Genesis B.B

By Gerlithequeen

191K 3.8K 452

" Well, not everyone get's what they deserve. We were sent down here on our own, trying to find a way to surv... More

1.1 Melissa Kane
1.2 "We're Back, Bitches!"
1.3 "Whatever The Hell We Want!"
1.4 "Long Live The Queen!"
1.5 "Later. Maybe."
1.6 Acid Fog
1.7 Trust
1.8 "I Killed Someone"
1.9 "Hang Him!"
1.10 Banishing Murphy
1.11 The Radio
1.12 "Is That Melissa?"
1.13 Different Things
1.14 "You Know Why"
1.15 "I Need You"
1.16 Truth
1.17 Unity Day
1.18 Anya
1.19 Murphy And The Virus
1.20 No Cure
1.21 It's You
1.22 Giving Her What She Wants
1.23 Grounders With Guns
1.24 Fighting
1.25 The Mountain
1.26 Finding Them
1.27 "I Love You"
1.28 "Prisoners"?
1.29 "Everybody thinks you're dead"
1.30 "This Is Unfair"
1.31 "I found you"
1.32 "What Are We?"
1.33 "Lincoln!"
1.34 From Reaper To Grounder
1.35 The Offer
1.36 "I'm Right And You Know That"
1.37 "You Have To Help Him"
1.38 "Thank You, Princess"
1.39"Because I Love You"
1.40 "For Our People"
1.41 "It's Already Started"
1.42 "You Better Start Running"
1.43 "Did You Know?"
1.43 Broken Alliances
"I Love you So Much"
Three Months Later
1.47 Farm Station
1.49 The 13th Clan
1.50 "Pike! Pike! Pike!"
1.51 "I Don't Recognize You Anymore"
1.52 "Disappointments"
1.53 "Melissa Doesn't Leave This Camp"
1.54 "Please, I'm Begging you"
1.55 Escaping Home
1.56 "He's The Enemy"
1.57 "Traitor"
1.58 Arcadia Has Fallen
1.59 Provocation
1.60 Saving Raven
"Now What?"
"We're Trapped Here"
"We Didn't Save The World"
"Don't You Want Us To Survive?"
"The List"
"We're Screwed "
Empty Barrels
Becca's Lab
Octavia For The Win
First Months In The Bunker
Years Later
"Oh Hell No"
"Are You Serious?"
"He's not the one with the broken heart"
Leaving The Planet
125 Years Later
"I Will Not Be The Other Woman"
"I Love You"

1.48 "I'm Not Mad"

1.1K 23 1
By Gerlithequeen


We were walking for an hour already and i was already annoyed and bored as hell.

Dad "There"

He nodded at a little cabin.

I raised an eyebrow "you hear that? "

It was fighting noise.

Bellamy kicked the door in and shot the first Grounder he saw. There was a woman on the ground. She was bleeding.

We walked inside. The woman stood up.

Bellamy "Are you ok? You all right?"

Indra looked at the dead Grounder "Bounty hunter"

Indra said something to the woman.

I think it meant "We're here to help."

Pike hissed "English"

I rolled my eyes.

Dad "Pike, go outside. Take Monty and Hannah. Search the perimeter. Make sure he was alone"

Pike, Monty and Hannah walked out.

Indra asked for Wanheda.

Woman nodded at the dead grounder "so was he"

Bellamy "please. She's in danger"

Woman "You're Skaikru?"

Bellamy nodded "yeah"

Woman "she was here last night. "

Dad "did she say where she was going?"

Woman shook her head "no. She was here when i fell asleep and gone when i woke up"

Dad "She give you any indication of where she might go?"

Woman shook her head "no..."

We all looked down.

Woman "..but he did"

She looked at the dead grounder.

Woman "he said that his partner came back for her. He was Ice Nation. I hope you find her"

Bellamy nodded "than kyou"

Monty walked inside "good news. I found fresh tracks"

Me "And the bad news?"

Monty "Too many trees for the rover. We have to go on foot"

I sighed annoyed.

We all walked out.


We were walking through high grass.

Suddenly Indra raised her hand "Listen"

We all stopped.

Dad "War drums"

Indra "Azgeda"

Monty asked surprised "you can tell it's Ice Nation from the sound?"

Indra shook her head"no. from them"

She pointed at dead bodies.

Pike "we need to get those bodies off the field unless you're good with them thinking we did this. "

Dad nodded "Go"

Hannah, Monty and Pike moved to the bodies while we aimed our guns at the area around us.

Bellamy "wait. two people at 12 o'clock"

I looked at him.

Bellamy "It's Clarke"

He tried to run to her but Pike stopped him "Hey. hey. hey. hey!"

Bellamy yelled "get out my way!"

Pike "you'll never make it in time"

I took a deep breath "he's right, Bell. Look"

There were Ice Nation Grounders walking through the grass on horses and with flags.

Me "We'll get seen if we try anything"

Pike "we'll lay low, let the army pass. Then we find Clarke"

Monty "guys, there's a cave"

He nodded at it.

Pike "we just got lucky. Come on"

Monty and Bellamy grabbed the bodies.

Indra "i can't go with you"

Dad asked confused "Why?"

Indra "Ice Nation has crossed the border. They are marching against my commander. I have to warn her"

Dad nodded"we'll get Clarke"

Indra "you better. The Ice Queen get's her first, she'll be dead, and we'll be at war"

Indra took off.

We walked into the stone cave. I sat down on the ground and leaned against the wall.

Bellamy to dad "We are losing her"

Dad "Relax, save your energy. "

Pike "Kane's right, son. The army will move soon. You'll need your strength for what comes next."

Bellamy sat down on a stone.

I stood up and walked to Bellamy.

He was looking at the ground.

Me "Hey"

He looked up to me. I gave him a soft smile.

I stood in between his legs. He put his arms around my thighs and looked up to me. I put my hands on his cheeks.

Bellamy hugged me and put his head against my stomach.

I kissed his hair.

Suddenly we heard Hanna say "We landed in the snow"

Bellamy and i looked at her but stayed in the position. Everybody was listening.

Hannah "your father said it absorbed some of the impact. That's why we survived."

Her voice cracked "The snow looked so beautiful, it...Charles?"

She couldn't continue. I could understand that.

Pike "The children were playing in it."

He sat down on a stone "They were the first to die...15 of them. "

I gulped down my tears.

Pike "If not for your father, would've been more. He pulled 4 kids back into the ship, all for alive today. They got him when he went back for the fifth. Your father died a hero, Monty "

Monty sniffled.

Pike "We've been fighting Grounders ever since. "

Dad "That was the Ice Nation. Not all Grounders are the same"

Pike looked at Dad with tears in his eyes "they are to me"


I was resting against the wall. I opened my eyes and saw that Bellamy musst have put his Jacket over me while i was asleep. I smiled and looked around for him. But i couldn't find him.

I stood up and put his jacket on "Hey, where's Bellamy?"

They all looked at me. Monty looked at the grounder body and saw that his "costume"was gone.

Monty "Oh crap"

Then it hit me.

I growled "That son of a bitch"


We were walking around the woods. Suddenly we could hear a groan.

Monty "Bellamy. He's hurt"

We ran to him.

Pike "we told you to wait for the army to move"

Monty "what happened?"

Bell's leg had a deep cut.

A wonder he could even stand.

Bellamy "i-i-i almost got her. I-"

Dad "Pike, find their trail"

Pike shook his head "It's useless. He knows he's being followed now"

Bellamy tried to walk but my dad grabbed him and pushed him back against the tree.

Dad "Hey, you can't even walk"

Bellamy snapped "so, what, we...we give up, let him kill her?"

He started to walk again but he was hissing in pain.

Monty ran to him and stopped him "Bellamy, i want to find her, too, but look at your leg. You could die out here. We have no trail"

Bellamy shook his head "we can't lose Clarke. We.."

He looked back to me and then back to Monty "We can't lose her"

Monty "We'll find her, ok?. We will figure something out, i promise...but this isn't the way"

Bellamy nodded "ok"

Monty threw his arms around Bellamy to support him "i got you"

Dad "Let's head back"

We walked back.

Night. Arkadia.

Bellamy was sitting on the table of the medical.

Abby bandaged his leg.

I was only sitting on the other table across from him and starring at his wound.

Abby left us.

Bell and i were the only one's on here.

He sighed "You gonna let it out or not?"

I stood up walked in front of him "You are a stupid son of a bitch"

Bellamy raised his eyebrows "Did you just call your boyfriend a "son of a bitch"?"

I nodded "You could've died"

Bellamy "i was so close-"

Me "and you failed. We couldn't go after her because you fucked up"

Bellamy raised an eyebrow "So you are mad at me because i went looking for her?"

For fuck's sake!

I took a deep breath "i'-i'm - i don't even know what to say"

Bellamy sighed, shaking his head "I wasn't thinking"

He tried to grab my hand but i pulled away.

Then he sighed " Mel-"

I nodded "You're right. You weren't thinking. You weren't thinking about how Octavia would've felt if her brother died. You weren't thinking about us, about me, how i would've felt if you had died out there."

Bellamy "i get you're mad b-"

I bit my lip and shook my head "i'm not mad, Bellamy. I'm disappointed"

Then i walked out.

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