Chapter 19

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My legs throb as we walk through the town of Toledo. Train hopping sucked ass but walking all these miles was worse. Jug has both his bag and mine cause about a mile ago I started complaining and he got tired of it. Jug sees a guy with a truck and waves him down.

"Do you know where Jones Yard is?" He asks the man. He looks over us and nods.

"Yeah," He says to him, "you kids don't look to hot. Want a ride?"

"Yes," I say making the executive decision based on my pain. "Well get in the back." The boys follow suit as we climb in the bed of the truck and the man takes off leading us to maybe our doom. Or maybe exactly where we need to go. Honestly at this point I'm down for either.

As we reach a chained in yard with a sign with mix matched letters spelling out Jones Yard we climb out.

"This is definitely the place," Jug says as Archie smacks the back of the truck signalling that the man could leave. We walk forwards to see a boy who's average height with black hair. He has to be around our age.

"You guys lost?" He asks us, "Or looking to pick up some merch?" I roll my eyes at the boy. Yeah cause we came all the way from Riverdale to the ass end of nowhere to pick up some fucking car part.

"We're looking for Gladys Jones," Jug says and shows the boys his Serpent Tattoo. "I'm family. We need a place to stay." A blonde headed little girl working on the cars sits up and looks at us. It's JellyBean. I smile at her.

"- Jughead?" She asks smiling at the three is us

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"- Jughead?" She asks smiling at the three is us.

"- Jellybean?" He asks happily approaching the fence to see his sister. He hasn't seen her in years. It's a big deal for him.

"Thought I smelled something rotten," she says slightly teasing her brother, "You heard him. Open the damn gate." The Guys rushes over to open the door and Jug runs through hugging his sister.

"  The Guys rushes over to open the door and Jug runs through hugging his sister

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Hey Jellybean," I say to her as she pulls away from Jughead. I smile at her.

"Y/n is that you?" She asks me, "i thought you were off in god knows where." I hug her tightly.

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat