Back to that? Yes, Luca, we are back to that. It was only done to me five weeks ago.'

Maybe they hadn't gotten as far as he thought. She was drunk yes. But booze was for most people a truth pill.

'I thought we had started to get along, that things had started to get better.'

'You really are insane do you know that? I've never met someone I thought could benefit from psychiatric help more than you.'

'You're a mean drunk, Elizabeth.'

'Well, you're mean sober. So there you have it.'

He was starting to feel his own temper stirring. He wasn't mean. He had treated her with respect and kindness. The charge seemed unfair.

'What have I done that's been mean?'

'You kidnapped me, threatened my loved ones and me, and then you tried to shackle me to you for life. Do I really need to continue?'

He supposed she had a point. Spoken out like that it didn't have a very nice ring to it. But there was something in that sentence she had gotten wrong.

'I didn't try to shackle you to me for life. I have done so. I thought you were coming to terms with that.'

'I repeat you are insane. Of course, I haven't come to terms with that. I don't have to because it's not my reality. We've functioned in that house because all of us are pretending that things are normal, that there isn't a huge elephant in the room. But that's all it is. That's all it ever will be. A fucking pretense. And I 'am counting down the days until I'll finally be rid of you.'

What the fuck was she getting at? There was no getting rid of him.

'You'll be counting for a long time then.'

'Whatever you say Luca.'

That did it. He did a hard turn and pulled over to the side of the road. Dirt was flying around the car he broke so hard. He reached over to Elizabeth, and gently but firmly took hold of her chin and turned her head, so she was looking at him.

'What the hell are you talking about?'

She looked at him defiantly.


'Don't play games with me Elizabeth and don't you dare fucking lie to me. You have something to say, come right out and say it.'

She kept silent, and he shouted.


She tried to pull her face away, and he wouldn't let her. She'd been talking in ways he did not like. She was talking about leaving him. And that he would not accept. So whatever the fuck she thought she had planned he wanted to know about it.

'Elizabeth. Tell me the truth or I swear to god-'

'What? What are you going to do?'

'You are driving me fucking insane, do you know that. Tell me-'

Her eyes changed, and she whispered.

'Those who cannot handle the truth, deserves lies Luca. Talk to your father, I need to throw up.'

With that, she pulled her face away and proceeded to open the car door, jump down and became violently sick.

He was in the fucking twilight zone that was what was happening.

He jumped out and went over to Elizabeth and pulled her hair back while she wretched and emptied the content of her stomach. When it seemed to have past, she just leaned back against the door, and quietly started sobbing.

'I feel absolutely wretched.'

He knew that. He was struggling between the choice of screaming at her, forcing her to explain herself or to pick her up and take care of her.

The latter won out.

He placed her back into the car, and just kept quiet until she fell asleep. When he parked at their house, he gently picked her back up and carried her into the house. He met his father by the stairs. He was probably on his way to dinner.

Jesus was it really only seven o'clock. He felt like this day would never end.

'I need to talk to you in your study.'

His father acknowledged the tone and said.

'What happened to Elizabeth?'

'She's drunk. I'll meet you in your study in ten minutes.'

He didn't wait for a response. He simply made his way up. As he placed Elizabeth on the bed, she stirred and opened her eyes.

'You really are the most attractive man I've ever seen. It is such a waste.'

With those words, she went back asleep. He placed the covers over her and pulled her hair back from her face, just looking at her for a few moments. What the hell was he going to do with her? He didn't know anymore.

But he knew what he needed to do first, and that was talk to his father.

He walked into his father's study and by the look on the old man's face; he wasn't going to like what he had to say, at all.

'She told you?'

'She hasn't told me anything. She alluded to a hell of a lot and then told me to talk to you.'

'Sit down Luca.'

He walked over and poured himself a drink. He had a feeling he was going to need it.

'I think I prefer to stand.'

'You're not going to like what I have to say. But I would like to say one thing before I start. And that is that I have your best interest at heart. As well as Elizabeth's.'

'Go on.'

'The day after you brought her here, I sent you out to deal with a problem at one of our sites.'

'I remember. It was a bogus visit. So you sent me out to have Elizabeth to yourself.'


'For what purpose?'

'I offered her a deal.'

Jesus fucking Christ. He had been betrayed by his own father. It was unbelievable. Loyalty was something they both looked upon as a given. He took a sip and asked.

'What was the deal?'

Now it was his father's turn to take a fortifying drink. You could have cut the tension in the room with a knife.

'I told her that If she would cooperate if she married you and made sure to keep a good front up in public.'


He took a short pause.

'I gave her my word that she would have her freedom if she desired it, in one year.'

Luca threw his glass against the wall and watched the pieces scatter. He had given his word. Luca knew full well that his father's word was his bond. That meant he had every intention of coming through for her. This wasn't an empty deal, he meant it.

'Why the hell would you do something like that?'

'I did it for both of you.'

'Both of us? Forgive me if I find that hard to believe.'

'Yes. Both of you. Elizabeth is an innocent young woman who has been treated and handled in a way that is unbecoming the man I know you to be.'

'I have done nothing but try and care for her.'

'You kidnapped her.'

It was rare to hear his father raise his voice.

'We have always run by our own code, son. And I accept responsibility for not only my own actions but yours as well after your mother and sister died. I was the grown-up, I should have shielded you from the pain of that. Instead, I dragged you into hell with me. That's on me.'

He took a deep breath and lowered his voice.

'But we have never once in our lives gone after children and women. It is not what we do. It is not who we are. She's an innocent, just like your mother and sister was.'

Luca didn't want to hear any of this.

'And what about me? You said you did this for both of us. What's the benefit for me?'

'I bought you a year. One year in which you will have her here. One year to try and turn this relationship, or whatever you want to call it around.'

'I call it a marriage.'

'Son, a marriage is a partnership between two people who decide to spend the rest of their life together. It's something that is chosen, not forced upon you. Marriage is hard, and you have to work at it every day. You have to wake up and choose that person every morning for the rest of your life. How do you suppose to accomplish that when the person next to you doesn't want to be there?'

'What makes you an authority on love and marriage?'

'I've had both, you haven't. That means I know more than you about this subject.'

He didn't remember much of his parents' marriage. He remembered they were happy, but most of it he seemed to have blocked out.

'I won't let you take her away from me. I hope you realize that.'

'It will never be real, never bring you true happiness if she does not choose to be by your side, Luca.'

He genuinely didn't know if he could accomplish that within a year. If this evening's tirade was anything to go by he had made zero progress in the past five weeks. He'd been deluding himself thinking he had.

'You shouldn't have done this. If I lose her, that will be the end of me. I'll be lost forever.'

His father looked at him with genuine compassion and understanding.

'Then you have to make sure you don't. But that is done by caring, and compromising and allowing the other person to be who they are. It's not done with rules and threats.'

He spread his hands out in a frustrating show of emotion.

'I would never have carried out those threats. I would never have put her pregnant cousin in the line of fire. I would have gotten her out before I withdrew my protection from the creep.'

'I know that. And you know that, but Elizabeth doesn't. It's time to show her that there is compassion and love inside of you.'

Luca looked at his father genuinely wanting to know the answer to this question.

'How can you be so sure? We've spent the last twenty years, killing and fighting our way to the top so we would never be at the mercy of someone else anger and whims again. So we could protect ourselves. How do you know that there is love and compassion within me? I didn't.'

'You are my son Luca, but you are also your mother's boy. You had thirteen years with her before she passed. You might have repressed most of that time because it hurts to much think about it. But the boy she raised is still in there. I see him on very rare occasions, but he's there.'

Luca couldn't remember him and his father ever having a conversation like this. They weren't really talking about your feelings kind of men. But right now, at this moment Luca found himself saying what he feared the most.

'I've conducted myself like this for the most part of my life. Rules and threats, has been the way we've survived all these years. You tell me to listen and compromise, but I have only loved three women in my life. I've already lost two, and the fear of having the same thing happening to Elizabeth makes my insides freeze. I worry every time she's out of my sight, I can't help it. It's not rational its not-'

He stopped speaking and took a deep breath before continuing.

'I don't know if I can change enough.'

'But it costs nothing to try, Luca.'

He left his father's study and decided to go out to the garden. He sat there thinking through everything that had happened today.

His father was right. If he wanted a real relationship with Elizabeth, it was time to lay at least most of the cards on the table. They were not equaled in this relationship. She just had the short end of the stick when it came to pinpointing who was in the driver seat.

He wanted her, craved her would be a more apt word. That put the power in her hands, and he'd been punishing her for that, by taking charge of her life making decisions for her. Because that made him feel like he got some of the power back. It made him feel in control when in reality he didn't have any. Not when it came to her, or himself if he was honest.

People had feared Luca for the most part of his life. Not everyone he met on the street, but people who moved in circles that weren't all together completely clean knew who he was, and knew of him. They were uncomfortable and afraid around him because they had it in their minds that he could snap at any minute. That's what a reputation like his made people think. He was a killer who lacked control. But in reality, unless you count the first year after the murder of his mother and sister, everything he and his father had done, had been planned, calculated and executed meticulously. It was done with ice in his veins, not fire. Luca was not prone to either impulse or loss of temper.

Until Elizabeth.

Which would account for how terribly fucking wrong everything had gone. He was not use to dealing with these feelings, he wasn't use to dealing with emotions period. He would have to apologize which wasn't very easy to do when you didn't feel sorry. And when you didn't feel like you were entirely in the wrong, she had made him a promise. He forced her to honor it, but he didn't technically force her to make that promise in the first place.

They would have to talk first thing in the morning. And he would see what direction the conversation would take, and once again adapt accordingly. But for now, it was time to grab some dinner and then go to bed. He needed to be alert and present for the conversation looming tomorrow.

Elizabeth's head was pounding; she looked over at the clock and groaned. It was only seven thirty, when had she fallen asleep?

She heard Luca murmur.

'I'll get you some aspirin. Lay still.'

She laid there and thought back to yesterday, she'd been at Samantha's, it had been fun. She'd had some of her favorite drink strawberry margaritas. The minute she remembered that the rest of it came crashing over her. Outside of Samantha's house, the car ride, vomiting by the side of the road and then crying about it.

Oh my god. She hadn't behaved very pleasant, to put it mildly, and now he was getting her aspirin. She wanted to pull the cover over her head, and crawl up and die.

He came and sat down next to her on her side of the bed.

'Here take these.'

And then he handed her a glass of water to swallow the pills down with.


She eyed him cautiously. He didn't seem furious with her. He appeared calm, and he looked concerned, not mad.

'How are you feeling?'

'Ok. My head hurts a little.'

'Do you want me to call down to the kitchen and have Helena fix you a cup of tea?'

'Yes, please. That would be great.'

She lay back down and waited for the pills to kick in. Had he spoken to his father? She had told him to. She wondered how mad Nikolaos was at her. This was a nightmare of epic proportions.

He came back and said.

'She'll bring some coffee and tea up in a few minutes.'


'We need to talk this morning as well.'

'Yes. I'm sorry if I was a bit out of line yesterday.'

'Is that what you were?'

Elizabeth paused and thought back to the car conversation.

'I said some things in a way that were perhaps a little harsher than I intended them to be.'

'I see.'

'Have you spoken to your father?'

'I have.'

Elizabeth laid back down and put her hands over her eyes. Why wasn't he saying anything else? She would have to start.

'Anything to say?'

'I was more interested in what you had to say.'

'I made a deal with your father behind your back.'

'I'm aware.'

'I'm not sorry I did it, so if you're waiting for an apology, you will be waiting quite some time for it.'

'I could say the same thing.'

Now that she hadn't expected.

'What do you mean you could say the same thing?'

'If you're waiting for an apology from me, for making you stand by your word.'

'You're angry with me. I can tell you have been from the minute I got here.'

'I've been angry at the situation. Not at you.'

'Well, I've been angry at the situation and with you.'

'I know. Is there any possible way you could sit up Elizabeth, and look at me while we have this talk?'

'No. I have a better Idea. You lie down and close your eyes too. I find it much easier talking honestly with you if I don't have to see your face. Maybe the same will work for you.'

She heard him move around the room, and then the bed dipped, she could feel he had decided to lay closer to her than on his assigned side. But she wasn't going to look, and she wasn't going to care. They were going to have it out, and that was it. Their reckoning was here. No distractions.

'Now I don't know why you are angry at me. You know why I'm angry at you. So let's even the playing field and you tell me what your problem is.'

'You broke your promise.'

Short and consist. She hadn't expected anything else.

'The promise that I would marry you?'


'Technically I haven't broken that promise, I went through with it.'

'After I had to lure you back and then force and threaten to get you to comply.'

'Can you blame me?'

'I can.'

'You made me choose between leaving my cousin behind with violent criminals that were hurting her or marry you.'


'And you think that was fair?'

'No one said that life was fair Elizabeth. I'm not even saying that there was a good or a bad choice. What I'm saying is you chose between what you at least at that time found to be the lesser of two evils. You made that choice, and then you didn't keep your word.'

She thought about that for a minute. He was right in a way. She had been given a choice, a really terrible choice, but a choice never the less. And she didn't follow through.

'Ok. I find that a really screwed up way of looking at it, and I don't agree, but I can understand from your point of view how that would be upsetting, Sort of.'

Maybe if she gave her point of view.

'Can I try and explain myself?'


'I had just met a man that had my cousin's boyfriend who all in all seemed like a pretty tough guy himself, shake in his boots by just looking at him. I felt you behaved badly at dinner, and then you stole a kiss from me. My first kiss since my husband died by the way. Then you stalked me, and yes I call it stalking because it was apparent you kept eyes on me. My cousin had also told me to stay clear and had proceeded to offer some insight through the rumor mill as to who you were, and what you had done. Then you storm into that warehouse and proceed to shot and kill several men, yes you were rescuing me, but I had never seen anything like it in my life. You frightened me. And then what happened, happen, and I made a promise that I couldn't keep.'

She took a deep breath before continuing.

'You scared the living daylights out me. Can you understand that?'

He took a moment to answer, but when he did all he said was.


'I'm sorry. I should have told you straight away at the hospital. I should have said wait a minute you are a stranger to me, and you scare the crap out of me. I do not want to marry you. And I'm sorry that I promised otherwise. But instead, I panicked. You didn't strike me as the kind of man that would have just gone. 'Ok' and then let me go. But I could have been wrong.'

'You're not.'

The knock on the door interrupted them. Neither of them got up. Instead, she heard Luca just call.

'Come in.'

And when the door opened, he said quietly.

'Just put the tea and coffee on the table please Helena.'

'Yes. Mr. Luca.'

She must have thought them odd lying on the bed, eyes covered and no one even looked at her when she was kind enough to bring them drinks.

When she heard the door close, she quietly said.

'Are you going to let me leave now?'


'Are you going to honor the deal I made with your father?'

'I don't know.'

'So nothing's changed.'

He went quiet again.

'Luca, you're not excelling at this heart to heart stuff. This is supposed to be an open and honest conversation; I'm pouring my thoughts out, and you're just giving one-word answers. It would help if you contributed to the conversation at hand.'

'You called me mean.'

With everything, she said that's what stuck out to him?


'What did I do that was mean?'


'Except for a few threats and the sort of kidnapping which I've now explained my motives for. What have I done that's been mean?'

'Some would say that would be enough to be called mean Luca.'

'You know what I'm asking.'

Yes, she did.

'Well except for those two things, I suppose that you haven't treated me too horribly, that in no way excuses the behavior by the way.'

She had to at least get that in.

'So you would agree that I'm not guilty of that charge? You take it back?'

'Luca. I don't even know what to say. If you don't take that into the equation then yes, I suppose you've not been all bad. But that almost makes it worse, not better.'


'You can't kidnap and threaten people and then treat them well. It confuses them. It would almost be easier if you were a complete ass hole all the time. At least then one would know what to expect. But to answer your question, I suppose I take back the mean part then. You have been unreasonable though.'

'In what way?'

'You didn't even want to let me out of the house by myself. Does that strike you as normal behavior, whether we are married or not? Have you ever been with a girl, in a normal relationship that has accepted that you would tell her when or where she could or could not go?'

'I never cared about those women. But with you, I want you with me. I want you safe.'

'What do you imagine will happen to me if I-'

'I'm in love with you.'

Jesus that wasn't what she wanted to hear.


'I want you more than I've ever wanted anything else in my life.'

Elizabeth took a moment to let that sink in. What had Samantha asked her yesterday? How does it feel to have a man most people feared, a man capable of horrible things, care for nothing but you? She still couldn't answer that.

'I don't know what you want me to say. You've gone about this the completely wrong way.'

For the first time, she detected a little frustration in his voice.

'I have gone about this the only way you left open to me. This isn't the way I would have had things go either, but you wouldn't give me the time of day Elizabeth.'

'I am aware of that.'

'So what was I suppose to do? Hand you over to John? And spend the rest of my life alone just because you didn't want me? I just needed time with you. And you wouldn't give me any.'

'Let's not talk about John. That will just piss me off, and so far we've had a good conversation.'

'That works for me.'

They just laid there in silence for a few minutes. Elizabeth didn't quite know how to continue. But luckily enough for her, Luca took the initiative.

'I want a real chance, Elizabeth. For all you know I could be the best thing you never knew you wanted.'

Jesus could this get any more awkward.

'And I'm not sure I can give you that under the circumstances.'

'What would you need?'


'I'm asking Elizabeth. What would you need to give this a real chance?'

This was just unreal. She didn't know how to even answer that question because she honestly didn't think she would be able to do what he was asking.

Granted, she didn't think he was all bad. He had been nice, even kind on occasion. Protective, in the extreme, she didn't even know if she'd be alive right now if it weren't for him. But hating him less now than what she did when she arrived was still not a stable foundation to stand on.

But he was willing to make her life here more bearable. And for the first time since arriving she had a chance to change her life and circumstances here. She would be a fool if she didn't take that opportunity. Even if she couldn't, in the end, give him what he wanted.

'I need to make my own decisions.'


'That means I go where I want when I want it. I get to be in charge of my own life here.'


'I want to be able to work. I haven't quite decided on what, but I need to feel useful. I need to fill my days with something other than you.'

Still nothing, but she kept going anyway.

'I can't have threats looming over me in regards to the people I care about. That's got to stop.'

She stopped to think if there was something else, but that was the only thing she could think of at the moment. Going home would have been the first one, but that wasn't going to happen, so why even bother. But she could...

'And I need your assurance that in ten months, two weeks and six days, you will make it easy for me to leave, by standing by the deal your father made me. I can't feel like this is for life. It's too overwhelming. I need the feeling that freedom will come.'

'If, you want it.'

'Yes. If I want it.'

'Are you done?'

'Yes. I'm done.'

For the first time since this started, she felt him move from his spot on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw that he was walking over to where the tea and coffee had been placed. He was silent.

He came back and gave her a cup, so she scooted up on the bed and took it.

She looked at him; He looked serious, but also a bit unsure. She didn't know why, but for some reason that made her like him a bit more. He was always so in control, so domineering, so sure of himself and everybody else it was unnerving.

But now? He just admitted to loving someone, wanting someone he knew didn't feel the same way. That must have been very humbling for a man used to having women throwing themselves at him. And now he was negotiating to try to have a chance with her, a man used to handing out orders and have they followed to the T. She had brought him to this, and it almost made her feel ashamed that she secretly felt powerful because of it.

God, she was losing her mind. She was feeling sorry for him, just because she told him a few home truths and he looked a bit unsure of himself. She needed to get a grip.

He had gone back and poured himself a cup of coffee.

'If I agree to the go whenever, where ever, you want, you will agree to take Nikos or Leandro's with you wherever you go. And you will always keep me informed as to where you're going. You want to work, fine. But well be coming into some nice weather in about a month and, you're going to be an aunt in four months so I would say do volunteer work so you'll be able to easily take time off and control your own schedule.'

He took another drink of his coffee. And went over to the patio door, just standing there looking out.

'There will be no more threats. And your cousin will continue to have my protection; you don't have to worry about that.'

More silence.

'Whether I agree, or not my father has given you his word that he will help you after a year. He'll keep his promise. I can't stand here and say that I will support him or you in that decision. That would be a lie, and there will be no more lying from now on. That will be my condition in all this.'

'I haven't really lied.'

'You pretended things had gotten better, you made me feel like we were making some progress, and you lied by omission by not informing me of the deal you made with my father, I get why you did it. I get why you've done all the things that you've done. What did you say to me yesterday? Those who can't handle the truth deserves lies. Well, I can handle the truth. I might not do it gracefully or silently, but I can handle it.'

He turned and looked at her, and then came closer to sit next to her on the bed.

'Promise me no more lies, and I will promise to try and comply with your demands.'

It was the first time they'd ever had a genuine fruitful conversation. It was actually the first time he had made any real concessions what so ever. She would have to roll with it and see where it led her.

'I promise.'

Luca heard those words and felt like he finally after such a long time had made some genuine progress. He didn't know how the hell he was going to fulfill the promises he'd made, but he was going to try. Like his father had said, it costs nothing to try. And the reward could be everything.

That's what Elizabeth was to him, everything he didn't even know he always wanted all wrapped up in a 5'3 woman with auburn hair and big brown eyes.

He just thought of something.

'There is something else you told me yesterday that we have yet to discuss.'

He could see she was searching back in her memory trying to figure out what he was talking about, and it looked like she'd thought of something, but the apologetic look didn't really correlate to what he was thinking of.

'I know what you're referring too.'

'You do?'

'I do. And I'm afraid that since we've made a deal, to be honest, I can't say that I regret it. I could have said it nicer, but I do genuinely think you could benefit from some help.'

Ah, she was talking about telling him he needed psychological help.

'That's not what I was referring to.'

'Then what?'

'I believe you told me before passing out that I was, and I quote. 'The most attractive man you'd ever seen.' Any comments to that?

It was nice to see her squirm for a change. And the color in her cheeks certainly went a little red.

'Gosh, look at the time; I'm going to be late.'

He contained the smile threatening to come out, and just let her do her diversion act.

'I thought you had a headache?'

She got out of bed and started walking to the closet.

'It's better, the pills helped. I promised Sam I would go furniture shopping for the nursery today if I was able too. And since I'm now in charge of my own time, I can. So I need to get going.'

And so it was starting.

'I'll go with-'

He stopped himself.

'I could go with you if you wanted me to. I don't have anything going on today that's pressing.'

She leaned her head out from the closet and just looked at him like he'd grown a new head.

'You want to come with Sam and me to shop for baby stuff?'

When you put it like that. No, he didn't.

'I'll be back before dinner I think. I'll just see you then.'

'Ok. I'll have Nikos or Leandro, whoever's available get the car ready.'

'I need to shower and get dressed. So tell them I'll need forty-five minutes or so.'

'Ok. Did you tell her anything you shouldn't have yesterday?'

'No. Nothing of importance.'

'Good. I'll be downstairs. Do you want any breakfast?'

'No I'm good. I'm not hungry.'

'You haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday Elizabeth.'

She stopped what she was doing to look at him.

'I know Luca, but I'm not feeling my best since last night. I just don't have an appetite. Ok?'

He wouldn't argue. She should eat something. But if she was determined not to he wasn't going to push.


He went downstairs and found Nikos drinking some coffee in the kitchen.

'Elizabeth is going to her cousin's house today again. Apparently, they're going furniture shopping. I want you to take her, and keep on her today. Offer them a ride, but don't push it. If they decide to drive themselves in Samantha's car, I want you to follow them and make sure she stays safe. Keep me posted on her activity.'

'Will do.'



'We haven't really discussed anything regarding Elizabeth. But let's be clear, she's very important to me. You have her back like you would have mine. Understood?'

'I got you, Luca.'


He walked back into the dining room, his father must have left early today cause there was no sign of him. He poured himself some more coffee had a quick talk with Helena and decided he might as well read up on some news grabbed a paper.

There was a picture of him and Elizabeth at dinner in the paper, they looked happy. Hopefully, that would be a reality sooner rather than later. After about twenty minutes more, she popped her head in the door and said.

'I'm leaving. I'll see you later.'

And with that, she hurried off. Luca grabbed the bag and went after her.


She turned around and looked at him expectantly.


He gave her the bag.

'I had Helena pack you just a few things for the car ride. Nothing heavy it's just some fruit a muffin and some more tea.'

She shook her head, and he thought she was going to refuse.

'You don't have to eat it. It's just in case you get hungry.'

'I thought you had changed your mind and wouldn't let me go.'

She looked relieved.

'I will eat it. Thank you.'

She gave him a smile and off she went. He could do this. He could let her do her own thing, it wasn't hard at all.

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