By Rylcaphia

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●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••●••● Synopsis: •Y/N L/N is a teenager from 2019, But what if a 'wrap in time'... More

▪Author Note▪
•Chapter 1: An Unexpected Start•
•Chapter 2: The Trashmouth and The Stutter
•Chapter 3: Georgie? And........•
•Chapter 4: "Welcome to Jail, Y/N"•
•Chapter 5: "Riddles and Rhymes"•
•Chapter 6: "Summer Violent"•
•Chapter 7:"Passing Around With Some Familiar Faces"•
•"Chapter 8:Thank You Eddie!"•
•Chapter 9:"The Battle of the Ship Wars"•
•Chapter 11:"Shut Up Y/N!"•
•Chapter 12:"Welcome To The Losers Club"•
•Chapter 13:"Diner Frustrations" •
•Chapter 14:"Sisters of the Fiction"•
•Chapter 15:"From Screen to Reality"•
•Chapter 16:"Well Well Well?"•
•Chapter 17:"Hello?"•
•Chapter 18:"Stanley's Bar Mitzavah"•
•Chapter 19:"Youth"•
♧Christmas Special♧
•Chapter 20:"Fear..Fear..Fear..Bill..Fear..Fear..Fear.."•
•Chapter 21: " 'L-LIKE, KILL AND FIND' "•
•Chapter 22:"Fix Whatever's Broken"•
•Chapter 23:"Losers Stick Together"•
•Chapter 24:"Face Your Fears Pt. I: BOW to the losERS"•
•Chapter 25:"Face Your Fears Pt. 2: You /have/ No one to trust but me"•
•Chapter 26:"Face Your Fears Pt.3: be STrong ANd LEt Yourself go"•
•Chapter 27:"Face Your Fears Pt.4: the Beast Inside on aLL of us"•
•Chapter 28.1:"His Last Sight Is Her"•
•Chapter 28.2:"Her First Sight Of Him"•
•Chapter 29:"Welcome To The Losers Club... Asshole"•
•Chapter 30:"The Wise Decision Of Penny"•
•Chapter 31:"Goodbyes, Wishes and Kisses"•
•Chapter 32:"The Quarry with Stanley"•
•Token of Memoirs•
•Token of Memoirs No. 1•
•Token of Memoirs No. 2•
•Token Of Memoirs No. 3•
•Table of Contents•
•Richie's Draft•
•Eddie's Draft•
•Stanley's Draft•

•Chapter 10:"Na Na Na? (Uhh..)"•

1.3K 36 62
By Rylcaphia

I changed my clothes into the ones I brought and shove my dress into my bag and we went off.

We reach Ben's house which is suprisingly a bit closer to my house maybe a 2 blocks away.

Then when we were about to go set our bikes down I see Eddie stumbling while attempting to set down his bike.

"Hey Eds you ok?" I asked.

"Yeah I'll be fine. Thanks Y/N." He said.

I just smiled at him.

Oh gosh i'm blushing.

Don't blush Eddie. Don't blush

"Come on Eds. Let's go inside hmm?" She said. As she wrap her arms around my shoulders.

Honestly if it was Richie calling me Eds or doing this to me he will never hear the end of it.

But of course it's Y/N and I will be so gosh darn be blushing right now. I just looked down so that she can't see.

"Hey Eds." A voice spoke as someone wrapped there arms around me.

I look up to see Richie. Well I spoke to soon.

"I told you not to call me EDS!!" I said as I pushed his arms away from me.

As Y/N lift her arms around me. I frown because I enjoyed it but good thing because I can't handle it.

I just hear Y/N giggling in the distance and I just smiled to myself as I talk another nonsense conversation to Richie.

As me and Eddie are moving our way to the porch I see a lady stapling from what seemed a missing poster. I just frowned cause I remembered that it was Patrick Hocksetter which means the 'missing kids' are now getting more and more. Which means IT is getting stronger and stronger.

But I can't help but to think the way IT approached me last time. Why is it being so nice to me? Or more importantly what is that 'truth' what it is talking about. I just shrugged it off.

So as I hear Eddie and Richie talking, we are on our way to Ben's room.

Then at the corner of my eye I see Ben rushing towards his room.

I just laugh in my head imagining him taking those comics and what seemed to be his underwear and shoving it on his closet.

Then my a small chuckle came out my mouth.

Then Eddie and Richie turned to me and give me a weird look.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you laughing at yourself?" Asked Richie.

"Oh just, I tought of something funny." I said.

They just look at each other and leave me be.

Then we reach his room and see a bunch of old newspapers and documents on the walls.

This is like..

"Woah!" Richie claimed. Yup like that.

"Cool huh?" Ben said.


"No, nothing cool, nothing cool." Richie said interrupting my agreement on Ben.

Then I punched him in the shoulders again.

"Oww..Y/N if you love my shoulder that much you should consider dating it. Maybe even date me." Richie said. I scoffed.

"Beep Beep Richie Dichie. By the way Ben your research are really cool and interesting." I said.

"Thanks." Ben said happily.

When Y/N complimented Ben like that I kinda felt that tingling and voice in my head like:

'Your no good for her'

'Haha she doesn't deserve a stupid person like you!'

'She will never like you!'

I can't help myself but feel like I need to be good for her like I want to feel her special.

"Oww Jeez."


"Oww Jeez." Richie said as he grabbed his shoulder pretending to be hurt.

I hope I didn't punch him too hard.

"Oh come on I know you love me." I said jokingly to him.

And I swear I saw him blush?

I just shrugged it off.

"Oh this is cool right here." He said.

As I look at the picture that he just pointed. Wait is that m-?

"Oh no it's not." I just heard Richie said.

I just huffed. Then I look at him and see him smiled innocently. I just gave him a laugh and then he came along with me.


I see Y/N and Richie on the corner of my eye laughing at something Richie's classic trashmouthing.

I just mentally roll my eyes.

Ugh.. I wish I could distract them somehow.


"Wh-What's that?" I said as I pointed to some chart that I don't know and suddenly all of them turn there heads on the wall including Y/N and Richie.

That works.

"Oh that? That's the chart for Derry township." He said. Hmm? Intresting

"Nerd alert." Richie said as he fixed his glasses.

What? What do I have to think about him fixing his glasses that isn't important right now. Ughh... i feel like im in some sort of those books where I narrate everything.

I just rolled my eyes.

Then I see Y/N punched Richie's arm for the third time I think?

But I just smirked to myself.

Then I snapped at my thoughts.

"Still is am I right boys?" Richie said as he raised his arms.

And I just casually shake my head and he slowly pull his hand down.


"There were rumors of Indians but no sign of the attack. Everone thought it was like a plague or something." Ben said as I see a picture of some people and saw a familiar face in it.


Then suddenly I hear the door slowly closed from the behind I turn around and see Beverly looking at Ben with a 'New Kids on A Block' poster behind the wall. I mischieviously smirk at Bev and back to Ben who is pleading not to tell anyone.

I gave him a reassuring glance and Bev suddenly open the door not revealing the poster.

Me and Bev just smiled to each other.

I just set my bag down his bed as I kept looking to his stuff.

"W-Where is the well house?"a voice coming from Bill asked Ben.

"I don't know somewhere in town I guess. Why?" Ben replied.

"Nothing." He mumbled.

"Really Bill? Nothing?" I asked him. Cause sometimes what I learn that 'nothing' means something..


He just glance at me and back at the films.

"Hey who has a mint?"

"Hey who has a mint?" I asked cause actually my breath stinks.

"Me. In my bag on the front pocket." Y/N said as I approach her bag.

"Hey Eddie why so minty?" Richie asked.

"So I can escape on your misery." I just said to him as I hear Y/N giggled.

His sooooooooooo annoying.

Then I felt something boxy and rather thin.

"Uhh wait EDDIE I THINK I-"

"So I can escape on your misery." Eddie said as I kept looking at some of the documents on the walls with Stan.

I just giggled.

Then I remember what i had in that pocket.

Oh NO.

"Uhh wait EDDIE I THINK I-" I said as it was to late.

I just froze there as Eddie suddenly took out my phone.



"What is this?" Eddie said.

"What is that?" Richie added.

Welp this is just...... an Amazing Day... is it?

Then suddenly I see everyone's heads turn around to me suddenly.

"Hi?" I said awkwardly as I wave my hands at them.

"Seriously what is this device i'm holding."


"How does this work?" Eddie said.


"I think you just-" Richie grabbed it as he pushed the power button.


"Hah! I'm a genius." He said.


"Then what?" Stanley added.


"Wait first of all Y/N what is that?" Bev asked.


"Y/N?" Bev questioned me.


"Did we broke her?" Richie said as he waved his hands around my face.


"Y/N? Earth to Y/N?" Bev snapped me.

"Huh?" I asked.

"What is this futuristic looking device?" Eddie asked.

I just took a deep breath. And....

"Itisasmartphonefromthefutureandyouuseittocallandtextandlikeplayappsandgotosocialmediasandstuff." I said rapidly.

"W-What?" Bill asked from behind me.

"Ugh it's nothing it's just a device that I-"

"What does this do?" Richie asked and then clicked on the-

Loud music came unto my phone and heard 'Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance' played.


Then he Richie accidentally dropped my phone.

Good thing I got good reflexes and catch it.

"What is that ear bleeding sound stop it!!" Eddie said.

I scoffed I don't care if this song didn't exists in this era but I am offended.


Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(From mall security)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(To every enemy)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(We're on your property)
Standing in V formation

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Let's blow an artery)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Get plastic surgery)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Keep your apology)
Give us more detonation

More, gimme more, gimme more

Then it's almost finally at the ending.

And right here, right now
All the way in Battery City
The little children raise their open, filthy palms
Like tiny daggers up to heaven

And all the Juvie halls and the Ritalin rats
Ask angels made from neon
And fucking garbage scream out what will save us
And the sky opened up

Everybody wants to change the world
Everybody wants to change the world
But no one, no one
Wants to die

Wanna try, wanna try, wanna try
Wanna try, wanna try, now, I'll be your detonator

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Make no apology)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(It's death or victory)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(On my authority)
Crash and burn, young and loaded

Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Drop like a bullet shell)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(Just like a sleeper cell)
Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na
(I'd rather go to hell)
Than be in a purgatory

Cut my hair, gag and bore me
Pull this pin,

"Let this world explode." I said as I hum to the lyrics.

That was accelerating.

"I don't care what this song is but I kinda like it." Bev chimed.

"Yeah I kinda like it too." Richie added.

Then everyone started jamming out some of my songs until they crashed.

"Woah that song was..."

"The best!" Ben added to Beverly's sentence.

I just smirked to him and he blushed.

"I didn't know you where into this types of songs Y/N" Richie said.

"Yeah? You have a problem with that?" I said to him back.

"That device or whatever it is. Is so cool." Stan said.


"But yo-you stil ha-haven't say w-what it i-is.' Bill said.

"Uhm it's.."

"Hey guys seriously I need a mint." I turn around to Eddie.

We just laugh and gave him the mint and put the phone in the bag.

Phew thanks again Eddie.

"That was a lot of fun. We should definitely do that sometimes." I said.

They all agreed.

Then we decided to go home since it was a bit to close to the curfew.

Then as I was about to go out someone tapped on my shoulders.

"Hey Y/N. Umm... can you like um give me some of your songs? I think I kinda get a bit to obsessed with them especially that first one. You can put this in the Cd? If you knew how?" Ben said.

I just laughed. Well I can put it in a Cd so..

"Sure I will." I said as I take the empty Cd in my hand.

"Maybe some NKOTB?" I asked him teasingly.

"Oh please Y/N?" He said with a pleasing voice. I just laugh and said bye to him.

So I was on my way home and saw Jackson St. I just frowned. Sigh. Georgie.

Then I unlocked my house door and closed it and open the lights and just crashed.


What a Day.

What a Day.

Then I go upstairs and change into some comfy clothes and also change my pad.

I should really buy one box tommorow.

Then I sat down at my desk listening to my playlist as I put the songs in the Cd on my laptop.

I gave him some NKOTB songs and Queen and Beatles songs I hope he likes and some that never exists in this era ones like TøP, Mcr, Mac Demarco, Weezer, Clairo and so on.

I tried to fit as much as I could but there is only one space to fit a song.

So I just added the song 'Na Na Na by MCR'.

And done.

That's a lot.

I pull it out of my laptop and set the Cd on my desk. Then I just get a sharpie and put a smiley face in it.

Then I wrapped it in a colorful paper and I suddenly felt a bit sleepy.

So i went to my bed and slowly just stared at the ceiling thinking how much fun did I had this day.

Then I my eyes just slowly started to gwt heavier and heavier until I.....

I saw nothing.

Pitch black nothing.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Y/N." Then I turn to see IT waiting for me in the distance.



~2335 words



Hey! I did what I said last chapter I updated. Again.

Woosh two chaps one day? That's new.

Ohh sorry this is a bit short. But I kinda wanna go for the cliffhanger part thingy so yeah.

Oh yeah I choose MCR because I dont know to myself sometimes I have a weird mind.

But yeah the song is up there not by me of course.

Ok I'll see you whenever.



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