Adopted By Demi Lovato

By laryssaosyka

116K 2K 378

Demi Lovato is three years clean from self harm, purging and drug use. Lately she has been feeling a little l... More

Adopted By Demi Lovato
Chapter 2: Can I call this home and you mom?
Chapter 3: Adventures before the Mall
Chapter 4: Fun at the mall...until I run
Chapter 5: Safe at home with my baby girl safe and sound
Authors Note- Not an Update, But Please Read
Chapter 6: Katie? Where are you?
Chapter 7- Room Day
Chapter 7 Part 2: Paint Time
Chapter 8: Katie Goes Live (almost)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live On Ellen (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Katie Goes Live on Ellen (Part 2)
Chapter 10- Ellen from Demi's POV
Chapter 11- Naptime and Dinner
Chapter 12- T-Minus One Day Until Surprise
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 1
Chapter 13 - Surprise Day Part 2- The Hints
Chapter 13- Surprise Day Part 3- The Hints from Demi's and Selena's POVs
Ch. 14~ All Fun and Games until someone gets sick
Ch. 15~ Doctors, Oh Joy.
Authors Note
Ch 16~ On The Mend
Ch17~ Relapsing
Ch18~ Old Habits Die Hard
Ch19~ The Talk
Ch20~ Restarting The Road To My Recovery
Chapter 21~ Telling Aunt Selena
Chapter 22~ Bonfire, Talks and Cuddles
Chapter 23~ Katie's Day With Nick
Chapter 24~ Planning a Birthday Party
Chapter 25~ A Birthday for Katie
Ch 26~ A Day at the Studio
Ch 27~ Letting You In
Ch~ 28 Lazy Day, Date Night and an Emergency
Ch 29~ Surgery, Recovery, Disney Land Fun and Packing
Chapter 31~ A Surprise for Both Demi and Katie
Chapter 32~ A Mini Set, A Record Contract? Are you Serious?!? Yes Please!!!
Chapter 33- My Family is becoming Complete
Chapter 34~ Daddy Nick
Chapter 35~ And So It Begins
Chapter 36~ Will You?
Chapter 37~ Sunday Dinner Drama
Chapter 38~ It's My Time To Shine
Chapter 39~ Dirty Rotten Cheater
Not A Chapter~ But do READ and COMMENT
Chapter 40- Acting Happy for the Camera
Chapter 41~ The Baby Name Game
Chapter 42~ Album Release and Promotion
Chapter 43- #tourlifeforlife
Chapter 44~ It's a Family Day
Brighter Days and Lighters
Baby Daddy Knows
Grandma Demi? Grandpa Nick?
Will You?
Welcoming Baby Mendes
The Sound of Baby Steps and Laughter
Clock Don't Stop
Authors Note

Chapter 30 ~ A Day Out with Family on the World Tour

1.2K 28 5
By laryssaosyka

Katie's POV

Its been a few weeks since I last saw the inside of my house, but I love the tour life. I have mastered sleeping on the tour bus already. Maddie, who left after the first week of tour will be joing us again for another week. Nick is also joining us for the next few days, Max is picking him up from the airport in a few hours. Bea came on tour with us and performs at a few select dates which is amazing. I love hanging out with her between school and physical therapy. When we are at the hotels, I have "school" from 10am to 2:30pm and physical therapy from 3pm to 4:30pm. When we are on the buses I have "school" from 10am to Noon and physical therapy from 3pm to 3:45 every day. It was hard for any one to focus and write on the bus so I had two hour lessons and I had physical therapy I had at rest stops. It is really weird but you get used to it super fast.

Speaking of which, my Aunt Dallas is an amazing teacher. When Demi first adopted me, I was two grade levels above what I was supposed to be and know my Aunt Dallas thinks that I am about three grade levels above what I am supposed to be, which IF I was going to normal school I would be in Junior/Senior level classes. 

 Demi gave my physical therapists the night off and Aunt Dallas only had me in "school" for an hour today before Demi came in and intrupputed her asking to talk to her in the hallway. 

Aunt Dallas came back inside after about 2 minutes wearing a very large smile. 

"Alright Katie, school is done for the day"  Aunt Dallas said

"What, Why?"  I asked

"Because we are having a Lovato/De La Garza family day today per your moms orders"  Aunt Dallas said

"Alright sweet"  I said

I guess that since Demi didn't have a show today and since Bea was with her family for the day that Demi also decided it would be a Lovato/ De La Garza family day as well.

I left all my books inside Aunt Dallas' hotelroom and picked up my crutchs before I went back into the room that Demi and I shared to get ready. You see I was currently still in my pajamas because why not? It homeschooling so its not like I have to go out into the public. 

When I was almost done getting ready, Demi walked in with Maddie on her heels. When I spotted Maddie, I almost screamed. 

"MADDIE"  I yelled out

"KATIE!"  Maddie mocked me

"Hey, don't mock me. I am still older then you."  I said with a pout on my face

This caused Demi, Maddie and I to break out in laughter. I stood up on my crutches and went over to Maddie to give her a hug. Apperently Demi felt left out because she soon joined in on all the hugging action. 

Grandma Diana, Grandpa Eddie,. Aunt Dallas, Demi, Maddie and I soon were all piling into the car and went on our marry way. We went out to see some movies and then out to lunch, we then went to the beach and goofed around in the sand. It was a little hard for me because I still am not used to walking with out crutches but I did it! Demi was so proud of me. After the beach we all went out to dinner and then back to the hotel room. 

Not long after we arrived back to the hotel, Max arrived with Nick in tow. I wish that I wasn't scared by them being reunited....but I was so yea. Nick and Demi were sucking eachothers faces off for about 3 minutes before I finally had enough of this view and decided to text Maddie. 

To Mads
You have your own room right? Can I sleep over there...Nick just got here. 

Within seconds I got a reply

From Mads
Yes I have my own room and say no more I understand your pain. You are more then welcome to sleep over here, Bea will be here to tonight.

To Mads
Have I ever told you how much I love you Mads? I sense no sleep, movies, room sercive and candy all night, am I right?

Within a minute for sending that I recivied my reply. 

From Mads
Yes you have but I could hear it a few more times K-Dawg. And correct you are my niece who is older then me. 

To Mads
I am not even going to question the K-Dawg. Be there in a few.

With that I got off the couch and propped myself on my crutches and then went to pack my bag to take to Maddies room. When my bag was packed, I slung it over my shoulder and went towards the door. As I was approaching the door I saw Nick and Demi still at it. Seriously, I don't think they have come up to air yet. 

"Hi Nick, Bye Nick"  I called out

This got them to seperate

"Where do you think you are going babygirl?"  Demi asked

"See as you guys just unlatched your lips from eachothers mouths and Nick has been here for almost five minutes. I am sending the night with Maddie and Bea seems like you guys missed eachother"  I said with sass

This caused them to turn a deep red.

"Alright Miss. Sassy you can go, keep your phone on you at all time if you go anywhere"  Demi said

"Mom...its Maddie, Bea and I that we are talking about...we don't go anywhere"  I said

"Thats true"  Demi said with a giggle

"MOM! You aren't supposed to agree with that. I'm leaving now"  I said

With that I left before I got caught up, trying to out smart-ass my mother. I hobbled down to Maddies room with the aid of my crutches. When I arrived, I went to knock but before my knuckles could make the rapping sound against the door was opened and there stood Bea and Maddie. 

Bea and Maddie made a fort while I stood there and directed them where to put stuff. I guess being a cripple has its perks, que the eye roll. 

~Skip the Movies~

We ended up watching like 4 movies, eatting more candy then we probably should have as well as got one of two orders of room service each. We also ended up crashing due to an amazing sugar crash. 

We were so rudely awoken by my wonderful mother and her oh so amazing boyfriend...pouring ice cold water all over us. 

"Mom! What the actual hell!?!"  I yelled as I shot up into a sitting positon

"It seemed fun to do"  Demi replied with a smirk 

Suddenly I came up with a plan, I gave Maddie and Bea a look and they understood. Bea stood up and locked the door and planted herself in front of it, Maddie helped me up into a standing postion and gave me my crutches.

"Mom, do you want a hug?"  I asked slyly

"What? No. Katie bring your wet self near me and your grounded"  Demi said 

"Really? Is that the best you have?"  I asked getting closer to her

"....YES..."  Demi yelled

At the moment, I let my cruches drop and I launched myself onto Demi. She caught me unwillingly, scared that I would hurt my bad knee once more. I brought her in for a hug and squeezed her. 

"KATIEEEEEE!!!!!!"  Demi squealed

"WHATTTT"   I mocked her

At that moment Maddie launched a hug attack on Nick who was staring at Demi and I. 

Once Maddie and I were satisifed with how wet we got Demi and Nick, we pushed them out of the room and told them we were going to change and pack our bags. Once we were dressed and had out bags packed, the three of us walked over to the room that Demi and I shared so I could re-pack my actual bag. 

Today we were heading out on the road again, to yet another stop. I'm going going to lie...I really missed my house and my bed. On our way to the bus Nick was carring my bag as well as one of Demi's bags and his own bag. He was staring at Demi who was walking a head of us. 

"What are you thinking about Jonas?"  I asked

"Just about how much I love you and your mother."  Nick replied

"uh...What else are you thinking about"  I asked caitiously

"Just the future, I want to marry her one day soon"   Nick said

"Isn't it all a little bit soon? I  mean I love you like you were my real Dad Nick but still"  I  said

"Yea, It's still really soon to ask her to marry me but I want to give her a promise ring"  Nick siad

"Oh thats cool. You should definitely do it Nick, but do it in a totally orignal way"  I said

"What are you thinking about evil genius"  Nick asked

"Hey! Don't insult my geniusness. I say you do ask her to promise herself while she is performing on stage"  I said

"You sure you are only 15? You are way to genius"  Nick said

"Last time I checked, yes I am only 15"   I said

With that we finally arrived to the bus. Nick brought the bags on the bus while Demi helped me onto the bus, I still have yet to master getting on and off the bus with these evil devil crutches. Once on the bus, I made my way to where all my video game systems were and started to play the PS4. 

Not long after I started to play my game did Demi ask me to pause it so she can have a word with me. Relcutently I paused it.

"What's up mom?"  I asked

"I want you to preform with me on stage"  Demi said

"What? Um...."  I said in shock

"You heard me Katie, I want you to preform on stage with me"  She repeated

"I'm not sure if I am ready"  I said

"Katie you are amazing, you are more then ready. I mean you performed on Ellen. You can even pick the songs"  Demi said

"Fine I'll do it"  I said

"Yay"  Demi squeeled as she stood up and made her way to the bunks

I suddently go an idea and texted Nick

To Nick
I have the perfect time for you to ask Demi! 

Within seconds I recivived my reply

From Nick
What are you thinking about you evil genius?

To Nick
Again with the evil genius. But anyway, My mom just asked me to perform with her on stage with her and said I could pick the songs. You should asked her inbetween verus of Catch Me

I sent the text and waited for my reply, within minutes I recivied it

From Nick
Yes!! I love you and your amazing brain Katie

It was fast approaching 10am and that start of my two hour school lesson. My phone came to life from the couch next to me.

From Luke is a Penguin
Ello beautiful! What are you up to?

I couldn't help but smile as I replied

To Luke is a Penguin
Oh nothing. Just playing Playing video games until 10am and then I have class for two hours and then I am free until I have physical therapy. What about you?

Within seconds I recived my reply

From Luke is a Penguin
How is your knee feeling? And I am doing absoutly nothing, they won't let us leave the hotel room right now so I am terribly bored. I start another break tomorrow.

To Luke is a Penguin
You going home or no? And I'm sorry, I know the feeling. 

From Luke is a Penguin
Actually no, I'm staying here for a few days and then I will go home for the rest of break and then fly to the next venue and meet up with the boys again. 

To Luke is a Penguin
What are you going to do for the next few days? 

From Luke is a Penguin 
That is a surprise

I noticed it was now 9:58am. Shit

To Luke is a Penguin
If this surprise is for me, you know I hate surprises. G2g I will talk to you later Luke, I start class soon. 

I got one finally reply from Luke as I was putting my phone in my pocket

From Luke is a Penguin
Believe me I know you hate surprises but something tells me that you will like this surprise.

Suddenly I grew nervous, I knew that Luke knew that I had a crush on him and I knew that he kinda liked me the same. Thank you Maddie and Bea for that. I put my phone in my pocket and slowly made my way over to the make shift kitchen thing. I decided against using my crutches because I knew that my knee wouldn't get stronger if I kept using those, plus my armpits were actually hurting me alot from using those things. I also knew that I was getting a new knee brace soon. 

I finally made it to the kitchen thing, where Aunt Dallas was waiting for me. She saw me not using my crutches and broke into a smile and clapping. 

"You are making amazing progress Katie! How was the short walk here?"  Aunt Dallas asked

"It hurt...... like hell. But its all a part of the baby steps"  I said

With that we started class, and it was over all too soon. I wizzed through the work that was planned for today. As I was finishing my class work and starting a break before I took some qiuzzes, Demi waundered in hold my cruches.

"Katie....Shouldn't you be using these?"  Demi asked with a questioning look on her face

"Techincally yes but I want to get used to walking on my own"  I said

"Thats my warrior daughter, its all about the baby steps"   Demi said

"I know mom. Baby steps is all it takes"  I said

"Demetria, go away. I'm trying to teach here. Katie has a few quizzes to take and then you can bother her all you want"  Aunt Dallas spoke up

This caused Demi to back out of the room with her hands held high in defense

"Oh and Dallas? Never call me Demetria again!" Demi called back 

This caused me to bust out in laughter. As Aunt Dallas passed me, my quizzes she grummbled something about calling Demi what ever she pleases. 

About 20 minutes after I was given my quizzes, I was done with them. I gave them to my Aunt Dallas and got up and slowly walked back to the TV area. I was the greeted by Bea and Maddie who both grabbed a controler and ploped on the couch beside me. The three of us started to play the games.

Soon three hours passed and we were pulling into a truck stop. Everyone was glad to be able to streach their legs but I was internally groaning because this meant  I was stuck in physical therapy for the next 45 minutes. 

Like I said, I love my physical therapists and stuff but I hate actually doing the therapy. But according to them I was making a remarkable recovery pace and would be done soon enough. Which was amazing news to me. Today wasn't all that painful. We focused on walking normally and I went farther and farther each time I tried. They showed me how to put on my knee brace on and how it works. They also told me that I was no longer allowed to use my cruches. 

Once I was released from PT, I went and got myself something to eat from the truck stop. After getting the food, I joined Maddie and Bea. Soon Nick came over to us and told us that it was time to go. We boared the bus and took off once more. On the road. 

I took out my phone and took a picture of us and then opened twitter, then I tweeted out. 

@kdlovato: Tour life for life with @maddielovesyou1 @ddlovato @dallaslovato @nickjonas and @BeaMiller. 

Then the 6 of us spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and taking turns playing video games....well Demi and Dallas watched us play video games. Demi was kniting and Dallas was just chilling there.

Demi's POV

I was so happy when I saw Katie's cruches lieing there on the ground. She is getting stronger as teh days go on and I am simply amazing. 

I asked her to perform with me today and she actually said yes which shocked me because I thought I would have to pull my puppy dog face. But I have huge surprise for her. Earlier this week Luke Hemmings asked me if he could surprise Katie at a show and of course I said yes, they would make an amazing and cute couple. 

Currently I am sitting here kniting and watching Katie, Nick, Bea and Maddie play video games. Dallas was sitting next to me. I watched Nick closely. He was trying really hard to beat Katie at the games they were playing. He was failing really hard. 

"Give it up babe, Katie is just better then you"  I said 

"No! I will never give it up. I am determined to beat her at least one!"  Nick said

"Then you will be there forever."  I muttered

"You believe in yourself, I on the other hand will watch my daughter beat you senselesss in the games"   I said


Chapter 30 my lovelies! Its more of a filler but I am pretty sure that you guys will love the next chapter!

You guys are amazing neveer forget that! I love you all. Thank you for all the reads and votes. 

This chapter is dedicated to Madturtle101 just because she updated one of my favorite Demi Fanfics... The Life of Hunter Lovato. Go read it if you haven't already..its amazing and she is super sweet. 



Cherish Yesterday, Deam Tomorrow, Live Today.

My challenge to all you lovely people

Don't let the events of yesterday destroy your dreams for tomorrow. Live for today and not for yesterday. You get a lifetime of todays but what you do is up to you. So make the best of it that you can.

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