Paranoia // Third Book To The...

By DeathInspiresMe_

231K 5K 6.6K

After Archie got arrested the town of Riverdale went to shit. Pasts are dug up. Relationships tore apart. And... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Ask The Characters!
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 38

3.6K 76 76
By DeathInspiresMe_

Jughead and I run as fast as we can into the Jones's residence. There is no way they got away with JB. No way. I mean how did they manage to get her. "Jellybean! Jellybean!" I scream helplessly.

"Jellybean!" Jug yells helplessly as we search the house for any sign of the girl who seemed to just be here.

"Jellybean!" FP screams. There is no response. Instead just silence. The soft noises of our panicked states as we run around looking for her. She couldn't of just disappeared. I mean who could have even gotten in here.  

"Dad," Jug says as he moves towards the dinning room table. We follow as he lifts a letter from the surface.

"What the hell is that?" FP asks.

"'I invite you to play a round of Gryphons and Gargoyles,'" Jug reads, "'The outcome of which will determine Princess Jellybean's fate.'"

"Hey," Gladys says as she joins us completely confused at our panicked state, "Why is the door wide open?What's wrong? Where's JB?"

"She was taken," FP says weakly as I turn to glare at the mother in the room. It was her gargoyle who lead us on the goose chase. Her monkey causing this problem. 

"By the Gargoyle King," Jug says harshly as he glares at his mother, "and his loyal servant, Kurtz." 

"We have to find that son of a bitch," She says harshly.

"Find him?" FP asks, "He's outside in the back of my cruiser." Gladys scoffs looking to FP.

"Then drag his ass in here!" She yells. FP scrambles with Jug to get Kurtz as I search the rest of the living room. I attempt to find something that would give us more. Nothing no struggle, no trace. She just vanished. FP and Jug make their way in with Kurtz dragging him and a chair into the living room. They tie him up despite my concerns on how the sheriff kidnapping someone would look. Gladys beats him while digging for answers. It seems to be more of a waste of time then anything. He doesn't want to budge.

"Where the hell is my daughter?" Gladys screams loudly, "Tell me or I'll kill you right here, right now."

"Where are you keeping her, Kurtz?" FP asks firmly. Kurtz smirks widely.

"With an associate," He says, "Being very well taken care of." Gladys moves away from him as she grunts in frustration. The poisons sound leaving her lips could have been intimidating if her weakness wasn't showing through her teeth. Any wrong move and they could kill JB. Or at least cause her some harm. 

"He's not gonna tell us," Jug says in defeat. I sigh as trial my fingers across my mouth trying to think of a way around this. I sigh. Only one real way remains here.

"Accept the invite to play," Kurtz says with a slight laugh, "Let's see if you can bring Jellybean home." Jug drags the lot of us into the kitchen. I watch the family carefully. 

"He's crazy," FP says as he rubs his jaw, "How can we believe anything he has to say."

"I've played this game enough to know that guys like Kurtz are completely devoted to the Gargoyle King and his rules," Jug says, "If we play and we win, we can get Jellybean back. I'm sure of it." We all nod in agreement. But Jug's eyes fall on me. "This doesn't involve you-you don't have to play if you aren't comfortable."

"I'll play for you," I say looking up to him, "I know what this means for you and your family. That matters more to me right now." He smiles widely.

"We'll agree to your terms," He says looking to Kurtz, "We'll play."

"Of course you will," Kurtz says smirking, "except the murders daughter here. She has no business here. She can't play." I look over to Jug frantically. "Further more she can't be called for assistance or tell anyone else. She'll be left out of this or will join the princess."

"Jug," I say looking to him. He sighs looking down at me.

"Go home," He says softly, "please." I look to Kurtz then back to Jug. I rush towards the raven headed boy pulling him into a tight hug.

"Be careful," I say to him, "I love you."

"I love you too," He says to me. He pecks my forehead then urges me to leave. I smack Kurtz before stomping off. I make my way to my own house next door. As I step inside I see Archie, Fred, and Vegas in the kitchen in the middle of a seemingly serious conversation.

"You guys are acting like someone died," I say jokingly as I move to sit on the floor beside the dog. They both look at me seriously and I sigh, "shit who was it this time?"

"Randy that kid I fought early today," He tells me I sigh as I pet the dog gently. Another person died. Archie didn't like- kill Randy did he? "He was juicing that's what caused it. Ellio really wanted him to win."

"That's heavy," I say showing sympathy towards his case.

"Son," Fred says in a very father like manor, "everything you've said, it's clear that Randy died from those drugs, An autopsy will support that. You're innocent."

"I'm not, Dad," Archie says slightly raising his tone, "I knew. I knew Randy was juicing. I could've stopped the fight, but I didn't wanna forfeit. If I had I'm never stepping into that ring ever again. I can't." I can't help but feeling like I am interrupting the father son moment. Fred pats his sons back comforting him. Archie pulls away and walks upstairs leaving me and Fred. He looks to the ground then looks to me. 

"So that Kurtz guy?" He asks. I feel myself start to panic slightly.

"Down at the station with FP," I inform him, "we finally got him so that's good at least- but there is so much more going on." I sigh at the lack of information I am able to give to the man I care so much for. I feel bad but I know I can't risk anything with JB. "I'm heading to bed. Night Fred."

"Night," He says as I head down stairs. The dog follows and curls into bed with me once I finally settle. My mind stays on what could be happening in the next house. It takes hours before I can finally fall asleep.


 My phone blaring wakes me up at once. I get excited thinking maybe its Jughead with some news. But once I grab the phone I see Veronica's contact. The words 'Princess Lodge' cover my screen. "Hello?" I ask with my voice groggy and clearly tired.

"You're dumbass best friend is in prison right now," Veronica says slightly annoyed, "Archie got himself and Mad Dog arrested."

"Son of a bitch why this time?" I ask at once as I jump out of bed.

"The police raided his gym and found steroids on Archie- he wasn't taking them just he had them," She explains. I sigh loudly at the stupidity of the red head. Truly he's a new kind of stupid. "I'm going to post their bail can you come retrieve them with me?"

"Yeah but you might have to watch me because I might beat Archie's ass for getting himself arrested again this year," I say as I start collecting my things to get ready, "I'll meet you at the station I guess."

"Yeah alright," She says, "I'll meet you there." She sighs hanging up. I toss my phone down and quickly throw on my clothes. I rush through getting ready until finally I can run up to my car speeding to the station. All I did was go to sleep. I mean really how did he manage this? As I reach the station I see Veronica waiting outside. I reach her quickly and sigh. 

"I spend more time in this god damn station then any high schooler should," I say harshly, "now lets go get these dumbasses." She chuckles as we move along. The process of posting bail was tedious but quickly we get the boys out. They smile at us as they are released. "Don't seem too happy now you have to deal with me."

"We posted your bail as soon as we could," Veronica says to them. 

"Really Veronica posted your bail," I tell them, "I'm here to collect you idiots."

"Thanks, Ronnie," Archie says smiling at her. I roll my eyes harshly, "We'll pay you back."

"Gentlemen, that's the least of our worries," Veronica says, "Elio's been a busy bee."

"Lets go lady and gents," I say leading them out of the station to my truck. The boys climb in the back as Ronnie and I take the front. "Holding cell comfy Archie?" I tease he scoffs lightly.

"Where's Jug?" He asks me. I bite my lip as I quietly attempt to search for a believable answer.

"Family drama," I say simply enough, "well I guess lets head to Pops. We can go over the damage with Elio there- its heavy." I pull into Pops and we all move in. I make some food up for us then return to see Veronica and the boys watching the news. Elio is with Alice no doubt spreading lies about Archie.

"-now that Randy Ronson's autopsy has revealed the ugly truth," Elio starts.

"And what truth is that?" Alice asks tilting the mic towards him.

"That he was indeed taking performance enhancing drugs," He starts then with a subtle smirk he moves on,  "provided by his competitor Archie Andrews."

"That snake," I huff as Veronica moves to turn off the TV. I set the food down in front of the boys and sigh, "How many Mob people are you going to get in with Archie?"

"Not funny," He says sighing, "This is nuts. Elio's the one who gave Randy the drugs."

"That may be impossible to prove," Veronica says.

"No," I cut in, "it is impossible to prove especially seeing as he has a check book he can wave around."

"He's setting me up to take the fall," Archie says with a pathetic sigh, "Am I screwed?"

"With me in your corner?" Veronica asks I give them a look watching the scene. Josie must hate them getting close again like this. I mean I would, "Never. I'm going to dog walk that lying cad. But we do need to play defense."

"How do we do that?" Mad Dog asks.

"First things first, drink up, boys," Veronica says as she pushes their cups towards them. I smirk widely. Its kinda amusing being on the other side of that situation. 

"Let me just say you'll want to drink all of that," I tell them with a slight smirk. Archie seems lost. But when the doctor comes in he no longer does. 

"What?" He asks us, "Whats this about?"

"You two are taking a drug test," I inform the with a smug look, "this way you can prove that you don't juice and fought a clean match. So he'll go into the bathroom with you all to make sure you aren't lying. Now chug." They follow the order and feel completely embarrassed. As the doctor leaves they retake their spot at the counter. Veronica is helping serve leaving me with the boys.

"Man, this is humiliating," Archie huffs as the doctor leaves. I smirk.

"Well, I guess you've never been on parole," Mad Dog says. Archie looks to me.

"Why are you so amused?" He asks.

"Because I don't have to take on this time," I tell him, "a good chunk of my early teen years were taking and well failing those tests. Its nice to see that be someone else's problem. Taking them at least." He sighs as Mad Dog looks up at me expressionless. "It gets easier. Not that I think you'll have to take much more of these."

"She's right at that part," Mad Dog says, "after about two are three it stops being embarrassing."

"It just becomes a chore," I say to them, "now if you'll excuse me I'm going to try to call Jug." I move away from the counter into the back calling Jug. After about six rings he answers. "Hey Juggie-"

"Now you can't distract them," Kurtz says on the other line. I scoff at the sound of the guys voice.

"I need to speak with Jughead," I say to him, "quick phone call no helping."

"Only if you speak to all of us," He says slightly mocking me in the situation. I sigh.

"Whatever that's fine with me just- just let me talk to him," I say harshly. He chuckles. I hear him hit something. "Jug?"

"I'm here," I hear Jug say. He doesn't have the phone obviously its away from him slightly. I must be on speaker phone. "You okay?"

"Am I okay?" I ask him in disbelief at the fact he thinks I matter right now, "that's not important. Whats important is you. Are you all okay?"

"Peachy Keen Sweet Heart but if you don't mind we are busy-" Gladys says harshly.

"Mom knock it off," Jug snaps. His expression softens, "listen we are fine. Just- don't expect us for a bit. If we want JB we have to play by his rules. No cops no outside help."

"Fine," I say softly, "just- be careful."

"30 seconds love birds," Kurtz mocks. I roll my eyes.

"I love you Juggie," I say to him, "get JB back for us okay?"

"I will- I love you too," He says to me. 

"Well well time is up," Kurtz says as his voice takes over the call, "So sorry high elf- maybe next time you can tag along next time." 


"Choice your words carefully," He mocks with his twisted laugh, "if your good maybe I'll give lover boy back his phone." He hangs up on me as I growl under my breath. If anything happens to any of them I'm gutting that brat like a fish.

"Hey Y/n!" Veronica calls back, "we got the results. Our boys are clean!" I sigh trying to seem okay forcing a big smile on my face. I move out to follow her to the boys. She was getting everything ready for a public statement.

Soon she got Alice and cameras here to make the public statement. Out of my love for my best friend and her dragging me outside to join them. We stand on the steps looking on brightly at the people infront of us.

"I am pleased to announce that the results of the drug test taken by Archie Andrews and Mad Dog Moore have both come back negative," Veronica announces, "And as the investigation into the horrific death of Randy Ronson continues-"

"He murdered our brother," One of Randy's sisters says loudly as she steps forward.

"Ms. Ronson, I assure you, Archie didn't-" Veronica starts.

"You should fry for what you did," She says harshly.

"With all due respect and I'm sorry for you lose but its not his fault your brother was using," I say with a very clear slight edge in my voice, "I wish we could do anything." Archie moves past us to stand before her. I sigh.

"Ms. Ronson, believe me, if I could take back what-" He starts. But she swings her hand slapping him at full force. People around us gasp as I rub my temples.  

"Oh, did you get that?" Alice asks as I shove past Veronica to stand at Archie's side ready to fight. He moves his arm to block me from the woman. 

"I'm so sorry," Archie says, "I wish it were me and not him."

"I think you're not alone in that sentiment, Andrews," Elio says harshly as he moves to pull the woman away. I scoff.

"Oh yeah Elio-" I start as Veronica moves her hand over my mouth to prevent me from speaking. She smiles to the crowd waving as she pulls us back inside. Once away from the eyes of everyone I sigh looking to my watch. "My free period is up- I have to get back to school. Not that any of you do that anymore."

"I go to school sometimes," Archie says. I nod.

"And you wonder why you are so behind," I say teasing him slightly, "if anyone wants a ride come along." None of them move. I sigh moving along to head to school. As I get into the building I see Betty at her locker. I move joining her. "Why hello you beautiful bitch." She rolls her eyes playfully. I smile.

"Good morning to you too," She says. I look over to the line of people slightly confused. "Vaccinations." 

"Oh," I nod.

"Evelyn, have you already received your meningitis vaccination?" I hear one of the school staff say. I look back with Betty curious with the conversation.

"No," Evelyn says, "The Farm doesn't believe in putting foreign substances into our bodies. You can check my file. My father wrote Mr. Weatherbee a letter opting me out of all elective medical procedures." I look back to Betty as she smirks.

"'Check my file.'" Betty mocks slightly, "I think I just might." I smile.

"In true Betty Cooper fashion," I say smiling at her.

"Want to join?" She asks me. 

"I have to work tonight or else I would," I say to her, "I hate to miss some Nancy Drew action." 

"Well I'll text you whatever I find- you're starting to become the only person I can trust," She sighs. I smile linking my arm with hers as we move through the school to our class.

"At least I'm an entertaining to keep around," I joke causing her to laugh. I see Evelyn with her farmies as they avoid the vaccination line. I scoff. "As if the farm couldn't get bad enough- now their anti-vaxers. Gotta just throw the whole cult away."

"Or just introduce a curable diseases and watch them all die off," Betty says causing her and I to lose it at the dark joke. 

"Betty!" I exclaim as we take our seats. She smirks. "These fuckers are the ones bringing back the bubonic plague!"

"Miss L/n please for the love of god watch your mouth," Our teacher snaps at me. I laugh nodding as her. She turns back to her computer as I lose it. As we calm down I look at Evelyn the seat in front of us. I smirk leaning forward to tap on the girl's shoulder. She looks back at me.

"I have regained interest in the farm," I say causing her to get slightly excited, "so the diseases do I get them up front or do I have to wait? Like measles? Is that a upon joining?" She turns around attempting to ignore me as Betty laughs. I move back sitting in my seat. Reggie moves trying to grab my attention. "What Mantle?"

"Just curious about you and Jones- are you two back together?" He asks cornering me. I sigh looking on nervously.

"I don't know what you mean-"

"Cut the shit," He says looking at me, "honestly as your favorite person."

"You definitely aren't my favorite person," I say to him, "besides what does it matter?"

"Boring!" He says to me as he stand moving to his seat. I look to Betty rubbing my temples at the pure stupidity of the company I keep. This man- dumb as fuck maybe even more so then Archie.

"Boys are utterly ridiculous," Betty sighs.

"Lets run away to somewhere people have brains," I say to her. She smiles as the teacher takes control of the classroom. I move boredly to my sketchbook. I start to draw as she drones on about some math concept I already understand. I work on the roses on the paper. Betty looks over at it and smiles.

"It looks really good," She whispers.

"Thanks," I whisper back. As the class drones on I all but disconnect from the room. The rest of the day seems to go this way. Until finally the bell rings dismissing us. Sweet Pea moves to my side with a big smile. "Whats got you so happy?"

"That vixen Ginger is going to meet me at the movies tonight," He says with a slight smirk, "not a date but a definitely she and I are going to hook up."

"Whatever keeps you busy," I tease as he and I move towards my car, "lets go get our homework done nerd." He smirks as he jumps in first. I take my spot in the drivers seat as he fiddles with the radio swapping it over to my Queen cd humming along to Don't Stop me Now. I dance slightly as I drive enjoying the wholesome moment. At Pops he and I head in bags in hand making our way to a booth. He sets his phone down onto the table smiling.

"You making me listen to Hamilton was cruel because now I look like a nerd!" He exclaims. I roll my eyes at the comment.

"But its good right!" I say.

"It is!" He exclaims, "I don't understand." I chuckle. "Its a musical about some founding father it shouldn't be this good."

"Oh! Next listen to Six," I say to him, "its so good!"

"I can't I'm losing my cool guy edge!" He says.

"You play piano!" I exclaim, "you are a giant dork!"

"Shhh!" He shushes me at once, "you're ruining my image." I chuckle.

"Are you saying that I a musical loving dork am no longer intimidating?" I ask him. He looks down at me.

"You are like a foot shorter than me," He says.

"And I could kick your ass," I say to him. He nods. 

"That is a valid point except- puppies they are your weakness," He says to me. I glare at the boy. He is right. They are my weakness. "But you are right you could kick my ass."

"That's what I thought," I say as I pull my things out for our homework. He follows suit as Pops moves sitting down milkshakes for us. He looks at me slightly confused at the lack of one person in this group setting. 

"No Jughead?" Pops asks.

"No not today," I say to them, "family stuff. Just Pea and I today." He nods. He's watched as this group shrinks. First with Pea, Fangs, Toni, Jug, and I. Then losing people left and right until now its just Sweet Pea and I. He smiles at us before moving off. Sweet Pea looks over at me slightly confused.

"What about his family?" He asks. I shrug.

"Something he couldn't tell me," I lie as I pull my phone up texting Jug to check up on him. Sweet Pea takes his phone off the table. No response from Jug. I toss my phone down as Sweet Pea offers me one of his ear buds.

"My live reaction to Six," He says to me. I smile taking it as the first song plays. We sit listening to the musical as we work on our homework. Its fun and actually productive ending with both of us finishing most of our work while also having fun with one another. Successfully I got him to like another musical.

"You are more open to my music then my boyfriend," I say to him as I laugh, "under appreciated Sweet Pea. You are under appreciated." 

"You said it not me," He says. I roll my eyes playfully as he packs up his things. "Want me to put your stuff in your car? That way you can get ready."

"What a gentlemen," I say smiling at him as I hand over my bag. I hold my uniform to my frame as he moves to put my stuff in my car. I head to the bathroom and swap my outfit quickly. As I reappear he holds his hands out for my ball of clothes. 

"Can I take your truck?" He asks me.

"Of course," I say to him, "just pick me up at the end of the night." 

"Of course," He says. I hand him my keys and the clothes and he heads out. I clean up my booth first. Transitioning into my shift. After a couple hours its steady and I'm in work mode.  I fix the milkshake as Pops take the order beside me. Its a steady night not too busy but definitely keeps me busy enough to not be able to check in with Jug. Not that it mattered he wasn't even texting me back. I move away from the counter and hand the milkshake to the customer. I stop at Josie's table taking note of her dad actually being here with her. I smile at them.

"Need anything?" I ask them.

"No I'm good," Josie smiles at me. I nod moving away from the table back to the counter. I start to wipe down the milkshake machine. The sound of the soft music and Josie talking fills the room.

"Thanks again for coming, Dad," She says. I smile at the fact she finally gets to see her dad again. He's actually here and that's new for her. 

"It's nice to catch up," He tells her, "My next tour is gonna be a long one."

"Well, that's actually why I wanted to meet up," She says to him, "Recently, I've been headlining act downstairs at La Bonne Nuit. But Riverdale's a small town. And I wanna broaden my musical horizons. So I thought maybe I could go on tour with you. "

"Josie, it's a hard life being on the road," He starts seeming uncomfortable.

"Please, just come and see me perform," She says inviting him, "I've got a set tomorrow." I sigh turning to the counter starting to clean it.

"Everybody, on the ground, right now!" I hear someone scream as three people storm in with masks. It seems familiar but like they are forcing their voice to be lower. People start to duck hiding under counters. I stand with Pops wide eyed.  "Get down!"

"No!" I scream, "not on my shift! Come back when Lodge is here."

"Y/n!" Pop Tate exclaims. I scoff. I reach into my pocket slyly pulling out my knife. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight- but if I catch one off guard. 

"Get down!" The person yells. We back away from the register as they take the money. I see the gun behind the counter. One shot gun. As they move away Pops grabs it lifting to them shooting without mercy. One of them is taken down with the gum ball machine. Pops cocks the gun again pointing it at them.

"Pop!" I hear the familiar voice it can't- the person yanks their mask off to reveal its Jug. "Pops, don't. This isn't what you think." I drop the knife in shock looking at him. 

"Jug?" I ask weakly. He looks at me sadly.

"Go! Go! Go!" FP yells at them as I stand in shock. 

"Go! - We gotta go! We gotta go!" Gladys yells at Jug as she attemtps to pull him away.

"Dad. - Dad! Dad!" Jug yells.

"Damn it, we gotta go!" Gladys yells.

"Go! Go! Save Jellybean," FP yells.

"Y/n call the cops," Pops orders.

"On it," I say as I move towards the phone. He came into my work to rob it at gun point. What the actual fuck! I dial 911 and connect with an operator. I hand the phone over to pop tate. 

"Now do you see why I need to get the hell out of this town?" Josie growls. I fall into a ball curling up in utter shock and terror. What the actual fuck is going on. 


In the shock of everything and the lack of communication with Jug I'm left to fill my time with everything else. Like Betty explaining that Evelyn is actually a adult and a play at younger members. Wild. Even worse that after Alice marries that hunk- cult leader they are adopting the twins. Betty without warning or question stormed my house telling me everything and asked if I would go with her to Penelope to find some way to fight this. That leads us here. Sitting in the Maple Club once again sitting across from Penelope.

"Auntie, I need your help," Betty says trying to appeal to the older woman's sense of selfish morals, "Edgar Evernever and the Farm have nefarious intentions. I can feel it. He plans to adopt your grandchildren, and raise them as his own. Polly, my mom, even Cheryl, they made their decision. But the twins are innocent. Helpless. Auntie, you know what it's like to be adopted into a family that only wants to control you."

"Also the farm is anti vax so leaving the twins with them means you'll get another year or two at best," I add. She nods.

"Lets go ladies," She says as she moves to her feet. She leads us outside where we spilt. She takes one vehicle we take mine. As we move to the old Sisterhood of Quiet Mercy building I see Betty fidget nervously. 

"This will work," I assure her, "it has to." She nods.

"Are you okay?" She asks me, "I heard about the robbery."

"I'm fine," I say pushing aside the topic. She notices how much I don't want to elaborate then allows the music to take over the ride. Abba today. Once in the cult building she and I wait outside the door to the gargoyle room waiting for Penelope as she makes her case. After what seems like forever she marches out with one of the babies. 

"Dagwood... Where's Juniper?" Betty asks as we move towards Penelope.

"She's staying," Penelope says, "We get the boy, but Edgar keeps the girl. Those were the only terms that they would accept, despite my threats to come after the Farm in court."

"Uh They're twins its not morally right to separate them," I say to her, "unless you want a parent trap situation."

"-Thats your take away from this?" Betty asks me. I shrug. She looks back to Penelope. "Edgar isn't even their father."

"But Polly is their mother, it was her decision," Penelope says.

"No, Auntie," Betty starts.

"Betty, it's a miracle I could negotiate the release of one twin," Penelope says, "Jason Junior. Don't feel bad. This is a win." Penelope moves leaving us. I sigh as Betty seems to panic.

"This is terrible," She says weakly.

"I know- How is Jason Junior somehow worse then Dagwood?" I ask her. She glares at me. "Right not the point listen I think we should head out and resituate ourselves. We got one. We can get the other- maybe."

"I think I should get this alone," She says to me, "I need to focus." I nod.

"Yeah sure alright," I say to her.


"I talked to Randy's sister earlier," Veronica says as we sit in the speakeasy with Josie, "On top of everything else, Elio is denying them Randy's insurance money. They got nothing."

"But he can't do that," Archie starts as he clutches his girlfriends hand.

"Well, I was hoping we could make your show tonight a benefit, Josie," Veronica says, "With the proceeds going to the Ronsons."

"Absolutely, Veronica, whatever you need," Josie says.

"I'll do my best to make it back in time for your set," Archie says.

"Back from what?" Josie asks.

"Settling it with Elio," He says as he stands. I roll my eyes harshly. He moves out leaving us girls.

"I'll bartend like always," I say to them, "best in the underground business." The girls smile, "It'll be a great show tonight." With that us girls move to set everything up. The stage, the lights. Everything on our own. Sure it was nice to have a meat head like Reggie around to do the heavy lifting- but it isn't necessary. Soon enough its time for Josie's set. The room packed. Its looking good for the Ronson's.

"I'm sorry, Josie," Veronica says as she and I move towards the nervous looking girl, "I double-checked at the door, but your dad didn't pick up his ticket."

"Why am I not surprised?" She asks sadly. I place a hand on her shoulder comfortingly.

"Are you sure you're still up for this?" I ask her, "we can swap places."

"Yeah," She chuckles, "I'm fine. And the show must go on, right?"

"Okay. Break a leg, girl," Veronica says. I smile at Josie.

"You got this!" I cheer for her. She takes the stage. 

"He left no time to regret," She sings, "Kept his lips wet With his same old safe bet~ Me and my head high And my tears dry Get on without my guy You went back to what you knew So far removed from all that we went through And I tread a troubled track My odds are stacked I'll go back to black~ We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to I go back to us I love you much It's not enough You love blow, and I love puff And life is like a pipe And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside~ We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to Black Black Black Black Black Black Black I go back to I go back to~  We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to We only said goodbye with words I died a hundred times You go back to her And I go back to black~" 

"YEs~" I cheer loudly for the girl. My phone ringing interrupts my excitement for the girl. I answer it. "Hello?"

"Its me Jug," I hear Jug say softly, "JB she's at my house they- they got her."

"Not on my watch," I say to him. I hang up moving towards Veronica. "I have to go- emergency." She nods and I run off as fast as I can to my truck. I speed towards the Jone's residence. As I step inside I feel tears down my face. I don't know when I started. Or why even. "Jellybean! JB!" I run through the house, "Jellybean!" The girl moves towards me seeming fine. I pull her into a tight hug. 

"Whats wrong?" She asks me.

"Jellybean. Jellybean!" Jug's voice cuts her off. He moves to see both of us. He moves wrapping his arms around the two of us. As He lets go He pulls his sister into another hug.

"Oh. Jug," She says slightly shocked.

"I'm so glad you're okay," He says weakly as he pulls back, "Where's Ricky?"

"He left right after you called," She tells us.

"That's another turn of the screw," He mumbles.

"What?" She asks him. He shakes his head.

"No Nothing. Come here," He says pulling us both into a tight hug, "Both of you come here." We move tucking the girl in bed upstairs then we move into his room. He cups my cheek. "I didn't see your care I didn't think you were there."

"Shh- It was for JB," I say to him, "I told you. Anything to get Jellybean back." I kiss his cheek. His arm wraps around me. I move leaning into his chest. This nightmare with this cult and this game will never end will it?

He and I lay back his hands running through my hair.

"How could you ever forgive me for all I've done?" He asks me. 

"Because I love you," I tell him, "more than anything else." 

"That's not enough," He tells me, "that is not near enough to forgive me for all the shit I did to you." I move trailing my fingers along his chest. 

"It is," I say softly, "at least for now."


   Within the next couple days everything seems to settle with the Jones family. Gladys is out of the hospital. FP is out of jail. Its good again. Except for Gladys and her impending leave. Now that the day for her to leave is upon us it is more emotional than we thought before. JB stands beside her mother crying at the thought of her leaving.

"Why can't I just come with you, Mom?" She sobs.

"Because I'm gonna be doing a bunch of dumb work stuff," Gladys says with holding the truth. I sigh. "Believe me, you're gonna have so much more fun here with your dad and Jughead. Come here." Gladys pulls JB into a tight hug. As she moves back JB moves to me hugging me as she sobs into my chest. I stroke the girls hair feeling bad for the family. Despite how awful she is- Gladys is their mom.  "You take good care of my babies. All right?" Gladys says, "And yourself."

"You too, Gladys," FP says. Jugs moves hugging his mom. I tighten my grip around JB as she cries. Gladys pulls away from Jug and heads out leaving at once. JB pulls away from me and runs upstairs. "I've got her." He moves to follow her leaving Jug and I. He pecks my cheek. Once he pulls back he tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

"How about prom?" He asks me.

"What about it?" I ask him.

"Wanna go?" He asks. I laugh.

"Not if this is how your asking me," I say to him, "try again Jones. Maybe I'll say yes."

"Maybe?" He asks me as me moves kissing my neck. "Just maybe?"

"Just maybe."

"I'll make that maybe a yes N/n."

Its sweet. Foreign to the recent times. Bittersweet considering the mood. Yet good. Happy and full of love. Lacking the disgusting twists of the recent paranoia with everything in our lived. I'm truly lucky. 


Anti-Vaxxers don't have rights! Okay thats harsh but like come on... facts are facts.

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