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Firstly, this will most definitely change the book and show canon. Though the story at the beginning will go largely the same, over the chapters main character arks are going to change because;

1. Lyonel, Aeron or other OC's decisions will alter with people's paths, for example an OC decides based on who they are to defend another character which could save them from ridicule, abuse or death that they experienced in canon.

2. The characters presence itself may change the plot, for example the whole premise is that Lyonel is the true heir so Stannis wouldn't have a claim like he had in book and show canon.

3. Many characters who are children in the books are older so their decisions may be more wise, for example Myrcella is much more defiant towards Joffrey because she understands it better.

4. I decided to change plotlines I really hated. Since this book focuses on the royal family of Westeros and occasionally the Starks, I don't really have time to develop the complex Dorne plotline from the book and the one on the show was wasted potential. So I will definitely be changing that whole plot when I get around to it.

Secondly, this work in a mixture of the books and the show. I just find different scenes more fitting and easier to write about in the show way or the book way. So I interchanged them at my will.

Thirdly, excuse spelling mistakes, I check for them but I'm slightly dyslexic and usually pretty tired when I write.

Fourthly, this book isn't going to be quite as brutal or crazy or plot twist-ish as the asoiaf series. I just happen to be one of those weird people that love watching got and reading asoiaf but also have a super soft heart and love happy endings. Main characters will still die and there will still be more tough things. But overall this book will be a little happier than got and asoiaf.

Here's the changes to the timeline;

Robert's Rebellion - 281 - 282AC 

Ned/Catelyn and Jon/Lysa Marry - 282AC 

Tower of Joy - 282AC

Robert and Cersei Marry - 283AC

Character Introductions:

Robert Baratheon, aged 36 years old, the King of the Seven Kingdoms.

Cersei Lannister, aged 32 years old, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms.

Joffrey Baratheon, their 15 year old son, Crowned Prince, Lyonel's twin brother.

Lyonel Baratheon, their 15 year old son, Joffrey's twin brother.

Myrcella Baratheon, their 12 year old daughter.

Tommen Baratheon, their 11 year old son.

Stannis Baratheon, aged 35 years old, Lord of Dragonstone, Robert's younger brother.

Selyse Baratheon 'Florent', aged 34 years old, Lady of Dragonstone.

Shireen Baratheon, their 10 year old daughter. 

Renly Baratheon, aged 21 years old, Lord of Storm's End, Robert's younger brother.

Tywin Lannister, aged 55 years old, Lord of Casterly Rock.

Jaime Lannister, his 32 year old son, Cersei's twin brother.

Tyrion Lannister , his 25 year old son, heir to Casterly Rock.

Eddard Stark, aged 35 years old, Lord of Winterfell.

Catelyn Stark 'Tully', aged 34 years old, Lady of Winterfell

Robb Stark, their 16 year old son, heir to Winterfell.

Sansa Stark, their 13 year old daughter.

Arya Stark, their 11 year old daughter.

Bran Stark, their 10 year old son.

Rickon Stark, their 6 year old son.

Jon Snow, Eddard's 16 year old Bastard son.

Olenna Tyrell, aged 70, the Matriarch of House Tyrell.

Mace Tyrell, her 42 year old son, Lord of Highgarden.

Alerie Tyrell 'Hightower', aged 40 years old, Lady of Highgarden.

Willas Tyrell, their 23 year old son, heir to Highgarden.

Garlan Tyrell, their 21 year old son.

Leonette Tyrell 'Fossoway', aged 19 years old, Garlan's wife.

Loras Tyrell, their 16 year old son.

Margaery Tyrell, their 15 year old daughter.

Hoster Tully, aged 60 years old, Lord of Riverrun.

Edmure Tully, his 27 year old son, heir to Riverrun.

Bryden Tully, aged 54 years old, Hoster's brother.

Lysa Arryn, aged 32 years old, Lady regent of the Vale.

Robert Arryn, her 9 years old son, Lord of the Vale.

Balon Greyjoy, aged 43 years old, Lord of Pyke.

Asha Greyjoy, his 23 year old daughter.

Theon Greyjoy, his 18 year old son, heir to Pyke.

Euron Greyjoy, aged 38 years old, Balon's brother.

Monford Velaryon, aged 28 years old, Lord of Driftmark.

Elynor Velaryon 'Wendwater', aged 26 years old, Lady of Driftmark.

Monterys Velaryon, their 6 year old son, heir to Driftmark.

Aeron Velaryon, aged 16 years old, cousin of Monford.

Viserys Targaryen, aged 23 years old, heir to House Targaryen.

Daenerys Targaryen, aged 15 years old, Viserys's sister.

Khal Drogo, aged 26 years old, Khal of a Khalasar.

Jorah Mormont, aged 44 years old, Daenerys's advisor.

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