Chapter 31

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"Well that is the last of the written permissions," I say to Mrs. Leather, "so I'm thinking my fear project, the portraits, and the one from the other day of me in the field."

"Yes," she says smiling as we look over my decided pieces for the show, "it will be great. We can mock set up your part of the show tomorrow. You and Toni are my stars so you can't disappoint."

"I don't plan on it," I say to her, "not in a million years." 

"I have a people coming from several art colleges," She tells me, "I talked to them about you and they loved what I sent. They are so excited to see the work." I squeal lightly. This could be my future. I feel my phone buzz violently in my pocket. I see Archie's contact on my phone.

"Sorry I have to take this," I say. She nods turning to another student in the art show. "Whats up Arch?"

"Ready for breakfast?" He asks me. I look to the Art teacher then back away. Sighing slightly. I really don't want to leave this set up stuff. 

"Yeah always," I say to him, "I'll meet you at Pops?"

"Alright see you there," He says. I hang up and Wave to Mrs. Leather before heading out. I know I can get this set up in time for everything. But honestly I also now getting this target off of Archie's back is a huge priority. I make my way to Pops in my truck. Lately Archie, Betty, and I were working to fix my mess of a truck. It was nice hanging out with the three of them and nice to learn how to fix the vehicle.

My presence at pops is alerted by the dinging bell. The three at the table look over at once to see me. I wave stepping towards them. I see Archie and Jug sitting on one side as Betty and I sit on the other.

"Sorry if I'm late," I say to them, "art show stuff."

"Oh how's that going N/n?" Betty asks me. I smile excitedly. Honestly I'm all but bouncing up and down in my sit due to the excitement of this art show and the college reps. 

"Well Mrs. Leather has invited a bunch of art school big leagues and a couple of them are very excited to see me work," I say slightly geeking out, "this could be my ticket away from Riverdale. Better yet this could be my ticket into the art world. I'm so excited."

"That's amazing," Archie says then looks over to Jug. The raven's eyes were firmly planted on the table. Slightly angry looking. Archie elbows him causing the raven to sit up and join the conversation.

"Oh yeah its cool," Jug says avoiding my eyes slightly, but once they hit mine my heart stops, "you can finally leave Riverdale behind." I see him slightly upset at his own words. I guess in his world the idea of me leaving Riverdale behind is me leaving him behind. What he doesn't know is that I won't leave him behind like he thinks I will. We are going to New York like we planned all the years ago.

"We promise we will be right there for you," Betty says. I smile brightly at her. I look over to the others.

"But we aren't here to talk about me," I say to them, "this is about Archie being a marked man. So what do we got?"

"Well," Jug says, "Here's the deal, Archie.   I checked with my dad,   I pulled all the files on Warden  Norton after he committed suicide,   and I cleared out his  office, and I found this." He places a baggie on the table showing a quest card. Exactly like the one Ricky had. Archie takes it.

"Quest Card," He scoffs as he holds both of the ones up, "'kill the Red  Paladin.' Like the one Ricky had." Archie hands them over to Betty and I as we look over them.

"These cards are identical," I say looking to Jug, "but I'm guessing you already figured that out."

"Yeah," He says, "Identical, That's the same design, same card stock.   To me, that indicates  that someone printed   out multiple 'Kill the  Red Paladin' cards,   put them out into the world."

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt