Silver Linings: Acatalepsy {A...

By xlaurynwritesx

11.8K 284 37

Emmaline's lived through everything, her dad dying and coming back to life, her sister being put into an eter... More

Part One
Part Two
The end
Emmaline Gilbert AU
Emmaline Gilbert AU part 2
Emmaline Gilbert AU part 3
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 5
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 6
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 7
Emmaline Gilbert AU Part 8

Emmaline Gilbert AU part 4

110 3 1
By xlaurynwritesx

Emma finds out Stefan is a vampy boi- a long thread

"Okay first we need to figure out a color." Caroline spoke looking to me.

"We don't have to Care. I'm not trying to look like the best one there." I looked at her as I sat down.

"You won't because I'm there." She smiled and I wasn't sure she was joking. I let out a soft laugh. She looked at me for a moment as if she wanted to say something before choosing a pinkish color. "This'll match your dress."

"What was that look?" I crossed my arms.

"What look?"

"The one you give me before choosing the polish."

She sighed. "You know how I told you Bonnie thinks she's a psychic?" She asked as I nodded with furrowed brows.

"What about it?" I shrugged.

"Well, She said she brushed across Stefan in a hallway and got a weird feeling."

"Really?" I rolled my eyes lightly. "You gave me a weird look because Bonnie has a feeling." I asked as I put my hand out for her to paint.

"Yeah." She answered, clearly lying.

"Caroline spill." I urged.

"I just- Damon told me some things about Stefan and his ex Katherine. She dated both of them. Damon first and then Stefan because he took her from Damon." She explained to me.

"No Care. I don't believe that." I shook my head. I'd met Damon once and that was enough to know I didn't like him or trust him.

"Well I think I do. I mean Damon wouldn't lie to me." She tilted her head lightly as she painted my nails.

"I hope so." I replied quietly.

"What does that mean?"

"It just means you've changed since getting with him. You seem out of it all the time and since when do you wear scarves?" I asked as looked at her scarf.

"Since they became a fashion statement, Line." She replied.

"Yeah sure Care." I replied.

"Look if you think Stefan is bad then I can talk to him. I'm sure he'll tell me his side." I replied looking to her.

"Fine but don't tell Damon I told you." She replied looking to me.

"I don't plan on it." I replied.

Soon enough Caroline left and I got a call from Mrs. Lockwood about Dads pocketwatch. I knew Jeremy had it based on the comment he made earlier about selling the stuff for the founders party on eBay.

"Jer." I called our but he didn't reply as his headphones were in. I went into his room and yanked them off. "Where's the pocketwatch?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Jesus Emma." He scoffed.

"Come on cough it up. Mrs. Lockwood can't find it and she's worried she lost it. You made some slick comment about selling stuff so I know it's you." I replied.

"Maybe Tyler lost it." He spat.

"Are you kidding Jeremy? Why are you on him so much?"

"Because he's a jerk."

"Whatever I need the watch." I put my hand out. "It's worth more than your next batch."

"I wasn't gonna sell it." He replied standing up to go get it out of it's hiding spot. "It's meant for the firstborn son of each generation. Dad was supposed to give it to me." He handed t to me. "Happy?" He asked as he sat back at his computer.

"Jeremy." I looked at him apologetic.

"Just go Emma." He told me as I sighed. I put it back on his desk and looked to him.

"I know it's hard Jer, but I don't know when to believe you and when not to." I explained. "I'm trying to figure things out just like you are okay?"

He didn't bother looking at me and I sighed leaving his room. I got ready for the founders party.

I opened the door to see Stefan and I smiled. "Wow." He commented as I pushed my hair behind my shoulders.

"You look good in a suit." I commented as he smiled to me.

"Thanks." He nodded once. Soon enough we made it to the Lockwood Manor.

"Hi mayor Lockwood." I waved to him as he smiled.

"Emma, how are you?" He asked hugging me lightly.

"I'm good." I replied.

"You two come on in." He urged as we walked inside.

"Where's Tyler?" I questioned curiously. Usually he waited by the door.

"I'm not sure. If I see him I'll let him know you're here." He smiled before walking away.

"How about we go look at all the donations?" Stefan asked as I nodded.

"Yeah I cleaned some really cool stuff from the million year old Gilbert's." I smiled to him as we walked over to it.

I looked around and saw a paper of the first founders party. I read the names seeing Johnathan Gilbert as one of the many Gilbert's. I kept looking for Salvatore and found Stefan and Damon. "Stefan." I called to him confused. "Did you know there is another set of Stefan and Damon from the first Founders party?" I asked as he came over and looked at it.

"They're the original Salvatore brothers. Our ancestors. Tragic actually." Damon replied as he showed up with Caroline. I looked at him worried. Not because he was scary, but because I was concerned for Caroline.

"We don't need to bore them with stories of the past." Stefan commented and I looked at him confused as to why it mattered.

"I mean they must be important if you're named after the right?" I asked looking from him to Damon.

"Well Im bored. I wanna dance and Damon won't dance with me." Caroline commented. They last thing I wanted was to be left with Damon. "Can I just borrow your date?" She asked surprising me a bit.

"Um... I-" I started.

"I don't really dance." Stefan commented helping me out a bit.

"Yeah sure he does. You should see him. Waltz, Jitterbug, moonwalk, he does it all." Damon replied.

"You don't mind Emma right?" She asked me as I looked at Damon and then to Caroline.

"Well it's not up to me." I looked at Stefan.

"Well I'm not taking no for an answer." Caroline replied grabbing Stefan's arm as she took him away. I watched them go and looked to Damon crossing my arms.

"I want to apologize for being a world class jerk to you at the football game. There's no excuse for trying to mess with you. My therapist says I'm... acting out, trying to punish Stefan." Damon answered as I looked at him unsure. It made since though. He was definitely crazy.

"Why would you need to punish him?" I questioned crossing my arms.

"It's all in the past. I don't even want to bring it up. Let's just say that the men in the Salvatore family have been cursed with sibling rivalry and it all started with the original Salvatore brothers." Damon nodded.

"What happened with the originals?" I asked curiously.

"Well there was a battle here." He started.

"Battle of willow creek. Union and confederacy. People in a church all died in a fire." I spoke looking at him.

"Yeah and all the people were believed to be union sympathizers. That's what they leave out in history books." Damon explained. "A person the brothers loved very much was in there. They went to save her but they were shot. Murdered in cold blood." Damon explained.

"Who was in there? What was their name?" I asked curiously.

"It was a woman I'm guessing. I don't know about her name." He replied looking down and back up. "Doesn't It always come down to the love of a woman?" He asked as I looked at him confused.

"I don't know what's going on with you two, but I don't want to be in the middle of it. That's for you two to figure it out, I hope you do." I shook my head looking at him.

"Yeah me too." He replied and I didn't know if he was sincere or not.

"We should go find Stefan and Caroline." I told him as he nodded.


They were on the dance floor and I looked at Stefan smiling. He offered Damon a drink and he refused then I took a breath. "Stefan do you want to dance?" I asked as he smiled.

"Of course." He replied as he took my hand and we went to dance.

"So did he give you a hard time?" Stefan asked with a hint of worry.

"No just told me about the original Salvatore brothers getting shot at a church trying to save a girl." I explained. "But that doesn't matter I'm worried about you. He mentioned Katherine was why you guys fight. What happened with her that made him like that?" I asked curiously. Stefan told me about Katherine before but he only mentioned her.

"It's not important." He assured me.

"But I think it is. I barely know anything about you and I feel like you know my whole life." I explained.

"Damon said something didn't he? He just likes playing games to cause trouble." He explained.

"It wasn't him Stefan, it's me. I want to know you." I told him. "You're closed off I get it but when I know a little about a whole story I can't help but wonder, especially with Katherine."

"Let it go. I don't want to talk about it." He shook his head.

"All I have is what other people have told me. Just tell me one thing about yourself Stefan that's all I'm asking for." I looked at him.

"Don't you see what Damon has down here? He's trying to get you to turn against me." Stefan explained.

"It's not him Stefan stop saying it's him. Stop avoiding." I said starting to get agitated. "I'm asking you to answer one question and you just keep segueing." I took a breath. "How am I supposed to feel when you won't even open up to me?" I asked crossing my arms before walking away.

It wasn't about him and Damon. It was about just Stefan. I felt like he wouldn't open up. I had enough of that from Jeremy and even Tyler and I didn't need it from Stefan too. I found Tyler and took a breath. His face seemed solemn.

"So what's wrong with you?" I asked sitting next to him on a bench outside.

"My parents don't approve of Vicki and she thinks I see her as a slut." He explained. I stayed quiet. "Really Emma?"

"When you two started talking you said it was because you thought she was hot. Not because of her personality." I told him.

"Well things have changed. I care about her." He told me. "Nobody seems to get that." He added standing up. I rolled my eyes and covered my face. I decided to go to the bathroom and I ran into Caroline.

"Hey." I smiled lightly.

"You ended up looking really cute Emma." She smiled before putting on gloss.

"Thanks." I smiled lightly back to her as I noticed something under her scarf. I looked at it and pulled her scarf up revealing a large bite mark.

"What are you doing?" Caroline asked defensively.

"Who bit you?" I asked worried.

"Don't worry about it Emma."

"Too late Care." I replied seeing another bite mark on her back. "Did Damon do that?" I asked teaching for her shirt as she pushed me away.

"No Emma just leave it alone!" She urged as I took a breath. She stormed out of the door and I walked out to find Damon. She'd been acting weird because of him and this had to be why. I walked out already mad because of Stefan and Tyler so I knew it wouldn't be pretty.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked pushing him with a bit of force.

"Woah woah what's going on?" He asked confused.

"I saw the marks on Caroline. I'm not going to let you hurt her anymore." I spoke agitated. "And if you try anything else I'll tell her mom, the sheriff." I spat. I saw Stefan and I went over to him.

"There's something seriously wrong with your brother." I told him as he turned around.

"What's wrong? Did he do something to you?" He asked curiously.

"Not me. Caroline. She has bite marks all over her and she's been acting all weird ever since she started dating him." He nodded as if he already understood. "Did you know?" I asked unsure.

"I'm handling it." He replied as I was a bit taken aback.

"This isn't for you to handle. It's for the police to handle." I told him.

"Emma please I don't expect you to understand." He started holding my hand.

"No how could I understand why you'd let her get hurt?" I pulled my hand back. "I know because you won't give me anything to understand."

"Look there are things you don't know. That I won't to tell you but I can't. And I might not ever be able to but you have to trust me." He replied.

"How can I trust you Stefan?" I asked getting agitated. "I have so many people keeping things from me right now, so many people angry at me." I spoke. "I can't add to the list okay?"

"I'm so sorry but I have to go." He commented before walking away.

I stood there and I began to tear up. It felt like the whole world was still screwing me over. I wish it would give up. He was hiding something and I wish I just knew.

I started looking for Caroline and when I found her it wasn't pretty. She was shaking and she seemed so scared. Whatever was wrong with Damon, it really worried me and part of me thought maybe Stefan was the same way.


A lot happened. Vicki was cheating on Ty with my brother, and Tyler was also not talking to me, Stefan has been gone for a few days, and Caroline was finally free from Damon. I had no idea how to handle any of it.

When Stefan got back I was mad. He tried to talk to me but I was aggressive. I decided to talk to him after school about everything hoping to get some sort of answers but I had no idea how that would work.

I saw Matt at the grill and smiled to him. "Hey any word from Tyler?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah he's just being himself. A dick." He replied.

"I bet." I sighed. "He's fighting with me and I could really use a friend right now."

"Well I'm free." He smiled. "How about a game of pool."

"Sure." I smiled back to him. Turns out we were both participating in the car wash. Caroline insisted the volleyball team come even though it was our off season. I'm pretty sure it was because most of us had butts but I digress, we were raising money. I talked to him about Vicki and we both decided not to be a part of it. I definitely didn't want to be involved and we kept it between us.

An hour went by and Stefan wasn't even there. He didn't even shoot me a text which made me more upset. Matt was good company though so I stayed with him. He assured me there was probably a good reason and he thought Stefan was a good guy.

"Emma." I heard as I saw Stefan. "Hey sorry I was late. Something came up with my uncle." He told me as I looked at him.

"You do realize this makes you seem like you don't care right?" I asked as he sighed.

"Yeah but I promise I do." He assured me as I looked at Matt.

"So what happened?" I asked as he looked down.

I scoffed and and started to walk away. "Emma please wait." He spoke as I looked at him.

"Honesty. That's all I want. It's one think and it's not that hard." I told him.

"I know you." A man said from behind me and I looked at him. He was an older gentleman and he was looking at Stefan. "My god. I know you. How can it be."

"I think you have the wrong person sir." Stefan replied.

"You haven't aged a day." The man commented.

"I'm sorry. Can I take you home so we can talk about it?" Stefan asked looking at me as he took us away from the man.

"What was he talking about?" I asked looking at Stefan.

"I- I don't know. Nothing." He replied quick with his words.

"Yeah whatever. I gotta go." I responded walking away. I got home and looked at my phone. No word from Tyler.

I laid on my bed and drew a bit. Not for long though because I was too mad to draw. I through my pencil against the wall angrily. It ended up sticking into it. I laid on my bed. I tried to sleep but all I could do was think.

"Hey." Jeremy spoke from behind me but I didn't bother to turn.

"Hey. Vicki still here?" I asked with a sigh.

"Maybe." He let out a chuckle.

"Am I supposed to be okay with the fact that she's my best friends girlfriend Jer?" I asked as he sighed.

"They're not together anymore." He assured me but I didn't know if I believed him. "What's wrong with you?" He asked.

"I'm pissed and sad." I replied. "I through a freaking pencil into the wall."

"Yeah I see that." Jeremy replied pulling it from the wall. "You should go get some food. It might make you feel better."

"Does ice cream count as food?" I asked turning to him as he shrugged lightly.

I got downstairs and heard clatter. "Jenna? I thought you weren't supposed to be home until-" I saw Stefan in my kitchen.

"Why are you here Stefan?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Dinner. Jeremy said your favorite food was Lasagna with chicken and I happen to be a good cook." He replied. "Italian roots demand it. I even know how to make my own Mozzarella but today we just have store bought. I have to admit I've never tried chicken lasagna."

"My dad and I made it together all the time." I replied. "I only like it that way." I replied. I hadn't had any since before the accident.

"You want to know me right?" He asked. "Well I figured if you're going to dump me, you should at least know who you're dumping." He responded as I crossed my arms.

He told me all about himself. He even talked about Katherine. How he loved her but he felt bad that he never fixed things. He said he moved on and he felt bad. He told me about his favorite books shows movies. I couldn't help but smile a little even though I had been trying not to.

"Woah." He spoke as I looked at him.

"What?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"You're smiling." He commented as I scrunched my noes and nudged him out of the way.

"I'm doing this part. My dad always let me." I began to dice the chicken. Clearly I wasn't as good as I used to be because I ended up cutting my finger. I winced and Stefan asked me if I was okay.

I washed my hand off in the sink when I saw his eyes look the same weird red way as they did when I punched the wall. "Are you okay? Your face." I asked turning around as he did too, his back facing me.

"I think I got something in my eye." He replied as I went over to him.

"Let me see." I spoke trying to look at him but he turned his face. "Stefan." I spoke as he took a minute to turn around.

"All better." He assured.

"Your eyes. They've done that before. Is it because of blood?" I asked confused.

"Done what?" He asked as he shook his head.

"I-" I took a breath. "I don't really know what it was but- are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine." He smiled as I took a deep breath. He put his hand on my cheek lightly and rubbed my cheek. I leaned forward and kissed him twice.

We had a good meal and everything was okay again, but the thought of his eyes was still in my head. I knew what I saw.


The car wash had been going on for a little while. Stefan told me about his ring and how he never took it off. I found it strange considering it was supposed to be a family heirloom.

I was on money duty and the man from the grill showed up for a car wash. I looked to him and took a breath. "You're the guy from the grill. You said you recognized my boyfriend." I looked at him hoping he'd elaborate.

"Well I thought he was someone I knew." He nodded lightly.

"Stefan Salvatore." I answered.

"Nah, it can't be. It's just my mind playing tricks on me." He shook his head.

"Where did you think you've seen him before?"

"I stayed at the Salvatore boarding house when I first moved here. Stefan was just passing through to visit his uncle." The older gentleman explained. "None of us knew he was even here until the attack."

"Attack?" I questioned. "I haven't heard about one at the boarding house."

"I'm not surprised it was a long time ago." The man responded. "His uncle was killed by an animal in the woods."

"Wait do you mean his uncle zach?" I tilted my head.

"No Joseph." He corrected.

"When did this happen?" I asked confused.

"1953. Yeah that's when it was." He nodded.

"Grandpa you should go. Mom wants you home. He wasn't bugging you was he? He's a little alzy-heimers." Tiki spoke coming up behind me.

"No it's fine uh can you watch here?" I asked as I stood up and looked at Stefan. 1953. How in the hell was he here in 1953? He must've caught me staring because he came over.

"I have a question for you." I smiled lightly, fakely. "You said you had a brother and your uncle is here but what about everyone else? Cousins, grandparents?" I questioned.

"We all sort of spread out." He replied vaguely. Too vaguely. I nodded. "Why?"

"Just curious." I replied. "I should go find Caroline." I told him as I walked over to Jenna who had been eyeballing Logan Fell. The easiest way to get something was news and my best bet was him.

He talked with Jenna and eventually he led me to a room with old records. He asked me to put in a word for him with Jenna to which I agreed. I told him I was researching for a school project.

I began to watch a clip. A Fell of the past was broadcasting the death of Joseph Salvatore. Upon zooming in to the video I saw a guy and that guy was Stefan. I was confused. How could he be in this? I began to right things down.

-his eyes
-his cut disappearing
-young for 50+ years
-never takes off his ring
-sketchy brother who bites
-weird around blood

I took a deep breath. I'd read twilight, and by that I mean the first few chapters but that was enough to know. They're had been people drained of blood, disappearing and proof of Stefan being alive and looking the same for years. That meant he was immortal. There was two answers to a long lasting blood sucker. An eternal mosquito and a vampire and Stefan sure as hell wasn't a mosquito.

I didn't notice I was shaking until now. I never really thought about supernatural. It wasn't something I ever needed to think about. I wasn't sure whether to be scared or not though. My emotions were jumbling just like they always did.

I looked at the piece of paper and shoved it into my back pocket before heading home. I took a shower and got out looking at myself in the mirror. I thought it was just my luck, dating someone who probably wanted to kill me. I started crying. My eyes were pouring but my face was calm.

I didn't know what to do. I got dressed and looked at the piece of paper shoving it into my journal before leaving. I got to Stefan's house and right before I rang the doorbell he opened the door. I saw a wooden stake in his hand and I took a breath. Was it meant for me? I stepped back.

"Stefan are you human?" I asked quietly. I don't think I was ever this quiet with him. He looked at me speechless. "You said- you said you'd tell me everything." I shook swallowing. "So tell me."

"You know." He breathed as I shook my head.

"No I don't because I have no idea how this could be real. I have no idea- I have no idea how I'm supposed to believe that- did you date me to use me?" I asked, so many things running through my head.

"Emma no, of course not." He shook his head on the verge of tears.

"What the hell are you Stefan?!" I asked putting my hands up slightly.

"Everything you know and believe is about to change. Are you ready fr that?" He asked curiously.

"Tell me." I crossed my arms.

"I'm a vampire." He replied as I nodded.

"You're a vampire okay cool. Yeah that's normal." I took a bigger breath. "Are you going to kill me?" I asked taking another step back.

"Emma no." He stepped closer to me and I stepped back again.

"No stefan it's late and I- I don't know why I came. I'm- I'm going home and- I don't-" I started walking away and Stefan reached for my arm. "No." I warned him. "Don't." I shook my head a tear falling from my eye.

I got home and went to my room. I was still shaking and I didn't know what the hell was going on. It was true. Stefan was a vampire and I didn't think that was even possible.

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