Chapter 2: Questions.

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Chapter 2:

I had such  nice night with my friends at my party, we danced, laughed and fully enjoyed our selves. My birthday was much better than I had ever expected. At the end of the night, about 3am me and my friends were the only ones left, sitting around a table talking, whilst the room was beginning to be cleaned. "So when do you leave?" My friend Katie asked me. "I start medical school in the beginning of September, but Im heading off to Spain next week, with my grandfather, and lucy of course for a month" I told my friends. "Aww! so that only leaves us what? 2 two weeks in total left together" Katie said sadly. "No, its less than that, I start a week earlier than all of you guys" Megan told us. "Oh yah, why did you choose to go to a stupid university thats in bloody Scotland! its hours and hours away!" Katie moaned. I laughed. "So we have one week left least lucy will be in the same place, so we can always come visit her" I said trying to comfort everyone. "Yah but its defiantly not going to be the same...Im going to miss you guys soooo much!" Lucy declared. "Its going to be so boring with out you here..." Lucy said sadly. "I bet its going to be even weired for you two, you've never been more than a day appart!" Katie said. I nodded my head and took ahold of Lucys hand in mine. "It defiantly will. But thats the beauty of our friendship, We will always be best friends...come on girlys one last drink....this time, to us! may we all lead long and happy, successful lives, become rich and famous, or just marry someone rich and famous and always be best friends..." I said with a laugh as I raised my campaign glass. The girls all raised their glasses too. "Here here!" They called. We clinked glasses and finished off our drinks.

Katie stood up. "Right...I think its time for me to head off ladies, before the tears flow even more, keep in contact, and we need to spend that week together before we all leave, enjoy your holiday Lucy, Amelia" Katie said as she gave us a hug. Megan stood up too. "Yah, I think im going to head off too, Bye girls" Megan said as she gave us a hug as well. Lucy and I waved them both off together. "Shall we?" I asked lucy as I stood up and grabbed my jacket from the back of the chair. "Indeed we shall my lady..." Lucy joked. and I laughed as we linked arms and walked out the room together.

We dropped Lucy off at her house, a little way away from mine. "Ok chick so call me tomorrow so we can arrange some holiday shopping, dont call me too early though, i have a feeling I might be a bit hung over after all that campaign..." Lucy said as she got out the car. I chuckled. "Ok babe, loves you, talk to you later" I said as I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She smiled and closed the door behind her. "Home please Joe" I told Joe. "Certainly miss" Joe said with a smile.

The drive home wasn't too long, and Joe entertained me with chit chat from the night, what everyone got up to and so forth. "And if I may say so miss, you were defiantly the most beautiful girl...I mean woman in the room tonight" Joe said giving me a smile as he slowed the car down to a stop in-front of the double doors to our home. It put a huge smile on my face. "Why thank you Joe, that means a lot. Now you go home, get some sleep, and im sure ill see you tomorrow at some point" I told Joe. "You sure you dont want me to walk you to the door? make sure you get in ok?" Joe asked worried. I smiled. "No, its ok, You go get some sleep" I told him. He smiled. "Ok miss, night night" Joe said as I got out the car door. "Night" I called and waved to Joe as he drove off again.

It was a bit chilly, and a bit eery now so I turned and went stright inside the house, to stay warm, and safe. But even when I went inside the front porch I didnt feel right, I still had this eery, uneasy feeling in my stomach. But Ingored it and walked inside.

"what the?" I exclaimed when I saw the room was in a state. The furniture was thrown everywhere, glass was broken, the lights were evidently not working making the room feel erry and dangerous. I walked into the living room cautiously, taking one step at a time slowly, until a noticed. Something. Blood. A small speck of it to begin with, which lead into a thick trail of blood. I began to follow it. "grandfather?" called, fearing the worst. Before I went too far I notice a chair leg lying on the floor. I grabbed it and held it close to me in-case. I followed the trail round the room into to the kitchen, where I found my grandfather lying on the floor. I

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