I am the one

By 1990carey

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My Names Destiany Amelia Parkinson, and im running for my life. They killed my parents when I was 6, Then on... More

I am the one
Chapter 1: Turning 18.
Chapter 2: Questions.
Chapter 3: Untold Secrets
Chapter 4: Getting to know you
Chapter 5: Dreams
chapter 6: Cheesy chat up lines.
chapter 7: Danger
Chapter 8: Blood line.
Chapter 9: Mixed emotions
Chapter 10: An old face...
Chapter 11: A hidden past...
Chapter 12: my best friend.
Chapter 13: Game On
Chapter 14:Jeliously
Chapter 15: I'm not afraid of you!
chapter 16: Blood tears
Chapter 17: Betrayal.

Chapter 18: Sunset

706 11 6
By 1990carey

I rattled the steal bars for about the 10th time in hope of there being a loose bar or something for me to escape. But yet again there was nothing. It mush have been days Ive been caged up in this dark cold room. Yet there was no sign of anyone. I was starving, cold and covered in blood sweat and tears. I really needed someone, anyone to come and save me but I was starting to lose hope that they would ever find me again. I slumped myself back in the corner of the room and rested my head in my hands, as tears overwhelmed me once again "Alex....please...save me...." I whispered into my hands.

A few hours later the main room door opened letting in a pinch of light but closed quickly once more. I heard foot steps across the cold stone floor which came to a stop, I assumed near the metal bars. I didn't bother raising my head. I didn't bother asking who it was because I just didn't care. I stayed in my as-comfy-as-i-could position praying into my hands to be saved.

"...It will be happening soon.." I heard a familiar voice tell me. It was Jasper. ",,,There planing to do it at sunset some day soon..." Jasper told me. "Really...well good for them...at least I get to see the sunset before I die..." I whispered. "...You don't seem to be taking this very seriously..." Jasper told me. I shrugged my shoulders. "My body's finding it difficult to accept...I put up such a fight...I don't want to die..." I whispered sadly. " I heard you didn't want to accept any of this...you kept denying it....didn't want anything to do with it...what changed?" Jasper asked me. I slowly raised my head. Jasper was leaning against the bars watching me carefully. "...When I first found out I was a child still...but in the last few weeks I grew up immensely..." I told him. "...it was difficult to believe at first...but like you said before, once you see it you have to believe it" I told him. Jasper slowly nodded his head. "Indeed its hard to deny the truth once you've see it..." Jasper whispered. I sat up a bit more. "...well then why are you?" I asked him. Jasper looked taken aback by my question but smiled. "...its difficult to believe at first..." Jasper said with a small smile. "but now?" I asked. He smiled once more and pulled away from the bars. "...I'm deciding upon my options..." he told me. I wanted to ask what on earth he meant but he zoomed away too quickly to ask leaving me in silence once more.

I wasnt quite sure what to make of Jasper. I feel like I can trust him but im not sure where to go with him, is he a friend or a foe? He left me feeling strange...and Surley if he truley believed me he would be doing something about this...stopping this...finding Alex...Alex...oh Ales how I miss him, how I need him right now..."...Where are you when I need you the most?" I whisper into the silent air. 

I drifted in and out of sleep, dreaming crazy and unusual dreams each time. Some were so scary, I was standing in the middle of a field that was covered in the body's of the people I loved...there was blood everywhere...and those evil eyes...Lewie's evil eyes just watched me from the darkness, laughing at me, causing me to wake with a start.

Some were nice dreams...dreams of being comfy and warm in Alex's arms. Of me laughing and smiling with Lucy...Of my parents. They caused me to wake with a deep aching pain in my chest, threatening more tears. But I didn't let myself cry, I had to be strong no matter what happened next.

Some time later, I'm not sure if it was even the same day, but The door to the dungeon opened again and closed quickly once more. There was  a further squeaking noise that I was unsure of so I lifted my head slowly to see what was going on. Jasper was back and this time he was coming into the prison with me. "What...What are you doing?" I stuttered as I sat up. Jasper closed the door behind him and turned to face me holding a bread roll in one head and an apple in the other. "I thought you might be hungry?" He told me with a smile. He handed me the food and I didn't even stop to thank him. I ripped off a bit of bread and started stuffing it into my mouth. I ate the whole roll faster than Ive ever eaten anything before. I heard Jasper laugh where he sat on the floor near me. I looked over at him and laughed too. "Sorry..I was a bit hungry...Thank you...but...no don't worry..." I began to say but though better of it. I bit into my apple. "No tell me...whats up?" Jasper asked me.

I looked up at him as I swallowed the bit of apple I had in my mouth. "Well...you just confuse me...a lot...I mean first you whack me around the head and bring me back to this horrible place where your father wants to kill me...Ive heard such horrible things about you...apparently you kept women as your prisoners and had your way with them...and next your bringing me food and sit next to me and chat to me like were best friends..." I told him as took another bite of the apple. 

Jasper laughed "Actually I never 'had my way with them...I kept them safe and when it was appropriate I let them free...Yeah I guess that does come across as confusing...I guess you just made me realise the truth.." Jasper whispered. I stopped eating and turned to him. "Then let me go Jasper...please...Im begging you...do the right thing..." I begged him. Jasper's face turned serious. "I really want to...I really do...but its near enough impossible..you and I would both be dead before we even left the building.." Jasper told me.

He suddenly moved so that he was kneeling in-front of me, grasping my face in his hands. "But I promise you Destiny Amelia Parkinson, I will not let you die...I don't know what it is about you...but something deep inside me is tell me to protect you with my life...which is why Ive got to say goodbye now...because I have to go and do something...and I might not come back...but it will save you...and once your safe again keep going...keep spreading the word...keep making people believe...show people how amazing you are...and don't stop..just promise me you wont stop..." Jasper all but whispered to me. I nodded my head slowly and silently, completely mesmerised by this man.  "I know we only met the other day, and it wasn't necessarily on good terms to begin with...but you have changed my life in a way you don't understand...and if I survive maybe one day ill tell you how..but just know that you do change peoples lives, defiantly in a good way..." Jasper whispered to me. He leaned in and kissed me very softly and very quickly on the lips.

Before I even had time to register what had just happened Jasper zoomed away as quickly as he possible could. I liked Jasper he was really nice despite what I had heard he was actually a really good guy caught up on the wrong side of things...and I really didn't want him to die! "Oh Jasper please don't do anything stupid..." I whispered. My lips tingled and I had that usual feeling of butterfly's in my stomach that I got with Alex. What...how was that even possible...I thought....oh my goodness I was confused. Great that was exactly what I needed right now.

A few hours later the door opened again. This time it was open fully to let a floor of light in. In came 3 men, all big strong and grumpy looking guys. One held a big key that unlocked the metal door to the cage I was locked in. He walked in and looked at me. "Get up now..." The man told me. I gave him an evil look. "...Not until you learn your manners and say please..." I joked. The man just gave me a really pissed off look. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "...Fine...what ever...rude git..." I told him as I got up off the floor. I walked out the cell door and the two other men grabbed my arm and started dragging me forward. "You know I am well aware of how to walk by myself?" I told him sarcastically. He just looked at me grumpily and continued dragging me. They lead me to a small room, where I was rudely pushed in and then the door was slammed behind me. "Rude grumpy gits..." I muttered to myself. The room had nothing in but a empty table. There was a door next to the table that suddenly opened letting in lots of noise. Lewie walked through the door with two other people. He was dressed in a long black robe and the two men were also dressed in long black robes but there's had hoods on too, which were up over there heads so I couldn't see there faces. 

"Ah...Destiny..you made it.." Lewie said with an evil smile. "Yeah...it was kinda hard to miss this.." I replied back sarcastically. "I see were full of energy, jokes and anger today" Lewie said as he took a step towards me. "Yep...well being locked in a prison thinking about my impending death will do that to a girl..." I told him sarcastically. Lewie ignored my sarcastic reply and smiled again. "Well we've got a little party in your honer, there's lots of people waiting outside to meet you...so shall we get going?" Lewie asked. "..Umm..No I think ill just hang back here...chill and what not..." I told him. Lewie laughed. "Its not a choice you get to make I'm afraid" Lewie told me as he turned to his friends. "Bring her out.." He told his friends as he turned around and walked back out the door. The two men in cloaks walked towards me. "Its ok lads..I can walk myself" I told them. They stopped and let me walk towards the door. I stopped for a second and took a deep breath in.

Ok so I was possible going to die in a moment. But Jasper did tell me he had a plan...and Alex surly was going to come and save me wasn't he? I needed to make a plan up. But I couldn't do that until I accessed the situation properly, there probably wouldn't be many vampires out there...and I'm sure I could create a distraction...yeah...who needs men to come and save them? Not me that's for sure. I felt the presence of the two people behind me and knew I couldn't delay it any longer. I stepped forward with them very close behind me. I could hear Lewie shouting to the crowed and I could hear them jeering and cheering him on. 

I stepped out into the limelight and the whole room went silent. I realise then that any hope I had of trying to escape was completely thrown out the window. There was hundreds of vampires in the room watching me closely. My heart beat spread up and It suddenly became harder to breath. Shit. What was I going to do?. 

"So this Lady's and gentlemen this is the famous Destiny...the child who can save us all...hahaha..." Lewie said with a laugh as I walked further onto the stage. "What a joke...shes nothing more than a pathetic human..." Lewie said as he looked me up and down. The people in the crowed laughed. "I'm going to kill you now Destiny...just like I did your parents and grandparents and everyone else in your family..." Lewie told me. People laughed again.

"Any last words?" Lewie asked me as the room once again went silent. All eyes were on me watching and waiting. ". "Yes!" I shouted angrily at Lewie. "Yes I do! you all may have been tricked into believing this idiot but I know better. He was never the true leader! He's just a jealous.." Shut up!" Lewie shouted. "...Stupid...lying..." "Shut up!!!" Lewie shouted again. "...Coward!" I shouted at him. "SHUT SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!" Lewie shouted as he stormed over and slapped me hard across the face, causing me to lose balance and fall to the floor. A stinging sensation spread across my left cheek and around the bottom of my eye. I rubbed it gently to try and ease the pain.

"Lies Lies Lies she speaks nothing but lies.." Lewie shouted to the room "yeah...you just keep telling yourself that....you just keep making them believe that...but you and I both know the truth...and once you kill me its not going to end there. The people that are fighting for me, that believe in me are going to keep fighting and keep killing every single one of your followers. And you'll see it and you'll hear about it every day until one day you realise, everyone who once believed in you is dead or has betrayed you...Its already started even your own son doesn't believe you!" I shouted at Lewie. "SHUT UP! YES HE DOES! my son believes and supports everything I tell him!" Lewie screamed at me. I laughed "Well if he believes in you so much where is he now?..." I asked Lewie. Lewie knew I spoke some truth then when he realised his son was no where to be seen. Even some of the crowed realised that and started whispering to each other. 

A look of panic flashed across Lewie's face. "SHUT UP! anyone daring to doubt me will be killed on the spot right now..any takers?" Lewie asked the crowed. They all went deadly silent and still I stood up "Oh so I see how you do it now you scare them into following you and threaten to kill them if they betray you...what about your own son? is that what your going to do to him? I asked Lewie. Lewie looked at me with angry eyes. He was silent as he looked around the room once more. 

"Yeah dad? what you gonna do with me?" We heard a new voice from behind me say. I looked behind me and saw Jasper walking out onto the stage. He was covered in blood, but he seemed ok He smiled at me and then walked past me to his father. "Ah...there is my son...tell them son! tell them you believe me..." Lewie said with a smile. "Thats a LIE!." Jasper shouted after a moment. Lewie looked at his son shocked and horrified. "I nearly died earlier father...want to know why?" Jasper told his father. Lewie just stood silently watching his son closely. "Because I broke into your 'secret office' except it isn't so secret anymore..." Jasper told his father. "you did what!!! How did you get through all the guards?" Lewie asked his son shocked and horrified. Jasper pointed to his clothes. "Take a guess..." He told him with a evil smile. "How dare you..." Lewie began to shout to his son. Jasper stormed up to his father. "NO HOW DARE YOU! how dare you lie to me my hole life, how dare you tell me shit my whole life about how 'your the true leader and we must kill them all' it was all bullshit....and how dare you kill innocent helpless people, including her family..." Jasper shouted as he pointed back to me. "You have no proof.."  Lewie began to say but Jasper pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, unfolded and then held it up to the crowed. "I believe this would prove otherwise....proof of the true blood line...the true leader was her great grandfather..." Jasper shouted to the crowed as he pointed to me. "NO!!!NONONO! I AM THE ONE! I AM THE KING!" Lewie shouted. He stopped pacing the stage and turned to look at Jasper with a evil glare. "guards...KILL MY SON!..." Lewie shouted. Suddenly 10 men flew out of nowhere and pounced on Jasper.

Everyone was in a state of shock, people were and I don't think anyone knew exactly what to believe anymore. All the sudden there was a shout from somewhere in the back of the room and tones of people started filing in. More fighting was starting in the crowds and I recognised some of the faces there. Lucy...and David...and Joe and other members of the council. They were here! they finally had come to save me. There was tones of them, and the room erupted in screaming and shouting, everything was crazy. My view was blocked by a less than happy Lewie. He looked extremely unhappy and suddenly I was being pinned up against the wall by my neck. "IM NOT LISTENING TO THIS ANY LONGER! IM GOING TO FINNISH WHAT I STARTED YEARS AGO!" Lewie screamed at me. His hands left my neck only to be replaced by his sharp teeth biting into my skin. I let out a scream as I felt Lewie draining the blood from my body. I could feel myself growing weaker and prayed for Alex or Jasper to come and help me.

Lewie removed his teeth from my neck and he looked up at me with an evil laugh. "I'm really going to enjoy this..." Lewie whispered to me. "Go to hell fucker..." I whispered back. Lewie laughed. He was about to sink his teeth back into me but suddenly he dropped me and was thrown out of view. I stood there shocked and scared, as I looked into the deep blue eyes right in-front of me. "Alex?..." I whispered. He smiled and I rushed forwards into his arms. I heald him tightly. "Come on.." Alex told me as he took my hand and lead me into the side room away from the shouting and screaming and killing. He slammed the door behind us. 

I couldn't help it then, seeing Alex like this finally I knew I was safe. I started crying, letting out all the emotions I tried to bottle up the last few days. "Shh..shh its ok..." Alex told me as He brought me back into his arms."I thought you were never coming..." I whispered into Alex's neck as I held onto him tightly. "Of course I did...I was doing everything in my power to come and save you...Amelia...you've been in my thoughts every minute of every day since you've been gone!..." Alex told me he pulled me away slightly and looked me deep in the eyes. "...I did everything I possible could...All i wanted was to find you again..." Alex whispered to me. "Oh Alex I was so scared..." I whispered. "I know..I know..But I'm here now..." Alex whispered as I hugged him tightly again.

I don't know how long we sat there for cuddling but it must have been a long while. We heard a knock on the door and in poped Lucy. "Oh Amelia..." She cried as she rushed over to me. I stood up and hugged her tightly. "Amelia I'm so glad to see your ok..." Lucy told me as she hugged me tightly. "Sorry to interrupt but we need you out here a second guys..." I heard Davids familiar voice from the door. "David!" I called happily. He smiled. "Getting into trouble as usual I see..." David said with a cheeky smile. "Come on guys..." David said as he lead us out into the stage again. The room was empty apart from people cleaning up or some people crying in the corner. On the stage there seemed to be a problem. David was arguing with someone who was being held down by 2 other people. I walked over to see Jasper looking angrily at David. "This guy reckons hes good...even though he was the son of Lewie..." David said to Alex. "Hes..." I began to say. "Of course hes not...kill him now..." Alex ordered. "NO!" I shouted. Alex looked at me like I was crazy. "Don't kill him! Jasper is a good guy...hes on our side" I told everyone. "You cant be serious?" Alex asked me. I walked over to where Jasper was. "Let him go.." I told the men holding onto him. The looked at me confused and then back to Alex. "Don't be stupid...hes part of all this...he was the one who helped capture you..." Alex told me. I turned back and glared at Alex. "Yes and whilst he may have done that he was the one who actually saved me. He was the one who risked his life to prove that I was who I was, who borought me food and who made me laugh when I felt terrible..Hes a friend not a foe..." I told Alex calmly. "Is that true?" Alex asked Jasper. "Yes...I have the paper in my pocket..." Jasper told Alex. "That's impossible...all the paperwork was burned in a fire..." Alex said as he interrupted Jasper. "Actually my father, who was the one that started the fire, hid the paperwork in a secret area guarded heavily, I broke into it and stole the paper work..." Jasper told Alex. 

"Let me see it..." Alex told Jasper, not very kindly either. I frowned at him as he took the paper from Jasper. Alex studied the paper for a moment and then looked up slightly surprised. "Let him go..." Alex said disappointed. "I'm keeping this.." Alex told Jasper and walked off with David for a moment. I turned and smiled.

"Jasper thank you...I cant describe how thankful I am to you for saving me! you were amazing..." I told Jasper with a smile. He smiled back. "I was just doing what was right..." Jasper told me with a smile. "Yeah but you risked your life to do so!" I said. He smiled. "Couldn't let you die now could i.." Jasper joked. He placed his hand on my arm lightly and gave me a slight squeeze. 

"Get your hand off her..." I heard Alex's angry voice say from next to me. I looked up at him to see his fangs out in full force as he glared angrily at Jasper. Alex's hand was wrapped tightly on Jasper's hand as he staired at him. "Alex!" I said shocked "get...your...hands...off...her" Alex said angrily. 

"What you going to do?" Jasper asked annoyed. "I'm sure she doesn't mind...I'm not killing her....besides who said you get to decided who touches her..." Jasper asked Alex challengeing. Alex growled slightly. "Oh...I see how it is..." Jasper said with a smirk He looked down at me and smiled. "Well...Alex is it...I hope your up for some competition..." Jasper said giving me a wink. I blushed and looked away. "i will rip your head off and trust me I wont feel bad about it..." Alex warned. "Bring it on..."Jasper said as he took a step closer to Alex. I was squished in the middle of them feeling quite helpless. "That's enough...You two really need to stop this right now...your acting really childish..." I demanded. They both looked down at me startled. "Stop it! we have bigger and more important things to worry about right now..." I moaned at them. They both looked annoyed. "Alex Jasper is my friend so you need to get used to it because hes probably going to be around a lot...and Jasper leave Alex alone and stop teasing him..." I moaned again. Jasper smiled. "Anything for you babe..." He said with a smile as he walked away. I laughed. 

"Wow....I expected better from you.." Alex whispered to me angrily. I looked up at him shocked and confused. "What...Alex what are you talking about??" I asked confused. "Being friends with someone like him...hes dangerous, and could be up to no good..." Alex whispered. I rolled my eyes. "Alex hes not going to hurt anyone hes a friend..." I told him seriously. "What ever Destiny..." Alex said as he stormed off, leaving me in the middle of the stage on my own. 

"What the..." I said confused. Ok so what did i do now??


Hello my lovley readers =] here as I promised is a new chapter and the next will be up asap =]

I hope you like it, its kinda a long one, and um who likes the new twist? hehe. I felt like being a bit mean haha.

So theres like 2 more chapters left and I want your opinion people, there is a possiblity that I could write another book to this one, I dont know what it would be called yet and I have a fair idea for the plot but What I want to know is would you want another one or would you just want it to end here? I need to know so that I know how to wright the next chapters, so let me know asap!

so Ive noticed I have got like  27186 reads....which is ummm....FREEKING AMAZING!!! you guys are awsome! I never dreamed that I would have that many reads in my life! thank you so much!!!

Oh so the song im into atm is called You bring me joy by Amelia Lily its a really good song and you guys should give it a listen too some time! 

anyways enjoy the chapter the next one will be up asap! 

as always happy readin <3<3<3 xxx

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