The Secret's Demise (sequel t...

Od bvb_ismy_saviour

6K 176 42

Andy and Hope didn't have the smoothest beginning, but things had gotten worked out and put in place. Will An... Více

Escape Plan
Lost and Alone
News, Hate, and Moving On
Schools and Surprises
Visitors and Unexpected Tragedy
The New Addition
The Tattoo Tour
Flashbacks and Problems
Writing, Recovering, and Australian Parents
Life Is A Bitch
The Instruments of the Troubled
Remember When
Concerts and New Friends
A Night to Remember
The Picnic
CC's Shocking News and Ashley's Little Secret
Complicated Love, Engagement Rings, and Drunk Troubles
Footprints in the Sand
Now Entering The City of Chicago
Free Now
A Legal Age
Andy In Wonderland
The Search Begins
A New Beginning
Wretched and Divine: The Story of the Wild Ones
The Church of the Wild Ones
Girl Problems and A Knife
Where Will We Go From Here

Who The Hell Would Say That To A Girl?

117 2 4
Od bvb_ismy_saviour

~Andy's POV~

"Andy, your phone is ringing." I am shoved by Hope and I thud onto the ground.

"Okay, okay, no need to push me off of the bed." I grab my phone and check the time. It's noon.

"Hello?" I answer, quite groggily.

"Did I wake youu up?" Why can't I place this voice with a name?

"No. Getting shoved off of my bunk by my girlfriend is what woke me up. It happened because you called. So, what's up?" I hear giggles. "Is someone else there?"

"Sorry, Jonnie's being an ass right now." Wait.. what?

"Who the hell is Jonnie?" Oh wait... this is Bryan Stars calling. He lives with a kid named Jonnie... possibly.

"My friend who's annoying as fuck. I called because I was wondering if we could do another interview while you are in Nebraska for your tour in a few days...?" Oh yeah, our tour is starting tonight and we released our album yesterday.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll check with Jon. And sorry for the tiredness, we were out late celebrating. Wait, some of us were kept awake due to others partying all night." Hope and I had retreated to the bunk room when the alcohol was brought out.

"Oh. And congrats with the album. I bought it, and it's insane! Nice job, man." I forgot that Bryan is sometimes really genuine and sweet.

"Thanks. That means a lot. So, yeah, I'll talk to Jon and check what night we have a lot of time before hand to do an interview." We say goodby and then hang up.

"Hope, come on. Let's get breakfast." I grab her hand and we walk out into the main area.

"Were you two having sex?"

"Shut up CC."

"What's with the messy hair and the loud banging noise?" Uggghhhhh!!!

"We were kept up by you guys. I got pushed out of bed when my phone wouldn't shut up. Speaking of which, have you guys seen Jon?" I need to ask him about the interview.

"He went to get us all donuts. He should be back soon though." Jinxx spoke up.

"Okay." I nod and grab my cigarettes and lighter.

I walk off of the bus and light up.

"Hey. Who was on the phone a few minutes ago?" Hope asks as she walks over to me. There is something off. She's acting strange.

"It was Bryan Stars. He was asking if we were open to doing another interview when we do the few shows in Nebraska. That's why I needed to talk to Jon." She just nods. "So, why'd you follow me out here?"

"I got a text from my friend, the one who works for me and is looking after my shop." She pauses.

"Did something happen?" I see tears start to form in her eyes.

"She texted me saying that a call was made to the shop earlier this morning and it was my mom. My dad..." She starts to bawl, and I bring her in for a hug. Her voice is barely audible when she finishes speaking. "He had a heart attack. They took him in to have surgery last night... and he never came out."

"Oh my god, Hope, I'm so sorry!" She buries her head in my chest and wraps her arms around me. "It's okay to cry. He's in a better place now, though."

"She said that my mom told her the funeral is in two weeks. I can't not go. He's my dad." I understand what she's saying.

"Hope, we can work something out so you can still come on the tour with us. Maybe you can be with us for the first few shows in California, but then stay home until the funeral, and fly out to wherever we are afterwards." It's an idea, but I'm not too fond of the part where she'd have to be alone for about two weeks.

"It's okay Andy. I don't have to go on the tour. It would be too much to fly back to where you guys are." No. I won't let this happen.

"We can figure something else out. Maybe if we don't have any shows that weekend, we can drive back for the day so you can go and then still be on the tour with us." I badly want her to be with us. I can't live without her for 3 months. And I don't think she can really live without me either.

~Hope's POV~

**A week later**

"Hope, are you sure you are fine with doing the interview with us?" I did decide to stay with the guys on tour. Our plan is that Andy and I will drive back to LA the night before the funeral, and then leave shortly after the burial is over. We will have plenty of time because the funeral is on a Saturday and the guys have a show Friday and then the following Tuesday is the next one. Andy and I will leave after the show on Friday.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He is worried about me. Though I wasn't ever really close to my dad, he's still my father, and I'm only 21. Now I'll never get to have him walk me down the isle on my wedding day, and if I ever have a kid, he won't get to be there to hold it.

"Okay. Well, we better get going then. Are you ready?" There has been little conversation between all of us. They all are scared that they are going to say something that'll set me off.

"Yeah, let's go." We have to drive to the venue now because the one and only Bryan Stars will be interviewing us. Andy is positive that he and I will be there, but the other guys aren't quite sure if they'll do it or not.

The bus driver starts to drive and it takes about 20 minutes to get to the venue from the Walmart parking lot we were in.

"Are you guys staying or coming with us?" Andy and I were out the door and walking inside and everyone else was trailing behind us.

In the building, we are all hearded to a dressing room.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to hang out here." That puts Ashley in the 'no' category for the interview.

"Yeah, I think I'm good here." Jake is staying down here too.

"Same." And now it's just Andy, CC, and me.

"Okay. You aren't backing out on us, are you, CC?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"Hell no! I want to do this!" Well, CC is sticking with us.

"We should probably head up ther now. It's past the time we said we'd meet him here." I point out.

"Okay, yeah. Come on." Andy grabs my hand and we follow the security guard up the stairs.

Once we get to the small room, I see two guys and a girl standing around. One guy has short, blonde hair, and is wearing a blue hoodie. The other boy is wearing a Misfits t-shirt, and has longish, black hair. The girl has shortish blonde hair as well and is kind of short.

"Hey! What's up!" Andy smiles as soon as he sees the short haired blonde guy.

"Andy! Who's this?" He motions to me.

"Bryan, this is my girlfriend, Hope. Hope, this is Bryan Stars." He goes in for a hug, so I just go with it.

"Wait, are you recording already... Again?" Andy looks over at the girl, who is holding a large camera.

"Yeah, Bryan told me to." Andy just scoffs in a joking manner.

"So, shall we start this thing?" We all nod and Bryan starts the interview part.

About 45 minutes later, we are still talking about the most random shit in the world. Though CC left a few minutes ago, it's still very interesting.

"So, Hope, how amazing it to have sex with him?" My eyes go very wide and everyone else cracks up. "I mean, he's a rockstar, and he's got pretty big feet. Plus, you are the first girl any of the guys has brought to an interview, so I have to ask. Is it as good as all of the fangirls fantasize about?"

"Well, Bryan, who the fuck knows what those fangirls are fantasizing, so I don't really know how it compares to what they all think..." This makes them snort laughing.

"That makes an excellent point. Andy, with Hope being as beautiful as she is, is the sex as great as the fanboys can fantasize? Because we all know that you've done photoshoots and fanboys, or just boys in general, have jerked off on more than one occasion to a picture of her." Andy rolls his eyes.

"It's pretty great, I can't lie." I playfully shove him while trying to cover up the fact that I'm blushing.

"Hope, do you like being a girl?" What the hell?

"Yeah. I have never been asked this before..." It's awkward.

"But why is it so amazing to be a girl? First off, you have to deal with us guys, secondly, you have to deal with periods. By the way, what is yours like?" Holy.Fucking.Shit.

"WHO THE HELL WOULD SAY THAT TO A GIRL?!?!?!" I have given the gift of bursted eardrums.

"SORRY!!!" Bryan is extremely scared now. I literally yelled as loud as I could.

Andy changes the supject and talks to the security guard. "Could you get me my, uh..." He pauses.

"Yep, sure thing." He goes back down the steps.

"Woah... You didn't even finish telling him what you needed. How did you do that?" Jonnie asked this.

"I've known him for years." He comes back up with exactly what Andy wanted. "Thanks." It's his cigarettes and lighter.

"Wow. He knows you very well." I just laugh and take one of his cigarettes.

"You smoke, too?" Bryan tilts his head a little.

"Only sometimes." Andy stares at me for a second, knowing what I mean. We end up having a small silent conversation.

"Did I miss something?" Andy and I laugh.

"We sometimes have conversations through our facial expressions and eye movements." They are all confused.

"Well, there are a few questions from fans that I got off of twitter. The first one says 'Andy, kiss your girlfriend if she's there with you, but if not, kiss Bryan.' I bet you're glad she's here!" I laugh and turn to him.

"You fine with this?" I shrug and he kisses me. It's a small and short kiss, but there is definitely meaning behind it. I felt the spark, and it was amazing.

"Ooo la la! Okay, next question. 'What is the weirdest thing you've ever read about yourself?' So like, the weirdest rumor you've heard. Both of you answer." I think, and I can see that Andy's stumped as well.

"I've heard things about how I'm secretly dating Kellin, Ronnie, and Danny, as well as Andy." The page I got this from was so freaky and weird.

"Why would someone assume that?" Byan has no idea.

"I went to a SWS concert with Ronnie and Danny when I was in Chicago a while back, and then we went to lunch afterwards. So I guess going to someones concert then having lunch means you are dating them and everyone else you're with at the time." We all snicker.

"I guess the weirdest rumor has to be that I'm cheating on Hope with Ashley." This makes me snort, I'm laughing so hard.

"Wow! And speaking of Ashley, have you heard of Andley?" I know what it is, but I don't think Andy knows. This shall be fun.

"I do. I don't think he does." I watch as Bryan smiles mischievously.

"I have no idea." I pat him on the back while smirking evily.

"I'll bring up and example on my phone, you explain it to him." I get out my phone while listening to Bryan explain what 'Andley' is.

"So, Andly is the ship name of you and Ashley. People are putting you and Ashley in relationships with each other. So in these stories, you guys are gay for each other and some of them get overly descriptive. Also, they like to ship Cake, which is CC and Jake. Then there is also Janxx, which is Jinxx and Jake. Those are the main three that people like to write about. Sometimes there are also ones where you can't chose Ashley or Juliet, so you end up just having a threesome for the rest of the story. It's weird." I laugh as I listen to Bryan.

"I found a good one. It's called 'Between The Raindrops' and I've actually read the hole thing. It's well written, but pretty weird things happen. Andy, read it out loud." I hand over my phone which has the story pulled up.

"Ugh, fine." He starts reading while Bryan and I just laugh the whole time and watch as Andy's face.

Andy stops reading when he finishes the chapter I brought up. "This is fucked up..." Bryan and I burst out in fits of laughter.

"Some fans really think it's real. Some just think it's funny. Then, there are some who decline every aspect of it." The interview only lasts another 10 minutes.

"Well, I guess we better be going so I can go perform and rock this building to the ground. Bye Bryan Starzzzz." Andy gives him a man hug.

"Bye Bryan. It was great to meet you finally." I give him a friendly side hug and then wave to Johnnie.

Andy and I head back down the stairs into the dressing room.

"Thanks for doing the interview with me. It was great!" Andy intertwines his fingers with mine.

"You're on in 5. Hurry it up." A stage person warns the guys and then we all walk to the stage.

"Good luck. I'll be watching from here." He pecks me on the cheek before dashing out onto the stage to perform for the adoring fans.

***A/N: So, there's probably going to be about three more chapters in this, and then I'll probably post the sequel to Between The Raindrops while I work on the book coming after this one. I also have a bunch more stories that I'm working on as well, so if you're lucky, I'll post in two separate stories after this one is done. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and it's super long because there's just a lot to include since it's nearing the end. Comment, vote, and share with your friends! Love you guys and please keep reading!!!***

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