Point of no return

By JennyMarie1984

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Elizabeth's cousin Samantha moved to Greece two years ago after falling in love with the country while on hol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 7

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By JennyMarie1984

Luca walked into his father's study and immediately went to pour himself a drink.

'How's she doing?'

How did he even answer that?

'Not good.'

He took a swallow of the ouzo and let it just sink into his body and flow out into his veins, hoping to abate this terrible feeling he was feeling.

'I left her crying on her bed in her room. She hates me more than ever.'

'Luca you have to understand-'

He slammed down his glass and interrupted his father.

'I do understand. I understand that she hates me. I understand that she's angry. I have stolen her away from her life, from her country. She does not want to be here, and she does not want me. I understand all of that. But it still changes nothing for me.'

He refilled the glass.

'I lost my temper with her, and I shouldn't have.'


His father took a sip of his own glass and said.

'But we have to come to some sort of understanding with the girl. I know its early days. My god she only got here this morning.'

The same thought had occurred to Luca as he'd been walking away from her. It had been less than a day, and he already lost it. He was going to have to do a better job to make this work. She was upset, he should have just taken everything she'd thrown at him, and kept his own mouth shut.

He and his father had always had very clear communication. They had always been able to be completely honest and open with each other. And for the third or fourth time today it looked like he wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it.

'Just say whatever it is. Let's not start complicating our relationship as well.'

'Did you really smile when you found out her husband had died?'

Luca flung out his hands in a gesture of frustration.

'Jesus Christ. Yes, I smiled. I was happy; I had just seen a woman I felt to the very core should belong to me. And all of a sudden her idiot cousin Samantha starts talking about her husband. I felt my heart sink to the ground. I even had a chance to think, shit you're going to have to get rid of him. So I lifted up her hand, saw there was no wedding ring. And that's when she told me she was widowed three years ago. And I fucking smiled. Shoot me.'

'Calm down Luca. It's just insensitive.'

'How would you have felt when you met mom if you were told an hour in that she was married?'

His father's face showed the answer to that question. He got him.

'We will think of a solution to this situation.'

'I already know what it is. I'm going to marry her.'

'Do you think that will solve anything?'

'She'll be mine. I will have her with me, at some point acceptance will come.'

His father didn't say anything which Luca didn't find very reassuring. Surely it would come, arranged marriages happened all the time, even in this day and age. And they were just as successful as normal ones.

'Let's take it one day at a time. Leave her alone for the remainder of the night though. I think after the day she's had she needs some time to just rest. Hell, she was lucky. Throwing herself out of a moving car and barely so much as a scratch, that's very lucky. '



Luca had forgotten entirely about her pain medication. He had asked Nikos to fill it, but he didn't give Elizabeth any pills.

'I forgot something. I'm going to turn in. I'll see you tomorrow for breakfast.'

'We need to go out to one of the building sites tomorrow. There's apparently a problem they want one of us to take a look at. It shouldn't take more than an hour or so, I need you to do that for me.'


'Because I'm asking you too, will you do it?'

'Yes, as long as it's quick. I don't want to leave Elizabeth for too long.'

'Like I said it shouldn't take more than an hour. You should head out around nine thirty. I'll see you at breakfast.'


He called Nikos.

'Where are you?'

'I'm in the kitchen.'

'Do you have Elizabeth's prescription?'

'I put it in your room.'


With that, he hung up and went upstairs. He listened outside of Elizabeth's door, but he couldn't hear anything. He walked further down and opened the door to his room, which would soon become their room. He had done the remodeling he had planned. It was now larger enough for two people.

The minute you walked in there was a lounge area with a sofa and table and a big TV, to the left was a large airy space where the bed and two side tables stood. Next to that was a large lounge chair with a footstool and a small side table. He thought maybe Elizabeth would like it for a reading area.

There was a door next to that which led to a walk-in closet.

To the right of the lounge area was a smaller dining room table in case they wanted to eat on their own, and the door next to that led through to the bathroom. He put some extra thought to that room. He had installed a big shower for him and a large bathtub for Elizabeth. He didn't know for sure, but she looked like a woman who enjoyed a bath. Double sink vanity.

He had first planned to do the color scheme white with some black accent. It was the preferred style of the man who had decorated the house ten years ago. He and his father had never cared enough to change it.

But this time around the decorator told him that for a woman, he needed to go with a different color scheme. So instead of matching the rest of the house, this had been decorated in soft pastels of crème, pale blue and some touches of grey. It turned out quite nice. He hoped she was going o like it.

He located the pills and turned around to go back to Elizabeth's room.

He knocked softly on her door, not just because he felt bad about earlier, but he also wanted her to know he'd calmed down.

There was no answer.

He opened the door slowly, in time for her to scream 'get out' if that's what she was going to do. But nothing came, not a sound.

It wasn't until he walked in properly that he could hear the soft sound of her breathing, the small lit light in the room cast a bit of light and he could see her lying in bed, asleep.

He put her pills on the nightstand, and then stood there just watching her, he didn't know for how long. He finally pulled himself away. With a promise to himself, he would do better to take care of her tomorrow. He would do better.

Luca was lying in bed, he had woken up over an hour ago, but he didn't get out of bed. Instead, he laid there contemplating yesterday.

How did his life get so fucking complicated? The minute he'd laid his eyes on Elizabeth.

And even though he knew full well the mess he'd made of things. He couldn't be sorry.

He had followed the same code he'd successfully used since that fatal day twenty years ago. He'd done what he needed to survive.

He needed Elizabeth, and in a way, after twenty years of doing deed after deed that had blackened his soul, he felt in some way that he deserved her. He had earned a chance at happiness.

Elizabeth called him a monster. And was he? That depended on whose definition of the word you'd use. He had done monstrous acts. He would probably continue to do so if necessary; he would protect his loved ones at all costs. Who wouldn't?

He had been alive these past twenty years, but he had not been living. He'd merely existed.

Not that he hadn't enjoyed himself. He was attractive, wealthy and the thing that almost seemed to attract the women, even more, he was feared. Strange thing that. How having the power of fear would make someone seek you out, instead of turning the other way, like Elizabeth had done.

But the allure of being close to power, the feeling of being with and possibly loved and wanted by a man that others didn't dare approach. Was something most women he'd met didn't know how to resist.Not that he'd ever loved any of them. They filled a basic need, and that was all. He never really felt either good or bad about it, what could you do? It's not you; it's me was one of his standard lines if he liked them.

If he didn't, It's over, was something he'd basically say in passing as he was leaving.

He was a bastard, but a truthful one. He had never once made a promise or a commitment to any of them. If they had wanted more, that wasn't his fault. He'd been upfront and honest about his intentions towards them from the start. He didn't have any. But he could have been kinder.

And now, he found himself in a situation somewhat similar to the hoards of women who had graced his bed. Desperate for attention and suffering from unrequited feelings, karma was a bitch.

His alarm went off, which signaled that it was eight o'clock.

His father had made it clear he should be leaving around nine thirty, so it was time to get up and get moving. As soon as he was done with this meeting, he would focus his attention on Elizabeth and the situation in hand.

He walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror.

He'd never liked what he saw. His face looked fine; He could be pragmatic about the fact that he had inherited good looks. Attractive features with the high cheekbones, good thick hair, and a well-proportioned mouth. And then the eyes, he had been complimented more times than he could tell by the fairer sex when it came to his eyes.

'I love your eyes, Luca, they are so mysterious and dark with an intensity that makes me shiver.'

That's what they would say. That's where he had always had a problem. The eyes were supposed to be the window to your soul. And to him they always looked hard, empty and cold. He wondered what Elizabeth saw when she looked into his.


He didn't have time for this. He gave his reflection one last look and went to take a shower.

His father was already at the table when he got to the dining room.

'Good morning, son.'

'Good morning.'

He sat down and poured himself a cup of coffee.

'How is Elizabeth this morning?'

What could he say to that?

'I don't know. I haven't seen her yet.'

His father seemed to think this good.

'It might be better to give the girl some space.'

'Yes. At least until I figure out what I'm going to say.'

He had been thinking on it on and off from the moment his eyes opened, and he still hadn't come up with something.

'What did you say to her yesterday?'

He sipped his coffee and decided that as always the truth was best.

'I threatened her cousin's life and that of her unborn child.'

His father stopped his coffee cup midway, and after a few seconds brought it to his mouth for a sip.

'I thought you were going to keep that little piece of information to yourself and use it only in case of emergency?'

'That's what I thought. That's what I had planned. But as you could tell, I wasn't thinking straight last night.'

They both descended into silence. His father broke the stalemate.

'You could always apologize, and say you didn't mean it?'

That had obviously occurred to Luca as well. But it wasn't as straight forward as that.

'It's not that easy.'

'Why not?'

'Because I know Elizabeth by now. The first thing she's going to say is, so you won't use my cousin's wellbeing as a threat to keep me in line, to keep me here.'


'And that's exactly what I'm going to do.'

His dad opened his mouth to speak again, but this time Luca cut in before him.

'I can't apologize for what I said, because it's the truth. I will use it as leverage because that's the only way I'm going to get her. I knew that from the moment she stepped into this house yesterday. What I want to apologize for is the way I spoke to her and how I behaved.'

His father pondered the question for a few seconds before saying.

'So you want to apologize for the delivery but not the message?'


'Those types of apologies never really go down well.'

'I know. This is why I haven't quite figured out what to say yet.'

'Is there a compromise to be made between you?'


'You didn't even think about it.'

'She wants to leave, and I want her to stay. Only one of us is getting our way, and it won't be her. No compromise can be made from those two standpoints.'

Helena came over with some bread.

'What can I get you for breakfast, Mr. Luca?'

He wasn't hungry at all.

'I'm good with coffee Helena. But could you put together a few plates and bring it up to Elizabeth room? She hasn't had any food for over thirty hours. She must eat something.'

'Yes, Mr. Luca.'

'And bring her tea and coffee. I don't know which one she prefers.'

'Yes, Mr. Luca.'

She went to the side table and started piling on food on various plates.

'Helena. Please make sure she eats something.'

The older woman gave him a fond smile and just went her way. Luca hoped she would succeed. If he would seriously be obliged to force feed a starving Elizabeth this situation would reach farce like proportions.

'I'm going to get going. Elizabeth's room is not locked. And I don't mind if she wanders around the house, but don't let her outside. I'll hopefully have a better idea of how to handle the situation when I get back. We will be married tomorrow. I made all the arrangements before she arrived.'


'Let me just go and get this done. I'll be back in a few hours.'

And with that, he swiped down the last of his coffee and left. He wished he didn't have to go, but his father didn't ask him that often for a favor, so he felt obliged to agree.

Nikos met him by the door.

He opened the door put his sunglasses on and said.

'Let's go.'

Elizabeth had also been lying awake for what felt like a long time. She had lain and thought about what he said yesterday, it felt like she'd been thinking about it all night. She now knew which stick he would use to get her to comply. She needed to get into contact with Samantha.

That was the only thing left to do.

She needed to talk to her and tell her what had happened. What Luca intended to do to her. And then form a plan so that they could both leave the country together. She would tell Samantha that Mateo tricked her and after that trickery, handed her straight over to Luca.

Samantha wouldn't stand by him after that. She might love him, but she would not forgive him easily for that.

It was her best chance at freedom, her only chance really.

She had heard Luca walk in the corridor by her room, she had heard him pause outside, and then felt the relief when he kept on walking.

She couldn't sleep. She was hungry.

It might have been a bit too much bravado when she had announced that she would rather starve than eat anything that Luca had provided for her. The truth was she couldn't provide anything for herself at present. She was dependent on him for everything.

Her stomach growled again.

And then a tentative knock came on the door, and she heard the voice of Helena, the older woman who seemed to be their housekeeper.

'Miss. Elizabeth? I've brought you some breakfast. May I come in?'

Elizabeth's mouth started to salivate at just the word breakfast.


She opened the door gently and came in carrying two plates. She gave her a small smile and then went out, didn't shut the door, and walked in with yet two more plates.

She put it all on the small table by the window, and then went back out again and came back with a big pot of tea and a smaller pot of coffee. She almost cried; she was so grateful to the older woman.

'Thank you, Helena. I really appreciate it.'

'Not I, Mr. Luca asked me to bring all this up. And he asks that you please eat something.'

Helena didn't want to hear that. She didn't want to think about Luca at all. But she couldn't refuse the food or tea. She was too hungry.

'Well thank you all the same.'

All of a sudden they heard another voice outside the door. It was Nikolaos.

'Elizabeth, may I come in?'

Seriously could they not leave her in peace?

'If you must.'

He walked through the door but stopped as soon as he came over the threshold.

'I was wondering if you would come down to my study.'

He took a look at the buffet Helena had put out for her and amended.

'After you've had your breakfast.'

'For what?'

'I have a proposition for you. I would like a chance to discuss it with you. And I want to do so before Luca gets back.'

'What kind of proposition?'

'Let's leave this, for now, shall we. I will let you get something to eat. I believe it's been awhile. Helena will come for you in thirty minutes. Does that suit?'

'That's fine. Yes.'

'I'll see you then. Enjoy.'

With that, he turned and left. Elizabeth couldn't for the life of her figure out what he wanted to discuss with her. But it's not like she had anything better to do. Staring at the wall was becoming tedious.

Helena looked at her and said.

'I'll be back in thirty minutes. Enjoy your breakfast.'

'Thank you, Helena.'

Just like she said she was back thirty minutes on the dot. Elizabeth had eaten herself completely full on all the delicious food and had enjoyed three cups of tea. She felt a little better.

The study that she was led to was through a door adjoining the dining room.

It wasn't exactly cozy. It had all the same color of white as the rest of the house on the walls and floors. But the brown leather furniture with the big oak desk made it feel a bit warmer than the other rooms.

'Come in and sit down Elizabeth.'

She walked in and sat in one of the chairs that he had pointed to.

'Do you want something to drink? More tea or coffee?'

It might be nice to have something to do with her hands, she was a bit nervous. He might be ready to give her a big telling off for her behavior last night.

'I suppose I could do with a cup of coffee?'

She didn't know why she phrased it as a question. He had asked her. The men in this family were turning her inside out.

He poured her a cup from the small side table he had.

'Milk or sugar?'

'Just a splash of milk, please. No sugar.'

Then he gave her the cup walked back and poured himself one, and came and sat in the chair opposite her.

'How are you doing from last night? I believe things got a bit heated?'

They really were very good at understating things. Both father and son seemed to have that habit.

'I survived.'

'I genuinely don't believe my son would ever harm you Elizabeth.'

'I suppose that would depend on your definition of harmful behavior. But that's comforting to know. You believe that I'm safe. Well, that just makes all the difference.'

And there she went again. Everything coming out of her mouth was poisoned. She couldn't help it. And from the look in his eyes, he had read her thoughts to a T. He said.

'Can we speak frankly?'


'My son believes himself in love with you.'

What could you say to that? She just kept quiet.

'I have gathered you do not feel the same about him.'

That was a statement, not a question, so it didn't warrant a response.

'He is not a bad man, Luca-'

'Please. Can we skip over the part where you try and tell me the virtues of a man that's holding me against my will? I understand he's your son. I really do. You have to love your children no matter what, but that doesn't apply to the rest of us.'

'I'm led to believe that when he saved you from that kidnapping incident six months ago, you saw him kill at least four people, one of them up close.'


She really didn't want to think about that.

'Why didn't you report him after you went back to England. It would have been easy enough to do.'

What kind of question was that?

'I had no reason to. He saved my life, and I didn't want to cause any trouble, I just wanted to be left alone.'

'You ran away from him because of the price he wanted you to pay for him saving your life?'

That wasn't quite right.

'The price was to be paid for saving my cousin's life actually. I don't believe he actually asked anything in return for saving mine.

'I see. So you didn't see any reason to report him?'

'No I didn't. I don't see why you're asking me this. Are you trying to make me feel guilty for covering up a crime, or not reporting a crime I saw? I didn't feel guilty. I just wanted to be done with all of it. That's all.'


'Why is that good?'

'It gives me a reason to believe that you aren't vindictive and that you can be trusted.'

'Trusted with what?'

He took a sip of coffee, and in the frayed silence Elizabeth did the same.

'I 'am not a completely heartless man. I understand that you have suffered at the hands of my son. He intends to keep you. '

Elizabeth felt herself go cold at that statement. He took another sip. And continues.


Her cup rattled at that. This was not what she wanted to hear at all. That thought had been lurking in her mind since she got here but to have it confirmed was almost overwhelming.

'I believe that I might be able to help.'

Don't read too much into it Elizabeth she pleaded with herself. Bargaining was also one of the seven steps of grief. Don't get your hopes up.


'First, let me say this. I'm not going to pretend that I'm doing this simply for you. I 'am also doing this for Luca. He has gotten himself into a situation with you that is not in line with his character.'

'You mean the weapon dealing murderer has somehow crossed the line at kidnapping? '

She could have kicked herself.

'Sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know why these things keep popping out of my mouth.'

He didn't seem that offended.

'Stress, probably. It does strange things to a person.'

He was giving her an out at least.

'That must be it. It's been a rough couple of days. Come to think of it, it's been a rough seven months.'

He gave her a paternal look and quietly said.

'I understand that.'

And it felt good that someone seemed to understand. Luca had behaved like nothing was out of the ordinary. Your life changed. I changed it. Get over it. Some understanding that she wasn't crazy for being angry was comforting, in some weird way, even if it was coming from her abductor's father.'

'You were saying?'

'We need your cooperation in all this. I believe Luca has already found a way to get you to comply by threatening to take away protection from your cousin's man. This Mateo?'

'Yes. He made those threats yesterday.'

'Did it work?'

'Excuse me?'

'Did it work? Is the threat of that happening sufficient for you to walk down the aisle and stay with Luca for the rest of your life?'

She was just about to say yes when she remembered the plan that had formed in her mind this morning. The pause was enough. Nikolaos had seen something in her eyes.

'I see.'

'What do you see? I didn't say anything.'

'You didn't have to. It's clear that it didn't bury all the thoughts you had about escaping.'

'I never-'

'Enough Elizabeth, we could go on and on for a long time, and we don't have a long time.'

'So what do you propose?'

He gave her a measured look.

'My proposal is you marry my son. To the outside world, you behave as though this is a normal happy union. That means you convince the public but also your cousin. You give him a chance-'

'I'm sorry this is exactly what your son has already ordered me to do. What's different about your proposal?'

'My proposal is not indefinitely.'

Now that made her feel slightly better.

'You mean I wouldn't have to stay married.'

'As to that, I couldn't comment. When it comes to the divorce being granted here, Luca could put up a fight that could take years. '

'So what are you saying?'

'I'm saying that at the end of the agreed period if you want to leave. I will make sure you will be able to do so. Without any repercussions for your cousin or her man or any other obstacles that could occur, you would be free to make your own choices, and have your own life back.'

He looked at her with a very intense and serious look and added.

'And in return for that assistance, you will never speak a word about kidnappings, forced marriages or deaths you've seen. You will take all your dealings with Luca to your grave. You will not tell a living soul.'

This was her chance. The lifeline she didn't think was coming. Even though she had thought up a loose plan, there were so many things that could go wrong. This would be a clean getaway. She would get her life back.

'How long?'

'Two years.'

'That's too long, 6 months.'

She could hardly believe her guts. But here she was, bargaining with Nikolaos for how long her captivity should be. It was truly surreal.

'That's too short as well. A year is my minimum. Take it or leave it.'


She couldn't believe it. Well first off she couldn't believe that she was feeling so elated at being forced to spend one year effectively as a prisoner. But on the other hand, she felt like a person on death row being told there was a mistake and reducing the sentence to twelve months.

She could do that. One year just flew by.

'You do realize what you are signing up for Elizabeth. You would have to act as a happy couple.'

'When we are out in public.'

'Yes. Here at the house I won't interfere with, my concern is our public perception, but I would like the hostilities to end.'

'I see.'

'You would also by marrying Luca, forfeit your own room. He would never stand for that.'

That made her pause. She didn't want to have to share her space with him.

'Marriage implies not only cohabitation but also...'

She didn't quite know how to put this. Luckily she was not forced to figure out a way.

'My son is not a monster no matter what you would believe Elizabeth. Trust me, the subject was approached. You will be left alone in that regard if that's what you choose. Luca would never force himself on a woman, marriage or no marriage. '

'I didn't mean to imply-'

'You don't need to go on. This time it's my turn to apologize. You are a woman who will be stuck in a room with a man you don't know or care for. I understand your concerns. There is nothing to worry about. You have my word. And Luca's as well if you would ask it of him.'


'I would also ask two more things.'

'What are they?'

'First, off we need to keep Luca in the dark about this for as long as we can. It will not prove easy, he's a smart man. But go along with everything he has planned as if you have taken his threats to heart and that is the reason why you comply.'


'When he finds out, and I say when because there is no doubt he will. You will send him to me, and I will have this talk with him. Understand?'


'Secondly. Try not to anger him. If you can do what he asks with your conscience clear, please for the love of god, do it. It will save us all a lot of unpleasantness for the next year to come.'

'So basically obey every little whim as long as it doesn't go against my morals. Got it.'

'So do we have a deal?'

'What about my apartment? My work commitments?'

'I'm afraid my hands are tied when it comes to your work. Your job you would most probably have to resign if they didn't allow you a year's sabbatical. But your apartment is another story. I will make sure everything is paid and current for when you get home if that is what you chose to do.'

'Then we have a deal.'

He stood up and reached out his hand to her. She stood up as well and shook it. It felt both scary and liberating at the same time.

'It will be hard Elizabeth; my son will not prove easy to live with. But no matter what you think, the boy he was before his mother and sister were killed is still in there. He is a good man who has done some bad things, but human beings are complex. Sometimes not everything can be so black and white. We all live in gray from time to time. Try and remember that.'

And with that, she exited the room, and for the first time in over thirty-six hours, she smiled.

Luca was frustrated. His father had sent him on a wild goose chase. It had taken him an hour to get to the site. Once there, no one seemed to have any idea about a problem. But because Luca was who he was, and he was there, saying there was a problem. Instead of someone looking at him saying sorry man you've made a mistake. They tried finding a problem to discuss. It was at that time he just decided enough was enough. He had stormed out, and on the way home tried calling his father, who was not picking up. It had been a complete fucking waste of a morning when he really had more important things to deal with.

Mainly Elizabeth.

Something was going to have to give. He wondered how she was going to respond to him today, after yesterdays debacle. He just needed to see her so he would know. And then act accordingly.

They were due to say I do tomorrow afternoon. And even though he was pretty sure she could be pressured into saying it, he wasn't a hundred percent sure, and before bringing in an outsider into the walls of their home. He needed to be a hundred percent sure.

The last thing he needed was for Elizabeth to freak out in the middle of it and appeal to the man to help her, as she was being forced into it. Considering the pictures of them from six months ago was being circulated in the press, there was a small chance no one would believe her if she did start spouting about kidnapping. But you never knew.

They didn't have priests on the payroll; this would have to be entirely above board. Anything went wrong, the man would call it in he would be arrested. And then it would be game over.

That would be bad.

He walked through the door of their house and went along the corridor. When he came to the stairs, he saw his father descending.

'I've been calling you.'

He looked at him with apologetic eyes.

'I'm sorry Luca; I've been busy and haven't looked at my phone.'

His father seemed to notice something in his eyes.

'You seem upset, did everything go all right?'

'I'm not upset. I 'am however slightly irritated. There was absolutely no reason for me to go this morning. They didn't even know I was coming.'

'That's odd.'

'There are no problems at that site.'

'Well, that's a relief.'

Luca was trying very hard to keep his tone moderate and not show his father just how irritated he was.

'I'm glad you feel that way. But it doesn't explain why you sent me there in the first place?'

His father was now looking at him like he was the slow one.

'Because I thought there was a problem.'

'Why did you think that?'

'I had a feeling.'

Ok. This was getting more and more ridiculous. His father must have gotten confused, who knows. Luca had put him through a lot of stress in the past thirty-six hours as well. He knew he was worried.

'You know what it's fine, it's done. Where is Elizabeth?'

'I don't know. I assume she's in her room.'

'Did she eat breakfast?'

'She did.'

That was something at least.

'Good. I'm going to go up and talk to her.'

'Good luck.'

He would need it. He was feeling a bit off keel. For a man that had stared death in the eye more times than he could count, with no fear or anxiety. The fact that he was feeling like this because he needed to talk to one small woman was pathetic. He needed to pull himself together before he didn't recognize himself anymore.

He stopped outside of her door and knocked.


She sounded calm. He opened the door, and Elizabeth was sitting on one of the chairs by the small table having what looked to be either coffee or tea, looking out the window.

She turned her head to look who had come, and he could see she hadn't expected him. Maybe she knew he had left earlier. She looked tired but beautiful. So fucking beautiful, and lonely, it tore at his heart. He wanted her to be happy, he really did. He just didn't know how to make her so.

She kept silent.


She took a sip of her drink and went back to looking out the window, mumbling a small.


'What have you been up too?'

The question made her turn her head back.

'I've been sitting here staring out the window. What else would I be doing?'

He didn't know.

'I thought maybe you'd take a look around the house. It will be your home after all.'

She went back to looking at the window, quietly answering.

'I didn't know I was allowed to leave this room. You never said.'

'The door isn't locked.'

'Technically, no you haven't locked it since yesterday. Metaphorically speaking you've not only locked it, but you've also ceiled it completely shut. How was I supposed to know what I could or could not do?'

He supposed that was true. Hell. He'd never been in this situation before either. There had been occasions in the past when they'd been forced to hold someone for a short time. But not with a prisoner that was either female, or someone he cared for, and certainly not in their home.

'Then I'm sorry Elizabeth. I should have made it clear that you were free to walk around the house.'

He looked around the room. There was nothing in it. She hadn't had time to bring any luggage at all. And he'd taken her phone. She was doing the only thing he had left for her to do. Which was, in fact, to stare out a god damn window, he should have made some provisions for her. He couldn't seem to get anything right. Taking the bull by the horn and addressing last night needed to be done.

'About last night.'


'Elizabeth, please look at me. I'm getting tired talking to your back.'

She turned and complied. But she didn't look him in the eyes. She just stared at some spot to the right side of his head.

'I shouldn't have reacted the way I did. It had been a difficult day.'

That got him her eyes. And even though she didn't say anything, a look could speak more a thousand words and this one told him. You don't know what a difficult day look like.

But something had changed. Yesterday she would have screamed that at him, today she just let him see what she was thinking and considering the absolute lack of a poker face and subterfuge he wasn't even sure she was doing that on purpose, but she didn't verbalize it. He didn't know if he liked that. He had asked for it, demanded it was probably more accurate. But he didn't know if he liked it. At least she hadn't lost all that fire. She was just hiding it, and not very successfully.

'Look I'm trying to apologize for the way I behaved. I'm sorry, all right? I shouldn't have lost my temper.'

She said just what he had anticipated.

'So you're not sorry for what you said but rather how you said it.'

He couldn't back down now. It just wasn't possible.


Again no response to this.

They needed a change of scenery, they needed to get out from this room, it screamed captive and captor. That may be their reality right now, but he was tired of living it 24/7.

'Do you want to get out from this room?'


'Do you want to go outside?'


'Then let's go.'

He saw her hesitation.


She seemed to weigh her words and then calmly asked.

'Can I go by myself?'


Again. Hesitation for a few seconds before she must have decided that he was lesser two evils in comparison to staying put, at least for the time being.


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