chapter 16: Blood tears

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Alex's p.o.v

I lay on my side and watched the sleeping beauty wrapped in my arms. What happened last night had been incredible, amazing, the most intense, insane thing to have ever happened to me. This girl was driving me crazy, and despite every cell in my body telling me this was a really bad thing to do, I couldn't help myself. I had to have her, and last night I did.

I stole her innocence. Well I hadn't really stolen her innocence, she was more than willing to give it to me, something that made a new intense lump of feelings stir inside me. She gave up a part of her to me, which made me believe stupid things like that she would actually want me forever and would want to be with me. I knew that was stupid thinking  because she probably more than regretted what we had done last night. 

"I dont..." I heard a soft voice tell me. My eyes traveled back down to the face of the beauty still wrapped in my arms. "...regret it....I have never been more happy about a decision ive made before. I meant every word last night Alex, and you need to believe that" Amelia told me. I smiled down at her beautiful face. "Im finding it hard to believe that...your too good for me...look at what I did to you..." I said with a slight grin. Amelia rolled her eyes. She placed one of her arms around my neck and pulled my face to hers. "I don't regret a single second I spend with you" Amelia told me seriously. I smiled. "Good.." I said as I brought our lips crashing together.

"You know what this all means tough don't you..." I told Amelia as I broke away from her lips. She nodded silently. "and you know its going to be difficult..."  I warned her. She nodded again. "Yah but your worth it" She said with a cute smile. I smiled back and kissed her on the lips softly.

"Ok...well the first person people we should probably tell are the council...they are the most important people and will also be the most trouble for us...they will all be against us having a relationship and will do everything to split us up" I warned Amelia. "well....why don't I go and talk to Joe first...He was a great family friend, he was there whilst I was growing up, hes like a uncle to me. Ill go and talk to him and make him understand its you I want....if we get him on our side he can help us convince the other members...its worth a shot right?" Amelia asked me. I thought about it for a moment. "Yah...yah thats a good idea....we should do it as soon as possible...whats the time..ok its 9am...lets get moving now and we can get this sorted as soon as possible....because I dont want to hide this...I want everyone to know your mine..." I told Amelia as I swooped down and kissed her once more. "...and also if I dont move now im never going to want us to leave this bed..." I told her with a cheeky grin. She giggled. "Ok come on..." I said as I sat up quickly. 

We got dressed quickly. Amelia made a phone call to Joe and asked him to meet her in the conference room right away. He agreed and we headed to leave. As I placed my hand on the door knob Amelia stopped me by placing her hand softly on top of mine "Wait....just...I just wanted to tell you how happy I am when Im around you and how amazing you make me feel... and even if everyone is completley against us I have fallen ..." Amelia began to say but I quickly let go of the door knob and placed me finger on her lips to hush her. "Shhh...I know what yoiur about to say and I want so desperately to hear those words from you and say it to you too, but I want us to get this done first, so that we can be together completely and not worry about anyone who protests...." I told Amelia. She smiled and I quickly replaced my finger with my lips and kissed her passionately for a moment. 

We made our way down to the conference room, but Amelia stopped me once more. "Wait...Alex...I should do this on my own...." Amelia told me. I looked at her confused. "Its just because I know him so well...and I feel he may be angry towards you if your least on our own I can talk with out the worry of him upsetting to you..." Amelia told me. "Apart from the fact that you shouldn't worry about upsetting me, I cant leave you its unsafe..." I told Amelia. She smiled "You silly....Ill be very protected, the council always have guards with it will be safe...I really do think I should talk to him alone to begin with..." Amelia told me. I thought about it for a moment. She was right, she would be safe...I would still worry about her though. I suppose he didnt really know me well at all, would probably jump right to the bad things he heard about me. Maybe it would be better for me not to be there. "Ok..." I said slowly. "But you must stay with the guards or Joe at all times and come straight back to me when your done..." I told Amelai. She smiled. "I promise...See you later..." Amelia told me as she lightly touched my face with the palm of her hand. I smiled and she headed off into the Conference room. 

A few hours later I paced back and forth in the room, waiting for amelia to return. She had to be back soon, she was safe I knew that much, and it couldn't possible take so long to talk about all this. Joe was probably being funny about the situation Maybe I should have gone with her...helped her convince him. But she seemed sure she should do it on her own. I heard a tapping nose on the door and then it opened quickly.

I turned expecting to see Amelia, but instead I say Lucy in tears, and with blood on her cloths. But the thing that chilled me to the bone was that she had Amelia's white jacket in her arms. "Lucy! whats happened??? why have you got blood all over you...wheres Amelia..." I said in a panicked tone as I rushed over to her. Blood red tears were rolling down her eyes, coating her face in a deep red. She tried to talk but her emotion's got the best of her.

She shook her head and more tears rolled down her cheeks. "LUCY! I need to know! Where is Amelia? whats happened?!!" I demanded as I shook her shoulder's lightly. Lucy took a deep breath in to steady her emotions. "Shes gone..." Was all Lucy said.

"Where! where has she gone! WHOS TAKEN HER! LUCY TELL ME NOW!" I demanded. "...saw....I heard her struggling, trying to fight him off, and rushed in, but it was no good, he had tones of back up, and they had already taken out half the protection in the room...They attacked me with silver....I was useless..." Lucy told me through tears. "WHO! LUCY WHO WAS IT!!!" I said with pure anger. What had happened to Amelia. who had taken her? where was she. was she hurt Who ever it was I was going to hunt them down and kill them. "It was...I cant even believe Im saying this was...joe..." 


I know, I know i am so very sorry I havnt updated in a longgg time! but I can explain! You see I moved into my new flat! (woop) but then the day they were ment to install the internet came...and went! I was very angry! so i rang and complained and they said oh sorry we were very busy and i was all well thanks for letting me no! but they assured me the next weekend they would be there but guess what! whey wernt! i was megaaa mad!!! so i rung em back and they promised theyd be there the very next day and in return for messing me arround they would give me a month free XD thankfuly that time they did come, and i got a month of free internet XD awsome. And then when i freeking got it, I was going to uplode asap but I had to go back to hospital =/ the moving stuff didnt help my dieing kidneys much =/ so i had to stay in for a long time so they could pump lodes of drugs into Not. Appart from feeling horribley sick all the time, i had to pee lots! but it was a pain to move anywhere because I was all wired up and shiz =/- and trust me i completley refuse to pee into one of those carboard things.

anywaysss...did i just discuss my peeing needs with you? I guess I did...hey thats what happens when ur couped up in a hospital for agess =/ makes u go crazy lol- but yah im back now, and in (sort of) good health (for the time being lol)

so the chapter, yah i know its short, I am sorry and I was going to join this one and the next one up but it would have been too longg!! but at least its an uplode lol. 

Ok so the song Im feeling atm, ekk Chasing the sun by The wanted! Its and awsome song! I cant get enough of it! and the wanted are an awsome band! if youve not heard the song then defo give it a listen to because its worth it =] 

Oh so im gone like a few weeks and wattpad decides to make a huge change! Im not complaining! I think its awsome! its really cool and easier to work with, what do you guys think?

So the next uplode will hopefuly be in the next few days, You see even though im outta hospital I still have to take drugs and they take all the engergy outta me, and all ive been doing latley is sleeping lol =[ sorry, but i will try my hardest! 

Thank you to all my amazing fans for sticking by me! im sorry you had to wait so long! 

and woop 16000 reads! comeing back to that sure made me smile =] 

anyways as usual, comment, VOTE and keep reading!

untill next time my loves 

happy reading =] xxxx

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