Furiously Loving The Thirteen...

By UndertakersWaifu

9.7K 289 29

Once a Royal, Sybil Emerence LeFey finds her life thrust into chaos as the Vampires take over Europe. Running... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen


968 19 1
By UndertakersWaifu

"There are darknesses in life and there are lights, and you are one of the lights, the light of all lights."

Bram Stoker, Dracula.


Sybil Emerence Lefey was what some would refer to as an elegant young lady. A facade put up to protect her deepest, innermost secrets from the prying eyes of society.

To those around her she was always kind, always smiling and never complaining. A young lady with a pure golden heart.

Yet in the confines of her room, she would cry herself to sleep once she knew everyone in the palace where in the safety of thier beds.

She hated that she was born into royalty, having custom upon custom shoved onto her on a daily basis, upholding strict traditions followed through the centuries by her bloodline.

Though deep in her heart she felt that her very bloodline was a curse, to have to meet the strict expectations of her mother, to face those cold, calculating eyes and the constant barrage of insults slewed from painted ruby lips.

Ofcourse there was a problem with the fact that the first born child to the King and his Queen had been a daughter.

It was no secret that every King wanted thier first born to be a son. Yet here she was, the oldest of five children, the only girl out of four boys. She knew that rightfully the throne was hers, and it hurt the beautiful young woman immensely that her own mother would go as far as to constantly attempt to land her in situations that would result in her losing the throne.

If she had one wish, it was that the vampire wars would reach thier borders and over throw her very family. In her heart she felt that her family had, had more than enough time in control. The power had ruined them, made her mother ruthless, made her brothers arrogant and her father over confident.

All Sybil wished for was a normal life.

One where she could explore the world beyond the palace walls. Meet new individuals and learn about thier customs and traditions. She wished to learn about a world she would never get the opportunity to see, because sadly her own world expanded no further than the palace walls and the thousands of books she lost herself in, in the library.

Knowing that she was of age, knowing the traditions which followed for a young Queen to be, she shuddered at the thought of an arranged marriage. She knew her mother would make every effort necessary to make her life a living hell.

She had met suitors, yet it was all a ploy, a deep cover up to prevent her from knowing that she was actually promised to a rather cruel individual.

Given hope, just to crush her in the end.

Yet all her problems started with the utterance of a few simple words.

"No, I will not be forced into a marriage with such a monster."

In her room, Sybil eyed her belongings, items that would surely give away her social status, stripping down she stood before her mirror, her long silky locks tumbling down her back, in a simple silk slip.

Her plan, to run, run as far as she could, yet she never knew that her very plan would become a reality, only it was not in the way she had anticipated or planned, thrust into an life or death situation, when ill wishes get covered by good intentions and those closest to her, are the ones thrusting the knife into her back.


Authors Note:

Hello my lovelies,

I thought I would try my hand at another Crowley Eusford Fanfiction, seen as I just adore his character, also as I have not uploaded much in a very long time.

A quick Disclaimer:

I do not own Owari No Seraph or any of the characters from the anime/manga, used in this story.


I do not own any of the quotes used at the start of each chapter.


This story will feature some angst, fluff and later on mature content. It will touch lightly on some sensitive topics with some gore, emotional abuse, physical abuse as well as sexual themes. So this is a fair warning for sensitive readers who would find triggers in the above mentioned themes.

Please feel free to leave likes and comments, I do enjoy getting feedback on my stories.


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