Here By Your Side | Younghoon

By your_maje

6.8K 183 33

《To be or not to be, staying beside you through up and downs is worth risking for.》 A The Boyz inspired book! More

Cross path
fan meeting
way pt. 2
that beautiful view
The meet up
are we on?
love is in the air
His place
circus pt. 2
Eunice meet Tan
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
official first date
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

chapter 15

139 2 0
By your_maje

Jia's pov:

I woke up in the morning,  still no call nor news about Tan.  What's happening to him?

I'm worried. But even my mind was clouded by the thoughts of him I still manage to pass the journal i made.  I need it to proove that I can also compete to other students. That I could also got to school like normal people.

"hello,uhm.. I'm Jung Jia and I'm ready to submit my journal. " I said. I hope this one will work please.

"okay miss,  just come to the university any time you want" the receptionist informed me.

"thank you" and I let out a sigh.  Even I got rejected by the other universities, I'll make sure that they rejected a very hard working human in the universe.

I grab my towel and put myself under the shower. I finished my shower in just 10 minutes,  not bad.
I go to my table and combed my hair,  i put lisptcik and brush my eyebrows since I can't draw on them.

I wear black denim jeans and a gray hoodie. I put my hair into a messy bun and wear my favourite sneakers.

This is it.  I said to myself.

I go out to my room and go to the dining area and eat.

"are you going somewhere? " dad asked me.

"goodmorning dad, " I smiled and take a sip in my milk. "I'm going to submit my journal dad,  I want to be a journalist since I love writing too" then continued my meal.

"and? " dad asked.

"and?? " i asked out of confusion

"what will you do next? " he asked me,  i heard he folds something,  maybe it's a newspaper since he loves reading it every morning.

"if they like it then I want to be enrolled there " i smiled,  "would you let me, dad? " I asked,  hoping for his kind consideration. After all I want to boast something,  I'm so tired of being protected,  i want to go out from my comfort zone too.  I want to be free.

Dad take a sipped in his coffee,  "sure" that was his only reply.

"really dad?!  You sure?!! " I asked in excitement,  i can't believe this!  "I'll do my very best dad I promise! " and i raised my right arm and sign my hand into 'promise' sign.

Dad let out a chuckle and I hurried up because I don't want to be late.

I got into the university early as expected.

"are you miss Jung? " a lady asked me. Can't they poke before talk?

I nodded. "yes" I replied.

"please come with me ma'am your journal will be evaluated soon" the lady told me,  I fixed my hoodie and take a deep breath.  This is it, Jia.

We entered a room, luckily the lady who asked about my identity is still here.

"ms. Jung, " a man's voice "it's my pleasure to meet you" he said and placin his hand infront of me to have a shake hands.

"me too sir" i replied back and smiled.

It takes how many minutes before they talked again.

"so about this journal,  we recognize that it is all about the tourist attractions here in seoul.  Amazing how a blind girl could specialise describing and familiarizing those destinations" a lady spoke.  Told ya.
Because of the compliments that I received, I think my mind just got bloated,  tss.  It's not hard to identify tho' my topic is also how a blind person describe his/her sorroundings,  it was base on a true story.

"amazing ms. Jung.  This journal of yours would attract so many readers especially when it will have it's own published books. " an old man said,  "what do you think? " are they asking me?

"u-uhm,  it will cost a thousand publishing a book right? " then I slightly gave them a nervouse laugh, crap!

"of course,  or maybe a million.  It depends" a lady said. "but you have nothing to worry about" the lady added. Phew~

"what do you mean ma'am? " i asked out of confusion.  There's no way they would give it to me for free.

"simple, " the old man interrupted, "we want you to study here as a payment for the fees that the school will cover upon publishing your book" the old man say.

My heart can't stop beating to the fact that WOW!  Finally someone likes my work. After the rejection I got from an art school. Journalism, hmm not bad.hehe.

"SURE! " I exclaimed in so much excitement. "I'm willing to study here! " I said and I can't count how many times I bow to them just to show gratitude and happiness towards their condition.

We shake hands and they congratulated me for the journal.  6months of work; paid off!

I hurriedly picked up my phone and called dad.

After three rings dad picked it up,  "DAD!! " I exclaimed throught the phone,  I can't help myself damn it!

"yes sweetie? " dad said

"they like it dad!, my journal!  I got a scholarship here dad!  No fees! " I exclaimed.  In my entire life I never felt this happy before, no lies.

"really?! Come home early,  we need to celebrate " i just laugh at the excitement of my dad. Finally, I made it!

I slide it off to my pocket and hurriedly go out from that university.

I hummed in every step I take,  it's a fresh start after all.

I was on my way from getting a cab when someone talk behind my back. "hey" a very familiar voice said trying to call my attention.

I didn't make a sound and just focus myself upon waiting for a cab.

"I guess you would really like to see me now,  ramyeon" wait.. Ramyeon?  Did I heard it right?  It's Tan?!  He's here?!!  But it's early 10 am in the morning!

"Ta-n? " I asked in assurance.

"miss me? " then he shared his umbrella with me, I knew it since my skin didn't sore anymore because of the uv rays.

I still can't believe that after 3 days of not seeing him,  well since I'm blind.  But the presence and his voice.  I miss it already. "what are you doing here? " I whispered to him. "aren't you busy? " he must be kidding me.  But goddamn! I'm so turn on. Him making time for me. Sweet.

"I studied here,  " he answered. "and by any chance,  I saw you walking out from the gate so I secretly followed you" he said. It's not really sweet but my heart just flipped without any reason. God!  I need to take my vitamins.

"you study here?  Wow" That was just the only thing that burst from my mouth. "ah!  By the way,  the admin of this university likes my journal and they say that they would publish it to earn money to our school and as a payment to the publishing fess they will cover,  I will study here for free and just need to graduate with a radiant colors. " finally!  I said it.

"great!  So,  does it mean that you will be with me for the whole weekdays?! " he asked in excitement.

I nodded as a reply.

And he hug me.  "by the way, dad will going to throw a party upon this miracle in my life. You wanna join? " I invited him.  Please,  say yes Tan.  I want to be with you more.

He pat my shoulder, " i would love to, " he said,  so yes then Tan?! " but I have some important matters to discuss with my friends,  related about business " he shyly chuckle on me. "sorry Jia,  but I'll make it up to you next time I promise! " he said.

I don't know how to respond to his words,  he just rejected my invitation and it hurts my ego as a girl. I barely invited a guy to our house and he is the first one that I invited and the first one who rejected it.  Of course,  business over her.  That's the quote for Tan.

"you promise? " please change your decision

" I promise" then Tan hold my hand and twirl it in a pinkies swear.

I let out a deep sigh and forcely smiled to him.

"oh,  I think it's the cab that you called" he said, making me stop from the sadness that I felt from the rejection he did.

The cab stop in front of us and he helped me to get inside the cab. "ca me when you got home okay? " he said and told the driver about my address.

"see you"  I said and closed the door.  How I wish you could make some time with me Tan,  just like before we got into getting to know each other stage. 

And my life continues,  I got home and my parents congratulated me. Except for Eunice.

She is back at being cold to me when she heard the news about her condition. And it tears me up to think that her life has a tie already. I'm scared for her too,  but she won't just let me comfort her.

"you should eat more Jia,  entering a university would be a pile of problems" mom said, putting more rice into my plate. "but it's worth it" she said and cupped my cheeks.

After how many years,  I finally experience how to be loved by a mom.

I just smiled and continue eating.  Mom being the best chef in the world, i ended up taking a 5 rounds for this lunch.  Hayss.. 

" I just go into my room to change" I informed them and I get my blindcane and headed to my room.

I locked it and go to my bathroom that was located at the left side of my room.

I quickly grab my towel and dressed myself up.  I wear my peach colored pajama and wear a loose shirt. Feels comfy.

I did my skin care routine and placed myself into my bed. Aahh~
Such a long day without him.

Younghoon's pov:

I tiredly sit on the couch still catching my breath.

"water? " Hwall came out from nowhere. I accepted the water bottle and gave him a small smile. "miss her already? " he asked.

Even I don't share something about my life,  they still have some ties to know the story behind my mood. Somehow,  I like it.

I just gave him a smile as a reply.

"shouldn't you be visiting her right now? " hwall asked.

"he's right younghoon" Eric joined the conversation.

I take a gulp from the water before talking to them. "even if I want to,  I can't.  Im busy and same to her. " it hurts a little to know that I have to hide her from the public since she hates it.  I want to be careful towards her, lastly I don't want to be a disturbance to her studies now that she will be studying at the same university as me.

Hwall wrapped his arms around my shoulder, "you know,  if you love her or really care for her you should atleast do something to make her believe you" he stated with a serious expression.

I just sigh,  how should I treat her when even my own self needs to be hidden from the paparazzi out there. "I can't date her during day time tho'" I said.

"who says you can't? " Sanguine intrrupted. We all looked at him with a questioning looks in our face.

"what do you mean? " Eric asked. "oohhhh" he gasp as he reminded of something,  "don't tell me" his eyes widen and Sanguine just nodded at him.

"im letting you use my cruishup " then he wink at me. "you need to catch her heart,  you know girls will be girls,  if you didn't show up for just a day they will think that you find someone that's much better than them" then he rolled his eyes,  "so hard to read yet so lovely" and by that he wipe some of his sweat on his neck.

My heart jumps a hundred times more than it ever did. Im happy that Sangyeon will help me on this one,  after all he doesn't want to know love and commitment but here we are making so many fangirl's heart crazy.  Tch.  I just laugh at my own Thought.

"eeyyyeeeee looks like we have a rising couple here" hwall teased. I just rolled my eyes and smiled a bit.
I get rid of hwall's arm around my shoulder and excused myself. I need to call Jia, luckily after 3 rings to her phone she finally picks up.

"h-hello? " she asked in her sleepy voice.

"u-uhm,  did I disturb you? " I asked again.  It's oh damn,  it's past 2 am. Shame.

"a little? " then she chuckled softly, "why did you call?  Miss me" she asked.

Tch,  even through the phone she likes pointing those lines. Geezz.

Together with her mood I answered her, " yeah,  I miss you already" I said making a turn to my friends who sign their hands to a goodluck sign.

"really? " she asked again, " me too" she admitted.

Knowing that she also misses me makes my heart thump,  we have the same feelings,  not really same thoughts..  What else do I need to clarify this feeling? To clarify that it's not a simple liking to a lady anymore,  that it's love.  I'm falling to her! 

Without further ado I get directly to the point,  "so,  are you free tomorrow? " then I look at Sangyeon like I'm asking him what time will the yatch be ready.

Luckily he get it and raise up his ten fingers to say that 10 am in the morning will be fine. I smile and nodded. "by 10 am in the morning? " I added.

She didn't response for a while, "Jia? Still there? " I asked,  please say yes.  I wished inside my head.

"OH, Uhm,  yeah sure.  As long as you're not busy, I'm fine with it. " she said,  thank God,  I really thought that she will decline it or she will just turn off her phone and back to her sleep but she didn't, I'm glad.

I let out a smile before talking to her, "okay,  so Uhm I'll fetch you in your house at 10" I said and she just hummed in response, she's really sleepy at the moment, "take your rest now ramyeon,  you seem so tired" I said and she hummed again as a response and ended the call.

I just smirk to the thought that waking her up in this hour would be nice,  hearing her hummed through the phone sounds really cute and lovely.

My smile didn't escape from my lips until I face my friends again,  "what? " I awkwardly asked them,

They look shock and stunned at the same time,  "you are tired just a while ago and now you're there,  standing and smiling like a idiot for the whole damn time?!" Eric unbelievably asked me.  I just shrugged my shoulder and smile.

Meanwhile Sangyeon stand up,  "I'll tell the staffs in my cruiship to prepare things and set the theme into a 'romantic date'" he surely make sure that he pronounce the two words 'romantic date' boldly while moving his two fingers as a quotation mark for it.  I just smiled to the fact that he really hates it but since it's me, he will help. He go out from the dressing room and picks up his phone from his pocket to call someone.

"so,  you are really serious when you said you want to know more about the blind girl from the convenience store? " Eric asked like an NBI agent. I pushed him back since his face is just a inch away from mine.

"iw bromance" hwall popped out from nowhere.

Eric just rolled his eyes but still waiting for my answer,  I awkwardly nodded my head,  "actually,  at first I don't want to mind her business but then every single day in my life, I've been wondering how what she's doing now,  Is she eating right now?  And many nonsense stuff that a simple man will never understand" I said.

Eric just nodded, "you're right about the last sentence,  but by the way I hope you luck on that one man,  there's always a hindrance in every love story so " he stands up,  "fighting! " then he go out from my dressing room and same to hwall who did the same as Eric a while ago.

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