A Tale of Stags and Lions - M...

By Anything_Special

30.1K 576 42

Lyonel Baratheon 'The Black Stag' is the only true son of Robert Baratheon and the younger twin to Joffrey. W... More

Chapter One - Wolves and Stags
Chapter Two - The She-Wolf
Chapter Three - The Flower Knight
Chapter Five - Betray or be Betrayed
Chapter Six - Sorrow
Chapter Seven - Blood on the Field
Chapter Eight - Loyalty

Chapter Four - Better Leave

2.2K 47 2
By Anything_Special

Fanart: By Minuiko on Game of Thrones Fanart

Word Count: 4627

King's Landing – 298AC

From one week to the other things were getting more and more dramatic.

Lyonel had wondered for a long time where his beloved Uncle Tyrion had gone. It took a month to get from Winterfell to King's Landing, the wall could have added a week or two of extra travel, but he should have been here by now.

He really missed his witty comments and cool mind. While his father was good to joke with, Uncle Renly good to talk politics with and Uncle Jaime good to spar with, none of them could hold a particularly challenging conversation.

So where was Tyrion and when will he be back at court?

The answer came in the worst way possible.

Lyonel was with Aeron at the time when they brought an injured Ned Stark in. His bone was sticking out of his thigh and he was unconscious. Lyonel angrily demanded to know what happened. That's when his mother took him aside and explained that Cat Stark arrested Tyrion on the suspicion of attempted murder of Bran Stark and in an act of revenge Jaime had his men kill Ned's and then injured his leg.

The Black Stag could not understand any of it. Tyrion was such a gentle soul, he would never hurt a child, Cat Stark's allegations must have been baseless. However, none of that gave Jaime the authority to hurt Ned and kill his men.

He gave Sansa his condolences for the men, especially Jory Cassel, but Sansa had been cold to him ever since Joffrey became her fairytale prince again. He couldn't give any comfort to Arya either as she refused to talk to him yelling that everyone connected to the Lannisters was a monster and she didn't want to associate with anyone in the cursed family. It hurt his feelings but he left her to grieve hoping she'd see that he was nothing like the lions eventually. Fittingly he had taken the silent treatment to Uncle Jaime who had once again shown that cruel side Lyonel hated, or atleast he would have if Jaime hadn't ran from King's Landing to escape the aftermath of his own actions.

He visited Ned everyday through his six day sleep. When he finally woke up he sighed with happy relief. He had really grown to like the man and would deeply regret it if something happened to him.

The thoughts of his future came back to him. No, he may never be king but that doesn't mean he couldn't forge his own destiny.

That's how he got in this unfortunate position.

"What do you mean you want to leave?" His mother snapped furiously "You can't leave court!"

Cersei paced back and forth in the small council chambers. There was no council meeting but Lyonel did call a family meeting. He sat in the hand of the king chair with Aeron standing behind him silently. Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen also sat at the table.

"We should wait for Father to discuss this Mother" He said trying to calm her down.

"What are we discussing anyway?" Joffrey asked folding his arms with the same arrogant expression he had for as long as Lyonel could remember.

He turned to his brother and faked a smile "Dear Brother, I wish to leave in search of Catelyn Stark, I want to negotiate Uncle Tyrion's imprisonment and bring him home"

"There's no negotiations with that woman!" Cersei hissed before anyone else could say anything.

The black-haired princes shrugged "Prehaps, but we won't know until we try"

"You'd leave?" Myrcella asked, her voice sad "For how long?"

"I'm not certain yet" He admitted sympathetically smiling at his little sister.

Suddenly there was a sound of heavy footsteps and all of them turned to see Robert enter. The Fat King dressed in robes of blue wobbled in. His eyes scanned across the whole room, each of his children, and then stopped at his wife.

"What is this about Cersei?" He said annoyed "I have to postpone my hunting trip just to come here"

"Ask your son" She shouted "He wants to leave us"

Robert eyes shifted to Lyonel who was leaning in his chair.

"Father, I wish to leave in search of Catelyn Stark, I want to negotiate Uncle Tyrion's imprisonment and bring him home" He repeated.

His Father started chuckling, he came up to Lyonel and put a hand on his back "Are you mad?"

Joffrey laughed along with Robert "Let him Father" he said smirking "If we're lucky he'll never return"

"Joffrey!" Cersei reprimanded.

Tommen looked frightened "Will Lyonel die?"

The Queen walked up to her youngest and put her hand on his head "No, because he isn't leaving"

"I will leave" The Prince declared "But I won't die Tommy"

"But what if you will?" Myrcella argued.

The King sighed taking his hand away "Enough!" he raised him voice just to have it drop again "Don't be stupid son, I already told Ned to write to his wife, the dwarf will be back in court soon enough"

"Tyrion, his name is Tyrion" He corrected and Robert let it slid "You think she'll listen? She's a mother fighting for vengeance, she won't listen to commands. Someone needs to go there and explain it to her, talk to her with sense and reason"

Joffrey rolled his eyes "Why you? You're just trying to be a mighty hero who saves the day" he sneered "No matter what great thing you do, you'll always be second to me, don't forget that"

Robert snapped to his first born "Joffrey! Hold you tongue, no sons of mine are going to jump at each other's throats"

Lyonel just looked his brother straight in the eyes, green on green "I am not a hero, neither am I the second Prince. I'm just a boy who loves his Uncle" he turned to look at his father "And his family, he doesn't want it to be torn apart by war"

"Catelyn Stark is not our family!" Cersei complained "Let her and your grandfather battle if they want, it's none of your concern"

He turned to the blonde woman and smiled kindly "Catelyn is a Tully by birth. The Tully's and the Lannister's have a lot in common. They are both all about family"

Cersei crossed her arms and her face twisted in anger but also curiosity at whatever Lyonel was about to say.

He stood up from his chair "One day Joffrey will wed Sansa, she will be my sister, your daughter, Joffrey will becomes Cat's son and we will officially be family. Tyrion is my Uncle and will be Sansa's too. We'll all be connected. Future family is fighting and killing family. We need peace. We need Uncle Tyrion back and figure out who really tried to kill Bran" He finished.

Cersei walked around the table to the opposite side of him from Robert. She stood infront of her son grabbing his upper arms suddenly "Why should you be the bringer of peace? How do you know you can?"

Lyonel looked to the ground and Cersei moved one hand to his cheek "Peace never lasts my dear boy. Stay here, stay at home where no one can harm you, this isn't your war"

Lyonel gave her a loving smile. This was one of those rare moments he really knew his mother cared. She was really desperate to keep him here, keep him safe. She really did love him like the other children, it wasn't just for show.

He took her wrist gently and pulled it away from his face "My home" he chuckled "Yet I was always the outsider. My attitude, my nature itself" he chuckled "Even my hair, I was always the odd child out. There's nothing for me here Mother, one day I might be hand but as long as Uncle Jaime stops trying to assassinate Ned then it won't be any time soon. What's the good in being the prince, a protector of the realm, if I'm not protecting the realm?"

"I'm the protector of the realm, you're a nothing!" Joffrey declared.

"That's enough Joffrey" Robert said loudly and ice cold.

Cersei's pale face turned around to Robert "Stop him, tell him he's foolish, he must stay!"

This was the quietest Lyonel has ever seen his father. He was looking at him with cold and thoughtful eyes. Calm at still water.

"Damn you woman" He muttered "Sit down, the both of you"

They both obeyed, Lyonel resting back into the hand of the king seat. Cersei took the one directly next to him and beside Myrcella.

"Let's say you do leave" Robert questioned carefully "What's your plan?"

"I don't know where Lady Stark is, so I will go to travel to Riverrun to talk to her father and uncle" he stated "Meanwhile I have already send a letter to Robb asking for an explanation"

The Queen shook her head "No, your grandfather is pillaging the Riverlands, it would be too dangerous"

"Good. We'll avoid villages and while we're there I'll visit our loving grandfather and tell him to stop killing innocent people" He said bitterly.

"We?" Robert asked.

Lyonel turned his head towards Aeron who was his shadow so far, standing silently and still. He gestured his hand "Aeron and I"

"Just the two of you?"

Lyonel nodded "We're negotiating, not threatening, we're both good swordsman. If we go with a set of guards when the Tully's might take it as an attack"

"You wrote to Robb without consulting us?" Cersei leaned suspiciously.

His mother was willing to use any excuse to keep him in the capital. He knew that better than anyone. She could be really unreasonable.

"Forgive me Mother, but Robb is my friend, I did not think I needed permission to write to my friend"

"Cersei" Robert said "The boy made his point"

Joffrey looked at his father in wonder. Lyonel bet Joffrey would have loved if he disappeared for a while.

"You are not thinking of letting him go, are you?" She blinked in disbelief.

"I can't stop him" He responded raising his voice "The boy will be a man in six moons. Then he'll free to leave if he likes"

"What he will do in six moons is just that, he is still one-and-five, not yet a man, you can command him to stay" She barked frantically, her eyes glazed over with tears.

Lyonel felt awful. His mother rarely cried. He hated to see her cry.

"He's no fool, he planned it all out, if that's what he wants to do then so be it!"

The lioness flared. She stood up in fury pushing the chair back with such force it fell over "Tommen, Myrcella!" she yelled and headed for the door.

The little blondes looked at their brother and father then got up and followed their mother. Both glancing back a little frightened.

Joffrey stood up "Farewell Brother, I sure hope no trouble awaits you on your travels" none of his words had the slightest tint of sincerity.

He then twirled around and walked away with his burgundy cape flowing behind him like a shiny trail. Lyonel sighed loudly. Gods, he even walks away like a cunt.

He looked at his father "Can I really leave?"

"Yes, my boy" The King nodded "But there's more to prepare if you do"


King's Landing – 298AC

It's been a few days since Lyonel decided to leave and today was the day. He had put on green clothing, it was suggested it would be a good choice to blend in while taking forest routes. He also decided on taking his brown mare called 'Penny' instead on his usual Stallion. He didn't want too much trouble on the road, it was a diplomatic mission afterall, he didn't want to meet Brynden Tully with a bloody face or a sword in his stomach.

He didn't worry too much though - only idiots would dare attack a prince.

Every hour he spent getting ready seemed to pass too slowly. He was actually excited to go off on his own for once and it made him impatient to wait.

The hour however had to strike eventually, but first he had to say his goodbyes to his family.

They were all gathered in the middle of the Throne Room. Even Ned Stark was there, which Lyonel didn't expect but he wasn't complaining. Joffrey was nowhere to be seen.

He walked down the balcony and the stairs for all of them to turn around to him.

Myrcella immediately picked up her velvet dress and rushed at him. She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged into his chest as she did during the jousting tourney. He chuckled and hugged back.

"I'm going to miss you" She said when she pulled away.

"It will only last one moon, less if I'm lucky, you won't even notice I'm gone"

"I will" She smiled sadly.

Behind her came his father proud as ever. He slapped him on the back while laughing.

"Well son, you have thought this through, it's all up to you now"

Lyonel wasn't laughing but his smile expressed more affection than words could "It wouldn't be possible without you Father, you have done something no one else did, you actually believed in me"

Cersei looked down where she stood and Ned grinned.

"You believed I could actually do this. I wanted to thank you for that"

Robert chuckled "Spare the sentiments boy, we'll talk all about your travels when you come back, over wine"

"I don't drink Father"

"If you get into a real fight out there, you will start to"

They both chuckled.

Ned approached them offering a handshake to Lyonel. He had a walking stick in his other hand, his leg was still freshly injured.

Lyonel shook his hand politely and bowed his head.

"I came to wish you luck Prince Lyonel, my wife is a reasonable women you'll find, if there was a misunderstanding I am certain you can get to the bottom of it" he said.

"Thank you Lord Stark, I am assure you I will do what I can" The Prince mused.

Ned looked around and the back to him "I'm surprised my Arya isn't here, you've grown on her"

"She's grown on me too" he admitted "But I'm afraid she's still angry at me for what my uncle did to your leg, how is your leg?"

He looked down at the injured limb and let out a short chuckle "Pycelle said it will heal"

"That's good" Lyonel grinned.

Cersei walked up next with Tommen.

"Tom" Lyonel grinned and pulled the boy over by putting his hand around his shoulders "You watch out for your sister while I'm gone, alright?"

Tommen nodded and smiled at his brother "I will try but it's not easy"

Everyone chuckled and Myrcella crossed her arms.

"Prehaps she can look out for herself then" he said letting go of his brother.

He then looked to Cersei "Mother, I hope you're still not angry with me"

"No, not anymore" She approached him and hugged him.

He was a little taken aback, she rarely hugged him. Usually patted him on the shoulder but rarely hugged him. She was more costume to hugging Myrcella and Tommen, Joffrey too but he resisted more often thinking it was embarrassing.

She leaned over to his ear and whispered "You're not an outsider, you are my son"

It was quiet and he knew he was the only one to heard it. When she pulled away Lyonel noticed something on her cheek that he didn't before, a plum-yellow mark. A bruise for certain. He opened his mouth to ask her about it but he was interrupted.

A flash of silver came from the door. A silver-haired man carrying a silver sword. Aeron.

He stopped infront of everyone gathered and bowed "Your Grace's, my Prince's, my Princess, my Lord"

He came up and presented the sword to Lyonel "The smith just brought it in"

When the Black Stag finally remembered "Oh yes, Peace Protector, I was worried they wouldn't make it in time, thank you Aeron"

He took the sword in his hand and lifted it checking it's weight. It was pretty heavy, made of tough steel, the handle was round at the bottom with the Baratheon Stag imprinted on it.

"You're not taking Black Thunder?" Robert asked reffering to Lyonel's war hammer.

"No, it's a war weapon, I'm not going to war" he replied defiantly.

Aeron coughed "The horses are waiting"

"Right" he looked round "Is Joff not going to see me off?"

"He claimed to have already said his goodbye" Cersei blurted awkwardly.

Myrcella's face twisted with silent anger "He was very happy about your leave"

"Myrcella please" the Queen begged.

"It's true Mother" The younger blonde argued.

Lyonel laughed putting Peace Protector in it's sheath and bowed "I will return as soon as possible"

The Princess turned to her brother's friend "You're not allowed to die either Aeron"

Aeron looked a little stunned for a moment then put his hand over his heart "I wouldn't dream of it, now that the Princess had commanded me"

Myrcella grinned and Cersei put her hand over her back.

Both boys bowed once more, then left.

On their way to the stables Lyonel double checked everything in his bag. He packed the essentials with him; food supplies, gold, bandages, spare horseshoes, some knives and lots of water. Aeron had pretty much the same including the gold he won from Littlefinger. Lyonel wondered if Aeron actually ever spent the money he won, and if he didn't, why did he keep betting?

A good few doubts were flouting through your mind about the journey, what if something went wrong? What if he got injured? What if he died? Who would protect his family when he was gone?

This excitement was still there, but also the fear creeped in.

They found their horses ready for them outside the stables. Penny's chestnut fur shone in the sun like copper which he named her after. Lyonel threw his bag over his saddle and started tying it. Aeron also had a brown mare that must have been his own since Lyonel knew it wasn't any of his or his families.

As he fastened the bag suddenly a voice broke the silence, and it wasn't Aeron.

"You're leaving?"

He quickly turned around, it was Arya, her eyes were big and filled with sorrow.

"Arya" he greeted "Yes, I am, I'm heading to the Riverlands to talk to your mother"

He didn't know what her intentions were, but she looked sad and angry, a bit of both.

"Weren't you going to tell me?"

Lyonel frowned "I didn't think you'd want to talk to me"

The two stood silent for a good three seconds. Just looking at eachother.

Then suddenly and quick as a cat, Arya jumped up and hugged him. Her arms swung around his neck while her legs dangled above the ground, Lyonel held her back to prevent her from falling.

"I'm still upset at you because of your Uncle, which I know isn't right" She said in a soft voice "But I would be more upset if you to left without a goodbye"

He bend over to put her safely back on the ground. She let go and then wiped her eyes with her sleeve though it didn't look like she had shed any actual tears yet.

"Do you want Needle?" She asked "Syrio made me chase after cats, I'm very fast now, I can go and get it"

Lyonel smiled and put his hand on his sheath. He took the sword out and presented it to her "It's alright, I have my own"

She took the handle and picked it up just a few centimeters above his open palms. The Prince was surprised she didn't drop it immediately due to it's weight.

She put it back "What did you name it?"

"Peace Protector, just got it today" He gleamed with pride in his voice.

He put it back in the sheath.

"When are you coming back?" Arya asked curiously.

"One moon, hopefully faster" He disclosed.

Aeron came up already on his horse and raised his eyebrows at Arya "Hello little Lady" he teased.

"You watch out, both of you" She chimed.

"Don't worry, we won't die, the Princess forbid us" Aeron joked.

Lyonel got on Penny "I'll be back soon Arya"

Then he moved his reigns. The animal started to move forward and Aeron's followed. Arya waved as they galloped away, and soon she was out of sight as the horses moved past the trees.

Lyonel sighed watching the keep grow smaller and smaller. He threw his green hood over his head and Aeron did the same.

This was going to be quite the journey.


King's Landing – 298AC

Ned Stark spent a lot of his months in King's Landing trying to figure out that secret everyone was eluding too. The one they were convinced that Jon Arryn died for. It took him very long but now after hours of research into family trees, he had finally figured it out. The truth finally struck him and all the clues lined up.

Yet he needed confirmation.

Days after Prince Lyonel left on his travels he thought it would be the perfect time. The boy was always invested in family matters and he didn't want to drag him into this.

He asked Cersei to meet him in the Keeps godswood. It was a peaceful and sheltered place, where they could talk as freely as they possibly could in this cursed building.

The Queen accepted the invitation. She came with a brown cape on her head. She took the material down once she saw Ned. Those golden locks moved along with the rest of her, haunting Ned's conscious, he knew he was right.

"Why here" She said looking at the woods.

"So the gods can see"

She sat beside him on the grass.

"I know the truth Jon Arryn died for" He heavily replied.

"Do you?" She questioned "Is that why you called me here, Lord Stark? To pose me riddles? Or is it your intent to seize me, as your wife seized my brother"

"If you truly believed that, you would never have come." Ned reached out to touch her cheek "Has he done this before?"

The King had struck her infront of Ned. He was a little drunk as always and regretted the action, but he did it none-the-less.

"Jaime would have killed him, even if it meant his own life. My brother is worth a hundred of your friend" She stated with confidence.

Ned stayed calm "Your brother? Or your lover?"


Even she looked disgusted by her own words for a second, but then it faded "Since we were children together. And why not? The Targaryen's wed brother to sister for three hundred years, to keep the bloodlines pure. And Jaime and I are more than brother and sister. We are one person in two bodies"

She sounded absolutely mad and Ned felt sick.

"Your eldest, and the two youngest are Jaime's"

It was not a question.

Cersei laughed bitterly "Thank the gods"

"But Lyonel" he deducted "He must be Robert, he's just like him"

"Only the hair and the strength" She defended "The day he was born his hair was a light shade of brown, like a lion's mane, I had hoped it was merely a strange coincidence, with our sigil being a lion. But by the end of the year it was black as coal" she paused "I never wanted his children, because of him I had thoughts of smothering my boy in his crib, but I couldn't do it, he's my son too" She stopped again and looked at Ned "Yes, he is Robert's, but Gods be good, he will never be anything like him"

"I remember Robert as he was the day he took the throne, every inch a king" The image of a young and handsome Robert flashed in his mind "A thousand other women might have loved him with all their hearts. What did he do to make you hate him so?"

Her green eyes burned with anger like dancing wildfire "The night of our wedding feast, the first time we shared a bed, he called me by your sister's name. He was on top of me, in me, stinking of wine, and he whispered Lyanna"

Ned felt pity for the woman, felt pity for the King. It was all a very unfortunate situation, especially for the children.

"You know what I must do" The wolf said quietly.

"Must?" She put her hand on his good leg "A true man does what he will, not what he must. The realm needs a strong Hand. Joff will not come of age for years. No one wants war again, least of all me" Her other hand touched his face and his hair "If friends can turn to enemies, enemies can become friends. Your wife is a thousand leagues away, and my brother has fled. Be kind to me, Ned. I swear to you, you shall never regret it"

Ned was never one to be seduced.

"Did you make the same offer to Jon Arryn?"

She slapped him hard and with built up anger.

"I shall wear that as a badge of honor" He mocked her words to her husband, touching his injured cheek.

"Honor" she spit out "How dare you play the noble lord with me! What do you take me for? You've a bastard of your own, I've seen him. Who was the mother, I wonder? Some Dornish peasant you raped while her holdfast burned? A whore? Or was it the grieving sister, the Lady Ashara? She threw herself into the sea, I'm told. Why was that? For the brother you slew, or the child you stole? Tell me, my honorable Lord Eddard, how are you any different from Robert, or me, or Jaime?"

"You would do well to listen, my lady. I shall say this only once. When the king returns from his hunt, I intend to lay the truth before him. You must be gone by then. You and your children, Jaime's three, and not to Casterly Rock. If I were you, I should take ship for the Free Cities, or even farther, to the Summer Isles or the Port of Ibben. As far as the winds blow" Ned recited it carefully.

"Exile. A bitter cup to drink from"

"A sweeter cup than your father served Rhaegar's children" Ned said cold as ice "and kinder than you deserve. Your father and your brothers would do well to go with you. Lord Tywin's gold will buy you comfort and hire swords to keep you safe. You shall need them. I promise you, no matter where you flee, Robert's wrath will follow you, to the back of beyond if need be"

"And what of my wrath, Lord Stark?" Her eyes searched his face. "You should have taken the realm for yourself. It was there for the taking. Jaime told me how you found him on the Iron Throne the day King's Landing fell, and made him yield it up. That was your moment. All you needed to do was climb those steps, and sit. Such a sad mistake"

"I have made more mistakes than you can possibly imagine" Ned said "but that was not one of them"

"Oh, but it was, my lord" Cersei threatened "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground"

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