Chapter 4

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  The first day of school no matter how far in to my school career I get still makes me extremely nervous. So as I tie my laces the fact I'm the only kid leaving the Andrews house was very present.

  "I'm leaving Bye Fred!" I call as I run out the door. As I get to my car I dump my things into my truck. Archie and I would drive to school together about as much as Jug and I would. The three of us always together. It's a weird feeling thinking of your best friend sitting in a jail cell. Especially Archie out of all of them. Out of the corner of my eye I see some on the sign for the parking space beside mine. "There are those fucking symbols again!" As I get out of my car I see them closer. They look runic in nature but obviously more sloppy than that of any actual worth.

"You okay Y/n?" I hear someone ask. As I turn I see Reggie watching me carefully. "You're staring at that sign the same why you look at me."

"How do I look at you?" I ask him carefully and he laughs.

"With hatred and disgust," He says to me, "now what did that sign do to deserve that?"

"I just- why are these symbols popping up everywhere?" I ask him completely confused, "like they all have just been popping up everywhere it's crazy."

"Really?" Reggie asks looking at them closer, "Huh? I didn't even notice but yeah they are all over aren't they."

"Yeah," I say to him, "it's weird."

"Fairly," he says to me as he looks to the door, "hey do you know anything about Josie and Sweet Pea." I scoff loudly.

"Because I keep track of my exes love life," I sigh, "but apparently they were a fling or something." He sighs. "I don't think she's looking for anything serious."

"I'm not either!" He says loudly and I snort loudly as I adjust my backpack.

"Maybe you should move on," I suggest to him, "preferably to someone who I can't help you with." He looks at my figure and smirks as he moves to place an arm around me.

"Oh I see," He says, "you finally over Donnie Darko huh?" I push his arm off of me.

"I still very much so love my boyfriend," I say to him, "and you aren't my type." He pulls back respectfully and I nod.

"I see," He says, "fine L/n I'll move on from Josie. But just know I don't like it."

"You don't like anything but getting high and football," I huff, "you are like every single football stereotype but worse."

"Whatever miss 'serpent queen'" he says harshly, "talk about stereotypes."

"Bite me," I say to him as we walk into the school together.

"If that's what your in to," he says winking at me as he breaks off to his team and I go to the serpents. The other snakes were all resting in the lounge chatting happily.

"Well if it isn't our queen," Toni teases playfully. I roll my eyes.

"I hate that by the way," I say to them as I sit down, "where is jug?"

"No clue," Fangs says as I throw my legs over him, "you didn't stay over?"

"Nah," I say to them, "FP is cool and all but even he has some problems with me staying over all the time."

"Miss how sweet it was with Lily huh?" Sweet Pea asks and I nod.

"Yeah," I say to him, "she literally let you live in my room when we were dating. And Fred doesn't like Jug staying in my room and FP doesn't like me staying on school days. I mean fuck Lily bought condoms for us this is a weird switch."

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora