A Chance For Growth II

By Twisted_Truths

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We coming back at you in part two of this roller coaster ride. You're not safe yet, life ain't ever easy so... More

My Secrets, Your Questions
He's Not Family
Your Soulmate is Only Yours
I'll Always Protect You
Steps to a Better Life
Finally On Track
Where We Belong
No Need for Jealousy
You Can Handle It
Try and Make It Work
Keep It Pushing
Turn a Negative to Positive
Should've Been Done
What's Going On
And Then There Was 3
PSA: What's going on?
Strange Things are Happening
There's Beauty In The Struggle
This Can't Be
Get Out of Your Head
Please Don't Go, Not Again
These are Your Choices
No More Denial
This Isn't Our Ending
Two Can Play
This is Too Much
Too Soon
Time Has Passed
Like Magnets
Another Chance...Again
We Never Needed Him

Can't Get Right

789 57 145
By Twisted_Truths

JUNE 2008

Taraji sat on the couch, sipping on a glass of wine. It was quiet moments like this that she enjoyed more than anything. She was waiting on Ashunta to come over. Over time the two started to become relatively close. Having Ashunta as her makeup artist while doing the reshoots for A Family that Preys showed her the values of having a black makeup artist in your corner. Such a rarity shouldn't be passed up. Raji figured it was time to see if Ashunta was willing to be her full time makeup artist. As she continued to think about how she was going to present this offer, Cyrus came walking down the stairs.

She watched her 3 year old carry Cel's old backpack, struggling to hold it on his small arms. Raji giggled to herself, seeing how determined he was to walk over to her. "What are you doing?" She asked him. "Nothin," he said, rocking on his heels with his hands behind his back. Taraji looked closely, seeing the red candy stuck around his mouth. "Are you eating fruit roll ups?" She questioned him. He looked at her silently before pulling the wrapper from his back. "What did I tell you about climbing my pantry shelves? If you fall and break something then I gotta take you to the hospital and I don't feel like doing all that right now. So no more climbing on everything," she told him.

"Yes ma'am," he said, getting on the couch next to her. "I wanna go to school," he told her, not acknowledging all the fruit snacks falling out of the open backpack. "Are you sure?" She stared at him in shock. Cyrus kept to himself, that was no secret. She wasn't even sure that she would put him in an actual school because no matter who he met, he always shied away from them, often hiding behind someone in the family. "Mhmm. I'm a big boy," he mumbled to her. Her heart warmed as she looked at her precious boy. "Alright. I'll look into some school for you. In the meantime, I think you should let me pack your lunch because 20 fruit snacks are not gonna fly," she said, tickling him.

"Okay Mama!" Cyrus screamed out as he laughed. The doorbell rang, interrupting their moment. Taraji went to answer it while Cy turned his focus onto the tv. "Hey girl," Raji greeted Ashunta. "I swear I can't stand niggas," Ashunta voiced as she walked unside. "What happened?" Raji asked, pouring her a glass of wine. "Okay so first it starts with my daughter needing a white poster board that she just remembered when I dropped her off at school. So I rush to go get it and bring it back to her. I drive to my big appointment and everything is cool right? No the fuck it's not.

So I'm about halfway through with this appointment. My phone rings. It's the fucking school. Apparently little miss Nami forgot her lunch annnnndddd there's no money left on her account. So by this point I'm pissed. I can't leave in the middle of my appointment and seem as unprofessional. But I also can't let my baby starve, so I call her daddy. This nigga argued with me for about 20 minutes because he feels like he shouldn't have to leave work to go feed his child when that's my only job according to him. In that time, I could've been damn near to the school!" Ashunta ranted.

"Girl I understand that shit. I used to hate having to make Terrence do something for Marcel," Raji said. "Then he calls back and says I just took her out for the day. It's the last week of school anyways. How the hell would he know what she has to do in the last week of school? Obviously she had something to do because she needed a damn poster board!" Shunta snapped. Raji raised her arm so the wine glass was in her face. "Maybe I can help you with that. I want you as my full time makeup artist," Taraji blurted. Ashunta put the glass down, looking for the joke she thought was being played on her.

"What why? Are you sure?" Ashunta questioned. "Yessss. You are amazing and I'd be crazy not to hire you," Raji reassured her. "Oh my God! This is so much simpler. Don't get me wrong I love doing different people's makeup but I also love stability. Thank you!" Shunta hugged Raji tight, excited for this next chapter. Before Taraji could say you're welcome, the front door opened and slammed shut. "I was RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" She heard Hev yell out. "What the hell. Heavenly!" Taraji shouted, hearing Hev stomping to her direction. "Yes ma'am," she said.

"Why are you yelling in my house and why was my door slammed?" Taraji questioned. "I didn't slam the door. Dashon did that. I yelled because he slammed it in my face. He was 2 inches from doing damage," Hev explained. Raji pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a heavy sigh. "Go do whatever it is you need to do. I can't deal with this boy," Raji murmured. "Welp it looks like you're about to have you hands full so I'm gonna go home and enjoy my peace and quiet before Nami gets dropped off. We can finalize everything later," Shunta said before downing her glass of wine.

Raji said her goodbye and walked Ashunta outside. "DASHON! GET DOWNSTAIRS!" She yelled, startling Cyrus. Not hearing him moving around, Raji ran up the stairs, bursting in his room. "Boy have you lost yo mind not answering me? I don't know what got you so uptight but whatever it is. Is about to have you lose your life," she went off, not seeing her son laying down with headphones on and a tear on his face. "Ma I'm sorry but can I just have a minute?" He asked. Her heart ached as she walked out. It was rare to catch Marcel crying, so whatever happened must've been serious.

Later that night, Cel came into her room. Laying next to her as she was texting Common. He looked over trying to be nosey, but Raji put the phone down. "What's going on with you?" She asked. He turned away, staring at the TV. "Don't make me call Sapphire myself and ask her," Raji spat. "Why would you do that? I'm your child not her. She just wants to leave everybody. Got a nigga working to fulfill her dream then she ends up changing her mind at the last minute," he vented, still avoiding eye contact. She turned the tv off and sat up.

"What's going on?" She asked again, frustration and the lack of patience in her voice. "Phire and Aunt Tracie are out right now shopping for who knows where but Phire made sure to let me know that she's not staying in Chicago for college. Got me looking stupid as hell!" He threw out. "Wait... she didn't tell you which school she's picking?" Raji looked at him confused. "No. Apparently I have to wait like I'm everybody else. It doesn't make sense! We make all these plans together, to go to school together, move in at some point. What does this mean for us?" He questioned, his heart really hurting.

Taking a moment to reflect, Raji thought back to the day she told Terrence that she didn't want to move in with him just yet. She remembered how upset he was and how guilty she kind of felt. This wasn't something that she wanted Cel to repeat. "Cel I understand that you're upset but I need you to hear me okay. Phire might feel like she's not ready to make these big moves with you. The two of you need to learn who yall really are before you try and come together as one and take these giant steps. I know what it's like. Me and your daddy was like this. Arguing about living together in college. Try to be understanding with her please," she told him, looking him deep in the eyes.

If there was one thing she knew Cel didn't like, it was being compared to or being told that he's acting like Terrence. Even if he put up a front, she knew he'd take in everything she said. "Alright. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt," he said as Raji's phone rang. Marcel got up to give her privacy, thinking that it was Common calling her. But if he had known who it was, he would've stayed in the room. That call was the one that Taraji was dreading ever since they left DC.

Back in Cali
The next day

Terry woke up in his bed, a hangover out of this world. He looked at his phone, seeing 30 missed calls from Junior. "What the fuck?" He mumbled to himself. A shift in the bed made him look to the side, not remembering what really happened the night before. Pulling the cover back slowly. His eyes grew big at the sight of naked Michelle. Yeah he was growing to liking her, but they hadn't slept together in all the time they had been spending together. The gift of head was a one directional gift that only she gave. "Fuck fuck fuck!" He whispered to himself. He figured if he didn't sleep with anyone then he was in the clear. Technically he wasn't cheating right?

He climbed out the bed, waking Michelle up. "Good morning my husband," she yawned out. "Husband?" He repeated. "Don't tell me you were that drunk last night," she said, getting out the bed and heading towards the bathroom. "What the fuck did I do?" He thought to himself, trying to remember what happened. He looked down at his hand and sure enough there was a wedding ring there. His phone rang again as he tried to piece together the mistake he just made. "What Junior?" He spat once he answered the phone. "Nigga where the hell you been!? I been calling!" Junior shouted.

"What do you want!?" Terry growled. "They're giving mama the end of this week. You need to get here asap!" Junior told him. The bathroom door reopened, Michelle standing in the door frame. "You want to join me in the shower?" She asked, Junior hearing her voice. "Nigga is that... are you... You know what? Don't even bother showing up because I'm gonna beat yo ass my damn self. You got a whole family and you running around fucking other bitches. I can't wait til everybody find out. Matter of fact lemme call Raja right fucking now," Junior spat.

"You bet not do it Junior. I will fucking kill you," Terry whispered, shaking his head no at Michelle. She shrugged it off, going to finish up her hygiene. "I fucked up but I'm gonna handle it. You keep your mouth shut. Did you tell her about mama?" He asked. "Yeah when you wasn't answering last night. I bet this is another white girl ain't it. You just ain't gonna learn. Get this one pregnant and see who stays in your corner. It took 17 years for your baby mamas to get cordial. They not welcoming a new one and neither am I. Get yo ass on a plane!" Junior demanded before hanging up.

Terry sat on the bed, washing his hands over his face. "What's the matter?" Michelle asked, creeping up behind him. He stood up, trying to get her away from him. "I gotta leave. Right now actually. Family emergency," he rambled off, looking for a suitcase. "Well maybe I should go too. We are married now. I think I should meet your family at this point," she suggested. "Umm no that's not a good idea just yet. My family isn't open like that and they'll be on my ass even more when I say I drunkenly got married," he said, thinking about how Marcel and Aubrey alone would raise hell.

"You can't hide me forever babe. Better now than later. I think they'd accept the news better since it was just 24 hours ago," she argued. He groaned as he realized she wasn't going to let up. "How about you let me go check on my family and I'll let you know when's a good time to come meet them?" He offered, hoping she'd take the bait. "Fine but you better let me know. I'm excited to meet my new in laws!" She squealed, jumping up and leaving a peck on his lips. He waited until she went to the kitchen before fighting himself. He took the hottest shower he could, scrubbing every inch of his body to rid the scent and feeling of Michelle being on him.

A few hours later, he was on a plane to DC. Thoughts running rampant in his mind as he looked out the window. He was scared. Scared to see his mother die and scared to face everyone he had been avoiding. Running through what he could say when he saw everyone. For the first time, he was going to be seeing all of his kids together. And for the first time in the past 2 years, he would be confronting his Beloved. He made his way to the Hospice center that Alice was at. Spotting Junior, he noticed he was in the right place. The closer he got, the more he heard a familiar voice.

Hiding around the corner, he let out a few deep breaths. He was not expecting Taraji and the kids to be there so soon. He thought he had more time to get together his apologies. He rubbed his ring finger, making sure there wasn't an indention. What turned into a few more seconds of pulling himself together, turned into an hour of hiding until the family was leaving. He saw Cyrus knocked out on Marcel's shoulder, a smile creeping on his face. As Terry went towards Alice's room, Cy's eyes peaked opened, seeing Terry's body disappears into the room. "Daddy," Cyrus murmured, falling back to sleep.

"Knock knock," Terry softly spoke, seeing Alice looking off into space. "Boy... why did you wait until your entire family left to come see me?" Alice questioned. She wanted to give him a hard time, but it was hard to hide how much she missed him. Just by looking at him, she knew her son was into some bullshit yet again. "What did you do?" She asked. He sat next to her, holding her hand as he silently confessed. He couldn't bring himself to actually tell Alice that he was indeed married again. He didn't want anyone knowing about Michelle.

"Don't worry about it. I'll fix my wrongs. How are you? Comfortable?" He changed the subject. "Comfortable as this Morphine can get me. You still haven't answered me. Why are you still avoiding them?" She questioned again. "I'm not avoiding my kids. I'm avoiding... I'm just piecing together what I gotta say. I promise mama. You don't need to be thinking about that," Alice scoffed at her rock headed son. "I've been thinking about that since you left your home. It's a miracle that Monster hasn't gone crazy dealing with 5 of your kids. Do you even realize what amount of stress you've put on her?" She told him.

Terry dropped his head, conflicted emotions taking over. He was feeling guilty, but he was also feeling angry. But he couldn't say he was angry at Alice. He was angry with himself. He let this go on for 2 years and now he had to face the music. "Terry, I love you. Through success and failures. Accomplishments and fuck ups. You're my son, my oldest and by far most frustrating but you're mine and you're everything to me. Which is why even laying here in my last days, I'm not about to coddle you. You're wrong. You've been wrong and you know it. Now that you're here, you better fix this shit you created.

I know you love them but this is unacceptable. You gotta be there for those babies. You see the toll it took on you and Junior with Bones not being around," she continued on. "I think it was Bones killing somebody that did damage," Alice rolled her eyes at Terry. "You almost killed the mother of 2 of your kids. Do you honestly think you're exceedingly better than him?" She threw out, not getting an answer back. "You can be better than your father. Pull it together Terrence. Do better. Take care of my babies. And take care of Monster. The two of you have stressed me more than I ever thought yall would. Yall are going to be together. It's inevitable. But it won't happen if you don't be the man that I know you can be. Do you hear me?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am. I...I hear you loud and clear," he said, tears falling down his face. She took one of the blankets that were on her lap and threw it at him. "You look tired," she said, getting comfortable her own self. Terry chuckled to himself, thinking of how grateful he was to have a mother who loved him so much even after the shit he had done. And he was also grateful that he got to be by her side until the last breath she took. Which happened to be the next morning at 7 in the morning. After she was pronounced dead, Terry took off before Raji and Bernice showed up.

"Did Terry even show?" Raji asked Junior. "Yeah he did but as you can see, he's still being a bitch. He can't run at the funeral. Mama would haunt his ass if he did," Junior joked, making even Chris laugh. "How are you doing?" Bernice asked her. Chris looked at them, tears falling but she was laughing hysterically. Everyone looked at each other, not sure what was going or let alone what to do. "I know she wanted to slap fire from him when he walked in," Chris finally blurted out. Raji started laughing, imagining the stern face that Alice always had.

"Slap? Man I bet she wanted to take a cast iron skillet to his head like she did me," Junior said, thinking about how Alice hit him with the skillet because he proved her wrong about a homeowork question on a bad day. "You had a scar for weeks!" Raji blurted, tears streaming quicker than she notice. "If anything she wanted to snatch him up like she did Cel. I still can't believe she got that lil nigga off his feet," Chris added. All 4 laughed until silence filled the air. "God I already miss her crazy ass," Bernice voiced. Taraji pulled her in for a hug, knowing that they all needed one.

"We got a funeral to plan. Who's calling T baby?" Junior questioned. The women all looked at him, knowing damn well that Terry wouldn't answer any of them. "I'm tired of dealing with him. Somebody else take charge," he complained. "Yeahhhhh noooo. You got this. Jehovah will reward you," Chris joked, walking towards the exit. Groaning, Junior took out his phone to try and find his brother. But Terry was too busy getting drunk and texting his new "wife" to fly into town and which hotel to come to when she lands. For the next few days, neither saw the outside of the hotel room.

The morning of the funeral, Terry made sure he was early, arriving to the church before anyone else. A last minute decision ended with him bringing Michelle along for the ride as well. "I'm gonna go use the restroom really quick," Michelle told him. He nodded, walking around the church. "So you come into town talk to mama and just disappear until the funeral? How fucked up are you?" Junior asked. "Not as messed up as you cussing in a holy temple," Terry hit back. As much as he wanted to fight his brother, Junior decided it was not the time for that.

The main doors opened, Taraji walking in with the kids. "Cyrus stay by me," she told him, seeing Marcel's tie look a mess. Cyrus stood still for a moment until he saw what looked like his dad standing at the pulpit. He took off running, not caring about listening to Taraji. "What the... Cyrus!" Raji yelled out as she fixed Cel's tie. "I got him mama," Hev said, taking off to grab her brother. When she saw Terry, she tried her hardest not to cry. "I missed you!" She cried in his arms. "I missed you too princess," Terry whispered, holding both of his kids.

"What about me?" Cyrus asked feeling left out. "I missed you too little man!" Terry told the 3 year old. "No he didn't. If he did he would've came home," Cel spat, grabbing Cyrus out of Terry's arms. Hev stood behind Terry, knowing that Cel would try to pull her away next. "Boy if you don't give me my son," Terry growled. "Nah you don't get to claim any of us. Where you been? Years have passed and now you want to be a parent. Go be a parent to Aubrey like you been doing," Cel snapped, wrestling with a screaming Cyrus who was trying to claw his way out of Cel's grip.

"Marcel put him down...NOW!" Raji glared at her oldest for showing out. Cel glared back at her, not understanding why she was okay with Cyrus getting close to Terrence again. Backing down only because they were at a funeral, he put Cyrus down, walking back outside the church, joining Junior. Terry picked Cy back up, taking a good look at Taraji. Yeah she was over him for leaving her for 2 years. But there was still some hurt and love in her eyes for him. "How have you been?" He asked. "I've been better. How are you?" Hev looked up at him, waiting on an answer.

"I've-" "Hey baby. Who is this cutie here?" Michelle interrupted, trying to tickle Cy. He started kicking and screaming, not liking her whatsoever. "Cy calm down buddy. I got you," Terry said, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry. Hi I'm Michelle. I didn't know the two of you were close like that. I thought it was just a rumor," she voiced to Taraji. "Umm Michelle? Who are you supposed to be because I know everybody in the family. I don't recall anyone marrying a Michelle. Am I missing something Terry?" Raji looked between them confused.

Terry bit the inside of his jaw, not ready to confess. "I'm his wife. We got married a few days ago," Michelle spilled for him. Raji's eyes grew big and dark as she looked at Terrence. "Give me my baby Terrence," she spat, reaching out for Cyrus. "Raj wait-" "GIVE ME MY BABY DASHON!" She shouted, scaring Cyrus. He handed Cyrus to her, hating this part. "Can I sit with daddy?" Hev whispered. "No. Come on," Raji quickly answered, spinning on her heels. Marcel came back inside with Brey and Hunter following behind.

Hev ran to them, tears rolling down her face. "What's wrong with you?" Cel asked, looking at Terry talking to a woman he didn't know. "Daddy got married and mama is mad and I can't sit with him," she rambled off. "MARRIED!?" Brey and Cel shouted at the same time. Looking over Hev, they got a good look at the woman. Both trying to piece together when she came into the picture. "You knew about her didn't you," Cel questioned Brey. "No I didn't Dashon. He told me he was keeping to himself," she argued. "Y'all go sit down. Funeral is about to start," Chris said, sneaking up behind them.

They walked to their seats, all the Howard children opting to sit next to Raji. Terry turned around, nodding for Brey to come here. She looked off to the side, seeing Cel giving her a stern look. "I'll be back," she mouthed to him. She walked to her dad, giving him a hug, seeing Michelle fix the obviously too short dress she had on. "Are you okay?" Terry asked his oldest daughter. "Yeah I'm fine. But you lied to me and you're so foul for this," Brey said, eyeing Michelle up and down. Terry's face grew tight, nobody to blame but himself. He sat down, looking back at what was supposed to be his family.

Raji finally calmed Cyrus down, consoling the remaining emotional children all while avoiding Terry's frequent stares. As the funeral went on, Michelle felt like she couldn't hold her questions. "Are those your kids? Even the dark one?" She whispered to him. He turned to look at her, then faced forward. "You said you had 3. If all of those are yours then I count 5," she added. "Shut. Up. This is my mother's funeral. Show some respect," he growled at her. She sat in silence the remainder of the funeral, not letting her questions leave her mind.

By the time the funeral ended, Taraji made sure to gather the kids up before Terry tried to talk again. Getting to the burial site, it was clear that the family was divided. Bernice, Chris, Junior, Nova, Raji and all the kids stayed close together, while Terry spent a few moments alone at the casket. "I'm trying mama. I don't know how I'm going to fix it this time but I'm trying. They all hate me and I don't blame them. I should've listened but now I know better. I'm gonna fix this," he said, looking over his shoulder at Taraji, seeing the walls form right back up. Just like she always did when Terry broke her heart.

"What are you going to do now Chris?" Nova asked, holding a sleeping Venus. "I know Alice left me a list or something. I'll read the letter later. But if I know her then I'm sure the first thing on that list is Amsterdam. So I think that's where I'm starting," she answered, looking up to the sky. "She said you have to get married again within 10 years too. Are you gonna do that?" Bernice asked. "Ha! No I'm not. Alice was it for me. She was my everything. Nobody could ever come close to that. I'll do everything else but that. She took my heart with her. Can't nobody have that as long as I live," Chris said.

Raji felt her eyes get heavy as she processed Chris's words. Terry was her everything but it seemed no matter what, he was always giving his heart to someone else. Maybe Ashunta was right. Maybe she did need new dick. It wasn't gonna be a long search for her considering Common was very eager to please her. She looked up, her eyes meeting Terry's. She shook her thoughts and feelings away. She knew she should've done that after he didn't come back the first 6 months. But now, she was done playing the waiting game. She was ready to move on and her eyes were on the big piece of Butterscotch named Common.

A couple weeks had passed since the funeral and Taraji had officially given up the ring. She gave it to Cel, letting him do whatever he wanted with it. Which turned into him going to the beach and chunking it out in the open water. Ever since Terry came out of hiding, he had been calling everyday to talk. The only ones who were willing to speak to him were Hev and Cyrus. The last call he made was to let them know that he would be coming into town even though no one believed that he would actually show up. So it was a shock when Taraji was out on a lunch date with Common and they ran into Terry.

"What's this?" He asked, inviting himself to their table. Common saw the frustration on Raji's face, feeling the need to step up. "My bad man. We're actually on a date right now. If was nice to see you again though. Even though she doesn't seem too pleased to see you," he said, watching Terry's face grow red. "Penda what the hell is going on? You ignoring me but you been going out on dates with this caramel corny ass nigga," Terry spewed. Raji put her hand up once she saw Common was about to go back and forth with Terrence.

"I think you should go do what you said you were gonna do. Which is go see your kids. Leave me alone Terrence," she politely told him. Not able to say anything back, he walked off, going to pick up the order that he had placed. While waiting, he looked back in the couple's direction, hearing Raji giggle as Common kissed along her neck, ending on her lips. Terry stormed out the restaurant, pissed that his Beloved obviously didn't wait for him like he expected. He pondered the whole ride to Taraji's house, who in the hell told her to move on?

He knocked on the door, waiting on an answer. Marcel opened the door, not enthused by Terry's presence. "What are you doing here?" He asked, eating a bag of chips with very red and low eyes. "Came to see my kids. You included," Terry answered. "Well Cy is with Aunt Tracie and Hev is with Lori and Hunter. Brey is somewhere. So I guess that cuts this trip short doesn't it?" Cel rambled off. "Why is Lori in town? And just because they aren't here doesn't mean that I don't want to spend time with you Cel. Even if you are high as a damn kite," Terry made known.

"Lori and ma are planning something and there's no need for you to pretend that you want to be my dad. I'm used to it and I'm over it. I never needed you. Not then and definitely not now. Maybe this new wife of yours will give you some kids that you'll be proud to claim. You got Lori's number. Call her for your kids. I'm busy," Cel said, shutting the door in Terry's face. Taking a few deep breaths, Terry called Lori. When she didn't answer, he called the one who he knew would answer him. "Hey daddy," Brey answered. The sound of a game system in the background.

"Do you know where your mom is with your brother and sister?" He asked. "Umm no I don't but she got a hotel at the...Court stop! The Marriott downtown," Brey giggled, trying to stop Courtland from tickling her. "What the fuck? Brey what the hell are you doing?" Terry spat. "Well nothing right now. I'm just playing the game. But just call Hev's phone. I'm sure she'll tell you where she is. I'll text you her number," Brey told him, unable to fight Courtland's kisses before hanging up. "My kids are acting an ass. Who told them they were grown?" He murmured to himself. Getting the number from Brey he called Hev, getting her location.

Walking into the store, he saw his daughter sitting with a face that she could only get from Taraji. "I'M. NOT. GOING. WITH. YOU. What's part of that sentence do you not understand?" Hev sassed at Lori. The entire shopping trip was great until Terry called asking where they were. Ever since then, Hev was parked on one of the chairs. "I told your mom I'd have yall back in time for the dinner tonight so can you please not make this difficult for me?" Lori begged, tired of going back and forth with Heaven. "Your name isn't Taraji and it damn sure ain't Terrence. I'm not going," Hev spat, making Hunter snicker.

Lori groaned, pacing back and forth. "Heavenly Rae apologize," Terry instructed. She crossed her arms, looking back at Lori. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "Louder and mean it," he told her. "I'm sorry for disrespecting you," Hev said. "I forgive you. Why are you here?" Lori turned to Terry. "I came to spend time with my baby girl. I haven't seen her as much as Hunter and Brey," he said, embracing the hug that Hev was giving him. "Uh Taraji didn't say anything about that. You're not taking her," Lori spat, feeling like there were 2 Terry's staring at her.

"You know what I'm not about to fight you over this little girl again. Take her. I hope you ready to deal with Taraji," Lori said. "I can handle Penda. Who is she to tell me I can't spend time with my daughter?" Terry said. "Yeah whatever. Have fun with that," Lori said, walking out the store with Hunter. "How about we go eat then afterwards, we can go to a movie premiere?" Terry asked Hev. "Yessss. I been wanting to go with you by myself. But I need something else to wear," she pointed out. "Well let's pick something while we're standing in this store," Terry told her.

Meanwhile on the way home, Raji started to feel awkward. She had been trying to find the words to explain why Terry was all up her ass but she couldn't. Nothing would explain why he wanted to see the kids or why he was so upset that she was out with another man. It was time to just tell him the truth. "I'm sorry for earlier. Terry is-" "Overbearing? It's cool. That's not your fault," Common said. "Well yeah but honestly it's because he's the father to my kids... all three. He's the ex fiance that broke my heart. He left to get his head together and I haven't seen him in 2 years. He just started showing back up because his mom died and he couldn't hide at the funeral," she explained.

His silence was held longer than she would've liked, making her feel like he was upset with her. "Rashid I-" "I already knew. Baby they all look like him. Even Marcel. I was just waiting until you were ready to tell me that. It's okay. Ain't nobody scared of Terrence," he told her, pulling up to the house. Marcel's car being gone let them know that he left. Raji wasn't too surprised considering she basically sent Terry here. If anything Cel would be with Phire, getting ready for the dinner. "Do you want to come in?" She offered.

"I thought you had that dinner to go to?" He reminded her. "Yeah I do, but I got a couple...ugh hold on. Yes Lori," she answered, annoyed from the day's interruptions. For 2 weeks she had been trying to get in bed with Common and for 2 weeks, she's had people walking in, coming home early, calling her back to back. It was like the stars were unaligned for them. "I'm letting you know that some how Terrence got Hev's number and came to the store we were at and took her with him," she rushed out. "AND YOU LET HIM!?" Raji yelled. Common watched her closely, thinking this had something to do with Terry.

"Uh yeah I let him. I'm not getting my ass beat behind that little girl again. And she literally caused a scene on the store. I became the woman that everybody scowls at because of their unruly children. If he wanted to take her then fine. She's not mine anyways," Raji groaned in frustration. Abruptly hanging up on Lori, she called Terry. Today was not the day for her, especially when they were all supposed to be at Phire's dinner. A text came in from Tracie saying she needed some extra help as well, putting a pin in her plans to get some dick.

"What Penda?" Terry answered. "Where is my child Terry? We have things to do. You can't just snatch up people's kids!" She damn near screamed in the phone. "Last I checked she's mine too. I can take her with me if I want to. And she said she doesn't want to go to the dinner. Go have fun like you been doing. I'll bring get back when we're done," he told her. She looked at the phone like Terry had lost his mind. "Nigga if you don't bring my... hello... hellloooo? Are you kidding me!?" She complained. Her leg bounced as her frustration grew.

"You good?" Common asked. "I will be when I kill Terrence Dashon Howard. Now Tracie needs me to be early. So I guess we have to cut this short anyways," she told him, holding an I'm sorry face. "It's cool babe. Don't sweat it. Enjoy the dinner. Don't let him get to your head. I'll check on you later," he leaned over, planting a calming kiss on her lips. She smiled and told him bye, even though she wanted to say that Terrence has been getting in her head since they could talk. She bit her tongue on that comment because Terry was definitely going to be her past. She was determined to keep him in his place, with no future with her.

A few hours rolled by and Sapphire's dinner was in full swing. Family members that hadn't been seen on Tracie's side showed up and showed out. Cyrus was running around with Serenity, who gave Cy a kiss and told him that he was her boyfriend while they were playing.

His face stayed red from blushing the entire night. Phire stood up, ready to make an announcement, Cel's nerves flying off the handle. This was the moment that told their future. He couldn't stand the waiting any longer. "Calm down. Whatever she decides support her," Raji whispered to him, getting a nod back.

"I want to thank everyone for coming and for all the gifts. I'd also like to thank my parents because without you guys I wouldn't be here. I don't think I could've had more loving, driven, smart, and strong parents. Helping me make the best decisions in life while also teaching me so much about life because I'd be sooooooo lost without you. You guys have raised me to be the woman I am today and I love you two soo much. Now for my choice of colleges..........I choose......NYU!" she excitedly threw out, not noticing her boyfriend's expression.

His mug was deadly. After getting nudged by Brey he put on face until he could get Phire alone in the kitchen to talk. "You fucking shitting me right? You made me wait 2 extra weeks just for you to still choose New York? You could've told me that was your choice when I found out you applied there!" He snapped at her. "Why the hell would I do that when you're acting like this? And I legit just made my decision two days ago. I was going to stay but why? You got another year of high school Cel! I can transfer back to Chicago when you graduate," she told him, wanting him to calm down.

"Fuck that shit. You know damn well you not coming back. If that's what you wanted to do then you should've never started this whole thing. I wouldn't have put so much effort into looking good for colleges had it not been for yo ass!" He spat at her, his eyes growing darker. "So it's my fault? You're blaming me for choosing a school where I'd get the better education. Are you serious Cel? Especially with my ENTIRE family here?" She threw back. "Man fuck yo family and fuck you. You just wanted to leave from the jump. How about I leave for you so that's one less thing you gotta worry about," he said storming out the house, the front door slamming shut.

Raji and Tracie went to the kitchen to check on Phire, catching her crying. "Baby what's going on?" Tracie asked, pulling her in for consoling. "He's mad because I chose NYU," she cried out. "He'll get over it Phire. Don't let his little tantrum get to you. I'll go talk to him and he'll be back here apologizing and begging for your forgiveness." Raji reassured her. "I don't think so. I think he just dumped me," Phire confessed, confused as to what he meant by leaving. Taraji pinched the bridge of her nose. This was truly Terrence all over again and she was not in the mood. What more could possibly go wrong today right?

In New York

Terry and Hev had gotten a quick flight to New York for the premiere of Iron Man. Neither feeling the need to tell Taraji where they were. All the lights flashing scared Hev at first, this being her first time not sharing the spotlight with her siblings, until Terry reassured that the lights and cameras were nothing to be afraid of. Holding his hand, she felt safe being with her daddy again. The red carpet was a breeze after that, a smile on her face for every picture as she leaned on Terry's arm. She didn't like the crazy spotlight, but she liked being there in support of her dad.

After watching the movie, the two made a stop to get something to eat before heading back to Chicago. Upon getting to the restaurant, Michelle greeted them with a table already. "I thought we were spending the day together. Just us," Hev asked, looking up at him. "We did. It's just dinner Hev. Plus I want you to get to know her," he told her, guiding her to the table. "You're keeping her?" She threw out right before they got to their seats. He shot her a quick glare before sitting down. "Hey baby. Hi Hev. How was the premiere?" She asked, Hev looking at her from the corner of her eye.

"My name is Heavenly. I don't know you and it was fine," she rushed out, before dropping her head down and skimming the menu. "Maybe I can bring you and your siblings back here next week to see my Broadway show," Terry suggested. "The one about a cat on a roof?" Terry laughed, nodded his head. "I don't know. Cel won't be coming because he's going to the game with Common and mama, then we're going on vacation," Hev informed him. "The family vacation. Where are we going this year?" He asked, giving Hev his full attention.

She looked at him, then at Michelle who was too eager to hear her business. "Umm I don't know. It's a surprise. Mama and Lori planned it. That's why she's here. We were supposed to go this week but Phire's dinner was pushed to today. You'll have to ask mommy," Hev said, making sure she mentioned that she has a mother so Michelle could back up. "I'll ask Lori," Terry threw out. "That's not my mama," Hev corrected him. Michelle snickered at Terry's expression towards his child. "I'll be right back. Order me the filet mignon," he voiced.

After a little time passed, Hev was growing tired of Michelle staring at her. "Can I help you?" She questioned. "You're such a pretty girl. You should smile more. I know me being with your daddy is a shock but I want to get to know you and your brothers and sisters because yall are apart of my life now too. Give me a chance at least please," Michelle poured out. "Yeah well I'm not happy because you took my daddy when he and my mommy are supposed to be married now. So sorry if I don't like you," Hev spat with venom. Michelle sat back in her seat, steaming from this new information.

"This Abraham Lincoln descendant ass nigger got all types of drama," Michelle said under her breath, but Hev heard it loud and clear. She might've been 9 but she knew right from wrong and what Michelle said was dead wrong. Terry finally came back to the table, sensing a shift in the mood. "Daddy I'm ready to go home," Hev told him. "Already? We haven't even ate yet," he looked at her with concern while Michelle looked in with fake admiration. "I'm not hungry anymore," she said, Terry knowing that something must've been wrong. Hev was never one to not eat.

"Can you eat a little but first then we'll head back? The last thing I need is your mama barking in my ear about you not eating," he pleaded. She reluctantly agreed, staying quiet the entire time. Once they got on the plane back to Chicago, Terry felt the need to dig into the deeper issue. "I know you are upset because I'm married to someone other than your mama. I wish things could've played out right, but it didn't. I'm trying to make the best of the situation and I would like you and your siblings to try as well. Can you do that?" He asked.

"Maybe if she wasn't racist. She called you the N word when you left to the restroom," Hev snitched. "What? She...no she didn't. She isn't like that. Just give her a chance Hev and don't be running around spreading rumors," he told her. "But daddy I'm not. She really said it and with an er," she argued. "Hev I'm not gonna tell you again. You misheard her that's all," he told her again. She sunk in her seat, feeling like it was pointless to talk about it anymore. If her own dad didn't believe her over this woman he just met, then who would?

The two got back to Raji's house right at midnight. Knocking on the door, Terry held a sleeping Hev. "Do you not own a watch or something that tells time? Why did you have my child out so late?" Taraji snapped at him. "Can i please lay her down first?" He asked, not seeing Marcel come around the corner. Grabbing his sister out of Terry's arms. "She's a little upset about what I did so she might be mopey tomorrow," he informed her. "What did you do now?" Raji groaned. "I mean the whole marrying Michelle thing. I'm trying to fix it," he swore.

"Terry this is just like when you messed with Lori. You can't fix this. You can't go back in time and not do it. The damage is already here. Except this time it's not just me and Marcel you're hurting. It's Aubrey, it's Hev, it's Hunter, it's Cyrus. That's 4 more people you're disappointing with your abrupt decisions," she told him, her arms crossed. "I get it...I hate asking you this but do you think I can crash here for the night? It's late and I don't want to get on another flight," Raji raised an eyebrow, looking at the man that had the nerves to ask something so absurd.

"You have a wife again remember? I'm not going down this road with you again. So either you go get a hotel or you get your ass on a plane. I'm done," she told him. "Penda-" "Buh Bye!" She said as she slammed the door in his face. He let out a deep breath, walking back to his car. How was he going to get in their good graces was the question he had running through his mind. First on his agenda was the family vacation. Two years of missing out, it was time for him to get back to the normal routine. What could possibly go wrong?


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