The Two Assassins

By 0Legendary0

18.6K 1K 279

When the Dark Knight falls, it's up to a former Talon, and young assassin, to save Gotham, and what hope is l... More

Beginnings | 1
Bonding | 2
Robin | 3
Being A Hero | 4
Hunting | 5
Fallen | 6
Glass | 7
Cracks | 8
Ticking | 9
Shattered | 10
The Story | 11
Healing | 12
The New Night | 13
Set Back | 14
Laughter | 15
Dawn Of The Bat | 16
Defense | 17
New Beginnings | 18
Son | 20
Damian's Epilogue
Tim's Epilogue
Jason's Epilogue
Dick Epilogue
Ending Or Beginning?

Cold Blood | 19

546 31 18
By 0Legendary0

Mount Justice - 8:21 PM

"Aqualad, fail."  The computer voice stated.

A black glove reached out to the fallen Atlantian, who gladly accepted it.  "Better then I remember, my friend."  Kalder commented fondly.

"Same to you, Kalder."  The second Batman responded with a faint smile, pulling his old comrade up easily.

The dark knight then turned to the other resting hero's.  They all never managed to beat the Gothamite.  Even in a group.  "You all did excellent. Canary has taught you well."  He stated.

"However, I feel it best that you were to get a few new teachers.  Expand your knowledge.  I'll discuss this with, perhaps, superman and green lantern."  He said.  The teens interest spiked.

"That. Would. Be. Awesome!"  Kid flash yelled, raising his arms. 

Batman smirked, and pulled off the cowl. Dick Grayson then used his cackle, letting it surprise the older members.

Megan started to laugh, and Superboy couldn't suppress his smile.  Garfield cheered, along with Jamie, and Bart.  Cassie, Sparrow, and Kalder smiled happily.  Kalder put a hand on his friends shoulder.  "I never thought I would hear that again."  He chuckled.

Dick shrugged, and pulled the cowl back on.  The smile faded, taking on the role of the Bat again.  "Good luck, Young Justice."  He said calmly.

Sparrow hopped up, and followed after his new mentor.  The zeta beams lit up, and announced their departure.

Batman B-0-1

Sparrow B-0-12

Bat Cave - 8:23 PM

The zeta computer went silent, and Batman and Sparrow were greeted by their two partners.

"How'd it go?"  Jason asked.

"It went great, actually!"  Tim answered quickly, taking off the mask.  "Lagan was a jerk, but man!  Did Dick shut him up, quick!"  He laughed.  Jason smirked.  "Sweet."  He replied.

Damian interrupted.  "Will we be starting patrol?"  He asked, looking toward Dick.  The older man contemplated, before nodding.  "Why not?"  He said, before pulling on the cowl. 

"Jason, with me.  We will patrol west Gotham.  Tim, Damian, you two will patrol south.  Clear?" 

"Must I be stuck with Drake?"  Damian asked, annoyed.  "Hey! I don't like it either!" Tim growled.  Dick intervened. "Yes. You two need to learn how to get along.  If you don't, you might get killed.  Think on that as you work. Together." He ordered.

Both submitted, and Damian and Jason went to change.

"Are you sure that's the wisest idea, Master Dick?"  The voice of Alfred asked, as he walked from the elevator, toward the two heros.  "Jason and I had to get along.  Bruce put us together on patrol.  In the end, we returned close knit."  He replied.

Alfred hummed.  "Yes, that's true.  Very well, Master Dick.  I wish you luck."  "Thanks, Alfie."  Batman smiled faintly.  "I think I'm still gonna die or get beheaded..." Sparrow muttered. 

Robin and Red Hood returned, ready for a nights work.  "Let's Get going, bro." 

"Calling the Batman 'bro.' Things have become so weird..." Sparrow commented. That earned a raised eye brow from Robin.

"You are a vigilante super hero, in a team of more super hero's, and live within a city of evil clowns, and raging beasts.  Yet, this is strange?"  He asked.


"Pretty much."   Sparrow answered. 

West Gotham - 8:30 PM

Batman and Red Hood stood on a roof top.  Batman kept his gaze hooked on a run down garage building.  They had a tip that Covies gang took residence there.  Covies gang was drug dealers, and we're now trying to deal in sex trafficking. 

"Hood, are you in position?" He evenly asked.  His voice was low, but defiantly not the same as the original.  There was a pause, before a reply.  "Yeah, waiting for your signal, bro."  "Go." 

Only a moment later, gun shots and shouting was heard.  "Get bamboozled!" Was shouted loudly, obviously by Jason.  Batman with held a laugh, and leaped off the roof top he was on.

He used his cape to glide down and land on the apartment roof top, and fell through the sky light.

"It's the Bat!"

"No, it's just the knock off!"

"We can take em!"

Red Hood chuckled as he shot a tan, bald man's leg.  "You idiots think you can take us? Man, what will y'all think of next?" Hood grabbed a charging man's neck and kneed him, then bashed his head with his gun.

Batman threw out a couple of bat-a-rangs.  The sound of shattering glass met with darkness, as the rangs broke the lights, successfully tripping them.  The glass fell like rain in the dark.  The dealers shouted as glass met their eyes, and cut along their skin.

Grunting and screaming was heard, along with scruffeling, punching, and cracking.

The back up lights flipped on, and Batman and Red Hood stood together in the mess of groaning bodies littered on the floor.  Red Hood crossed his arms.  "We still got it." He laughed lowly.

"Never had to find it."  Batman responded shortly.

Their comlinks came on.  "Guys!  S and R ran into trouble! Talia is holding a hospital hostage, and demanding to see the Batman."  Oracle reported.  "I still have contact with S and R.  They're waiting your arrival."  She added.

The glowing lenses narrowed.  "Copy that, Oracle."  He glanced at Red Hood.  "Hood and I are on it."  He informed.  "ETA, one minute."

He nodded to Jason, before rushing off, back outside, with the younger on his trail.  Batman opened the bat mobile, and hopped in the driver's seat.  Red Hood hopped in a moment after. 

"GCPD don't have any available units to take these guys in."  He said as he buckled, and plugged the phone into the speakers of the car. Batman started it up, and sped off.

"Call them off, Gordon. We will handle this."  Batman stated as he drove.

"I don't think I can make that call.  This is huge, and a heavy threat.  I can hold the troops off, but I can just leave this one, Batman."  Commissioner Gordon responded through the speakers.

"Then hold them off.  This is something highly out of your control, or mine.  This is a negotiation, I will not let any harm come to the hospital."  A sharp turn to the right, and you could already see the lights.

Helicopters swarmed the area, and red and blue lights flashed everywhere.  Poeple were running back and forth, shouting orders and commands. 

The Batmobile pulled up and stopped beside Gordon, who stood their calmly waiting, along with Sparrow and Robin.  Batman and Red Hood hopped out, and Hood gazed at the building, while Batman went to the back of the bat mobile and opened a compartment.  The black clad vigilante pulled out a pair of gauntlets, the Talons. 

"I really hope you gotta plan for this one, bats..."  Gordon said hopefully, but doubting.  "I am going to knock."  Batman responded, replacing his Kevlar gloves with the gauntlets.

"You've gone nuts..."  Hood muttered under the helmet.  Batman ignored him, and walked up the stairs.  "Hold your fire!" Gordon commanded his officers, who reluctantly obeyed.

Hood sighed, and followed his brother under the mask.  The other two took steps to follow as well.  "Remain here."


"You heard me.  It's Batman she wants to see, nothing more.  Let's end this best we can, without any casualties or injuries."  Batman reasoned.

Sparrow nodded, and sighed again.  "Your call..."  He weakly said, rejoining Gordon.  Hood studied his masked older brother, before speaking.  "The talons?"  He simply asked.  The bat nodded.  "I do not plan to begin a battle unless I have to.  However, these are a comfort in a area flooded with Shadows."  Hood nodded, muttering a quiet "Good luck..." before joining Sparrow and Gordon.

Robin, however, made no move to return.  "Batman, this obviously will involve both of us.  I must go with you."  He stated.  Batman raised a eye brow.  "... please."  Robin added, but it was more of a slight quiestion.

Batman nodded, then turned back to the doors of the large hospital, and banged on them.  They opened, showing two masked assassins on each side, and Talia Al Ghul in the middle, waiting.  Batman stepped in, followed by his young partner, and the doors shut behind him.

"I warned you, Talon.  Damian must come back with me, and you must not interfere."  Talia spoke plainly.

"Your goal here?"  Batman asked.

"Simple.  Damian comes with me, and these weak people go free, unharmed."  She answered.

"This is low, even for you, Talia.  I doubt Ras Al Ghul approved this..."

"This is not my father's concern."  Talia growled.

"I doubt he would see it that way."

"Enough!" She snapped.

The two assassins that opened the doors, grabbed Robin from behind.  He growled, and struggled, but to no avail.  Batman was about to intervene, but everything shifted it seemed.

Suddenly, Damian was gone, as was Talia.  Black hooded assassins filled the room, blades gleaming, ready to draw blood. 

He narrowed his glowing mask lenses, and raised his armored fist.

"Let's go."  He growled.

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