Furiously Loving The Thirteen...

By UndertakersWaifu

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Once a Royal, Sybil Emerence LeFey finds her life thrust into chaos as the Vampires take over Europe. Running... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Six

577 18 1
By UndertakersWaifu

"What makes night within us may leave stars."

-Victor Hugo

"So tell me, how long have you been around and why have I not laid eyes on you before?" Crowley asked as the trio sat at Ferid's dinner table.

"She is rather infamous." Ferid chuckled. "Her faction is called Nirvana by most and pointless by the really old soulless fools."

Sybil had to steady herself so that she didn't choke on the sip of blood she had taken. "It was near impossible to maintain the balance in the beginning, and having a certain someone hovering around and causing chaos while my faction was still so young had me wanting to seriously hurt him." she gave Ferid a pointed look.

"So you know Rígr then?" Crowley asked curious.

"Yes, I do. He actually saved me when I was human from a blood bank of sorts, I had just fled after the news of vampires in the area, when I came across a small town I was forced to spend the night in due to the severe weather. Probably the biggest mistake of my life seeing as a massacre had happened in the town and the first thing that happened was that I stood in some poor souls entrails. The inn keeper and her son where the only ones around, I suppose I should have been more suspicious, but it was my first time outside of the palace on my own."

"So you were really a royal then?" Crowley queried as he took in all the details of the small woman who sat across from him.

"Yes, my family moved from France to Germany in the 13th Century and from there they set up home. It was sometime in the 14th century that I was born into this messed up world and then that I became a vampire." She smiled coyly.

"That is fairly interesting." Crowley admitted. "How did you and Ferid meet without me knowing about you?"

"I stumbled across her palace on my travels and then I met her when I bumped into Rígr many years later. It was after that, I would often go spend time with her as she was encouraged to travel by him, to get world wise." he hummed. "I accompanied her on some of them as you were busy." Ferid pouted.

Crowley sat swirling the blood in his glass as he glanced at her once more. He was entranced with her beauty, he barely knew her, yet felt he had known her all the years of her existence, he longed to feel her skin under the palms of his hands.

"You literally just caused chaos everywhere you went." she pouted at Ferid.

"Oh but how fun it was watching you drain that fool dry. I never knew you had such a sadistic streak in you." he hummed watching as her eyes widened. "Don't let the adorable facade you see fool you Crowley, this one is as sadistic as it gets. She even rivals me." he pouted.

Sybil flushed a brilliant shade of red as she ducked her head down, trying to hide her face. "That was one time Ferid and can you blame me, I thought he was dead."

"Yes, he was very much dead the second he walked through your castle's front doors." He chuckled. "After the "supposed" fall of your kingdom, I'm sure no one anticipated its princess to come back and take the throne as its queen, he must have assumed your engagement was still on." Ferid smirked gleefully. "And how you crushed him like the bug that he was."

"I still don't understand how he was still around after all that time, he was certainly not a vampire." she murmured taking a sip once more of her blood.

"He was probably into black magic of sorts, maybe he was part demon, enough to stop the aging but nothing else." Crowley offered. "That is a possibility."

The vampire queen sighed softly. "All that matter is he died by my own hand, it was a revenge I needed to fulfill."

"There was a time in the 16th century where you had a fellow vampire very much enamored with you." Ferid teased watching as her face went redder. "The 17th and 18th centuries were no different, yet you remained chaste."

"That's not something I want to discuss Ferid." she mumbled, finishing her blood before she excused herself.

Crowley turned and faced Ferid who motioned him to follow him to the study for a night cap.

"You take a great delight in teasing her don't you." Crowley stated as he sipped on the port offered to him by his long time friend. "Though it does bother me that I have been around over eight hundred years and I have not properly seen her."

"Shes never really been a social one, maybe that is a trait that Rígr was fond of, she's quiet and very much on her place even though she is quite the influential individual." Ferid chuckled.

"So since you know her so well, does she have a partner?" Crowley asked forwardly.

"No she does not, she was not given the opportunity to choose her lover of her own accord and ever since I have known her, she has never even taken a lover either, I offered but I was politely turned down." He laughed remembering how serious she was when he had jokingly made the suggestion just to rile her up. "She is even quiet with her servants, she has them but, she barely uses them."

"And she doesnt harm them?" Crowley was curious as hell about her now.

"No apparently not, her servants practically worship her, I assume that is why Rígr left her on her own after the first century had passed, she's always been incredibly disciplined." Ferid smiled sipping on his own port.

"Shes been around nearly as long as I have and remained a stranger to many, I admire her for that." He hummed as he kicked his feet up, relaxing. "It seems she tries to cling to what little humanity she has left."

Ferid gave a hearty laugh, "Unfortunately she is terrifying when she decides to partially abandon it. She continues with her menial human routines because it reminds her that she was once a human too, although interestingly enough when she was changed, it made her own bloodline of pure blood vampires though there is only her at this stage." he chuckled.

"So she is not a Michaela?" Crowley stared out the large windows at the darkening night sky.

"No she is not, but if she had to breed with a Michaela, she would produce a whole new breed of vampires which would be pure blood royals and incredibly strong, but insanely loyal to her." he smirked. "The only problem is that she has never been with child as no one has ever bedded her, nor has she ever changed anyone." Ferid frowned lightly.

"She sounds quite stubborn, but I like that, I like a spirited woman who can surprise me." Crowley hummed.

He would not openly admit to Ferid that he was already extremely attracted to the beautiful young woman. He knew when to keep his guard up and for now he would merely control his impulses around her even though they shoved at him when ever he set his eyes on her. He longed to meet a female vampire who was his equal, and now that he had finally found one, he was not simply going to let her out of his grasp.

Ferid watched his old friend smirking knowingly as they continued chatting through the night.

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