Chapter Three - The Flower Knight

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Fanart: By Vesea on Devaintart

Word Count: 3974

King's Landing – 298AC

When Lyonel arrived back home, it was not 'back to normal' as he had hoped. Joffrey and Cersei were still furious at him, he knew his mother's anger would eventually fade back but Joffrey would probably never forget him that he ruined his revenge, and even more so that he was his father's favorite, he resented him for that their entire lives.

Sansa was very sad and angry at Arya that she was separated from Lady now and Arya was devastated when she learned her friend Mycah was killed at Joffrey command for the accident. Both girls were in terrible moods and Ned longed to be back in the North.

Despite this he seemed to fit well in the small council and do his duties diligently. As well as a man can do when he's surrounded by untrustworthy Petyr Baelish 'Littlefinger' the owner of many brothels, disgusting Maester Pycelle who used said brothels and sly Varys who didn't use the brothels, because as he liked to tell everyone, he was a eunch. The only normal people on the council were his Uncles Renly and Stannis and Ser Barristan of course.

Lyonel spend a lot of time thinking of his future. After his father passed he'd probably have to leave court. Joffrey would probably take atleast one attempt on his life once he's king, the brothers absolutely loathed eachother and Joffrey was a real monster.

If he did leave however who would protect his family from Joffrey's wrath?

All his childhoods Joffrey did unspeakable things. He cut a preganant cats stomach and took one of the kittens out to show their father. He killed Tommen and Myrcella's pets including birds and even dogs. He tried to get servants killed for innocent accidents.

Once he left, Myrcella would be a big target unless she was lucky enough to escape through marriage to a different region. Gentle Tommen was already regularly bullied by his brother and Joffrey could find an excuse easily to keep him at Kings Landing so he could continue the torment. Even his mother could eventually be overpowered. Then there was the subject of Joffrey future wife. Possibly Sansa but he wasn't so sure if Ned would allow the wedding anymore after what Joffrey pulled. Whoever it ended up being, maybe even the angelic Margaery Tyrell, if he left no one would be there to protect her from her cruel husband, because no one else would dare.

Lyonel was worried about the things he might be forced to do to ensure a good future for everyone.

His worries didn't last long. Soon the tourney was put on in celebration of Ned ascending to be the Hand.

Lyonel liked the tourneys, mostly because they were usually cheerful and all the houses seemed united for once. The sport of jousting was relatively safe at long as both riders were sane and didn't attempt to hurt eachother, some riders however were not so kind. One who stuck out in his mind was Gregor Clegane also called The Mountain, the Hound's brother, a monsterly tall and strong man who had a fiery red temper and a thirst for blood. He enjoyed killing unsuspecting men at jousting events just as much as the ones on the field, or atleast that's what Lyonel heard. He knew for sure that he was guilty of the murder and rape of Elia Martell, the mad king's daughter-by-law, he had also killed her two young children. Men like him were nothing but dirt in the Prince's eyes.

Arya has spent the whole morning telling him about the new sword fighting lessons she was having and how much she liked them. He was positively amused by her excitement; she really was like a second little sister. He saw a certain type of courage in her that he's only ever seen on Myrcella, in some ways they were very alike.

Robert sat on a hais with a very bored and sullen Cersei by his side. The royal children along with other visitors of high priority sat on the left and right podiums while other important guests podiums were lower and on the other side of the jousting track, most guests however just stood on foot along the tracks hoping to get the close up view.

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