Point of no return

By JennyMarie1984

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Elizabeth's cousin Samantha moved to Greece two years ago after falling in love with the country while on hol... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 6

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By JennyMarie1984

Luca was pissed. Not only at Elizabeth but at his father as well. He shouldn't even be here right now. He was supposed to be attending a business summit for two days on the west coast. He had planned it all out. He and Elizabeth would have been married before he arrived. And that would have been that. No one came between a husband and wife. Not in this family.

At the bottom of the stairs, he was greeted by Nikos.

'Why wasn't I informed that my father didn't leave for the summit?'

'We didn't know Luca. We just assumed he left hours ago.'

'Well, he didn't, and that's something that should have been communicated to me before I brought Elizabeth here.'

'I'm sorry.'

'It's done.'

Luca took Elizabeth's phone out of her purse and handed it to Nikos.

'Take this phone and set it up for me.'

'Just tracking?'

'No. I want access to everything. Location, text messages, phone calls everything.'


'And call for a doctor. I want one here within the hour.'

'Are you ok?'

'It's Elizabeth.'

When he saw Nikos intended to continue with questions, he just gave him a hard look and said.

'Don't ask.'

'Got it, boss.'

It was time to deal with his old man.

He was standing by the drink trolley by his desk when Luca walked in. There was no other greeting than that of his father showing him with a gesture of his hand, to go and sit down in one of the leather chairs in the middle of the room.

'Do you want a drink?'

He looked at his father and then at his watch.

'It's a bit early for that isn't it?'

'Oh, I don't know son. When kidnapping is discussed is it ever too early for a drink?'


'Don't you look me, what the hell have you done? Have you utterly and completely lost your mind?'

'It's not as bad as it seems.'

'We have managed to get through fifteen years of living life on the edge, with thievery, murders, and god knows what else we did to survive. And I have not once had to see the inside of a jail cell. And neither have you. Now we have finally after five years of hard work, back door deals, bribes and public displays of generosity gotten ourselves to a point where we are not constantly looking over our shoulders for either cops or enemies. And how do you choose to celebrate?'

He slammed down his drink in one big gulp.

'By kidnapping a girl and committing a crime that would put you away for years.'

'You only go to jail if you're caught. That's something you taught me early.'

'Yes, I also taught you that the only way you make sure is to leave no trace behind. No, loose ends. Are you telling me that if this little experiment of yours doesn't work, you're willing to tie up those loose ends?'

That was crossing the line.

Luca got up so quickly that the chair fell backward and was on his father in a matter of seconds, a hand around his throat.

'Never utter those words again. Do you hear me? Anything happens to Elizabeth-'


His father interrupted his words and pulled at his hand.

Luca backed off, both of his hands going to his face.


'You are not yourself son.'

He dragged his hands in his hair.

'I know.'

'What is it with this girl?'

Luca didn't even know how to answer.

'I don't know. I saw her, and it was like I had been waiting for her, forever. I can't explain it. I just knew I had to have her. To be with her.'

'You have a very unusual approach to courtship.'

That almost made Luca smile, almost.

'Son, you have many willing women -'

'I don't want anyone else.'

His father took a small pause; he seemed to be weighing his words carefully.

'Just speak. Say what you want to say.'

His father looked him straight in the eye and did just that.

'She doesn't want you.'

'I know.'

'So what do we do?'

'First off, you're going to call up that editor that had bought up the pictures of Elizabeth and I. Do you remember?'

'I do. I told him to hold on to them, and to burn the slapping ones. Jesus this started way back then. Has she ever been genuinely inclined to be with you?'


He poured a drink for himself while continuing.

'Have him release the pictures in two sets. The first starting tomorrow, do the kissing ones, and then the next day the handholding ones.'

'Ok. And day three?'

'Well be married by then.'

'Are you going to keep her a captive in this house forever? Because if you can't convince her to keep her mouth closed when it comes to this kidnapping business, I don't see how we are ever going to be able to let her out in public. Let alone the house. And if you can't do that, if you can't make her feel like she has some sort of life here, you'll never make this marriage a success.'

'I haven't thought everything through yet. But I have an ace up my sleeve to get her in line.'

'What's that?'

'Her cousin lives here and is together with this guy Mateo that caused some issues for me six months back. You remember the piece of shit that mentioned my name in connection to the drug business. He was also the reason Elizabeth ended up in the hands of those animals six months back.'

'I remember.'

'Samantha, that's her name, is now pregnant with their child. And the only reason Mateo is still walking around with breath in his lungs is due to me.'

'You've been protecting him?'

'I've made sure that people know, I don't want him or her touched.'

'And you're going to leverage that with Elizabeth?'

'Only if I have too.'

'I don't feel right about this business. Women and children are off limits. Always have been, she's an innocent.'

There was nothing to say to that, he knew that. They just sat in silence for what seemed like forever, until his father said.

'We're going to have to come to some sort of compromise here, with Elizabeth I mean.'

Luca looked his dad in the eyes and gave him a look that his dad recognized very well.

'I'm not giving her up.'

His dad once again seemed hesitant.

'You're not pushing her. What I mean to say is this no separate rooms business. You're not being-'

Luca wasn't following.

'Being what?'

'You know very well what I'm asking.'

'I really don't.'

'You're not pushing yourself on her, being dishonorable in the way you're behaving?'

Luca stilled completely, he honestly didn't know if he heard this correctly.

'Are you asking me if I'm forcing myself on her, sexually?'

'I was just-'

'What the hell kind of man do you think I am? I have never forced my intentions on anyone unwilling, and I don't intend to start with the woman I-'

Luca had to calm himself down. Did everyone really see him as some kind of a fucking monster? So yes, he had lured her here. But she had made him a promise.

'I didn't think you would. I just wanted to assure myself, the girl seems frightened. And you seemed reluctant to give her space.'

'Because I want her to get used to me, not so I can. Jesus. That you of all people would even ask me that, I wouldn't harm a fucking hair on her.'

'I'm sorry. I know you never would in normal circumstances. But this girl, Luca, this woman, you are not yourself.'

'I am fucking aware of that.'

The room went silent again.

'You picked one hell of a time bringing her into this family.'

'I'm aware of that as well.'

'This year is going to be turbulent, to say the least. We need to dismantle the last of our weapons dealing. I've started the preparations, and it's not going to be easy. We are going to piss a lot of people off. There might be some serious and dangerous blowback.'

'I know. That's why I've ordered the security here at the house to be at full capacity. The men know.'

'It also means we need to be more public in our good dealings to distract from the bad.'

'You can handle most of that.'

'Not with you getting married. That's going to be public knowledge. People will expect to see the newlyweds.'

'Not straight away. Well, have some time.'

'There is something else you haven't seemed to think about when it comes to the timing of this situation.'

'What's that?'

'We've been very successful in our dealings because for twenty years we haven't had anything to lose. It made it harder for them to fight us.'


'Now you do.'

They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

'Come in.'

It was Nikos.

'The doctor is here.'

'Ok. I'll be right there.'

He looked at his father.

'I have to go; I have to open the door so the doctor can take a look at Elizabeth.'

'Did you take her phone?'

'I did.'

'Good. I will be staying home.'

'There is no need for you to change your plans. You were supposed to give a big speech weren't you?'

'It can wait. We need to be together and united as a family right now.'

'All right, we'll see you for dinner then.'

Right as he was walking out, his dad called out.


He turned around and looked at him.

'Your heart and soul have been coated in ice since the day your mother and sister died. This girl brings out the fire in you. Fire in unfamiliar hands can be dangerous, be careful you don't burn either one of you.'

He understood what his father meant.

He walked back to the main hall where the doctor was standing with Nikos patiently waiting. Luca walked up to him and shook his hand.

'Thank you for coming so quickly.'

'Of course, anything we can do to help. We are happy to be of assistance.'

'Give me two minutes and then show the doctor up.'

That was directed at Nikos who just nodded

Luca made his way up the stairs and took out the key to unlock the door. He was just about to turn it when he realized perhaps he ought to knock. So he did.

'Elizabeth? The doctor's here to see you.'

There was no reply.

'Elizabeth? I'm opening the door.'

Still nothing.

For a brief second, he found himself imagining that maybe Elizabeth had opened the window and jumped. Ridiculous but it made him quickly turn the key and open the door.

What greeted him was not an empty room. Elizabeth had not jumped to her death. She was lying in the middle of the bed curled up in a small peaceful ball sleeping. She hadn't pulled the covers over herself, and when he saw she was wearing the big white guest robe that had been in the closet, he cursed himself because he'd forgotten to send clothes up.

The robe drowned her and made her look like a small child.

Luca felt a calm settle over him. She was here. She was finally here. He had spent his entire adult life in chaos and this small woman, gave him peace.

She also made him crazy, mad and desperate which he didn't like. But at the core of all that was a sense of peace just by having her near him, he craved her presence like his next breath.

Luca just walked a little closer to her and quietly said.


She didn't stir.

He moved even closer to the point where he could touch her, and reached out, just a finger and gently stroked her cheek.

'Elizabeth, the doctor is here.'

He saw her stir and fight to open her eyes. He could hear her mumbling.

'Leave me alone.'

'You've had a nasty fall; I want him to take a look at you.'

'Just five more minutes.'

And with that, she fell back asleep.

He heard Nikos and the doctor walk in. He looked at the doctor and said quietly.

'What's your name?'

'George, Mr. Costas.'

'George, go down and have a coffee and relax for an hour, will you? It's not even noon, and Elizabeth's had a long day already. I would prefer to let her sleep a little longer.'

'Not a problem, Mr. Costas. Let me know when she's up.'

'Thank you. Nikos will show you the way.'

Nikos took the man with him, and Luca sat down in the lounge chair that was placed in the corner of the bedroom and decided to just stay and wait for her to wake up.

Elizabeth was slowly stirring. She felt slightly disoriented and warm, really warm. She was sleeping in something heavy, which was weird because she usually didn't.

She started pulling; trying to get whatever was making her so hot off of her, when she heard a voice.


That woke her up quicker than anything, her eyes flew open, and she sat up, to find Luca sitting in the corner of her room. She felt dismayed and threw herself back on the bed her hands covering her face saying.

'God, I thought the whole thing might just have been a bad dream, but I'm really here.'


'What time is it?'

'Around one thirty, you've got about two hours in. How do you feel?'



There was a warning in that voice. Right honesty was so darn important.

'I feel tired, ok. But except for your presence, I feel fine.'

'Are you ready to have the doctor come take a look at you? Are you hungry?'

She looked at him tiredly.

'I don't want a doctor, and I'm not hungry.'

'The doctor is here Elizabeth, and he's been waiting almost two hours for you to wake up. At least let him do what he came for. And I'll have them prepare a lunch tray for you.'

'Why do you ask me if you're not going to listen or respect my wishes anyway?'

'It's the polite thing to do.'

Elizabeth looked at him wanting him to see, she really thought he was crazy.

'Yes, by all means, let's be polite. You really are something do you know that.'


'It wasn't a compliment.'

'I'm aware. I can stop asking and just tell you what to do and what's going to happen if that is what you prefer?'

'I do. If I'm not going to have a choice in the matter anyway, I would prefer you didn't phrase it as a question. It implies a choice which I sorely lack right now.'

'I'm not going to argue with you, you've had a trying day. I'll bring the doctor up.'

'If you would qualify everything I've been through since this morning as a simply trying day, I'm terrified to think what I would have to experience for you to think it's been a hard one.'


'And stop saying my name in such a condescending way. You sound like you're either scolding or trying to placate a child. If I'm annoying you, you could always send me home.'

'That's not going to happen.'

'I'm starting to gather that. So in return for my honesty, which you asked for, but in reality demanded of me, I demand that you give me the same. Next time you ask me a question I better damn well have a choice in the matter, or I'll scream. Until then orders are fine. It lets us know where we both stand.'

She took a small pause to catch her breath. The man made her so angry it was almost impossible to deal with.

'Now send up the damn doctor so I can get it over with and be left to rot away in peace.'

He looked like he was about to say something and then changed his mind.

Thank god for small mercies. Trying day? That's what had set her off, the nerve of the man.

Elizabeth didn't know if it was because she'd been through a lot of emotions concerning Luca six months ago. But if she tried to think about her emotions and how she was feeling objectively, she would probably qualify it as grief.

Grief over the life she seemed to have lost, the situation she found herself in now, and all of her choices gone in an instance.

She had dealt with grief before. And the difference this time was she seemed to have gone straight from shock to anger. She skipped over denial probably because she knew Luca by now. There was no denying the man was crazy. She was in this situation. It wasn't a joke or a misunderstanding.

She'd been properly kidnapped. This was her life now.

A knock on the door snapped her out of her thoughts, and a small nice looking older gentleman came through with Luca in tow.

'Miss. Elizabeth. My name is George, I'm a doctor, and I believe you took a nasty fall today.'


'Let's have a look shall we?'

He started examining her right foot, it was slightly swollen, but Elizabeth could feel it was already beginning to feel better than it did a couple of hours ago. When she thought of how badly it could have gone for her today, she shuddered.

'Does it hurt?'

She gave him a small smile.

'No. It actually feels a bit better.'

'Good. As far as I can tell you twisted it, but there is no break or sprain. A days rest should make all the difference.'

'Thank you.'

'She also hurt her right side of her back.' Luca interjected. She gave him a look of annoyance.

'It's fine. It's just a bruise. It will get better on its own.'

'Do you want me to have a look at it?'



Luca and Elizabeth answered at the same time. The doctor seemed confused as to who he should listen to.

She gave him another little smile to try and make him feel a bit more comfortable. The atmosphere in the room was chilling.

'I had a nasty fall just six months ago. And it feels about the same. It took a week and then the soreness went away on its own. There's really no need you to trouble yourself.

'He's a doctor Elizabeth. He's paid to trouble himself.'

She just ignored Luca and kept on talking to the doctor.

'Maybe if it would be possible you could prescribe me some painkillers for my back? Just too take the edge off for the first few days?'

'Of course, I'll leave a prescription with Mr. Costas before I leave.'

'Thank you. '

'I hope you have a nice stay in Greece Miss. Elizabeth.'

'It's not likely, but thank you for your good wishes.'

'Nikos will show you out if you just go back the way you came. Thank you for coming on such short notice.'

Luca interjected again before the good doctor could say anything to Elizabeth's statement. For really what was there to say?

When the man had left Luca turned back to her and before he had a chance to say anything Elizabeth got there first.

'I know, I know what you're going to say. You're going to say Elizabeth with that exasperated or cold voice depending on your mood I suppose. But it's hard having complete honesty at the forefront of your mind and then not having it with everyone.

'Try harder.'


'Why wouldn't you let him look at your back?'

'Because I'm not wearing anything under the robe and you're standing there just hovering like a bad smell. '

'I would have turned my back.'

'Most people would have said, I would have left the room. Scared of what would come out of my mouth if we were to be left alone?'

'Maybe I should have asked for some tranquilizers from the doctor while he was here. Your stress is becoming too much to handle.'

'But I must be forgiven right? Considering the trying day I've had.'

'What can I do to get you to be quiet?'

'Easy. Remove yourself from my presence. That should do it.'

Luca's eyes were burning with intensity. Maybe she had gone too far, but she couldn't help it. She was so angry and pissed off the words just leaped out of her mouth. There was no stopping it.

'Food should be brought up at any moment. Eat something.'

She just turned her head and decided ignoring him would be better than continuing with this pointless banter.

As promised it took about ten minutes more before there was another knock on the door.


A small lady came in maybe in her sixties. The first woman she'd seen in this house or in its surroundings.

'Miss Elizabeth. My name is Helena, and I've brought you some lunch.'

'Thank you, Helena. Could you just put it on the table by the window please?'

'Of course, I hope you like it.'

She was sure she would if she had any intention of trying it. It smelled delicious. And she was hungry. But she refused to do it because she could. This was one order he could stuff somewhere.

Helena came back an hour or two later, she wasn't keeping count.

'You didn't like Miss. Elizabeth?'

That made her feel bad.

'I'm sorry Helena. I just wasn't hungry. I didn't mean to imply I didn't like it, really it smelled delicious.'

Helena gave her a reassuring smile.

'No problem. You will eat a big dinner instead. I have brought you some clothes to wear.'

She laid down a small bag on her bed, and took the tray and moved towards the door. Then she turned around and looked at her again and said.

'Mr. Luca says we should eat at seven. And he will come and collect you ten till seven. Ok?'

'Helena, could you tell Mr. Luca that I'm very tired and that I won't be down for dinner today?'

'But you didn't eat lunch?'

'I had a really big breakfast, and I really am very tired.'

She didn't seem convinced.

'And I have a really bad headache.'

She still looked unsure.

'And a bad stomachache, I would just prefer to stay in my room. You understand.'

'Yes of course. But what should I tell Mr. Luca?'

'Just that I'm not feeling well, and I won't be down for dinner.'

'Ok If you're sure.'

She was sure. She would rather starve than break bread with him.

'Thank you, Helena.'

And with that, the old lady went.

She was looking at the small clock in her room and six fifty on the dot, she heard footstep towards her door. A knock came swiftly after that.

'Elizabeth? Are you ready?'

It was Luca.

She should have known he wouldn't accept that she would skip dinner. She pulled the covers over her head hoping he would just go away.

'I'm coming in.'

The door opened, and she heard him come in. She could tell by the closeness of his voice that he was standing right by her bed.

'Why aren't you dressed?'

She spoke back from under the covers.

'I'm not hungry.'

'Get dressed.'


The covers flew off of her, and she looked up at a Luca who seemed to be at the end of his patience.

'You have precisely five minutes to put clothes on before your going downstairs in that robe.'

'I don't want to go.'

'I didn't ask you if you wanted to, I told you to do it. As per your request, I'm not giving any misunderstanding to whether you have a choice or not. You don't. Get dressed.'

Elizabeth could tell he was serious. He'd make her go down even if it was in the robe.

'Then get out.'

He gave her a measured look before saying.

'Five minutes.

He left and closed the door.

Elizabeth hurried up from the bed and started putting the clothes she'd been given on. They fit perfectly. The jeans were the right size. And the white cashmere sweated was warm and comfortable. She looked at herself in the mirror and realized she had neither brushed her hair nor brought any makeup. Not that she cared one bit. Her hair was a bit unruly, but it didn't look bad. And makeup wasn't something she cared about much. She had no intention even if she'd had her possessions, to doll herself up to eat dinner with the likes of him.

The door opened, and Elizabeth's head turned from the mirror to Luca.



He gave her a once over and seemed to approve.

'Then let's go.'

He took her hand as she exited the room and started walking with her towards the stairs.

She pulled herself free and said.

'Please don't touch me. It makes my skin crawl.'

His jaw got even tighter.

'Do you want help down the stairs?'


He didn't say anything to that.

She walked slowly down and realized that the day in bed had done her good when it came to her foot.

As they got down Luca walked in before her, and she just followed. Along another corridor that leads to a yet again, big white area. Everything was white. How did they stand it? There was a big dining room table in the middle, and she saw that Nikolaos, Luca's father was joining them.

He hadn't helped her. The talk he's had with his son hadn't changed anything. That stung.

Luca pulled out her chair to sit to the left of his father, and as soon as she did, he placed himself to his father's right. Right across from her, so she would be forced to see his face all night long.

Elizabeth wasn't used to dealing with such malice thoughts and such enormous anger that she was feeling. It was toxic and exhausting and horrible.

'Good evening Elizabeth. How was your day?'

Was he serious? Was anyone in this household even remotely sane?

'I've lain in bed for over eight hours staring at a wall. How was your day?'

'It was productive.'

'Good for you.'

No one was going to be addressing the elephant in the room or her behavior. It seemed like they were all going to pretend that she was just an ordinary guest over for dinner.

'Is the room to your liking?'

'It's fine. May I be excused?'

She addressed that last sentence to Luca.


'Are you not hungry?'

Nikolaos asked with some concern.

'Not in the slightest.'

'Well, in that case-'

'She is staying.'

Did he always have to interject when he wasn't wanted?

'Son if she's not hungry,-'

'She didn't eat lunch, and I'm betting she skipped breakfast which means she hasn't eaten since yesterday. She's staying.'

Elizabeth saw red. She looked away from Luca and addressed his father.

'That's right. I skipped breakfast. Because I was woken up by a phone call at one thirty in the morning telling me I had to get on a flight to Athens at four thirty because my cousin, who by the way is my only family left in this world, in case you didn't know that, was in real danger of miscarrying her four-month-old fetus, and crying nonstop for me.'

He just looked a bit shell-shocked.

She turned her look back to Luca.

'That also meant that I was too worried and stressed out to eat on the plane. You are correct. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday. And there was no need for that was there Luca. Because Samantha is fine, no need to worry at all was there?'

He didn't even look sorry for the deception he'd put her through.

'No. There is no need to worry which means there is no reason for you not to eat something.'

'I would rather starve than to eat something you've provided for me.'

She looked back at Nikolaos and continued, she was on a roll.

'Do you know that I've only eaten dinner with your son once before?'

Nikolaos looked at her and then at Luca and then back to her again.

'No I wasn't aware of that.'

'He wasn't invited. He crashed a dinner party where I was meeting Samantha's boyfriend Mateo for the first time. Luca here scared him half to death with his mere presence.'

She looked over at Luca.

'Must be nice being so feared that you only have to walk into a room for grown men to cower?'


The warning was clear. She didn't care.

She looked back at Nikolaos and continued.

'Anyway, he really put a damper on the whole evening. He didn't smile or contribute much to the conversation at all.'

Then she deliberately paused and pretended to just think of something.

'Wait, you did smile. It was a small smile but a smile nonetheless. Do you remember what made you so gleeful and happy Luca?'

'I'm warning you Elizabeth. Enough is enough.'

She just continued looking at Nikolaos, ignoring Luca completely.

'Let me refresh your memory. You found out my husband had died. And like you do when you find out someone has lost their beloved. You smile.'

She looked back at Luca

'That's of course if you're a psychopath. '

Luca snapped. He stood up so quick his chair fell backward, and all Elizabeth could think was. I don't care. What had happened to her?

Then he leaned over the table, so he was closer to her face.

'Go to your room.'

She just stared at him, with just as heated eyes.

'My pleasure. '

She didn't say anything else. No good night or goodbye. She just simply stood up and walked away.

Luca was boiling. He literally had to tell himself to take a long fucking deep breath.

He could feel his father touching his hand.

'Calm down Luca. She's angry.'

He had surmised that.

'You have no idea the shit she's pulled and said today.

'Like I said she's angry. Look at me.'

He did.

'She has a right to be.'

Even though Luca knew this to be true, he couldn't take it in right now. He couldn't even describe the level of angry he was at. He didn't know that you could actually measure these levels of rage he was feeling. It was off the fucking charts.

She was here, he hadn't been able to spend more than a few minutes with her all day long, and those few minutes had been filled with her spewing shit all over him. He realized that even though she perceived him to have all the control. He was at the mercy of her. He wanted her. Not the other way around. He had to take back some control.

He took his right hand and swiped it out in an angry gesture. His wineglass flew off the table and a satisfying shattering sound echoed in the dining room. But that wasn't nearly enough.

He went after her.

'Luca don't do anything you're going to regret.'

Those were the last words he heard exiting the room.

He tore through the hall and up the staircase and instead of knocking this time he threw open Elizabeth's door. She was sitting on the edge of the bed.

She looked over at him as he approached her, and before she had a chance to utter a word, he pushed her down on the bed and placed both of his hands on either side of her face.

'Look at me.'

She refused to do as he said.

The second time he was louder and much more forcefull.

'I said look at me.'

She did.

'You will not speak to me or about me that way again. Do you understand me?'

Her silence only infuriated him more. His right hand automatically came up, and he took hold of her chin.

'Do you understand me Elizabeth?'

Her defiant eyes met him head-on.

'Or what?'

Did she really want to know or what? Then he would gladly tell her.

'Or your cousin is finished, and so is that little weasel of a boyfriend of hers.'

He saw that she got him.

She started fighting against his hand on her cheek.

'You will not touch Samantha, you monster.'

Now that was better, he was finally able to get through to her.

'I won't have to. Mateo has enough enemies to fill the capital. The only reason he is walking around with life still in his body is because I've used my name in ensuring his protection.'

She went still.

'And in doing so made sure his family is also safe from repercussions of his unsavory life. I don't have to tell you that the people he's used to dealing with cares nothing for the saying, no women and children harmed.'

And just by using the word children she went completely frozen under him.

It felt good to have the upper hand. He couldn't help it, it did.

'So you see one word from me. And all of them will pounce. How long do you think he will last? And do you really think he has what it takes to keep your cousin and her unborn child safe?'

She looked at him with eyes that were beginning to tear up.

'Get out.'

Seeing those tears start to form freed him from some of his blind rage and as it abated, he started to feel a sense of sorrow. What the fuck was he doing?


'I said get out. You've made your point. I am not only your prisoner but within that, I also have a very short leash, because we both now that I love Samantha more than anything so I have no choice but to obey. There. Are you happy now? Get out and leave me alone.'

Was he happy now? No, he wasn't happy. He was. He didn't know what he was. But happy certainly wasn't it.

He got up and looked at her laying there silent tears running down her cheeks. He wanted to say something but what could he say? He lost his temper; he'd said things he shouldn't have. He was angry. In the end, he did the only decent thing left to do. And that was to leave her alone. 

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"I hate you. I hate you so much! You chain me to the table to eat. You chain me to the bed when I sleep. You chain me for anything that takes longer...
1.2M 36.9K 50
I quickly turned away from him, to get the hell out of the room. But he caught my arm and pulled me back into his chest. Shit. Fuck. He buried his fa...