Revenge is a Dish Best Served...

By mikaelsonswhore

75K 2K 507

Magnus Bane, Raphael Santiago, and Jace Wayland Idris High's most notorious fuckboys. Who will sleep with any... More

Choke Me Daddy
You Piece of Shit
Magnus Bane. More Like Magnus Bang;)
Are You Thristing Me Alexander?
Double Date More Like Double Hate
I Want Ice Cream
I Got a Little Drunk Last Night
God's Speed
The "I" Message
You're Perfect In My Eyes
Love Sucks
I Don't Snore
You're Weak
Here Ends the Commencement of the Heartbreakers
Wise Men Say
What if?
Prince Charming
Here's something nobody asked for
something nobody asked for pt. 2

Monday's Suck

2.8K 79 23
By mikaelsonswhore

Clary's POV
Okay it's Monday and everything has gone to shit. Everything. I mean EVERYTHING! I slept with Jace again for the last time the LAST time I'm telling you and hasn't talked to me since Thursday.

Alec has been acting so distant and weird lately I can even get a single word out of him. Izzy is also acting like a lunatic and  avoiding me, always texting and whispering.

Jace has flat out forgot I existed which is funny because he's confessed his love to me on many occasions, asshole.

After our time together I've slipped Jace's mind he hasn't even spared me a glance he's watching someone intently. All of the time. It's so annoying and I feel so alone, especially since I'm sitting alone at a lunch table in the corner by the trash cans, usually I sit with Simon but he's too busy with Raphael or Izzy and Alec but they're being assholes. So here I am alone just like before the whole plan at least then I still had Simon.

Anyways thanks for attending my pity party it's now over. Sorry about that, I really need to get a grip people are going through worse.

"Hello you're Clary right?" I hear a pleasant but desperate voice ask. I choke on my chocolate milk a little and spit out a yeah.

"And you're friends with Alec Lightwood right?" The voice spoke up again and suddenly felt like I was being interrogated and look about to see this inquisitor and it's none other than Magnus Bane.

Damn looks like Alec has really got him on a leash, judging by the look in his eyes and the clear desperation in his voice. I decided to have a little fun with it, Alec Lightwood has made the legend Magnus Bane love sick.

"I guess you could say that." I say in a curt voice. "Is that a yes?" He questions as his voice cracks. Oh lord, I hold back a laugh. "Yes." I say shortly with a little sarcastic edge to it.

"Do you happen to know where he is?" He asks full of hope, I hate to crush his sprit but I have no clue where Alec is. "That I do not know." I say sadly.

I wish I knew where he was, so I could have someone to talk to without judging me. I love Izzy but man she's a drama queen. "Looking for him too I see." He says in the same tone of voice. "Not exactly looking for him, as much as wishing he was here." I reply.

"Ohh is something on your mind Clary?" He asks genuinely intrigued. "You can tell me I won't judge I've done questionable things myself so that would be hypocritical." He adds, I look away from Magnus feeling uneasy. "Plus you barely know me. It may be easier to unload on me." He says, "okay I'll tell you, if you tell me why you're looking for Alec." I propose.

Magnus's face goes hard like a had said something very offensive. "I don't know." He says quietly. I decide to speak, "Never mind you don't have to tell me." I tell him clearly seeing he was upset I left it alone.

"How about I tell you what's on my mind as long as you promise not to tell anyone else?" I ask trying to cheer him up. Seeing as telling him my drama might distract him from his problems or whatever. Magnus's face lights up and he nods his head vigorously. "Anyways it's a really long story..." I begin and tell him everything with the exception of the plan and a little backstory.

"Well damn Clary..." He says out of amazement and shock. "You're a lot more interesting than you look." He says chuckling a little. "Jace Wayland huh? I mean I see the way he looks at you, but you don't return it until a month before graduation." He says dramatically.

"What do you mean return it? I've returned nothing." I say defensively. I do not love Jace Wayland or even care for him. "Honey do you hear yourself the way you talk about him it's just-" he cuts himself off.

"It's just what? And by the way I feel nothing but hate for Jace." I say almost trying to convince myself more than Magnus. Magnus laughs hard almost snorting.

"I'm sure whatever helps you sleep at night biscuit." He says, biscuit? Is that a nickname it's a horrible nickname really. "Biscuit?" I question. "Yes biscuit it's what I'll call you from now on." He speaks confidently smiling trying to charming. Whatever it's better than Clarbear.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." He states in a mock hurt voice. "I did what are you going to do about it?" I say trying to provoke him, it only makes him laugh and say, "I like you biscuit, I think we're going to be friends for a long time." I reply with a me too and a smile.

It seems we both made each other forget about our problems, making each other laugh until the bell signaling lunch is over. Then we walk together to our classes which are right across the hall from each other just before we part ways Magnus asks if I wanted to go to Java Jones with him after school, I give him an enthusiastic yes and head to class.

The rest of the day goes by slowly to my dismay but finally the bell rings for my last class and I do a mad dash out. I start looking for Magnus because he's driving obvi. I don't find him, but I did find Alec , "hey Clary wait!" He yells jogging a little to catch up with me. He catches up.

"Hey I know I've been an ass lately but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out, we can watch that movie you like Legends of the Fall." He asks, I can't say no but I have plans with Magnus. I mean of course I forgive him I could never really hate Alec.
"Umm-" I try to figure out what to say but am interrupted by Magnus, "Hey biscuit ready?" He asks cheerfully then looks up to seem Alec and his face falls.

"Ohh I'm sorry I didn't realize you already had plans." Alec "apologizes" bitterly. "No it fine Alec you can come if you want?" I ask hopefully being able to fix it, I know when Alec's mad and he's slightly pissed.

Alec shakes his head and says, "No it's fine we can hang out another time, have fun." He walks away but not before giving Magnus a cold distant look. I felt myself shiver.

Magnus and I walk out to his car an d just as we reach it Magnus starts bawling, like full on sobbing. "Magnus what's wrong?" I ask worried rushing towards him. "Everything." He chokes out. The whole scene is just so heartbreaking he looks so broken. "What happened with Alec?" I ask concerned, Alec really did a number on him. Magnus looks up at me teary eyed opens his mouth and tells me a tragic love story that I wish was one of fiction.

*I posted 'distant crowd cheering'! Hope you liked it even though I didn't reveal jack shit.

*are y'all tRiGgEred that I'm mind fucking you?

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