Unseen Hero [Hetalia X Reader]

By NekoInuKit

213K 9K 6K

You don't have to be seen to be the hero. Maybe one day they will notice what she has done for them and be ab... More

Chapter 1/Smile
Chapter 2/Sticky Notes
Chapter 3/Debt
Chapter 4/Clothing
Chapter 5/Mundane
Chapter 6/Dance
Chapter 7/Drunk
Special 1/School Mishaps
Chapter 8/Days Go By
Chapter 9/Nightmares
Chapter 10/Music
Chapter 11/Girls
Special 2/Festival
Chapter 12/Gifts
Chapter 13/Connecting
Chapter 14/Coffee
Special 3/Q&A
Chapter 15/Outside
Chapter 16/Manga
Chapter 17/Insecure
Chapter 18/Stars
Chapter 19/Accidents
Special 5/The Past
Chapter 20/Sickday
Chapter 21/Another Day
Chapter 22/Cold
Special 6/Bloopers & Behind The Scenes
Chapter 23/Catching Up
Chapter 24/Interviewing
Special 7/Christmas Party
Chapter 25/Drinking
Chapter 26/Lonely Birthdays
Chapter 27/Snow
Special 8/A New Year
Chapter 28/Trip
Chapter 29/Hotel
Chapter 30/Cafe
Chapter 31/Dinner
Chapter 32/It Is Only
Chapter 33/Morning
Special 9/Between The Pages
Chapter 34/Food
Chapter 35/Nightfall
Chapter 36/Skiing
Chapter 37/Simple
Special 10/Q&A 2
Chapter 38/Past Midnight
Chapter 39/Meeting Up
Chapter 40/Trying On
Special 11/Supernatural
Chapter 41/Hockey
Chapter 42/On The Topic Of Love
Chapter 43/Cooking
Chapter 44/Drinks For Fun
Chapter 45/Binge
Special 12/ Stranger than It Seems
Chapter 46/Buy A Dinner
Chapter 47/Pass By
Chapter 48/Welcome Back Gifts
Chapter 49/Magic
Chapter 50/Lunch Time
Special 13/Oddity
Chapter 51/Groceries
Chapter 52/Normal
Chapter 53/Family
Chapter 54/Talk
Chapter 55/Work
Chapter 56/Invite
Chapter 57/Stress
Special 14/A Different Point Of View
Chapter 58/Exams
Chapter 59/Anger
Chapter 60/Infallible
Hiatus Notice
Chapter 61/Deliver
Chapter 62/Apple Cake

Special 4/A Look Into Something Different

3.3K 129 76
By NekoInuKit

This was originally the 400 heart special on Quotev. This is a look into different AUs and it is your choice whether or not you decide this is canon.

Warning: A bit of violence.


Regular Hetalia


World meetings were just about as chaotic as they sound.

(Y/n) fiddled with her pen as the other nations argued amongst themselves. Most of the time, they didn't get any work done, they just liked talking a lot. She didn't really know why she had to be here.

(She wasn't an important nation. She was a rather small one without much impact on international relations.)

She still showed up at these meetings regardless. It was her job after all and she didn't want to burden her boss.

(Her boss had enough on their hands already.)

America had started his presentation a while ago but kept getting interrupted by other nations such as England. At this rate, they wouldn't be able to complete their original task. And then again, they never completed their tasks. (Y/n) took a few jot notes in her notebook before doodling a small image on the side of the page.

The chaos was getting louder as more and more nations joined into the arguments. She could already predict what was going to happen. Germany was going to shout and everyone would calm down enough for him to speak before chaos would return.

"Everybody, shut up!"

(Right on cue.)

"Ve vill take a lunch break, now. It vill only be an hour long and jou must all be back before zhat hour is up," Germany's eyes scanned the other nations, "Leave jour things if jou vish."

All the nations scrambled out of their seats and bolted out of the meeting room. (Y/n) calmly placed her things on the table and stood up to push her chair in. The meeting room was left in a state of disarray, papers were scattered around, pens were thrown haphazardly around the table, chairs were left untucked.

(She was rather good at cleaning up after herself.)

(Y/n) made her way towards Germany who looked like he was nursing a headache.

"You seem tired already, Ludwig," she commented quietly.

Germany sighed, "Some of zhe other nations are idiots."

(Y/n) smiled gently, "I can't deny that."

(Some of the nations are smarter than they seem. Everyone knows that.)

"Luddy! Luddy!" a bubbly voice called.

Germany let out another sigh as Italy approached with Japan following behind him.

"Herro," Japan greeted politely.

"Hello, Feliciano, Kiku," she said.

"Let's-a go for lunch!" Italy cheered.

Germany ran his hand through his hair and stood up, "Alright."

"Sure," (Y/n) nodded.

"Did you bring a proper runch this time, (Y/n)-chan?" Japan's eyes pinned her in place.

She sighed as Germany and Italy also stared at her, "Yes, I did."

Japan nodded, "Good."

"Come-a on!" Italy said, already skipping towards the door.

"Okay," (Y/n) smiled, gently grasping Japan and Germany's hands and leading them towards Italy, "Let's go."

(She was too oblivious to notice the light blush on both nation's cheeks.)


What if Reader-San was a 2p?

Regular 2p Hetalia


Time ticked by slowly within the quiet library. (Y/n) sat on the (f/c) loveseat, flipping through her novel. Viktor sat across from her on a separate loveseat, also reading his own novel.

(Although sometimes his eyes strayed from his book to look at her.)

It was peaceful at the moment, unlike the normally chaotic world they lived in. But, peace never lasts too long as Viktor's phone rang. He grumbled as he placed his book down on a nearby glass table. He sighed as he answered the call. A few words were exchanged before he hung up and sighed again. (Y/n) nestled a bookmark in between the pages and placed her book down.

"I'm afraid we'll have to cut our time short today," Viktor said, a frown etched into his face.

"Don't worry about it," (Y/n) said smoothly, "I'm guessing Katya called?"

He nodded.

"Family is important," she smiled, "I can always come back some other time."

"Of course," he mumbled, "Next week?"


(Y/n) picked up her jacket and put it on quickly, "As always, thank you for letting me in."

(She didn't see the light red tint on his face.)

He nodded as she exited the library. She walked through the halls of Viktor's mansion to get to the main exit.

"Miss (Y/n)!"

(Y/n) turned around and caught the small nation carefully.

"Hello, Anastasia."

"Are you leaving already?" the Belarusian nation asked, pouting.

"I'll be back next week," (Y/n) said, patting her head gently.


(Anastasia was such a sweetheart.)

"I promise."


Anastasia ran off as (Y/n) continued to walk. Eventually, she reached the main doors. She pushed the door gently and walked out. It wasn't that cold out today but she felt like something was going to happen. A small breeze blew past her as she walked off Viktor's property. She walked down the street but suddenly stopped at an intersection.

She took a few tentative steps down the street and suddenly turned right into an alleyway. Small droplets of blood were on the ground of the alleyway. She sighed as she leaned against the wall.

"What happened this time," (Y/n) closed her eyes and opened them, "Allen."

"Heh, you know me so well, doll."

Allen wobbled over, clutching his stomach with his hand, blood spilling from his wound. His other hand kept him propped up against a wall. (Y/n) sighed and gently helped him off the wall.

"Oliver's bakery is close by," she paused, "Let's go."

Allen laughed weakly, "Thanks."

She lifted him bridal style and began walking towards Oliver's bakery. She picked up his bloody bat and balanced it against her arm.

(England opened a bakery quite a long time ago.)

"Doll! Stop lifting me like this!" he protested.

She subtly rolled her eyes, "We're almost there."

Sure enough, they reached the bakery in a few seconds. The bakery was bright and colourful with a neon open sign flashing.

(His bakery really did reflect his personality.)

(Y/n) carefully opened the door while carrying Allen and his bat. A small jingle from the bell alerted Oliver of their presence. Oliver approached the two quickly. His blue eyes swirled with bright pink.

"Allen! What happened?" Oliver fretted.

"Jeez, I'm fine," Allen huffed, "It'll heal."

"You get into too many fights, Allen," (Y/n) chastised.

"Thank you for bringing him here, (Y/n)," Oliver turned his gaze towards her with a bashful smile.

"You're welcome, Oliver," she smiled.

(She liked helping people, even as a 2p.)


Mafia Hetalia


(Y/n) wasn't sure how she got involved in this in the first place.

Parties weren't really her thing. Drinks were out of the question and yet she still let Elizabeta take her to a party. She gently swirled her drink in her cup and took a sip. It wasn't an alcoholic drink. She's pretty sure it's water or something. The party was loud like she expected. Elizabeta was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/n) knew Elizabeta wasn't quite in the normal business. She has hinted at what she does numerous times.

(She isn't sure why. Was it because Elizabeta thought she was trustworthy?)

She sat on the edge of her seat as she took a look around. Most of the people there weren't too dangerous but, some of the people there had a dangerous aura around them. She could spot some hidden guns on them. (Y/n) glanced at a corner of the room. There were two men leaning against the wall with women all around them.

They looked pretty similar. Brothers perhaps? Both of them wore plain black suits and fedoras. The shorter one had a lighter copper brown hair and light brown eyes. The taller one had a darker auburn brown hair and brown eyes. They both had a curl extending out from their hair. The curls formed a heart between them.

She accidentally made eye contact with one of them. He winked and she quickly averted her eyes.

(How embarrassing.)

It seemed like it was too late for that as the man she accidentally made eye contact with began walking towards her. She lightly tapped her finger against her cup in a pattern. She sighed gently. Morse code wasn't the best way to show her agitation.

(Force of habit she supposed. Morse code was more subtle than telling someone directly.)

"Hello," the man greeted and sat down in a seat next to her.

(Y/n) looked down at her cup, "Hello..."

"You don't-a seem like the type to come here," he said, picking up a drink.

She could hear the clear Italian accent in his voice, "Maybe."

He chuckled and downed his drink, "What is your-a name?"

She anxiously tapped the side of her glass. She could see the glint of a gun in a holster on the side of his leg, "What's yours?"

He blinked as if he wasn't used to people asking for his name. From what she saw in the corner, most women would happily throw themselves at his feet.

(But, she wasn't like most women.)

She raised an eyebrow, "Well?"

He chuckled and introduced himself, "My name is-a Lovino Vargas."

Vargas, huh? An infamous Italian mafia family. Known for carrying out crimes without a trace. (Y/n) silently tapped the side of her cup. She really was unlucky.

(Elizabeta had subtly warned her about people from the mafia beforehand.)

"Pleasure to meet you I suppose," she said.

Lovino seemed like he was about to say something before a bubbly voice interrupted him.

"Fratello! There you-a are."

Lovino shifted his gaze to the other man she saw earlier leaning against the wall with Lovino.

"Feliciano, were you-a looking for me?" He asked.

(She saw 'Feliciano's' gaze turn to her for a second.)

"Si," he nodded, his curl bounced, "It's happening soon."


Lovino blinked before chuckling.

"Ah, of course."

(Y/n) sighed. That sounded ominous. Nothing good would come of this. She was sure of it. She was proven right when a loud gunshot rang and the people in the party began panicking. She quickly traced the edge of her cup and settled it down. Lovino and 'Feliciano' had disappeared as she expected.

She quickly stood up and nimbly maneuvered around the crowds of people rushing to get out. She spotted Elizabeta in one of the crowds and steadily made her way towards her. She lightly tapped her shoulder.

"Elizabeta," she murmured.

Elizabeta swiftly turned around and her panicked expression melted into something a little calmer.

"Jou're safe, Thank goodness," she breathed, "Jou need to get out."

"Let me guess, it's not safe for me?"

She nodded. (Y/n) then noticed another man standing behind Elizabeta. He had blond hair and sky blue eyes.

"A friend of yours?" he asked Elizabeta.

Elizabeta stiffly nodded.

"I'll be out soon. Stay safe okay?" (Y/n) asked.

"Okay," Elizabeta said.

They bid goodbye quickly and (Y/n) let herself get pushed out by the crowds of people. Her fingers twitched slightly as she got pushed outside. The cool air nipped at her unprotected skin.

(She didn't let it bother her too much.)

She wrapped her jacket tighter around herself. Her eyes scanned the dimly lighted streets. In the corner of an intersection was a man with a pistol in his hands. The man lifted the gun and it looked as if he was going to shoot someone. (Y/n) gritted her teeth together. She really didn't want to resort to this but if she had to.

Her eyes lost their brightness and turned cold and calculating. Her dominant hand reached into her jacket's inner pocket and wrapped around a familiar handle. She pulled the gun out and frighteningly quickly, wrapped her finger around the trigger and shot the man with the gun precisely. The bullet ran right into his forehead.

She sighed. It's been a very long time since she's had to do this. She wished she didn't have to.

('But it was for the greater good!' Her demons whispered and giggled, 'If you won't, who will?')

She put her gun back into her jacket and turned away. She stopped when she heard footsteps. She closed her eyes.


She opened her eyes and turned around.



The next chapter will be a normal one. Thanks for reading!

I've got a survey for this story on Quotev. Please take it. :)

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