bunny boy || taekook

By sweetseokie

291K 11.9K 6.6K

"bunny boy, are you playing hard to get? no need to do that because you already make me hard" 🔞top tae ⚠️... More

important ❤️
new story: opposite


12.2K 551 642
By sweetseokie

When Jin reached home, he found jungkook lying on the floor, hugging his cooky pillow and sleeping. Jin kissed the younger's forehead and proceeded to make preparations for dinner. He was happy that he finally had a job and now they can pay all of their debts.

While Jin was preparing dinner, jungkook sneaked up behind him and hugged him tightly. He was still dizzy from sleep. He kept his head on jin's broad shoulders and smiled.

"That smells great. Hyungie is the best cook."

He said smiling. Jin hummed and continued doing his chores without being bothered by a sleepy kookoo hanging off his shoulders like a leech. The sight looked pretty funny.

Jungkook noticed the hello kitty band-aid on jin's elbow and got worried

"Hyung, you got hurt? Let me clean it properly"

Jungkook said with a worried tone but Jin laughed it off.

"Jungkook it's fine. The best thing is that I got a job. This calls for celebration right? It's just a small scratch, don't worry".

Jungkook sighed. He knew his hyung was too kind.

"Tell me everything about your job and how you got that 'scratch' during dinner time. Tell me which bitch I have to kill today for hurting my hyung"

Jungkook said dramatically.

Jin started laughing at jungkook's statement and shooed him out of the kitchen.

During dinner Jin told him about the hotel and the incident. He didn't tell jungkook the name of his boss and just kept it to Mr. Kim thinking that it was unprofessional of him. And more importantly, he didn't want jungkook to come to his office and warn taehyung to behave properly to his hyung. This might cost his job.

They ate dinner happily and jungkook was happy. He went back to his room and did his summer assignments while boy with luv played in his headphones.

'oh my my my~'


Next day, Jin left early for his job so jungkook didn't have any problem with leaving for café. He dressed up and walked to the café. It was still early and there were very few customers there.

There wasn't taehyung and jungkook was happy for it. He didn't want to see that rich asshole's pretty face, the first thing in the morning.


Jungkook didn't want to deny the fact that taehyung was indeed pretty. His long lashes and his pink lips. And not to forget his veiny hands...

"..kook? Jungkook? You on Earth?"

Someone snapped their fingers infront of his face.

"Ohmygod Thanos snapping fingers in Cafe!!!" Jungkook whispered screamed but those fingers were too pretty to belong to Thanos.

He looked up and saw taehyung grinning at him.

"What were you thinking jungkook? Thinking about me?"

Taehyung whispered softly.

"How did you kn— don't make assumptions. You scared me Taehyung!"

Jungkook screamed at the other but taehyung just laughed at the younger.

"I'll have the same as yesterday and by the way jungkook, I'm older than you. Call me hyung"

He winked and went to his usual place.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and went to the café kitchen to prepare the order.

Meanwhile taehyung thought about how his bunny lightened up his day. He was not in mood of going to work because of what happened with Reiko. But now he was happy to see his bunny. His cute bunny.

Just then he heard some screaming from inside the kitchen. The café owner was screaming at jungkook for something.

Taehyung was angry because the owner was calling jungkook words like f*ag and slut.

After a few minutes, jungkook came with taehyung's  order. He smiled at the older.

Taehyung wanted to say something but at the same time jungkook dropped the cup.

The café owner saw all this and screamed at the top of his voice.

"You fag! Lick it all clean you dirty whore. How dare you do this"

Taehyung's anger was getting out of control and he got up, his hands balled up in a fist. No one deserves to be treated like this.

He was going to punch the owner but then someone else's fist connected to the asshole's face.

Jungkook punched the owner fair and square without any hesitation.

"Shut up! I can file a report in police station for you saying this"

Jungkook was breathing heavily and his eyes were brimming with tears.

Acts like these involve great courage

Taehyung glared at the owner and whispered,

"One more word and my lawyer will speak to you"

Taehyung held the younger's hand delicately and made his way outside the café. Jungkook was breathing heavily and was shivering. All of this was too much for him.

Taehyung hugged the younger and threaded his fingers slowly through the brown soft hair.

"Jungkookie calm down. Hyung is here right...just focus on breathing, hyung is here"

Taehyung's large hands were holding the younger's thin waist.

To others it looked like a intimate moment.

Jungkook's moved his head in the crook of Taehyung's neck.

The younger was breathing heavily but it was better now. Taehyung could feel jungkook's warm breath on his exposed neck.

"Hyung— please get me water.."

Jungkook said painfully.

"Yes jungkookie, my strong bunny. Hyung will get you water. Let's go to my car, hyung has water"

Taehyung slowly took jungkook to his car which was not too far away from there.

After 20 minutes, jungkook had finally calmed down. Taehyung wanted to to ask jungkook about what happened earlier but he chose to keep it for next time.

"Taehyung— hyung sorry for that."

Jungkook mumbled.

"Jungkook we'll talk about this later but from now on you won't go there. It's dangerous for you"

Jungkook sighed.

"I know hyung but I need money."

Jungkook said sadly. Taehyung already knew what Jin and jungkook were going through.

"You know Tannie loves you a lot"

Taehyung said smiling softly.

"Now who the fuck is tannie you creepy old hag?"

Jungkook screamed again.

"Shit jungkook don't scream. Tannie is my baby, my puppy you infant. And I'm not a old hag. I'm just 23"

Taehyung said sassily.

"You didn't even disagree with the creepy part." Jungkook said softly.

"You said something?"

Taehyung asked.

"Ahaha no no nothing. So yes— tannie your puppy. I miss him too... How is he?"

Jungkook asked happily. His doe eyes shining like it contained million galaxies.

"He's fine. But you know jungkook, I don't have someone to take care of him. I'm not always at home to take care of him, so if you don't mind then please take care of him. I'll pay!"

Jungkook was speechless. He loved tannie but getting paid for taking care of the puppy sounded weird. But he needed money so he agreed.

"Yes I'll take care of tannie. Just tell me the details!"

Taehyung was beyond happy.

"I need to go for work now. I'm getting late. Here take my card, it has my phone number and my address. Just come to my place tomorrow morning at 11 and them we'll talk."

Jungkook nodded.

"Jungkook should I drop you home?" Taehyung asked but the younger refused the other's offer and opted for bus.

Taehyung couldn't wait for tomorrow. 💜



+ Jungkook had a mild panic attack.

Do you have any questions for the characters?

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