BAD GUY. seungjin


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[ON HOLD] "baby, all good boys go to hell. remember that." lovestruck simply by words, han jisung warned his... More



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"you love me?" is all he whispers, a finger tracing his jawline as the other male's lips quiver with fear and uncertainty. hyunjin only smiles sweetly, the same old usual that'll trick all to fall for his act. "I'm so glad.." his voice is soft once again, daehwi now feels his heart racing, the sounds of the outside world now mute and he could only take in the honey covered words that left hyunjin's mouth.

"y—yeah.." the younger replies, his hand grips onto his shirt, trying to calm himself down from the beauty that stands in front of him. "you l—love me too right?" the specific word he stutters catches hyunjin off guard, so he raises a brow, tilting his head slightly as he opens his mouth to question.

"why'd you stutter sweetheart?" hyunjin questions, leaning in as a pout paints across his face. daehwi's eyes look everywhere else but hyunjin, until he feels a finger press against his cheek. making them lock eyes once again. "answer me."

"y—you make me nervous.."

"nervous, huh?" hyunjin rhetorically questions, daehwi only nods as no words escape. "that's so adorable, I make you nervous?"

"y—yeah you do..."

hyunjin grasps onto one of the boy's shoulders, stopping his never ending shaking. "don't be, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"that's very reassuring." as daehwi gives a small chuckle from his words, "you make me feel special.."

hyunjin's devil horns do not show, but they clearly are there. the younger simply couldn't see them due to him being blinded by hyunjin's angelic persona, "oh baby, you are." he leans in slowly, pressing a soft kiss on the boy's forehead. "you're different from the rest."

"how so?"

hyunjin tangles their hands together, he begins to walk with daehwi through the dark sky that hovered over the cold night of february twenty second. "you really wanna know?"

daehwi swings their hands as they walk and he vigorously nods from his question, not being patient enough to wait. "alright, I'll tell you."

"first, you're personality is lovely."

the younger smiles, listening carefully to his words. "and?"

"you're actually younger than me, which is different. I've had boys date me who are older within years or months."

"really? that's one of the cool differences?" as daehwi snorts, hyunjin smirks. they walks through the empty streets and quiet neighborhoods that have no care for suspicious noises. "is the third one the best one?"

hyunjin looks at the boy and stops, he shows his teeth as he smiles. which is rare, he always only formed a smile with his lips so it was sweet to see something new. "I'll whisper it cause it's too special, come close." both boys proceed to lean in to each other, daehwi turns his right ear towards hyunjin waiting for his final answer.

"maybe you'll be the first to stay alive and please me unlike the rest." he proceeds to grab on to the back of daehwi's shirt, the boy's eyes widen as he finishes his last words. "so be a good boy, and don't scream."

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