Deceived Heart |✔️

By pennais

4.1K 773 40

Amelia is turning eighteen and that marks ten years of her having to wait for a new heart . Not everyone know... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Important , please read :
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chaper 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter

Chapter 81

15 4 0
By pennais

Deceived Heart

Amelia's POV:

I wake up with the sun shining in the bedroom so I open my eyes to see that it's past 10 in the morning. Since we had gotten used to the time in Cork, we still had to adjust to the time here at home. I sit up and slid a shirt over my body and I make my way downstairs where I give the puppies their food before making myself and Zion some breakfast.

As soon as I'm done making the breakfast which consisted of eggs, bacon, pancakes and juice. I put it all onto a tray with some strawberry jam and utensils. I lay the tray on the bedside table and I quickly go brush my teeth. When I come out I see Zion is awake and eating the food.

"You couldn't wait, could you?" I ask with a small smile on my face.

"Well after our morning exercise could you blame me for being hungry?" He smirks and instead of blushing I fireback.

"I honestly thought that our exercise had fulfilled your hunger Mr Jones. I know that I'm full." I say licking my lips.

"I love this confidence." He says giving me a kiss.

"Thank you for the breakfast." He says before eating more.

We watch the television quietly while he finishes up and I keep my head on his shoulder.

"You do realize that you have to take pills right?" He asks me and I nod my head.

"Well then eat something." He tells me.

"I'm really not hungry." I complain.

"One pancake just to take your pills. Please." He begs and I nod my head.

He puts the tray in between us and he hands me his utensils so that I can eat. I quickly finish up the pancake and he forces me to eat another. Before I know it, I've had three pancakes and some bacon because of the peer pressure this idiot has on me.

I quickly take a shower and he takes one after me. We both get dressed and I close my suitcase up so that I can take it home with me.

"You know you could just leave your clothes here." He says and I look at him sadly.

"I know." I say.

I wasn't in the mood for an argument so I just agreed with him. Mom had called earlier to let us know that we're having dinner at home. She suggested that i invite Zion and his family. Instead of us having the dinner at home, Zions mom suggested that we have it at their house because of the space at my house.

"What time do we have to be there?" He asks me.

"Well your mom said we have to be there at 16:00 to help prepare the food but we're already late." I shrug putting on a black beanie.

We walk out of the house making sure that there's food and water in Jasper and Zoe's bowls. As soon as we arrive at the Jones residence we're both instantly greeted with hugs and kisses from everyone we haven't seen besides Tyler and Cas.

"What can we help with?" I ask Zions mom.

"You my little angel can sit down. Zion come help us with the dessert." She pulls him into the kitchen and I chuckle.

I walk to the lounge where I see Sarah holding a sleeping Saffron in her hands and she puts her index finger over her lip. I sit down quietly and Sarah leaves to put Saffron down while I sit there watching television. She comes back down and immediately pulls me into a hug and I can feel her hesitation because of how skinny I've gotten.

She pulls back and I lay my head on her chest falling asleep at the comfort of my sister.

I wake up to someone shaking me awake and I see my mom smiling down at me.

"Come, dinners ready." She says and I yawn waking myself up even though I had a dreamless sleep.

"I'm coming just now, let me just freshen up." I say to my mom and she nods her head leaving the bedroom.

I quickly go the bathroom where I fix my beanie and I quickly pour some water on my face. I dry myself up and I walk out to the dinning table where everyone is waiting for me.

"Sorry that I took long." I smile at them.

"It's not a problem dear." Zions dad says as Zion stands up to pull the chair out for me.

I sit comfortably and we say grace before we eat. Since all of the dishes were too heavy for me to carry, Zion suggested that he dishes up for me and I didn't oblige to that. He quickly puts the food onto my plate and he does the same to mine. As we eat dinner we continue the chatter around us and we enjoy our time together. Our last time together.

I had figured out that this whole dinner thing was because it was most probably going to be our last dinner. It was a way of us saying goodbye to one another and I had welcomed it. I look around to see my family eating and I smile at each and one of them talking while they try to keep their table manners. I smile at my 'in laws' and I feel something flutter in my stomach. It was pure happiness.

I smile to myself and I continue eating the small portion of food because I wanted to leave some space to have dessert even though I wasn't allowed to. A little junk won't hurt right? They take the dishes away and they bring out new dishes for the dessert along with ice cream.

"I made the cheesecake so you're going to have to be a good girlfriend and taste it." He smiles and I nod my head.

He cuts a piece for me and he puts it on my plate waiting for me to take a bite. I take one bite and I close my eyes savoring the taste.

"This is amazing!" I squeal having another bite.

"I have to agree with you there. Zion makes the best cheesecake." his mom says taking a slice of her own.

"Personally I'm a fan of refrigerated cheesecake, but this baked cheesecake is making it hard for me to having it refrigerated." I joke and she chuckles nodding her head.

I see Zion looking down at his bowl of ice cream and I nudge him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him in a whisper.

"I don't like it when you make jokes about life because you could literally drop dead anytime. You're supposed to be in hospital Amelia." He whispers sadly to me.

"I'm sorry. I'll stop." I say sincerely and he continues eating his ice cream but I can see that he's upset.

"So Zion, who taught you how to make this amazing cheesecake?" Justin asks and I smile at him thankfully.

"My granny, we used to help her a lot around the kitchen when we were younger." He smiles.

That statement had led to stories of the Jones kids from when they were younger and we enjoyed our time together. As soon as the dishes were done and the kitchen floors were done, we all went to the bedrooms we had slept in the last time. I bid everyone goodnight as I am followed by my mom and Zion.

"Let me run you a bath." She says and I nod my head eagerly.

She lets the water run but she quickly walks out of the bedroom and comes back with a bag filled with oils.

"This will help you sleep well tonight. I can tell that you're exhausted." She smiles pouring a little bit of the oils inside.

As soon as it's safe to get into the water, I get in and sigh in pleasure. I sit for another twenty minutes before I quickly wash my face and my body and I dry myself up and I walk into the bedroom with a towel. My mom walks in and tells me to lay on the bed while she rubs my body with the oils.

"I like this tattoo." She says tracing my rose tattoo that's on my chest.

"It's beautiful." She says finishing up.

As soon as she's done, she bids me goodnight while she gives me a kiss on the forehead and I smile at her walking out. Zion comes back into the room a few minutes after I've bathed and he quickly changes into pajamas from his closet. Later he joins me in the bed and I go closer to him hugging his waist.

"I love you so much Zion." I tell him.

"I love you more Amelia." He says and I can tell that he's thinking quite a lot since he said my name.

"Let's sleep." He says and I nod my head.

I quickly fall asleep to the sound of his beating heart.

• • •

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