better now > sequel to neighb...

By evieiou

7K 223 3

As the journey continues, Mae has accepted her faith and it's time to move on. Harry realises perhaps he has... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
Twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
thirty eight
thirty nine
forty six
forty seven
forty eight
forty nine
fifty one
fifty two
fifty three
Fifty Four
Fifty five
Fifty Six
Fifty Seven
Fifty Nine
spin off

Fifty Eight

85 2 0
By evieiou

"Mr. Styles! Why did you let your son die?"

"Who is this woman with you? Was she there when he was murdered?"

"Where is your wife?"

"How do you feel about the verdict?"

A million questions zoomed around us back and forth as Harry linked my arm and pushed through the press once we left the high court. Their cameras flashed mercilessly in our faces and I dragged my sunglasses from the top of my head to shield my eyes as Harry pulled me through the crowd.

Noah's murder sparked outrage within the community and eventually spread across the entire country like wildfire. In a most heartbreaking turn of events, a small group of people are protesting Harry and Aria for making the decision to turn off his life support, despite the extreme conditions he would have had to lived through for the rest of his life.

I had grown to become numb these last few months, and recently so has Harry. The trial was approaching its final stages. The two men have so far been charged with breaking and entering, pre-meditated murder, kidnapping and theft. That's only from what happened to me, the topic of sweet Noah's death has been barely spoken of just yet.

I squeezed Harry's hand tight while the horrible questions were hurled at him, hurtful questions. He squeezed back to reassure me he was okay, and I sighed before we lunges into his car. Before the car was surrounded by press Harry accelerated and got the fuck out of there.

"Why are people absolute wankers?" I seethed, yanking the sun glasses from my face. I tossed them to the dash and inspected the small scrape on my arm from the crowd of people reaching for us.

"They hurt you?" Harry asked in shock. His eyes left the road to lock with mine for a few seconds and I shrugged. "I guess."

"This is absolute bullshit," he breathed out.

I nodded in agreement and admired Harry's strength. He was a broken man but has turned his pain into anger and vengeance. He is fully committed to getting justice for our Noah. My fingers grazed over the locket I wore with his fingerprint engraved into it and I bit down on my lip.

Harry was so strong and each day he amazed me. I seriously loved this man, and I couldn't imagine life without him. Aria was amazing too. Her life had completely flipped and the past was the past, she was humbled from this experience. We were all able to be together maturely for Noah. Noah's justice and Annabel was all that mattered to Harry and I right now, I even tried to call off the engagement so that there were no distractions, but he objected.

I didn't see a wedding any time soon. Quite frankly, I didn't see one ever. Harry and I had a relationship like no other, I loved him dearly and I know he loves me but this life entails something bigger than us and that's healing from our massive loss while raising our daughter. I also couldn't imagine a wedding day without our missing piece.

Harry took my hand, disturbing my thoughts and he pulled up at the house. Inside, Anne, Gemma and my mother talked among one another as Ana sat on the floor with a coloring book. Once we entered, my heels announcing our arrival, we were embraced.

"Mummy," Ana beamed. She hugged me tight and I knelt down to return the favor. I squeezed her tightly, she was so precious and sometimes I took this life for granted. Simply feeling her hair brush against my cheek and tickling the skin was something I appreciated right now. I breathed in, the gentle scent of her bubblegum kids shampoo filling my nostrils and I placed a kiss to her cheek.

She ran along to Harry and I sat down on the couch beside Gemma, who also pulled me in for a hug. "How did it go?" She questioned, everyone listened.

I looked to Harry who was now sitting on the arm of the couch. He unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt and kicked off his court shoes. "Normal. Them two scum are being locked up for a long, long time." He gritted.

"Were they there!?" Anne yelped. Harry had only seen them once since everything happened and that was their arrest. They've been in a cell ever since and only came out to defend themselves today as I testified on the witness stand.

I was amazed at how composed Harry was. As they marched out in cuffs I could see the hurt in his eyes and they remained too ashamed to look up. The only decent thing they have done this far is plead guilty.

They had intended to shoot Harry, and I know that Harry beat himself up for stopping to take off his coat while Noah ran ahead. I cringed just thinking about it all.

While everyone discussed today's happenings, I brought Ana upstairs to get ready for bed.

I untied my hair and kicked off my heels in the bedroom while Ana brushed her teeth. I walked by Noah's unoccupied bedroom and shut my eyes for a moment, the feeling of absolute emptiness was truly unfathomable and I often asked myself how we were going to cope.

"Mum, I'm ready." My daughter softly called. I went to the next room, illuminated by a pink night light and I smiled as she climbed under the duvet and cuddled into her brothers build-a-bear. She's adopted it since he passed and it worked for her, she said it felt like giving him a hug.

I sat at the edge of her bed and pat her legs. "Goodnight, angel." I whispered, leaning forward to give her a kiss. She smiled weakly and yawned loudly. "Night mummy."

"I love you so much, so soo much." I laughed, poking her delicate nose. She giggled and pulled her duvet up to her chin. "I love you too."

I sat by her side a little longer, brushing her hair with my fingers while she peacefully dozed off. I can't believe I made her, like this beautiful sweet human came from Harry and I?

I stood up and kissed her forehead once more before leaving her room, cocking the door open just a little and I headed to Harry and I's bedroom, figuring everyone had gone to bed by now. I sighed as I entered and switched on the light, but there was no Harry. I shrugged and began to change into pajamas.

I was almost done and about to jump into the bed when I felt a hand on my shoulder and to my surprise, as well as Harry's, I screamed.

I clamped my mouth shut as I stared into his curious eyes, my chest heaving up and down. I screwed my eyes shut as his face began to blur into Cairo's and horrifying images replayed in my head.

"Hey..babe, what-" Harry began but I shook my head and motioned for him to wait as I sat on the bed. I quickly composed myself and tried to laugh it off. "You scared me, sorry." I laughed.

"I'm sorry, I called you though- are you okay?" He asked me. He stepped towards me and outstretched his hand in caution, probably worried I'd react the same way again.

"Yeah, I don't know, I think seeing them today just spooked me. Just on edge." I admitted. He nodded understandingly and sat beside me. He pulled me into him and placed a soft kiss on top of my head.

"I need to remember you went through that also," he cursed at himself. "I'm sorry. I've been so focused on, you know, that I forget what they did to you."

I shook my head and pulled away. "Harry it's not even about me, even close. And you know I don't care about that part." I warned him.

"I know baby, but it still happened and if we don't talk about it, you'll be scared forever." He reminded me. We've had this conversation.

"I'm okay, you just startled me. I promise," I leaned into him once more and we fell back, a sigh of relief leaving my lips at the comfort of our bed. The room fell silent and I enjoyed it until five minutes went by and the silence was a little creepy.

"Harry?" I called out. He didn't reply and I sat up, finding him sound asleep. I smiled to myself and loosened his tie for him. I undressed him from the uncomfortable suit and he didn't budge, which was good. He needed sleep, we both did.

I woke him momentarily only for him to get under the covers and he sleepily obliged while I wrapped my limbs over him protectively. My head rested comfortably on his chest and my leg hooked around his waist and he hummed in approval as his hand lay on my thigh.

I looked up at him once more and took him in as he slept, and for the first time in a long time I saw a little smile grace his lips. I smiled also and pulled the duvet all the way up over us.

God, I really loved this man.

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