perfect love

By freyagrandex

17.5K 363 77

a maciana story โ™ก More

twenty one
just an authors note
thats a rap๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ˜ฃ


371 12 0
By freyagrandex


It was two days until we were going to Japan, Ariana and i we're both in bed checking the baby app, again. Ariana was five weeks pregnant, her bump was really starting to show. "What should we do today babu?" She asks me as she turns off her phone. "Whatever you want to do." I smile and she nods. "Pleaaaseeee can we watch Sister Act?" Ariana asks me, "It's my favourite, apart from Breakfast at Tiffanies." She smiles and i giggle and turn on the tv. "I'll make breakfast okay?" I say as she started to find the movie on Netflix. "No! I want to! Please, i never make breakfast." She pouts and i still insist to make her breakfast. After i won the playful argument, i went downstairs to make her vegan pancakes which were her favourite.

"Hail holy queen enthroned above, oh Maria! Hail mother of mercy and of love, oh Maria! Triumph all ye cherubim. Sing with us ye seraphim." Is all i could hear from the TV, Ariana was definitely watching Sister Act. "Hey Princess." I walk into the bedroom with our breakfast. "Hey baby." She smiles as i hand her her plate and tray. "Smells good." Ariana giggles as she starts to dig in.

2 hours later

Ariana was asleep, she had just went to the bathroom to throw up, she was exhausted, all i could do was to try and make her feel better. I went downstairs to get her a glass of water and a snack, it wouldn't be likely for her to leave the bed. I walk back into our room and she wakes up just for the ending of Sister Act. "I will follow him, follow him wherever he may go! There isn't an ocean too deep, a mountain so high it can keep, keep us away, away from his love." She sings, her voice was literal heaven, it always was, she never stopped singing, everyday when she woke up in the morning until she went to sleep. "I love you." I say to her as i give her her water and snack. "I love you too." Ariana smiles and she kisses my lips. After the movie ended, Ariana went to throw up again, i gave her medicine hoping that would solve the problem but it wouldn't because she was pregnant. "It won't work baby." She slightly giggles whilst i opened the cap of the medicine. "I am just hoping it will." I chuckle as she smiles.

5 hours later

It was only seven at night but Ariana was tired so i let her sleep. I packed the rest of her case and packed mine, then i headed to bed and cuddled up to her, Ariana was warm so i lowered down the covers from her shoulders, hopefully it wasn't going to be a rough night for her since she had a hard day.

Ariana woke up throwing up, i walk into the bathroom to hold back her hair. "Princess, everything will be okay, I'll run you a bath." I say and she pouts at me. "No baby. Don't waste your sleep on me, you'll be getting this every night." Ariana kisses my cheek. I got a bath ready for my princess and then i washed her. "Thank you." She smiles and i smile back, still continuing to wash her.

After her bath, i carried her back to bed, i gave her a bucket from the kitchen for her to throw up in. "If you need me tap me, promise?" I say to her and she nods. Ariana falls asleep and she doesn't wake up in the night to throw up.

akskfjfnfnfn ik this is the worst chapter I've ever wrote omg but i am in Mexico so yah. thanks for reading and keep checking for updates i also recommend reading my story i.n.s.t.a.g.r.a.m if you like new updates and i update Instagram a lot.

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