Chapter Two - The She-Wolf

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Fanart: By QuietLittleLeaf on Deviantart

Word Count: 4010

Winterfell – 298AC

Lyonel couldn't believe when he heard what happened to Bran Stark. Robb has told him that the ten-year-old liked to climb, but according to his brother he was a professional. He never fell before, not even once, but the one time he did it had to be from one of the tallest place in all of Winterfell.

The poor boy was in a coma. His back was broken, he would never walk again that was for sure, but if he survived was now up to him and the Gods.

Lyonel sat down at the breakfast table next to his sister. Cersei and Tommen sat at Myrcella's other side.

His Uncle Jaime sat opposite. Cersei and him occasional exchanged a few words, Myrcella and Tommen joining in only where necessary. Lyonel didn't speak, he felt no need to talk. His silence must have drew the attention of Cersei as overwise he was always chatty, he could feel her look over at him, occasionally she would motherly remind him to eat from his barely touched plate.

The mood however was rather grim all around; all the children really did befriend the Starks and were scared for Bran, excluding Joffrey who wasn't even at the table.

Mid-way through breakfast the door opened and Uncle Tyrion came in. Tyrion was a dwarf and the younger sibling to Cersei and Jaime. Lyonel had four uncles and no blood aunts, just one by marriage. He had always thought of Tyrion as his favorite uncle despite the affection he bore for Renly, Renly was barely twenty-one and came off as more of a friend while Tyrion was more like a real Uncle, wise beyond his twenty-five years. That's what Tyrion was, he was intelligent and he was kind. His brother Jaime was nothing like him, he was snarky instead of witty and often chose violence instead of common sense, he was also vain and arrogant, all traits Lyonel could barely stand. When he was just a boy he liked the older Lannister a lot, Jaime would teach him how to sword fight and tell him stories of his father during the rebellion, but as that little boy grew older he started to see more. He saw the more cruel, angry side to his uncle that he didn't like one bit, one that he knew his mother had too. He never knew which version of Jaime was real, the one with a heart or the one without, perhaps a bit of both.

"Goodmorning Uncle" Lyonel smiled speaking for the first time today unprovoked.

"Dear nephew" Tyrion chuckled and looked around the table "Dear family"

He came up and sat by Jaime "Is Robert still abed?"

Cersei looked up at her brother with a look of annoyance she always had around him "He is with Lord Eddard. He has taken their sorrow deeply to heart"

"He had a big heart, our Robert" Jaime added smirking

"I talked to Robb before breakfast" Lyonel revealed "Bran is still asleep"

Myrcella looked at her brother with eyes full of concern "Will he die?"

Lyonel wasn't sure how to respond. He thought the answer was too grim for his precious little sister.

Jaime jumped in "Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well. He was one of the hostages murdered by the Targaryen. An unfortunately unlucky name"

Something about the way he said that, triggered all sorts of alarm bells in Lyonel's head.

"I don't want Bran to die" Tommen replied sadly.

"Stay hopeful little one" Tyrion said with a sympathetic smile "I stopped by the sickroom last night, the maester said the boy may live"

A Tale of Stags and Lions - Mine is the Fury (Game of Thrones)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon