

325K 14K 756


A Normal Day-Edited
A Scream In The Woods Starts It All-Edited
Against The Wall-Edited
Silver With a Tent of Red-Edited
A Million Miles Away
Shopping With Kellin
Ask But Not Tell
I Can't Wait
The Devil's Cry
Possessive Witch
You're mine
Picking Up for Dada.
Precious Gift
Keeping Sin Away
Happy Birthday Baby
Kellin's Daughter
A Gorgeous Place
Into the World
No Weakness
Like A Dog
Ause and His Mate
Life Is Good
Author's Note

Northern Border

7.2K 364 26

My mate is due next month and he has been a hormonal weck. If he's not crying, he's yelling at me, or throwing things. It seems that he's always pissed at me, but I take it 'cause he's carrying my baby boy, so ot doesn't bother me. I let him spring his curse words and dodge the objects he throws.

Like right now he's being emotional. We are having spaghetti, but he's craving tacos. I told him I'll go get him tacos but now he's throwing things at me saying that I want to make him fatter. Where did he get that, I have no idea.

"Baby I didn't mean it like you took it!" I plea for him to understand. I reach out to him but he flinches away from me.

"No! I don't want you to touch me!" He yells out at me moving away from me.

"Whatever you want baby." I say holding my hands up in surrender. He wipes his tears before storming over to his seat. I go over and sit beside him, he moves his chair away from me.

"Baby! Please forgive me!" I plea getting on my knees.

"Couch whipped couch!" I hear Hugo pretend to couch. I turn my head and glare at him.

"Wait 'til you find your mate." I glare at him before turning back to Sin.

"My love, please." I grab his hand gently. When he doesn't pull away I sit in my seat and pull him into my lap. Sin puts his face in my neck.

"Do you think I'm fat?" He whispers out in my neck.

"What? Of course not baby, you're pregnant. Our baby is growing inside you." I kiss his bump.

He nods before eating. After eating Ause and Sin wants to have a video game competition.

Carrying him to the livingroom, I put him on the couch. Everyone but Dada and Daddy comes into the room they are most likely putting Storm to bed.

After 10 minutes of Sin and Hugo olaying the console, Hugo is killed by Sin. He throws the controller beside, crosses his arms, and pouts.

"How do you always beat me?" Hugo whines.

"'Cause you suck." Sin smirks at him.

"Sweetheart that's you." Hugo retaliates smirking back.

"And he moans my name when I do so." His words has Hugo blushing.

Before he can respond, Morton, a pack war wolf, runs into the room. Panting he takes a deep breathe.

"Hunters! On the northern border!" Before he finishes I have Sin and the little ones upstairs with Dada and Daddy with Morton guarding them.

Hugo, Ause, and I run out the room into the woods shifting into our wolves. The wind blows through our fur. The trees a blur. We reach the northern border to see hunters dead on the ground, their blood staining the grass, I see non of my wolves or fae on the ground. We are beating them. They have guns pointed at my wolves and fae.

I growl, running at a hunter, my jaws open to wrap around his side and rip, detaching his waist from his torso. I spit out the human parts, before taking on the next. I run up to the hunter that has a gun aimed at Ause. Wrapping my jaws around his neck I pull, successfully decapitating the hunter.

"Thanks big brother." Ause says through our mind link.

"No problem little brother." I respond back before moving on to the next hunter.

I turn to see Aiden fighting 3 hunters. Needing help I growl, running over I jump on a hunter ripping off his leg then his arm. He screams in pain as he falls to the ground. I decapitate him ending his pain. As I do so a war wolf takes care of the last hunter.

Sniffing, I smell no other hunters. Shifting, the pack does the same. We howl together letting the pack know we have won.

We run back to the pack house, the war wolves staying to take care of the bodies, by burning them. It smells horrible but needs to be done.

Getting home, I run into the house, up the stairs to my parents room. Opening the door, I see Daddy hold Dada as he holds sleeping twins and Jena. Keil and Zenith are awake playing on their DS. I see my pregnant mate pacing the floor. When he sees me, he starts to run over to me before he screams falling to the ground waking the twins and Jena while causing the pack members to run to the house.

I run over to Sin catching him before he falls to the floor. Holding him I call his name but my mate doesn't wake.

What the hell is the matter with my mate?


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