Chapter 11

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-Lily 1992-

When those detentions turned from one to four. Well everyone seemed to blame themselves and each other. Anger was festering. Yet when seemingly we would all split apart we all got together. Sharing lunches, talking about hopes.

And thankfully your mother seemed to forgive me. Everything was calm. And on one rainy afternoon it happened. Hermione and Naomi, an unlikely pair I know, were trying to break open Mrs. Krabappel's drawer.

"What are you doing?" Penelope asks them. Obviously on the line of lecturing.

"Yesterday, Mrs. Krabappel took my game lad and she locked it up in here, so I'm getting it back," Hermione says and Penelope looks at Naomi.

"6 packs of my cigarettes have went in here," Naomi says desperately trying to pull it open, "besides I like breaking stuff."

"That's vandalism," Penelope says crossing her arms as it pops open. Naomi pulls her cigarettes out from the top and pockets them quickly.

"Yeah!" Sierra says looking at us marching over with the others, "Holy crap! Krabappel's been hoarding our stuff for decades." Sierra passes Fred his drumsticks. "Ooh!" People grab the confiscated things from the drawer left and right.

"What's that?" I ask as Penelope pulls out a box. It was white. Neat and medieval looking. And there it was Y/n, Gryphons and Gargoyles. The game that destroys lives.

"I've heard of this game before," Penelope says cautiously. Her mood changes to very strict in seconds. She holds it to her chest. "We shouldn't play it, it doesn't belong to us anyway."

"Gryphons and Gargoyles," FP says as he pulls it away from her, "Thought this was an urban legend."

"I heard some kids have been playing it Seaside," Fred says looking to us all like it was something impressive.

"I heard one of them had a heart attack and died," Hermione says and Naomi scoffs loudly. My heart beats loudly. it couldn't of been the game right?

"In that case, we definitely have to play it, right?" Alice says smirking at the group

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"In that case, we definitely have to play it, right?" Alice says smirking at the group. We all slowly seem to get on the same page. Besides Naomi.

"I've heard this game is a loser role playing game that literally will bore us to death," Naomi says pulling back, "so let's not."

"Come on Naom," Fred says taking her hand. A pit of jealousy filling my stomach, "it's not like there is anything better to do." Naomi was very adamant about not playing this game. She always said it was because it was something for losers. But I think it was because it made her uneasy. I think in some level she knew about the game or at least knew we shouldn't have played it.

"'An ancient evil, long forgotten to this world, has awoken,'" Penelope reads as all of us sit in a circle around the game, a thick manual in her hands, "'His name, the Gargoyle King. Defeat him and receive the supreme reward.'"

Paranoia // Third Book To The Lucky SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin