S.C.I.谜案集 Mystery Special Cri...

By RaniaTwaireq

1.6M 48.9K 9.3K

The S.C.I. Special Crime Investigation Team was formally established. S.C.I.: Short for the Special Crime Inv... More

Murderer killer 01 Mouse And Cat, Not Wearing The Sky
Digital Murderer 02 Case
Digital Murderer 03 Mysterious Number
Digital Murderer 04 Funeral Home
Murderer 05 tracking
Chapter 06 Prison
Murderer 07 killer
Murderer 08 Doctor
Murderer 09 Sneak attack
Murderer 10 The clue
Murderer 11 Doubt
Major 12 psychology department
Murderer 13 tragedy
Murderer 14 Li Feifan
Murderer 15 Killer 135
Murderer 16 Academic
Murderer 17 old case
Murderer 18 chaos
Murderer 19 Hostage
Murderer 20 Third person
Killer 21 Zhao Jue
Murderer 22 Sighting
Murderer 23 crazy love
Murderer 24 Trial
Murderer 25 Hint
Murderer 26 Instruction
Murderer 27 Accident
28: Obsession (the end of Digital murderer case)
Killer Training Camp 01 Dinner
Killer Training Camp 02 Sniper Case
Killer Training Camp 03 Student
Killer Training Camp 04 Band
Training Camp Murder 05: Training Camp
Training Camp Murderer 06 Probability
Training Camp Muderer 07 Purgatory
Killer Training Camp 08
Training Camp Murderer 09 Utilization
Killer Training Camp Murder 10 Lovers
Killer Murder Training Camp 10 Lovers 'Sex Part'
Killer Training Camp Murder 11: Devil's Son
Killer Training Camp Muderer:12 Destiny
Killer Training Camp muderer 13 :Clues
Killer Training Camp Muderer 14: Son of God
Killer Training Camp Murderer 15: Breakthrough
Killer Training Camp Muderer 16 Meter
Killer Training camp Murder 17: Retribution (The End of This Case)
Magic murderer 01 Imitation
Return of the Magical Killer 02
Magic murderer 03 "Ghost"
Killer Magic Murderer 04 Blood
Magic murderer 05 curse
Magic Murderer 06 Misleading
Magic Murderer 07 Fog
Magical Killer 08 Kidnapping
Magic Murderer 09 Guess
Magic Murderer 10 Meeting again
Magic Murderer 11: Gambling
Magic Murderer 12 Numerologist
Magic Murderer 13: Magic
Magic Murderer 14: Puzzle
Magic Murderer 15 Mutation
Magic Murderer 16: Turn
Magic Murderer 17 Hatred
Magic Murderer 18Free
Magic Murderer 19 Overture
Magic Murderer 20 Ended
Magic murderer 21 Christmas night
Magic murderer 22 Christmas night
Murder Non-Human 01 Box Corpse
Murder non-human 02 Curse
Murder non-human 03 Provocation
Murder non-human 04 Tutsi
Murder non-human 05 Totem
Murder non-human 06 Eagle King
Murder non-human 07 Accident
The murderer is not human 08 Unknown suspect
Murder Non-Human 09 Mutation
The Murderer Is Not A Human Being
The Murderer Is Not Human 11Multiple Murderers
The Murderer Is Not Human 12 Lower Set
The Murderer Is Not Human 13 Recruit
The Murderer Is Not Human 14 Motivation
Murder Non-Human 15 Opportunity
Murder Is Not Human 16 Step By Step
Murder is not human 17
Murder is not human 18
Murder is not human 19
New Year's Day, Kitten, Mice
Murderer non-human 20 bright line
Murderer is not human 21
Murderer non-human 22
Murderer is not human 23
Murderer 01 night punisher
Murderer 02 weird murder
Murderer 03 Ghostly
Murderer 04 Another world
Murderer 05 Unexpected
Valentine's Day
Murderer 06 Tips
Murderer 07 Night kingdom
Murderer 08 Black and White
Murderer 09
Murderer 10 Amazing discovery
Murderer 11 Luo Wen's care
Murderer 12 Violent
Special Thanks 🐾
Murderer 13 mysterious code
Murderer 14 The End of the Tunnel
Murderer 15 Sin And Punishment
Murderer 16 Cruel Story
Murderer 18 Brother
Ghost Murderer 19 Nursery Rhymes
Ghost Murderer 20 Coming From Afar
Ghost Murderer 21 Past Events
Ghost Murderer 22 Plausible
Ghost Murderer 23 Gradually Becoming Clear
Fanwai 100 Questions for Rat and Cat 'Special Part'
Ghost Murderer 24 Trap
Ghost Murderer 25 Fire
Ghost Murderer 26 Warmth
April Fool's Day Bathhouse Event
Ghost Murderer 27 Rodent Control
Ghost Murderer 28 Lead Out Of The Snake
Ghost Murderer 29 Hypnosis
Ghost Murderer 30 Strategy
Translator's Note 🕸
Ghost Murderer 31Provisional Paragraph(End of this case)

Murderer 17 Madman

6.8K 264 116
By RaniaTwaireq

Hello everyone! ❣️

I apologize for delaying the publication of this chapter. I didn't deliberately delay the publication.

I've got many readers asking why I'm late in posting but this is out of my control .. I have an emergency

Anyway enjoy and don't forget to vote ♥️

At dinner time, Yutang and Zhan Zhao took Luoyang, LuoYang took Baichi, and the four of them walk to the front of a restaurant not far from the police station. Just entering the door, they saw Gongsun and JinTang sitting by the window.

    Gongsun recruited four people, and the four went and prepare a table to eat together.

    Yangyang sat next to Zhan Zhao, and looked up and saw that Bai Jintang, who was sitting across from him, was looking at him. Yang Yang and Bai JinTang looked at each other for a while, then turned to look at Bai Yutang around him, thinking that these two people look a bit like it.

    Bai Yutang is ordering food, so he did not pay attention. Jintang asked Zhang Zhan: "Is this the kid?"

    Zhan Zhao touched Yang Yang's head and said: "Yes, he is Luoyang."


Jintang nodded, seeing Luoyang looking at him and Yutang, eyes filled with doubts, then smilingly asked:

"How? Like?"

    Luoyang nodded honestly.

    "I am his oldest brother."

He said Jintang lifted his chin at Bai Chi. "He is the third child, but is a church."

    Luoyang with a big mouth turned his face to white, and that look was like watching a miracle.

Bai Chi was depressed.

    When he saw the mobile phone from time to time, he said, "How? About Zhao Wei?"

    Baichi nodded: "He said that he will go for dinner, I call him to come over." During the conversation, he saw that Zhao Wei had already slid in from the outside of the restaurant.

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao, who finished their meal, looked at each other.

They both have some psychological shadows. How can they see the shadow of Zhao Jue from Zhao Wei?

    After Zhao Wei came in, he greeted everyone and sat down next to Bai Chi.

He also looks at Luoyang.

Zhao Wei look around Yangyang and find that all the people are jealous of him, and some are embarrassed.

    Zhao Wei suddenly looked up and said to Bai Yutang: "When I came in, I saw a car near the entrance. The person in the car seemed to be very interested in one of you."

    Everyone took a glimpse, Yutang asked with a smile: "What does that person look like?"

    Zhao Wei thought for a moment: "Foreigners, long hair, flower tops, there is no taste."

    Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other and feel at ease.

This iconic dress is estimated to belong to Eugene.

    Bai Jintang took out his phone and briefly said two words to the twins, indicating that everyone should ignore it and continue eating.

    Zhan Zhao was a little surprised and asked: "Big Brother, do you recognize Eugene?"

     Jintang glanced at Yutang: "Has he contacted you?"


Bai Yutang smiled. "There were two 'fun' encounters, do you know about it?"

Bai Jintang glanced at him: "Come here, ask if you want to know."

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao looked at each other and turned their faces to look at Bai Jintang: "Who is he?"

    Gently put down the glass in his hand, Bai Jintang said slowly: "Eugene is Leonard's subordinate, a leader of the Mafia."

    Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang did not say anything.

It was not easy to guess that Eugene is in the mafia but his identity is still somewhat unexpected.

However, Zhao Wei is quite surprised and said: "The current mafia is this popular appearance?"

    Sitting in the car at the entrance of the restaurant in Eugene.

He is now sighing on the steering wheel, thinking that he is getting more and more back, and he is going to stare at a child 24 hours a day. Fortunately, the child is now showing.

He watches Bai Yutang while watching the children. It's much better to be able to look at a beautiful man than to watch a group of third-rate fans.

    However, he still wonders in his heart, that Zhao Jue is mysterious, how to pay so much attention to an irrelevant child? He also needs to pay attention to his safety throughout the day, not to play with him.

    Being depressed, he was knocked twice on the window, and Eugene turned his face and immediately beamed his face - seeing an acquaintance.

    Putting down the glass, Eugene smiled and stared at the two people at the door: "Hey, twins."

    Ding Zhaolan and Zhaohui stood in front of the car and looked at Eugene, their eyes full of calculations.

    Xiao Ding touched his chin and said, "How come you are here? You were in Italy isn't it?"

    Da Ding patted Xiao Ding's shoulder:

"Look, this is the opposite, which mafia is willing to bring a cauliflower everywhere."

    "This is true." Xiao Ding continued to talk to Eugene, "it is still a girl."

    Eugene's helpless face shrugged: "I am not looking for trouble with white, you don't have to guard against me."

    Da Ding "snapped" two times, put out a finger and put it on the road, said: "Now the boss is finding you troublesome."

    Xiao Ding nodded. "You are preventing people from having a family dinner. The boss said that if you don't leave, you will be thrown into the Pacific Ocean to feed the fish."

    Eugene sighed and waved his hand: "Oh, I am going, you tell him to be careful." Finished, he started the car and went to the nightclub to drink.

    Dading looked at Xiao Ding: "There are three whites inside, which one to tell?"


    After dinner, everyone dispersed and went back to each family. Luoyang wanted to go back but was stopped by Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao.

    Whether it has anything to do with this case or not it is yet to be concluded.

It is too dangerous to leave the child alone, so the two decided to take Yangyang home.

    When the car went back, Luoyang suddenly asked: "When am I going to school? I still have to learn ."

   Zhan Zhao: "It is too dangerous to go to school now. You have to follow us all day in the next few days, and once the case is broken and after you settle down, you will be allowed to go to school."


Luoyang nodded, looking at the seats in front of him, looking at Bai Yutang on the left, and looking at Zhan Zhao on the right, couldn't help but ask: "Do you live together? Is it because you guys are brothers?"


Zhan Zhao looked a little embarrassed and looked at Bai Yutang with some warnings - don't you dare talk nonsense!

    Bai Yutang nodded - I understand.

Then he looked at the rearview mirror and said to Luoyang: "Not brothers, a couple."

    Zhan Zhao is face white, took a look at Bai Yutang - Yangyang is a child!

   Bai Yutang raised his eyebrows - the child is also in public, what can I do?

    Luoyang was not too surprised, smiled:

"I feel like that "

    Zhan Zhao's eyes widened back and looked at him, but he saw Luoyang screaming : "Chen Hao said that good men like men."

    "Coughing cough..."

Bai Yutang laughed.

And Zhan Zhao said that Chen Had told the children what was messy.

He decided to take time to correct Yang Yang's misconceptions.

    "Yangyang, is Chen Hao good to you?"

Bai Yutang asked casually, and Zhan Zhao observed the facial expression of Yang Yang from the rearview mirror.

    "Well..." Yang Yang hesitated, but still nodded: "Okay."

    "Is the uncle good to you?"
Zhan Zhao then asked.


Yang Yang didn't even think about it, but he still had a look of joy.

    After reading the reaction of Yangyang, Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang looked at each other and there seems to be something going on here.

    "What about us? Do you like us?" Zhan Zhao asked.

    Yangyang nodded very cheerfully: "Like."

    "Chen Chen?" Zhan Zhao asked.

    Luoyang was silent. After thinking for a while, he said: "I prefer Uncle Wei Yong, but people who are good to Yangyang die early."

    "What is the difference between Chen Yu and Wei Yong?"

Zhan Zhao saw the problem inside.

Generally, the boy of this age, especially Luoyang, has no mother and should be very close to such a woman as Chen Yu.

Listening to Chen Yu's statement, she is good to Yangyang, but why does Luoyang seem to be a little uncomfortable around her?

    "I don't feel the same."

YanYang squinted and thought, "Dad taught me, see if people are really good to me, and when he cares about me, I think about it. If someone talks to you, but what they think is about is something else, it is ulterior motives. Such people should be prepared to guard against. It feels like Chen Hao always does."

    Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang were quite surprised.

The last time Luo Wen taught the gift shop to distinguish the police, and now he taught Xiao Luoyang to distinguish between good and bad. This shows that Luo Wen is definitely a very simple person.

How can such a wise person die so unclearly?


    In a nightclub in Bar Street, S City, Eugene was chatting with a hot lady holding a glass of wine.

At this time, a person came up behind him and patted him on the shoulder.

    Eugene looked at the person sitting next to him and smiled so brightly.

    "Why didn't you tell me that you came?"

The man asked for a glass of wine from the bartender. "I am looking for someone to entertain you."


Eugene drank the wine from the cup and said,

"How can you say that you like the East? You are not passing by like me? Taber."

    It was Taber who was sitting opposite Eugene.

He was drinking and listening to Eugene's ridiculous words.

He chatted and said: "I didn't expect Leonard to be interested in this place?"

    Eugene blinked: "Where? Where else, what do I have to do with my boss?"

    "Then you look at my things, I am very embarrassed."

Taber tapped the glass with a finger.

    Eugene feel funny, his eyes staring at Taber up and down slightly, whispering: "Who stared at you and looked at it? I was not interested in an old man." After that, he took another glass of wine, the beautiful woman is gone.

    Taber put away his smile, drank the wine on his hand, and walked over to one of his men: "Big Brother, do you want us to kill this kid?"

    "Oh." Taber looked at him with a funny look. " kill him? Just a few of you?"

    The men looked at each other and there was a courage to say: "You can make that madman..."

    Taber glanced at him with a warning, and immediately swallowed his words back.

Turning the cup in his hand and watching the light from the ice, Taber said coldly: "Eugene is not irritating, Leonard's people try not to move... Right, that madman?"


The men looked at each other and said, "I am going to see my brother."

    "Nervous disease!"

Taber put the cup on the table. "You look for him, don't let him leak out what the scorpion is coming out with. The two policemen can't be provoked, Ouyang is coming, we must finish things as soon as possible, get out early."

    "We understand."

The man nodded.

After Taber said what he wanted to say, he turned around and wanted to go, but the moment he turned his head, he saw a person standing in the corner not far away, white, long hair, eyes blinking, looking at him.

Taber clearly saw his familiar face and a slightly ridiculous smile is on his mouth, slamming hard. Go back to find it again, and people are gone.

    Taber walked quickly to the corner.

There were a lot of people in the bar, and the light was not very bright.

When Taber walked to the corner, there were people who could not help but frown. There should be no mistakes.

Is it a lot of drinking that creates an illusion? Looking back, the back is starting to take a cold, why? That person... Why is he still alive? He was dead 20 years ago, and he just didn't really see it. He didn't look old. Is it really a ghost?


    The car was parked in the underground parking lot, and Yutang untied the seat belt. Zhan Zhao turned back to Yangyang and said: "We are here."

    Yangyang looked at the parking lot with some curiosity. He just was about to get off the car, but he listened to Yutang and said softly: "Don't move."

    What Zhan Zhao and Luoyang saw shocked them, they saw Bai Yutang looking up at the rearview mirror. The two follows his sight and saw the person in the rearview mirror less than ten meters behind the car. — A black man, a matted hair, a long beard, who was the one whom hit Bai Yutang outside the gym that day. He saw him standing still, a pair of eyes staring at Yutang and their car, and there was still a smile on his face.

    "Yangyang, come over."

Bai Yutang tilted the seat back and let Yangyang climb from the back seats to the front seats and pull back in the seat. For Yangyang and Zhan Zhao, "Don't move the chair back."

He Finished and under the car door .

    Zhan Zhao is somewhat worried, "Xiaobai, you have to be careful."


Bai Yutang took out his gun and held it in his hand.

He walked out of the car and slowly walked toward the man.

    The man's shape and the beard are really similar, but the smile on his face is very strange.

    When he saw Bai Yutang walked down from the car, his eyes shifted to his body, and he looked straight at Bai Yutang and walked over by himself.

His eyes were wide open, and his mouth was filled with words: "White... white, really beautiful... ...White."

    Bai Yutang frowned slightly and five steps away from him.

He asked, "2-12-11?"

    The man heard the question of Bai Yutang. He did not react as fiercely as a bearded man. He did not seem to understand the meaning of the string of numbers but continued what "white, black..." gibberish.

    "Who are you looking for?" Bai Yutang saw him with a pair of eyes slamming in the direction of the car from time to time, and asked.

    "Looking... brother... looking for brother..."

the man said, pointing his fingers in the direction of the car.

  Yutang heard was unexpected, thinking that he was looking for Zhan Zhao, but the angle of Zhan Zhao is really different.

The person is not referring to him ... but Yangyang!

( My new book , check out ! )

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