Titan's Throne

By theonionjunktion

752K 45.1K 2.5K

30 year old Bastian Smith died and reincarnated in a different body in a word different from earth. The body... More

Glossary of Terms
Prologue- The power of a True Sovereign (Edited)
Chapter 1- The Face of Death. (Edited)
Chapter 2- Not So Noble
Chapter 3- The Mark Awakens
Chapter 4- Are You a Mark Bearer or Not?
Chapter 5- Impossible!
Chapter 6- Soul Sworn
Chapter 7- Pure Genius
Chapter 8- Scorpion
Chapter 9- The Five Elements
Chapter 10- The Slave Auction!
Chapter 11- Freaks of Nature
Chapter 12- Gaining An Army!
Chapter 13- A Kitten Amongst Tigers
Chapter 14- Harmonization
Chapter 15- Tyrian Double Headed Storm Dragon
Chapter 16- Manifestation
Chapter 17- The Empyrean Equilibrium Void Shattering Fist!
Chapter 18- Bloodlines
Chapter 19- First battle!
Chapter 20- V, don't Interfere!
Chapter 21- Perfect Execution!
Chapter 22- Arrogance
Chapter 23- The Smiter Kneels
Chapter 24- Kai and his Master
Chapter 25- The Blind Disaster!
Chapter 26- Putting Your Foot Down
Chapter 27- Are You Done?
Chapter 28-A Dragon Amongst Snakes
Chapter 29-A Hint of Hope
Chapter 30-Soul Brethren
Chapter 31- What Did He Do?
Chapter 32- Who Is It?
Chapter 33- Fear of The Unknown
Chapter 34- A Suggestion
Chapter 35- Soul Training
Chapter 36- Treatment!
Chapter 37- Answer Me Or Die!
Chapter 38- Contract
Chapter 39- Worse Than Death
Chapter 40- Darkness
Chapter 41- The Dao of The Sword
Chapter 42- Yani City
Chapter 43- Iaido
Chapter 44- Pressure Magic!
Chapter 45- Damages
Chapter 46- The Games Begin
Chapter 47- The Elite Gladiator League
Chapter 48- Greed
Chapter 49- The Art of Killing
Chapter 50- Outnumbered, Not Outgunned
Chapter 51 - Knowledge As A Result
Chapter 52 - Incredible Body
Chapter 53 - Wise Words
Chapter 54 - Significance
Chapter 55 - Secondary Aspects
Chapter 56 - Cat And Mouse
Chapter 57 - Full Pontential
Chapter 58 - Crucial Fact
Chapter 59 - Next
Chapter 60 - Last Words
Chapter 61-You Were Careless
Chapter 62- Old Friends
Chapter 63- Disgust
Chapter 64- Growth As A Warrior
Chapter 65- Battles and Lessons
Chapter 66- Tino
Chapter 67- Tempest Monk
Chapter 68- Owami Returns
Chapter 69- The Chase
Chapter 70- Bones
Chapter 71- Specialists
Chapter 72- Ambition
Chapter 73- The Thunder Tiger Empire
Chapter 74- Trust
Chapter 75- Information
Chapter 76- My Enemies are Your Enemies
Chapter 77- I Am His Backing
Chapter 78- Changes
Chapter 79- On To The Next
Chapter 80- A Hero to Groom!
Chapter 81-No Choice but to Fight
Chapter 82- The Heavy Flash
Chapter 83- The Power of a Mage
Chapter 84- Wind Affinity!
Chapter 85- Knowledge Is Power
Chapter 86- Tyson Cole
Chapter 87- Assassin!
Chapter 88- Omen
Chapter 89- Unworthy To Taste My Steel!
Chapter 90- The Feast
Chapter 91- You Dogs, Guess Who's Gonna Have To Discipline You?
Chapter 92- Be Careful Of What You Are About To Say...
Chapter 93- Windy
Chapter 94- So Many Favours...
Chapter 95- Kill? That Would Be Easily Arranged!
Chapter 96- Betting Against The Divine, Maita!
Chapter 97- The Tides Forever Strike, Never To Stop!
Chapter 98- Spear Against Support!
Chapter 99- A Gentle Poke...
My laptop is dead :(
Questions and Answers!
Titans Throne is back!
Super Important Announcement
Chapter 100 - A City Wide Roar
Chapter 101 - Battle of the Clans
Chapter 102 - Humiliation
Chapter 103 - Tactics
Chapter 104 - War
Chapter 105 - Battlefront
Chapter 106 - Casualties
Chapter 108- Inner Demons
Chapter 109- Salvation
Chapter 110- A Plot is Afoot
Stay Frosty
Battlefront 2
Sula's Doubts
Falsified Daughters
Wall Distribution
B Rank City?
Kai's Advice
Phantasma's Fear
Curse Symbiosis
Ignite, Chain and Condense: The Medici Conundrum
Four Great Medici Spells: The Medici Vault
Yin Flames
The Path of Innovation
Vee's Potential Value
Kenshin's Mental Evolution
Soul Site Renovation
Fear Inducing Wraiths
8 Trigrams! Flood Dragon Restriction!
Bastian's Goal: Renewed Resolve
Mixing Matrices
Yin Yang Reversal!
Unjust Augury: 9 Mountains Pagoda Symposium!
The Great Absolute: Spell Categories
Purpose of the Nine Mountains: A Mother's Touch
Burn or Freeze?
Kenshin's Flame: Phantasma's Fear
Unjust Flame Wave
Splitting Flames
Compound Defense
Unjust Augury: Homeostatic Seal
Bastian Makes His Move
Qilin Fortune Courtyard
A Trap Within A Trap

Chapter 107 - Family Bonds

2.1K 137 2
By theonionjunktion

She regained her footing and prepared to fire again. The thunderbird was busy snapping at something. She realised it was one of her men that the alpha thunderbird must have snatched as it swept over the wall.

A few more chomps and it swallowed, leaving a dismembered leg to fall limp to the ground. Meera conjured another bow and began firing arrow-lances like crazy. With amazing agility it dodged them all and returned for another bite.it was clear the alpha was faster and stronger than normal thunderbirds, but Meera kept firing. As it swept over the wall again it snatched up another soldier with its tremendous jaws and took another one in its talons. The soldier trapped in its talons was still alive and was struggling to get free. The alpha thunderbird simply squeezed and there was a crunching noise. The soldier stopped struggling. The talons released him and he fell limp all the way to the hard ground.

The alpha thunderbird made another hundred and eighty degree turn back to Yani city. This time it was headed straight for Meera who was still firing arrow after arrow. In a moment it had reached her.  Its razor sharp talons sprang forward in an effort to grab her but she ducked and rolled at the last moment. Unfortunately she was a step too slow as one of its talons still managed cut her arm from elbow to shoulder.

Meera screamed in pain as blood immediately gushed out of the wound, flowing down her arm in a stream of crimson red. She stumbled to her feet, feeling a little disoriented. Before she could gain her bearings however a set of talons appeared before her and before she could react she was in the creatures' talons.

She struggled, but its hold on her was too tight. She could feel it squeezing and getting tighter. Fortunately she was a teacher and wouldn't be dispatched so easily. It squeezed harder. Meera groaned in unbearable pain as her bones felt on the verge of breaking. Her arm was still bleeding and the thunderbird made so many twists and turns it was too hard for her to get her bearings.

With a determined scream she covered her entire body in a veil of fire qi. It immediately cauterised her wound and it stopped bleeding. The thunderbird had thick scales that would protect it from most but as Meera covered herself in more and more fire qi it had no choice but to let go. The moment it did Meera quickly turned and faced upwards. Pushing her skill to the limits she conjured another bow and arrow-lance, this time covered in blue fire qi so hot it was burning through her uniform which had been enchanted by high mages to be resistant against such effects.  In a second she lined up the shot perfectly, and let the arrow loose. With a deafening boom the force pushed her back, causing her to fall faster. The arrow flew so fast and the distance between them had been so little that the alpha thunderbird could not possibly react.

The flaming arrow pierced its eye, ripping through its skull and coming out the other side. Its head was obliterated and a headless corps fell limp from the sky. The attacking thunderbirds all ceased their assault and observed their alpha falling as a result of its demise. They all began to cry out, not sure what to do next and lost without their alpha. The great thunderbirds banked hard, turning away from the city. But now they flocked to the west. They had come from the North, and that's where they were going where they were going. In fact they planned to go as far away from the south as they could, they knew what was there and they had no intention of facing it's wrath.

Meera kept falling. Her entire body was covered in flames as red as her hair but they were starting to fade. She was exhausted and her qi was depleted. The flames subsided and eventually diminished as the last flicks of orange were snuffed out.

Her vision darkened and she found it hard to breath. "Kitrid..." she whispered just before she lost consciousness.

On the battlefield below Kit was making quick work of the behemoths. He was still seated quite comfortably on Valo. She was still covered in his wood qi which served as sufficient protection from the large rhinos, not to mention she was too agile for the slow, lumbering giants. He leaned to his right, casually impaling them with his spear, or shattering their skulls with a single blow. He had lost more men than he expected but for the time being they were winning.

"Kitrid..." Meeras' whisper managed to find him. Immediately he looked to the direction it had come from, only to see his sister falling with the alpha thunderbird headless and just beside her. He turned Valo around and leaned forward. She bolted with great speed in Meera's direction. Meera was falling too fast and was already too close to the ground for Valo to catch her. Kit rose and perched on his saddle. Just a little closer...

Before she could hit the ground Kit leapt forward with explosive speed. So much it knocked valo back and sent her tumbling. If she hadn't been covered in his wood qi the force would have killed her instantly.

Kit caught Meera in his arms and gently broke her fall. She was semi-conscious now. He made a clicking noise, calling Valo to him. "The alpha..." she kept saying. She approached, looking somewhat scorned. Kit gently placed her on Valo's back.

"Kit..." she whispered, "If you kill the alpha, they'll stop coming." He immediately understood what had to be done.

"To the city." He said to Valo, and she set off towards Yani city.

Kit turned to look at the battle ensuing around him.

"Where is the Alpha Behemoth?"

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