Book 1: Seven Demons' Sins (B...

By darkangelx74

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Hanul finds herself in the Devil's ordeal with seven spawns of the Satanic Hell Lord himself, straight out of... More

Story Map Asthetics + Trailer
Episode 1: Banished
Episode 2: Demons and I
Episode 3: Hellish Behavior
Episode 4: Hell on Earth
Episode 5: Mirror
Episode 6: The Choice
Episode 7: Spark
Episode 8: Drink
Episode 9: Brothers' Feud
Episode 10: The Chamber
Episode 11: Jungkook's Dilemma
Episode 12: The Orchid
Episode 13: Forbidden Love
Episode 14: Getting Ready
Episode 15: Art
Episode 16: Control
Episode 17: Devil's Dove
Episode 18: Heartbeat
Episode 19: Lucifer's
Episode 20: Drowning
Episode 21: Our Secrets
Episode 22: New Beginnings
Episode 23: A Lustful Game
Episode 24: Demonnapped
Episode 25: Lucid Dreams
Episode 26: A Chat With Envy
Episode 27: Taste Of Hell
Episode 28: The Whore of Babylon
Episode 29: God Sent
Episode 30: Awakening
Episode 31: Family Feud
Episode 32: Markings
Episode 33: The Return
Episode 34: Identity
Episode 35: Request
Episode 36: Murky Waters
Episode 37: Rise from the Ashes
Episode 38: Devil's Deal
Episode 39: Gone
Episode 40: evoL
Episode 41: The Fallen King
Episode 42: Monster
Episode 43: Suspect
Episode 44: Sera
Episode 45: Potion
Episode 46: Tell Me The Truth
Episode 47: Drink Up
Episode 48: Sinful Passion
Episode 50: Stranger
Episode 51: Sunset Kiss
Episode 52: Omen
Episode 53: Vocavit
Chapter 54: Tears of a Demon
Episode 55: Mother Nature
Episode 56: The Beginning To An End
Extras: Spin-offs??!

Episode 49: Linger

257 7 9
By darkangelx74

Episode 49: L i n g e r

I groaned, stretching out my sore body. The first thing I felt was the incessant pounding, throbbing inside my head. The second thing was V's arms wrapped around my bare waist and my legs tangled with his under the covers.

For a minute, I thought I was dreaming. And in the next minute, taking a moment for my eyes to readjust--which was easy given the minimal lighting in the room--I finally realized this wasn't a goddamn nightmare.

This was real.

"Oh my god." I wheezed out in a low voice and covered my mouth, staring back at his calm, sleeping face. I think I just laid there, frozen for a few seconds as I tried to figure out what the hell I was going to do. There's no way I wanted to wake him up. After everything that happened, I don't know if I'd be able to face him without combusting on sight. And the last thing I wanted was chunks of my combusted self littering his walls. He'd probably curse my soul for damaging his dark interior.

There it was. My wonderful shirt. Just a few inches away from the bed and resting on the polished wooden floor. I was successfully able to detangle my legs from V's without stirring him awake, but the real issue at hand was, indeed, with his hand. How was I suppose to lug it off me without waking him up?

And then that's when a thought simply occurred to me.

I was a Nephilim. And I had powers. Honestly, I didn't know if telekinesis was in the package, but it never hurt to try.

Deep in concentration mode, I glared at the shirt, forcing it to slide forward. To my unfortunate surprise, that didn't work.

"Let's try again, Hanul. Don't give up." I whispered to myself, with a small optimistic curled fist against my chest, and squinted at the cloth again. I gasped.

Slowly, I watched it slide over my way, effortlessly. In fact, I felt like this was too easy for my first shot at this power. Strange.

This definitely wasn't my doing.

V's arm tensed up and I felt his fingers moving up my back as his hand reached out above my head and pulled the shirt in like a magnet. If I could've turned to ice, I'd make ice cubes jealous of the way I had frozen up.

The shirt hovered over me like a ghost and then fell directly onto my flaming red face.

"Good morning." His deep voice mumbled to me from behind.

"Oh. Hey. You're awake?" I nervously chuckled, keeping the shirt on my face.

"I've been awake. I don't sleep as much as you do. It's almost noon."

My ears caught on to him yawning and stretching before he sat up, judging by the bed squeaks.

The ticking clock was extremely loud between our preferred silence.

I heard the bed squeak a bit more before it felt lighter, suggesting he stood up. With the pattering of his feet fading away, it was safe to finally remove the shirt and take a peek at my surroundings. Just as I did so, I was in time to see his toned ass disappear behind a door and then hear the sound of water running.

Truthfully, the first thought I had was of how jealous I was.

He was really built like that?

But quickly, sparing no time for any more thoughts, I wore my shirt on backward and grabbed my bra off the floor. I practically fell over trying to get into my jeans while hopping over to the door frantically. He definitely heard that thud. And thank goodness this room didn't have mirrors. I didn't even want to imagine how monstrous I looked right now. After last night, I knew it was monstrous.

And to think he probably saw me drooling a puddle in my sleep with my hair tangling into forests across my face.


As soon as I got out of that room, I leaned against the yellow door, letting out a quick sigh of relief and waiting for the adrenaline rush to come down. However, it didn't. As soon as I opened my eyes, they locked onto Jungkook's startled eyes.

He scanned me head to toe before his brows scrunched up with confusion at the sight of my bra, in my hand.


I hid it behind my back, staring back at his traumatized face. He looked at me then at the door then back at me again. "Morning." I gave him a shaky smile that could've scared of young kids. Oh man, I wish the floor would just open up and swallow me whole. Like right about now. That disappearing trick demons have would be very useful in these situations.

"Morning." He squeaked back and before I could even attempt to give an excuse of why I was standing in front of V's door looking like a goddamn hurricane hit me, he disappeared into a puff of blue.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my good God. Actually, I wonder if God even liked me at this point? Yeah, no. Definitely not.

I barged into my room, a bit thankful Sera wasn't in there to see my unfortunate state and sat on the edge of my bed contemplating life.

"OH FUCK ME!" I screamed at my face, looking at the vanity mirror beside the bed.

Whatever makeup I had applied on was obliterated. Black mascara dripped down my eyes and my lipstick was completely smudged all over. In fact, there was red everywhere--down my neck, and when I looked under my shirt, more red blotches trailed down to my hips. Quickly, I covered the evidence and continued to stare back at myself with shock, clutching my knotted hair. It was like someone threw my head into an electrical field and left me overnight. No wonder Jungkook looked scarred.

If I was being truthful, I really should miss breakfast. There's no way I was going to be able to sit there and casually eat a bowl of hell's special corn flakes while V sat right across from me i could already feel his eyes penetrating me with that smug look. How the hell was I supposed to look anyone in the eyes at breakfast—especially him?

Shuddering, I remembered the scenes from last night and mentally cursed myself out. Some people just shouldn't drink. I am some people. From this way forward, I vow to never ever drink even a sip of alcohol ever again. Not one sip.

"I...damn it." My face heated up as my lips shamefully expressed a small smile. I really did that? Me, the ultimate loser? Am I really not a virgin anymore? Oh my hell. Oh my hell. And of all people to do that with, it just had to be V?!

"You forgot to take this with you." A deep voice cut my thoughts off.

The way I screamed, you would've thought I was going to get murdered. V tossed my black panties onto my lap looking quite surprised while I was still screaming my lungs off.


"Why? There's nothing more to hide from me anymore, love." He smirked, knowing exactly what he was doing with my emotions. I pressed down on my lips and cringed with embarrassment as I sneaked small peaks up at him. Drops of water from his hair dripped down to his bare chest and slowly disappeared into the waist line of his underwear, peeking up from his black slacks. Someone help me. I think I might just end up combusting in my own room if this fine ass man continued to exist right here in front of me any longer.

"Y-You're not even finished dressing!" My face turned red and I looked away.

"Oh? But I thought you'd want to explore the landscape some more?" His tone was mocking as he teasingly zipped his pants.

My eyes widened remembering the particular phrase like it was De Ja Vu.

"You--" as soon as I turned back to him he was gone, leaving my heart fired up and my body burning all over again. Damn him to hell.

Great, just absolutely perfect. I only remember a mess of bits and pieces from what was supposed to be a special and beautiful moment in my life, and yet it was spent with a perverted demon who was 1000 times my age.

Way to make it sound even weirder Hanul.

How the hell was I just suppose to get over this? This was huge! Life-changing! I mean, okay, too dramatic. I don't feel changed, but I don't feel okay either.

V's well, deranged--to put it nicely. How the hell did I manage to get into this situation with him, and much more probably embarrass myself in the process because of how inexperienced I was compared to him? How was I supposed to know how to react suddenly when it felt like my whole world was changing and adapting to something bigger than I could handle at the moment.

Handling him.

How in the world were we both supposed to express our love to each other now? Neither of us knew what that meant. And how was I going to make someone feel loved--someone so hurt and broken by his past that it left him bitter and angry. Did having sex mean that we suddenly had to pretend to like each other now? Because I hated to admit it, deep down inside I knew that even if I did love him now, he might not feel the same. And that irritated me slightly. The fact that Dalia was still a ghost lingering between us, forcing him to switch back and forth with his feelings and making him unable to express his emotions properly. It was only about time where those emotions bound to leave deep scars on my heart.

And yet, I'm still so stupid. Despite all of that, I was stupid enough to still feel something for him.


V returned back to his room with a small smile teasing his lips. He grabbed a velvet black sweatshirt and wore it over his black slacks while he chuckled over the sight of Hanul's surprised face.

Running his hand across his hair, he looked around at the messy bed and let out a small sigh, remembering every sweet moment he had felt with Hanul last night. Everything about her seemed to ignite something he had made sure to bury deep inside of him. It was so lost within the midst of his past that he had almost forgotten it even existed altogether.

But last night forced it to rekindle back to life.

He was feeling those same emotions again and was scared enough to almost stop feeling. Yet, the tiniest glimmer of hope that it would bloom to something different resided inside of him, making him latch on to it with a little bit of greed. He wanted to believe that.

Aw, how cute. You're in love again.

V's eyes widened with terror, staring back at the faint reflection radiating from the glass of his bookcase. Envy's yellow eyes glared back at him with a sinful smile.

V quickly raised his fist and slammed it right through the glass, watching the pieces shatter a thousand times.

You might think you can fight me off, but you really can't get rid of me. You know that.

He glanced down at the shards, seeing pieces and parts of Envy's haunting eyes, but instead of them being yellow, a few were starting to turn red. Those heterochromatic eyes again.

"Go away!" V stomped on the sharp beneath his foot, shattering it to bits.

What do you honestly think you're doing now, boy? Love? Do you really think you can fall in love again? After everything that's happened to you V? Do you really not remember!

"That's none of your business. Get out of my head, damn it!" V clutched his hair and shut his eyes tightly.

Did you still not learn your lesson from the last woman you loved? And yet, you fall for someone who is so similar?! Silly fool.

"Get the fuck out of my head!" V screamed, falling to his knees as he tried to drown out the voice. No matter how hard he pressed his hands against his ears, the voice simply grew louder.

Soon you'll realize that loving her is a mistake. You'll destroy her. Tear her apart. And eventually, it'll all end tragically again. You cannot love anyone, boy. Nothing will ever last for you. You should know this. One by one, everyone you'll love will vanish. And it'll all be your fault. Yours, V. Because everyone you love ends up dead!

"Stop it!" V yelled, a tear slipping down from his eyes as he punched a shard of glass that was lying in front of him.

Soon. Very soon, my son.

Slowly, the image of his reflection faded away from the rest of the glass pieces, leaving V defeated as he sat on the floor. The afterimage of those eyes simply haunted him even after they disappeared.

A soft whimper escaped from his lips before he covered his eyes, pulling his knees up to his chest. His shoulders shook softly as his lips trembled with frustration, silently letting the tears flow down to his chin.

He buried his face into the cradle of his arms as his wet eyes glanced around the broken glass.

Deep down V knew it too. He couldn't ever have anything precious to himself without breaking it into pieces. Even his own mother. The only hope he had now was Hanul. And it wasn't long before she was also shattered into a million bits and pieces that someone so broken like him could never put back together.


"I can't stay here any longer." Sera, the Angel of War, sat up from Jin's bed.

"You're not healed yet. Just lay down until you're feeling better and then go back!" Jin insisted. Last night, Sera had somehow found her way to him covered in blood and wounds of her own. That was the whole reason he had to call out to any of his brothers so they could watch over Hanul as he got Sera to a safe area.

"I'm fine!" She stubbornly demanded and stood up, only to hiss in pain as her body fell back down to the bed.

"If you'd just listen to me," Jin mumbled, walking over to her.

"But, the girl's been sleeping for too long. I can't force her body to withstand long abnormalities like this. She's just a child!"

"Well, you brought her into this remember. It's her fate." Jin shrugged, glancing down at the sleeping girl.

"You really are a terrible monster." Sera frowned at him. "Don't you have any compassion for her? She has no choice but to be dragged into this. You can at least cut her some slack."

"Don't make me out to be the bad guy, now. I'm not the Angel who lied and tricked her way through my life."

"Oh please! You're still butthurt about that?"

"Yes. My butt does hurt about it still." Jin sarcastically snapped back.

"Boohoo. First world problems." She rolled her eyes, wincing again at the slight movement of her body.

Jin's face fell with anger as he stared back at her wounds. "Are you going to go back still?" Sera looked up at him with a blank look.

"Of course."

"Don't," Jin demanded. Sera bit down on her pain and stood up confidently.

"I am not weak. I am not fragile. And I am not going to be patronized by you, of all creatures. This is my duty and I'm fighting for what I believe in. Jin, did you forget who I am? I am the Angel of War. You're quite familiar with what war is, don't you? So you know what I am capable of."

"I understand but I also know what I saw. And yesterday you were on the brink of death."

"That doesn't stop an Angel from reaching its goal. Even if I were to die, I would be glad to. So long as if I died fighting for Faith. We are expendable."

Jin's eyes narrowed down darkly, glaring at her with frustration. "You'd throw away your life for Faith?"

"And I'd do more than that for him too."

Jin stood there, dumbfounded by her antics. He couldn't believe that she'd have so much dedication to a goal of one angel to the point where she was willing to bestow down any sacrifice it took to reach it.

"And if this angel, Faith, were to ever ask you to side against us..."

Her eyes glowed white as she brought them up to his. "Don't make me answer that." Jin's face grew paler, profoundly annoyed by this angel she was so devout to.

"This doesn't make sense to me." He scoffed. "You fight for freedom and you fight for individuality and more inclusion, yet you've been brainwashed by this new leader. Don't you see that your life is merely being used as his tool!"

A loud smack filled the room, ringing against the walls. Sera's eyes widened, realizing what she had done when the red bruise on Jin's cheek started to heal up. His eyes glowed pink, turning back to face her.

"You don't know anything about Faith. You have no right to tell me that!" She angrily scolded him. "What Faith has done for me is something I will owe him my entire life for. Even if I were to be reborn again, I would die over and over for him!"

Jin's wide eyes watched as Sera's chin slightly trembled, remembering her strong emotional ties. "That much, huh?" He lowered his gaze. "Someone means that much to you? You'd be willing to throw yourself in front of them and take the shot instead."

"Yes." She didn't hesitate.

"I see..." Jin nodded. "Well, I guess this is what makes our kind so different." He looked back up with a faint smile. "See, I can never imagine myself capable of doing such a thing. In fact, I'd much rather use other people than put myself at any harm. Now I can see it. I understand."

Sera's eyes narrowed down with uncertainty. "Understand what?"

"I guess I can understand what some of the angels had meant when they said there will probably never be a ground where angels and demons can settle on."

"Jin...." Sera's eyes grew wide. "Why are you saying that?"

He glared back up at her. "You'll always be willing to die for an angel, but you'd never die for a demon. And likewise, a demon would never be able to die for an angel, but they would always be ready to die for their own kind. This deeply rooted devotion to our own sides is what allowed the rift to happen in the first place."

Sera stood silently, digesting the full meaning of Jin's words. "Even though, I still think we can establish mutual peace."

"Maybe." Jin cryptically replied back. "But I don't know how I feel working with someone who doesn't value their life. What's the point of finding all of this and stopping Satan if tomorrow might be the day you'll die for the sake of someone else's ideal world?"

Sera's brows furrowed with anger. "I understand that you're a selfless man, Jin. But do you truly not understand the meaning of duty? Have you lost that feeling? Was it not your father's duty that brought you here on Savannah several hundred years ago?!"

"And look where that left me." He smiled at her as if his point came around just to be proven. "Trapped. Abandoned. And vulnerable. That's what following duty leads you too."

Sera's eyes wavered for a quick moment before her face grew stone cold.

"I don't understand what you're trying to make me do, but let me remind you. My goal is to establish peace and only peace. Nothing more. I don't know what you've imagined my intentions to be, but it is nothing more than that. Angels and demons live separate lives, have different duties, and believe in different things. I am not going to force some sort of belief on you and neither will you on me. We'll still be on opposite sides, but one day I hope that it won't have to be hostile. That is all."

"That's just completely...ridiculous," Jin smirked, disregarding her efforts. "You can't possibly think peace could be a reality if we can't see the same thing on one eye level."

Sera's blood was fuming with anger. "Believe what you may, Jin. But I, Angel of War, Sera, will not quit my duty. Not ever. Even if the likes of you try to stop me."

And just like that, she disappeared into a white puff of smoke, awakening the little girl again.


"Huh?" Dalia placed down the knife she was using to cut into the steak. Jimin clutched his heart, responding with a distressed face. "What's wrong, love?"

"Nothing." Jimin looked down at his chest, feeling a stab of pain piercing through over and over again.

"That's strange," Dalia pouted, "you were really happy and in such a good mood last night. But now you're on edge. Is something the matter? Do you not like how I prepared the steak? Not raw enough?"

Jimin dropped his hand under the table, balling up his fist as the painful feelings kept transferring into him. He felt extreme happiness when he was happy. He felt extreme pain when he was in pain. And now, he felt that in pain. In just one night, V's mood had taken a drastic change and it bothered Jimin so much to the point where it was hard to even tolerate swallowing anything right now.

He picked his knife and fork back up before flashing a bright smile back at Dalia. "No, the food is fine, love. I told you it was nothing. You don't have to be concerned really. I'm feeling great!"

Dalia's red lips spread into a smile as she continued to cut into her steak and slowly chew on the meat, eyeing Jimin the whole time. He returned the full attention back to her, but still, no matter how much he tried to ignore it, that annoying pain was still there. Lingering.


When I came down for dinner I made sure what I put into practice was followed. It was simple. I'd take my seat as if it were all normal, eat my food, keep my eyes on my own plate and then go back to my room. Simple. I didn't even have to exchange one glance at any of them.

Or so I thought.

"Hey, Hanul!" J-hope greeted me first.

"Hi." I looked down at my shoes. This was harder than I expected.

"Good evening." Namjoon greeted.

"Yes. Good evening to you too." My neck trembled, threatening to rise up and greet him back.

"Is something wrong with your neck?" Namjoon caught on quickly.

"No." I kept my replies curt. I could already feel the awkward oozing out of me.

"Good evening, love." V's voice sent chills down my spine.

I took a seat and cleared my throat. "Yum, what's for dinner?" I lifted the metal cover and stared back at the well-prepared dish of steak and pasta.

"She's ignoring him now?" J-hope whispered to Jungkook, who was sitting beside him.

"I...I don't know." Jungkook's tone seemed disheveled.

"I can't stand this." Jin's irritated tone spoke up. "Will someone please tell us what's going on with the two of you? My FOMO is soaring high!"

Big mistake. My neck snapped up and I looked directly into V's haunting eyes. They narrowed down as he teased me back with a cocky grin.

"Jungkook! What is it? Do you know anything?" Jin growled, snapping me out of my trance. I quickly glanced at the youngest brother, threatening him with just a look from my eyes.

"N-Nothing, brother!" He looked back at me and Jin with a petrified gaze. "Nothing's wrong at all!"

"Hmph." Jin glared at us. "Something tells me you're lying."

"Well, whatever it is I'm sure we have other things to talk about." Namjoon cleared his throat, ending the argument. "Like what we plan on doing about our return to Abaddon since Jimin left us."

His name was like the elephant in the room.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and peaked up at V's stoic face, drinking out of his goblet. Namjoon and the rest were clearly also giving him their attention. Expecting some kind of guidance from the elder at the table.

"We find our brother, and them kill him and Dalia," V said it clear and simple.

"What." I was the first to speak up. V looked at me with a surprised look, as if I dared to defy him. "I'm sorry, I don't think I heard that right. Did you say you're going to kill Jimin? Your brother?"

V placed his goblet down, glancing at the rest of his brothers who sat in silence. "I believe you heard me right." He looked up at me. "I absolutely said that."

"Uh-oh. And it starts again." J-hope sighed, sipping his absinthe.

My hands slammed down on the silky cloth of the dining table and I stood up to V. The platter and silverware audibly shook.

"You can't possibly be serious about that, right? Answer me right now!"

"Oh, I am one hundred percent serious." He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms around his chest as he looked me in the eyes. He really was a hundred percent serious.

"You're telling me that you're going to hunt Jimin down and kill him? Are you insane? He's your brother!"

"It doesn't matter. He betrayed us all. I was bound to get rid of him either way if I want the throne." V smirked back. Horrible. My blood was growing colder by the second.

How in the world was he the same person I saw last night? There really had to be something going on with him. There's no way a sane person was able to change personas like that!

"Is anyone going to say anything?" I glanced at his brothers who didn't seem as bothered as I was.

"It's...true." Jin shrugged. "He betrayed us. In our rules, we have no use for traitors. What Jimin did is unacceptable."

"What..." my shoulders dropped with defeat. I glanced at them all with disbelief. "You guys have to be joking. Tell me your joking."

"This is not a joke, Hanul." V's deep voice announced. I looked back at his determined expression. "You're not familiar with how we do things here. But what Jimin's done is something you're not quite ready to understand yet. And because of his actions, he's no longer considered out brother. He's nothing but a filthy scumbag who betrayed his own kind for some back-alley witch."

I couldn't believe what they were saying. Was it this easy to give up their brother?

"You're telling me that just because he left us, god knows where or what happened to him, you want to kill him. First of all, how are you all so sure he's betraying us! Second of all, you can't just do this without giving him a chance to at least explain himself!"

"A chance?" V's eyes flared yellow, as he grew restless. "He doesn't deserve one!" My mouth gawked at him in disappointment. Why? Why did it hurt me so bad to see him act like that? Heartless, cruel, and domineering. What was it that I expected from him?

"Hanul, just give this a rest," Jin warned me. "You can't begin to understand what--"

"You guys just keep saying that but none of you are trying to make me understand!" I blew up on them. "I can't understand this, I can't understand that, just what the hell is it that I don't get? Huh? How you all can throw out your brother like he was nothing? After everything, he's done for your family?" I lifted my wrist, blinking back angry tears as I looked down at the rosary. "What about me? What about the effort he took to protect me, and Sera?!"

No one spoke up.

"Well then? Someone give me a damn answer!"

"Just shut the hell up," V grumbled, standing up from his seat. I froze in place, looking back at his cruel expression. "You have no right to interfere with what I decide. He is my brother and this is my family. We do things like this whether a half-human like you likes it or not. You'll never be able to understand."

It was as if my words got tangled up at the back of my throat. A large lump grew and no matter how much I tried to swallow it down it wouldn't go away.

"You're right." My lips thinned together. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have spoken up." My feet shuffled away from the dinner table and I quickly turned around, storming out of the dining room.

"B-brother, was that really necessary?" Jungkook stammered, speaking to V. "She might not be apart of our family but Hanul and Jimin also shared a strong bond."

"I agree. That was a little mean, brother." J-hope smirked, looking up at V's cold face. Their older brother shut his eyes before he opened them back up.

"Jungkook, you should shut up before I kill you off first."

The youngest brother practically froze to ice staring at V's eyes. His hands trembled against the edge of the table and when he opened his mouth to speak nothing but gasps came out. Jin had to do a double take just to glance back at them.

The mismatched discoloration of his yellow and red eyes was something so familiar to them all, but none of them were able to believe it.

"B-Brother!" Namjoon quickly came to Jungkook's defense. "Jungkook didn't mean it, please go easy on him." V's eyes glared back at Namjoon, who was profusely sweating under his gaze. However, as the mastermind of the family, he had to keep his composure and create the plans. "But I'm more concerned about something else. Shouldn't we be focusing on going back to Abaddon and strengthening ourselves there? From what I gathered out of Hongbin, it looks like there are much more problems to solve before we go looking for our brother."

"Oh, and how do you think we'll be able to do that?" V's calm yet powerful tone put them all on edge.

"Well..." Namjoon glanced around. "So far we have one answer..."

"Brother?" Jin quickly understood Namjoon's intentions.

"Oh no. You don't mean--" J-hope added on.

"Hanul's blood." Namjoon confidently spoke up. V's eyes narrowed down at him. "If we can just figure out a way to utilize some, maybe we can end up opening a portal. But ignoring the fact that she's our only key to--"

"That's not going to happen." V cut him off without hearing him out.


V's heterochromatic eyes pierced into Namjoon. "There won't be so much as a cut on her so you can forget about that. We're not going to use her blood. If there was one way, then there's another way. And you will be responsible for figuring it out."

"But what if there is no other way!" Namjoon's eyes glowed purple with frustration.

"Well, then you better start praying to our Father, brother. And as a royal prince, you know what it means when you cannot fulfill your duty."

Namjoon's brows furrowed with shock.

"I've had enough of this. Everyone knows what their duty is. We're not to lose sight of our goals." V's ambitious eyes looked at each of his brothers present at the table. "After all, disobeying me will be the same as disobeying your future king."

"Understood, my Lord." J-hope was the first to bow down to him and then the rest followed his lead. V smirked at their obedience and walked off confidently.

Just as he vanished from sight, Jungkook loudly gasped, clutching his chest and coughing. His eyes were leaking out tears and his mouth dribbled down a line of spit from his uncontrollable breathing and choking.

"Brother, relax." Namjoon gripped Jungkook's shoulder, staring ahead with a purple flame dancing in his eyes. Jungkook shook his head, clawing at his neck for air.

"I..I..." He gasped, choking even harder. "I...can't...brea..." Without a second to spare, Namjoon hit the back of his neck and Jungkook clanked forward at the dining table, knocked out of consciousness.

"Those were..." Jin started, looking up at Namjoon's angry face.

"Father's eyes, weren't they?" J-hope's smile stretched out as he looked at Jin. "Interesting, really."

"What in the world is going on with him?" Jin looked at Namjoon and immediately got worried. The look at his brother's face was one of Wrath and annoyance.

"Doesn't matter." Namjoon blinked away the purple flame. "It's just as he told us. We all have our duties to carry out. Let us go."

"Duties, huh?" Jin scoffed, standing up from his seat. "Well then, what's the plan brother."

"We locate and kill Dalia and the traitor. And then...then I'll get us back home. My way."

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