
By Stupidifed333

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The White Mask Terrorist Threat is ever rising. Six does something Rainbow has never done before: recruits a... More

Kade Summers Character Profile
Chapter One: Beguiling Introductions
Chapter Two: Preliminary Preparations and the Mysterious Enigma
Chapter Three: Card Games and Operation Go, Go, Go!
Chapter Four: Date Night
Chapter Five: To Tame a Mole
Chapter 7: Operation Entrapment
Chapter Eight: The Never-Ending Downpour
Chapter Nine: Revelations
Chapter Ten: The Hunter
Chapter Eleven: Operations O'Plenty Part 1
Chapter Twelve: Operations O'Plenty Part Two
Chapter Thirteen: Operations O'Plenty Part 3
Chapter Fourteen: Ops O'Plenty Part 4
Chapter 15: Ops O'Plenty Part 5 (Final)
Chapter Sixteen: Homecoming
Chapter Seventeen: Birthday Bash
Chapter 18: Bar Night
Chapter Nineteen: The Shrink
William "Billy" Biddeford Character Profile
An Announcement
Side Story: The Hammer and the Scalpel
Chapter Twenty: Phase Two Prep and Valentines day
Chapter Twenty-One Scorched Earth Phase Two Part One and New Waters
Chapter Twenty Two: Operation Scorched Earth Part Two (Cont.)
Chapter Twenty-Three: Operation Scorched Earth Finale
Chapter Twenty-Four: The Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter Twenty-Five: Subterfuge
Chapter Twenty-Six: Building Up
Chapter 27: Double Edged Swords
Chapter 28: Nights Like This

Chapter Six: Ghost of the Past

3.8K 34 21
By Stupidifed333

"The White Mask?!"

"A Mole?"

Many of the operators were now in the recreation center, more or less interrogating Ela and Kade about the events of the last 24 hours. It was evening now, the base was still in high alert, but Six and her attendants had taken control of the situation, giving the operators permission to let loose for the night before they needed to make mission plans the next day.

"The White Mask can reach us here? I really don't like that." Vigil said, his words slightly muffled through his mask.

"Shouldn't we be out blowing up whatever rock those White bastards are hiding under sky high?" Thermite said.

"We will, in time. Six is making arrangements." Kade said, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"When we blow White Mask to bits, I will be in frontline!" Fuze exclaimed, clutching a mostly empty Vodka handle. Tachanka patted his comrade's back before sitting him down into an empty chair, handing him a bottle of water. He then squeezed between Kade and Ela, wrapping his arms around them both.

"Enough of these fears! Our mole is caught, by this loving couple!" he said heartily. A sly grin appeared on Caveira's face.

"Speaking of loving, I heard Ela spent the night at your place, Kade." she said. The room suddenly grew quieter.

"What might you be insinuating, Taina?" Kade asked. He did not look amused.

"Just that you two were up to a little fun last night." she said. She seemed slightly put off by Kade's expression.

"No, we weren't. It was purely for work pertaining to the capture of Ronald Jenkins." he said coldly. Kade stood up. Ela felt rage seething underneath her veins towards Caveira. Sledge suddenly stood up, walking up to Kade. He'd never really approached Kade before, but it was well known that he had shared Thatcher's original opinion of Kade; that he was a spook who was nothing but trouble. He was also notorious for having a crush on Ela ever since she came on Rainbow base.

"Also heard you're a junkie, mate. Not looking too good, in my book." he said. Sledge was incredibly close to Kade, a confrontational air about him. Kade didn't say anything, only taking another drag of his cigarette before blowing the smoke in Slegde's face. Sledge's nostrils flared. He pushed Kade back.

"You tryin' to scrap, mate?" he said menacingly. Ela was now about to burst. She stood up, her cheeks red and a string of curses on the tip of her tongue. Kade laid a hand on her shoulder, shaking his head.

"Doctor Kateb, I thought we had an agreement." Kade said, turned to Doc who was sitting next to Rook. Doc looked mortified while Rook looked unsure if he should be taking action or not.

"We did! I don't know how-" Doc said completely aghast, only to be cut off by Sledge.

"I did some snoopin' of my own, ya freak." he said. Kade turned to him.

"I am not a junkie. Not anymore." Kade said indignantly.

"Maybe. But here ye are, actin' like yer better than the rest of us. I got secret buddies too, from M16, told me all kinds of tidbits on you." Sledge said with a cruel sneer.

"Oh really? What did they tell you?" Kade asked, almost daring him to say the words. All the rage Ela had was starting to dissipate. She hated what Sledge was doing but in a sick way she wanted to know more about Kade.

"Cambodia, 2011." Sledge said. Kade stiffened.

"Ya let your whole squad die on faulty orders. Your "reading" didn't work." Sledge said. Kade's lip twitched.

"Or how about Iraq, 2014?" Sledge continued. Kade said nothing.

"Your readin' didn't work again, you and a comrade stepped onto land mines, your guy was dead instantly. Now you're just an old, sorry excuse for a man who has more steel rods and screws in ya than bones. Your "reading" is horseshit, make. A fluke. Ain't nothin' to ya but pretend and make believe. I know leadership when I see it. You ain't it." Sledge said venomously. No one said anything. Ela was feeling too many emotions to say anything. She wanted to scream, cry and punch Sledge all at the same time. Kade stuck his cigarette in the ashtray.

"Compelling." Kade said, seeming as if he couldn't mean the word any less.

"All of this, just because you want to sleep with Ela? Pathetic, Seamus. Truly. Your physiological profile certainly said nothing about your fragile masculinity." Kade said. Sledge growled.

"I'll show ye how fragile my masculinity is, ya bastard." he said. Kade motioned to the makeshift exhibition ring the Russians had made in the middle of the Rec center for drunken fun.

"Be my guest, we can throw down right here, right now." Kade said. His tone was light but his eyes seemed deadly. Sledge huffed, tearing off his shirt and stepping into the ring. Ela wanted to tell them to stop. But she couldn't. No one could. They all just followed the two men with their eyes, the silence now complete. Kade also took his short off, revealing all of his tattoos to the rest of the crew for the first time. Caveira whistled, which made Ela prick with irritation, but she still said nothing. At this point, for all the things Sledge said, she was hoping Kade would pound him into the ground. The anger and hatred in the air was almost palpable. Some of the operators had actually gathered around the two at this point, drawn to the spectacle; curious on how it would conclude. Kade paused for a moment, lighting another cigarette.

"Not even gonna take your glasses off, ye arse?" Sledge asked leeringly.

"No need, Seamus. You will not touch me." Kade said menacingly. Sledge shrugged, stepping towards Kade with purpose. He threw a haymaker, only to be blocked by Kade with a slight crack sound. Kade quickly jabbed him in the face before delivering a punishing kick to Sledge's side. Sledge fell back slightly, holding his side. Kade released smoke into the air, a cocky smile on his lips.

"I told you, didn't I?" Kade said mockingly. Sledge roared in rage. He went in for the tackle, only for Kade to ball up his fist and bring them down on Sledge's back, making him crumple to the ground. As Sledge slowly forced himself up, Kade delivered another swift kick to his chest, sending him sprawling on his back, breathing heavily. Kade stepped onto his chest, leaning down until Sledge began wheezing.

"If you ever snoop around in my life again, I will kill you." Kade said coldly. Blowing more smoke into his face before letting up off his chest. The wordless air seemed to finally break. Thatcher helped his comrade up, whispering something about "being daft" and "you bloody idiot". Mute, who was never one for speaking, bowed deeply in front of Kade.

"I sincerely apologize on behalf of that bloody oaf. Don't know what he's talkin' about, that one." Mute said gruffly. He seemed almost used to apologizing for Sledge. Sledge, while a fantastic leader and soldier, was incredibly pig-headed and stubborn; sometimes to the point that it was overbearing and rude. This was certainly one of those cases. Kade put a hand on Mute's shoulder,

"Don't fret Mark, Seamus is just very impassioned. I don't blame his actions on you or anyone else." he said. Kade put his shirt back on and grabbed his jacket, leaving the rec center wordlessly. Zofia tried to dissuade Ela as she stalked up to Sledge, but it was no use. Ela slapped Sledge hard across the face.

"How dare you." Ela spit in rage, before turning on her heel to follow Kade. Sledge looked apologetically after her but said not a word. Mute gave him another slap on the back of the head.

"What the hell was that, you bloody moron?" Thatcher demanded. Sledge shifted uncomfortably, holding his side. Doc walked over, silently checking him over.

"I just don't think he's good for her." Sledge mumbled lamely.

"You did all this out of schoolboy jealousy?! Ye truly are daft! Not to say I didn't enjoy your arse whoppin', well deserved that." Smoke said, downing his Budweiser in one go.

"It's not just that, mate. He's a shady character! You all know that!" Sledge said, trying to appeal to the others. No one spoke in favor of his view.

"From what I can tell, mate, he's got a past for sure, we all do. No need to dig like that though, humiliate the poor man in front of everyone." Mute said. Sledge sighed with frustration,

"You're gonna rag on me for diggin'? Didn't that spook dig into all our past? Knows all our names, our families?!" he said.

"Perhaps, but he's only used the intel on us to do his job here, which so far, he's done perfectly." Rook said, looking at Sledge with a look of pure disappointment.

"Heh, with an ability that doesn't even work all the time." Sledge muttered.

"Actually, Seamus, his ability and planning worked almost perfectly on the last mission. None of us get it right one hundred percent of the time, why do you need to hold him to that standard?" Ash said callously. Zofia stood up, eyes narrowed dangerously.

"I would imagine it has to do with my sister. Only juvenile men act on their impulses like this. I'm disappointed Seamus." she said. She left the rec center after her sister and Kade, it wasn't long before others began to filter out. Sledge had killed the mood with his outburst.

"You better apologize later, mate." Thatcher said, the building now empty except for his fellow countrymen and Doc.

"He broke 4 of your ribs from what I can tell, come with me Seamus." Doc ordered shortly, clearly cross with him.

"I'm sorry Doc-"

"Save it Seamus. I hate to think I'm implicated in releasing a patient's information. I've worked too hard to be discredited like this. You should really think before you take actions like this. It effects more than just you or your intended target." Doc said. Sledge sorrowfully followed him out of the building. Smoke downed another beer.

"That was bloody awkward. Huh. Still kinda funny though, don't ye think?" Smoke said to his teammates. Mute smiled.

"Especially the part where he got his arse kicked." Mute said.

Ela followed Kade all the way back to the Spire. She found him standing against his bar, a glass of whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other hand. He looked completely dead, far away from Ela's plane of existence. Ela slowly walked up to him, taking away his glass and sticking his cigarette in the ashtray. She could feel his hands shaking. She slid her arms underneath his, pulling him into a tight embrace. She didn't say anything. He didn't say anything. She felt tears beginning to wet her shoulder. He began to cry, the way one does when they haven't cried for a long period of time. He embraced her in kind, his glasses sliding off his face and falling to the floor. Eventually, Ela got him over to the couch, where he fell asleep with his head in her lap. The thing she noticed most looking down at him was that he looked entirely drained. She could see dark circles underneath his eyes and his normally almost unnoticeable wrinkles looking deep and cracked. She kissed his forehead and tussled his hair. She felt guilty and ashamed, thinking back to how she wanted Sledge to speak so she could learn more about Kade. She wanted to ask about the incidents that Sledge uncovered but she had a feeling he'd tell her in time. Right now, she just needed to be there for him.

She eventually left him tucked in on the couch, leaving for her dorm deep in the night. When she entered her room, Zofia and IQ were there, sitting on Zofia's bed with mugs of tea in their hands.

"Tea, sister?" Zofia offered. Ela nodded gratefully, taking a mug from her side of the room and pouring it full.

"What a night, hm?" Zofia said. Ela didn't say anything at first. She was still trying to wrap her head around all the bombshells Sledge had dropped.

"I always had a feeling he was hiding something, but what Seamus said sounded horrific." Zofia remarked. Ela could tell her sister was prompting her to speak. She could see the worry in her eyes clear as glass.

"Yes, it sounded dreadful." Ela said shortly. She wasn't sure what to say without anger towards Sledge surging through her like a vile disease.

"Is he doing okay?" IQ asked, worry also pooled in her eyes. Ela sighed,

"Honestly? I'm not sure. I haven't seen anything bother him up to now but this really got to him." Ela said. Zofia got up and took a seat next to her sister.

"I just want to apologize, El. I've been harboring doubts about Kade and I couldn't help but feel suspicious about him." Zofia admitted. Ela raised an eyebrow.

"You don't need to apologize, Zof. Kade is the most mysterious man I've ever met, even now I don't know much of his past." Ela said with defeat.

"Zhis is just me, Ela, but it seems like Kade has much baggage, a past that von't come to light quickly. I'm sure all zill come to light in due time." IQ said reassuringly. Ela sighed,

"That's what I've been thinking too. I just hope he knows he can tell me, anytime, no matter how long it takes." Ela said. Zofia rubbed her back.

"I think you should tell him that when he's in a better place." Zofia said. Ela looked out the dark window. The image in her head was Kade's tired, exhausted face, tear stains on his cheeks. He needed to release, more than a hug and a good cry.

"I will." Ela said resolutely.

Ela woke in the morning to an emailed report from Six.

Good Morning Operators.

Interrogation of our resident mole was successful. Two missions will now be commencing. Operation Cleaver and Operation Entrapment. The members for Operation Cleaver will be Operators Ash, Thermite, Zofia, Montagne, Twitch, and Capitão. Operators for Entrapment will be Professor, Hibana, IQ, Ela, Sledge and Blackbeard. Team leaders for these two operations will be Ash and Professor. They will contact you with details for a debriefing. Thank you to operators Ela and Professor for apprehending the mole. That is all.


Ela's heart soared when she realized she'd be doing another mission with Kade but her gut wrenched when she saw Sledge on the roster. She sighed, this debriefing was going to be anything but fine. She looked over to her sister's bed, it was empty. She stripped off her clothes and wrapped herself in a towel, heading to the showers. She let the water wash over her as she thought about the events of the previous night. She realized Ash must have already assembled her crew of operators for a debriefing due to Zofia's lack of presence in their room. Ela hoped that Sledge's outburst wasn't affecting Kade. After her shower she headed to the mess hall for breakfast, where the rest of her assigned team was there except for Sledge and Kade.

"G'morning Ela! How ya doin' girlie." Blackbeard welcomed her warmly. She shrugged, taking a seat next to IQ.

"Good morning to you Craig. I'm fine, how are you?" Ela said.

"Oh, just dandy. darlin'! Finally gettin' some action with this mission, quite a show our good ol' boy Seamus and Dr. Summers put on last night, eh?" Blackbeard said, shoving a large amount of pancake into his mouth.

"Not a show I liked, personally." Ela said shortly. Blackbeard shrugged,

"Not much my taste either, but he got what was comin' to him, runnin' his mouth and all." Blackbeard said.

"I agree, his attempt at justification was distasteful." Hibana said.

"Look at your phones everyone, ve have orders." IQ said. Ela looked at her phone.

Greetings Comrades,

Debriefing will take place at in the spire at 1500 hours, everyone be there on time, please. All documents in the debriefing will be sent through email using encrypted files so be sure to have the custom decoder Grace made at the ready. Any questions, email me or contact my number at 207-677-5044. "Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared".

Kindest Regards,

Dr. Kade Summers.

"I wonder if Seamus will show up. he might still have his tail between his legs." Hibana remarked.

"I'd be kinda disappointed, I bet it would be a hoot if he showed." Blackbeard said. He finished his mug of coffee, standing up from the table.

"I'm gonna go hit the weights ladies, anyone wanna come with while we still have time to kill?" he said. IQ stood with him.

"I vill accompany you, Craig." she said. Craig laughed heartily,

"Hey! Normally ya'll say no, why the change Monica?" Craig asked. IQ winked flirtatiously,

"I want to see zose biceps at work, perhaps I could spot you, hm?" she said, hip checking the big man before heading for the exit. Blackbeard watched her leave with an exaggerated look.

"Well, see you at the debriefing ladies." Blackbeard said, tipping an imaginary hat to Hibana and Ela. Hibana turned to Ela. She looked beautiful with her dark hair down, tethered to one side with a long ponytail going down her shoulder.

"I'm going to read in the library, would you like to join me, Ela?" she said. Ela was hesitant at first, but then thought of something she really wanted to do.

"Sure, I'll join you, there's something I'd like to check out." Ela said.

The library was of modest size. Two floors, with complete dark oak furnishings. The first floor was a study area of sorts, with tables and computers taking up the space. Book shelves lined the walls of the first floor and all of the second floor. Most operators didn't use the space, but Hibana was a frequent inhabitant of the place. Kade had also been seen going to it, taking out a large amount of books with every visit.

"What is it you're looking for? You normally don't come here." Hibana asked bluntly. Ela winced, Hibana was characteristic for being brutally honest, never in a demeaning way however. Even so, she was still passionate about her work at Rainbow. She would participate in most of the operator's extracurricular activities and would try to interact with everyone equally.

"I don't, I suppose. I'm curious about the writings that Kade has authored." Ela said. Hibana smiled,

"When I heard Dr. Summers was coming here, I read many of his writings. I found them enjoyable." she said. Ela brightened,

"Oh, really? Would you be able to show me where you found them?" Ela asked earnestly. Hibana typed in a web address, which brought Ela to the home page of the Metropolitan College of New York. Hibana then clicked on a couple of links, until she was under a tab that read "Works by Doctor Kade Leroy Summers". Hibana then rose and pursued the shelves, coming back with several books in her hands; Kade's name on the covers. He had close to fifty papers and essays to read on the website, along with nearly ten thick volumes Hibana found.

"When did he get the time to write all of this?" Ela muttered. Hibana turned to her, Kade's book

The Wartime Epidemic open in front of her.

"According to most of the publication dates, some of them he wrote while he was teaching while others were published during his time in the S.O.G, that's what I got from matching the dates up with his file anyway." Hibana explained. Ela raised her eyebrows, looking through some of the titles. She found it hard to visualize Kade writing Humanity's Alluring Excellence and Repugnant Apathy while in the deep ghettos of Cambodia. She realized quickly his writing was incredibly dense and academic, she had to look up words almost every sentence. However, reading the writings in Kade's voice filled her with warmth and she felt an intense feeling of pride seeing all of the works he'd created. Even though the writing was egregiously difficult, she found herself enjoying it after a while. Hibana eventually got her attention, as it was time to head to the spire for the briefing. Now with Kade's musings filling her mind, she wanted to ask him even more questions. When they walked up the stairs, Blackbeard and IQ were right outside the door, listening intently. IQ turned to them with a finger on her lips, motioning to the door. Hibana and Ela inched closer and closer to the door, Ela straining her ears.

"...and you said you came to apologize." she could hear Kade say.

"Ye, but you aren't understandin' what I'm saying." Sledge said back.

"I do, Seamus. You are telling me my ability is no more foolproof than any other. This is true. I don't deny that. However, I would point out that any plan will always can fail or go wrong. I understand your simple and consistent mindset, like your sledgehammer you like for things to work one-hundred-percent of the time." Kade said. She could hear him walking around the wooded flooring. She could imagine Sledge, sitting in a chair while Kade slowly walked around him.

"What you seem to forget Seamus is that this is war. Nothing ever goes completely to plan. More often than not, a new plan of attack must be salvaged on the fly. That is why my ability is useful, because I am able to account for many mishaps and obstructions to success. Does it work always work? God, no. My dead comrades in the Cambodia operation and others, can testify to that. Accidents happen. War happens. No one comes out of conflict unscathed. That is all I wish to say on this topic, whether or not you are satisfied." Kade finished brusquely. There was a long silence, one that signaled the conversation was over. Blackbeard cleared his throat as he walked in,

"Sorry we were late to the party, Fellas, got side-tracked." Blackbeard said with a suggestive smirk. Sledge laughed,

"Got it on, did ye Craig?" he said. Craig shrugged with a grin,

"Not for me to say, partner." They all took seats around the grey table, manila folders with assorted documents once again set at each seat. Before Kade could start, Hibana offered a piece of paper.

"A Haiku, I wrote. Would you be up to looking over it, telling me what you think?" she said. Kad raised his eyebrows, seemingly surprised. He smiled warmly,

"I like to think of myself as an academic eternal, so I'd be happy to give it a reading, Yumiko." he said. She smiled and nodded gratefully. Ela felt a slight pang of jealously but let it slide, it was just Hibana's way of getting to know Kade. Kade lit a cigarette, letting it hang from his lip as he wrote one last note on his whiteboard. It was similar to operation sweep, where he had all the pictures of the operators in the room with little notes scribbled all around them. She noticed Glaz was on the board too, yet absent from the room. Kade took a drag of his cigarette and let out smoke before starting.

"Hello everyone, I hope you're all well. Thanks to the intel gained from our resident mole, we have the locations of two White Mask safehouses close to Rainbow base, if you refer to the files, you'll see the one we are tasked with is less than 200 kilometers away from our base." Kade said. Ela leafed through the paper, quickly spotting the page. Kade was right, the White Mask was about 160 American miles away, on the outskirts of an urban town named "Langefni".

"What about ze other one?" IQ asked.

"That one is even closer, a safehouse full of advanced weaponry and white mask soldiers. It's likely that safehouse is the one responsible for attacking Ela and I. Eliza and her operaters will be tasked with destroying the safehouse and all targets inside, scavenging any intel they can find on the way." Kade explained.

"Damn, I wanted to blow shit up!" Blackbeard whined. Kade chuckled,

"Unfortunately, Craig, this mission will take a little more tact. Unfortunately, our Mole told them of the exploits of Operation Sweep and they are attempting to improve on their mistakes. This means increased guard, more patrols, better trained soldiers and more advanced gear. In order to combat this increased resistance, I've asked Timur to join this operation as well. He will be providing overwatch, giving us eyes and assistance whenever necessary." he said.

"Ok mate, if Glazy is watchin' our arse's, what's our plan of attack?" Sledge said with doubt in his voice.

"As detailed in your file, we'll be going in groups of three, all equipped with suppressed weapons, we'll move in on the area, one in a clockwise motion, the other counterclockwise, until all patrols are dealt with quietly. The patrols make rounds, so we should be able to eliminate them before they realize what's going on. My team will be taking level B, where most of the officers should be. Craig's team, or team B will clear level A, eliminating any foot soldiers and pacifying any officers. I believe their trap placement will be much more creative than the last operation, so everyone must be extra vigilant in this regard. Keep in mind we will be working on a clock, as once the patrols go radio silent the officers will realize something is amiss and most likely activate code orange. Any questions?" Kade said. Sledge sat back, slowly shaking his head. He hadn't looked at Ela once ever since they entered. She was glad for it though, she could feel rage from just looking at him writhing just under her skin. His persistent lack of trust in Kade was also not helping things.

"It says here that you'd like me to make modifications to my KAIROS pellets to make them to melt at a quieter and quicker rate, will my ability to do this affect the outcome of the mission?" Hibana asked. Kade considered the question for a moment.

"No, I believe we will still be able to manage the mission successfully even if you can't. Based off some reading and analysis, I believe it would benefit this and future operations if you could manage to modify your KAIROS device." Kade said. Hibana nodded, her eyes looking distracted. She was already attempting to formulate the possibilities in her mind. Ela had always admired her work ethic.

"Zhese targets ve are capturing, vhat vill zhey do for us?" IQ questioned.

"According to the Mole's intel, the officers in this location are much more high-ranking than the ones from the previous operation; hence the more heavy-duty security and defense. Unlike the ones before, these officers might have crucial intel concerning the White Mask and their motives." Kade explained. IQ nodded, underlining something in the documents with a pen. Blackbeard shut his folder.

"Seems tight and well organized, I like how you think Summers." Blackbeard complemented. Kade gave a slight nod of gratitude,

"Thank you, Craig. I believe your skills will be instrumental in this missions success, so I'm happy to have you on." he said.

"Can we change the op name?" Sledge said. Kade let out a barely audible sigh.

"What would you propose, Seamus?" Kade said with an air of condescension. Sledge stuck out his chin,

"How 'bout, Operation Sneaky Beaky." Sledge said, an eager look on his face. No one shared in his apparent entertainment, looking at him with mostly dead expressions. His eagerness dropped into a pout of sorts.

"I thought it was cheeky..." Sledge mumbled, his words becoming incoherent.

"I think we'll stick with the original. If there are no more questions, you all are free to go. All I ask is that you carefully review the documents and your roles within the operation up until the mission date, as it will be crucial to its success." Kade said. With that, the other operators slowly trickled out of the room, leaving only Ela sitting at the table.

"So, Seamus paid you an early visit, hm?" Ela said, tossing her file on the bar before sitting heavily on the couch. Kade put his cigarette out on the ashtray before taking a seat next to her.

"Indeed, though he seemed more concerned with criticizing my methods than apologizing." Kade said. She could tell Sledge's words were getting at Kade more than he would admit. He still seemed tired and drained, though not as bad as the previous night. She knew what might brighten his mood.

"You know, I read some of your works with Hibana before coming here." she said. A fire seemed to light in his grey eyes, he shifted his whole body shifted to her as if wanting to drink up her every word. He seemed almost like a boy excited to hear a grandparent's story.

"Oh really? Which ones did you read? What did you find interesting? What did you like? Or not like?" he asked excitedly. Ela laughed, holding his calloused hands.

"Calm down, Cowboy, let me think....". The two then spent much of the afternoon going back and forth, Ela with many questions on his writings and what she read and Kade all too happy to answer her. To see him so full of life, so passionate about something, it filled her with the very same. It was infectious, addictingly so. It felt as if she could live off his sunny smile, his pure laugh, and bright eyes until the end of time. Doctor Kade Leroy Summers was a mysterious, troubled man with shadowy undertones. What was important to Ela was he was her mysterious troubled man with shadowy undertones, with a past that she knew with time she would slowly uncover. It would be like peeling back an orange, peeling away the skin to get to the sweetness. No matter the darkness in his life, she vowed she would do all in her power to be the brightness. For all his demons, she would bring the angels. Staring into Kade's beautiful glacial eyes, watching the way his chiseled jawline shifted and the way he shifted his toned body into different positions, her conviction doubled. Kade was quickly beginning to cement himself into her life like an addictive drug she couldn't help but taking. He was like sweet, sweet honey, trapping her in place and keeping her sated with delightful sugary goodness. Kade suddenly stopped talking, looking at her with his head tilted in an inquisitive manner. She had been staring too much. Fuck it. Before he could question her, she leaned forward and meshed her lips with his. He responded enthusiastically. She felt his tongue. She bit his lip. Her hands wandered. His hands wandered. This was bliss


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