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Hey everyone this isnt part of the story obviously I just wanted to write a quick message so everyone would see this.

I am SOOOOOO SOSOSOSOSOSO sorry I havnt updated for a longgg time!! theres been a lot going on! 

Because you guys are awsome I though Id lot you know whats been happening- well basicaly im sure you read before but I have health problems, with my kidneys and I had to have a big opperation to basicaly get a new kidney because both mine decided to stop working. 

Its not been a nice experience as you can imagen, ive been in and out of hospital for a while and on all sorts of medications blablabla and I havnt been well at all, I barley had the strength to get out of bed! but I am on the mend! 

I am back on the laptop and Im rearing to go! 

Its fantastic to see I have so many supporters still! I very thankful even though I probably dont diserve it =/ But THANK YOU so much!

and as a thank you prezzy for sticking by me even though ive been terrible, Im am going to be uploading the last few chapters of I am the One. =] I going to uplode them in the weeking coming because I have to go into hospital again for a few check ups and what not 2mozo and friday but by the end of the weekend you WILL have the completed I am the One book!  As you can image I have had a lot of time to jot down parts of the story and what not on paper (hospitals dont have computers which sucked) so Im going to write it all up on the laptop the next few nights.

So I hope that makes up for my lack of not updating. 

Also I have been working on a new story I mentioned it a few weeks back its called The Jerk Next door and I hope you all like it! Im going to add a small teaser of it now so you can have a look and maybe keep reading when I upload it? Let me know what you think as well so I can know where to go with it all. 

Anyways THANK YOU ALL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much I am so greatful if ur still reading! 

Till next time

happy reading <3<3<3


... "we have a huge surprise for you guys!" Catherine told us. I felt Reuben pinching my neck again and quickly moved my hand to slap his, but instead ended up slapping the back of my neck. "ouch!! Reuben!!!" I shouted in pain. Reuben laughed. "well maybe you shouldn't slap your self then" Reuben told me trying to act innocent. "the only reason I did was because..." I began to say "Alexandra!!!" my dad warned me.

I quickly snapped my mouth shut and went silent. "as I was saying we have a huge surprise for you guys!" Catherine told us as she looked over to My mum to continue the conversation. "yes indeed we do! Alex, Riley I'm sorry but our holiday to France had been cancelled..." my mum told us. "ohhh" I said sadly "meh...the French girls were never that great anyways..." my brother Riley announced to the room as he nudged George and winked. Robert laughed slightly too but was quickly silenced when Catherine gave him an evil glare.

"yes were sorry about that...but the villa was already booked...but we've come up with a better solution..." my mum told us all as she pointed to her self and Catherine. Catherine smiled excitedly. "what do you mean by we..." I asked leaning forward in my seat slightly. I never liked it when my mum and Catherine schemed up things together, it was usually torture and we usually had no way of getting out of it. "I mean Catherine and I did some talking and thinking...and well your fathers agreed too...so we've decided this year...were going to stay at the cabins!!" my mum announced.

"what!!!" Reuben, George, Riley and my self all exclaimed at once. "yep, we booked the two cabins we used to stay at when you guys were young, the ones at the holiday park! We talked about how fun it all was and how much we missed it and well...since this is our last year altogether, because Reuben and Alexandra are going off to a university quite a while away, we thought it would be fantastic to spend most of the holidays together...we checked all your diaries and we know your all free...so it's all been booked" my mum announced.

All at once the room erupted in protest from all four of us. None of us were happy about this. "we have party's arranged, friends to catch up with, rugby games to watch!" Riley and George announced. "that has to be the most childish thing to do ever...I'm not wasting my holidays there..." Reuben announced. "no way!! No! It's not happening. I have tones of social events planned and I need to say goodbye to my friends...besides I don't want to to around him that much I might catch a disease..." I moaned as I pointed at Reuben. "pftt...you mean like uglyitus? Sorry love you already got that one..." Reuben told me. "shut up u loser..." I snapped. "no you shut up..." Reuben snapped back. "no you shut up..." I told Reuben. Reuben quickly rubbed his hand against the top of my head, ruining my perfectly straightened hair. "REUBEN!!! why would you even do that...I hate you....I hate you more than anything in this entire world..." I shouted at him. "..if you even think im spending more than a minute with him.." "THAT'S ENOUGH!!" my dad shouted. We all went silent. My mum and Catherine looked slightly upset and I felt a pang of guilt in my stomach.

"your mothers have spent a great deal of time sorting this out! Besides you two go to partys all the time im sure missing a few wont hurt...and it's only for 4 weeks you'll gave plenty of time to say good bye with friends before you leave for uni..." my dad told us. "4 weeks with him!!" I exclaimed loudly. "4 weeks with her!!!" Reuben exclaimed loudly. I turned and gave him an evil stair and he gave one back to me. "ah come on guys...that on it's on it's own is pure craziness...them two stuck together for four weeks! They'll murder each other..." My brother Riley exclaimed. "...that or one of us will murder them...you can't seriously be wanting to inflict that sort of torture on your selves?" George pitched in. I turned and nodded my head in agreement.

My dad laughed. "as crazy as it may seem it might help you two over come this silly issue you have with each other...were going...I don't want to hear anymore about it! It's booked and were all going to go and have a fantastic holiday!!"

Great so I got to spend most of my holiday in a cabin. 

Not in France. Having a jolly old time. 

With Reuben.... Who I Hated and who I made a stupid deal with to be his servant so he'd keep my secret...could things get any worse....


So what do you think? let me know! <3<3<3

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