yearbook ✂ c.h.

By hemmingslaugh

238K 9K 2.9K

"They're for the yearbook, I promise." ---------------- Just a girl named Ester Murphy who was pushed into a... More

yearbook ✂ c.h.
00 - president
01 - senior year
02 - small world
03 - interview
04 - close up
05 - friends
06 - alike
07 - ditch
08 - Homecoming: part 1
09 - in front of the camera
10 - Homecoming: part 2
11 - ice cream
12 - fair
13 - chicago
14 - i have your back
15 - Kasey
16 - football game
17 - lucky
18 - scrapbook
19 - christmas party
20 - the gig
21 - ashton
22 - the eve of christmas
23 - night terror
24 - yearbook

25 - new years

5.8K 245 77
By hemmingslaugh

I spent every day with Calum and Steven, just like it had been before. Most of my time was with Steven because Calum wanted me to have some time with my best friend.

We were going to a New Years party that Michael's mom was throwing. We've made it a new tradition to have closest friends over and throw parites in our friend group. Our parents have all come exceptionally close too. Even Steven's parents were coming. We invited most of our family friends and other people we knew too. It was going to be amazing. I was so excited.

I had gone over to Michael's house early. I'd never really met Michael's parents before last week. Michael didn't talk much about them but he's just not in to talking about stuff like that. His parents were sweet. His father worked around the world so he wasn't at home, it was only his mom, that's how it always was according to Calum.

As the night grew darker, the number of people grew larger.

The music blaster and the laughter was everywhere. I was with Calum and the boys, and Sariah. We were all dancing and laughing to the music. Everyone had a few sips of alchohal except for me. I was a little scared. I only told that to calum, but to the rest, I told them I was the desognated driver.

When we got tired, Calum and I would walk around the neighborhood because it was cold.

We would take pictures and made out a few times. I never felt more alive.

"Ester?" Calum asked as we sat on the steps outside of Michaels house.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Anything" I smiled.

"You know... uh.." He hesitated but I was patient. "I just wanted you to know.. I love you."

"I love you" I hugged his arm.

"No matter what?" He asked.

"No matter what." i assured him.

"Good, I need to tell you something else." He said.

"Alright" I smiled.

"Guys, 5 minutes, get in here!" Luke yelled from the door.

"Busy!" Calum rolled his eyes.

"Doing what?" Luke laughed "You can all make out later"

"Let's go. You can tell me later" I assured him.

The whole time we were all together, Calum seemed uneasy.. He worried me a lot. I tended to get worried over stupid things now involving him.

As we counted down, his uneasyness dissapeared and we screamed at the top of our lungs while watching the ball drop in New York.

When the clock struck 12am we all screamed and I kissed Calum right away. He was my infamous new years kiss. I went into the new year kissing the boy of my dreams, someone I didn't think I had the guts to talk to.

I went through the group, hugging the people I wouldn't have guessed would be my friend.

I looked around at my life and it was perfect. Too perfect to be true.

"Alright, c'mere" I told calum, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the crowd.

"Ester.." Calum scratched his head. "Our band got a really good offer."

"Really? That's amazing!" I smiled and hugged him "What is the offer?"

"We have the offer to perform to a lot of people with One Direction." He told me.

"One Direction?" I gawked "Wow!" I widened my eyes. "They're big.."

"Yeah.. but there's a catch.." He sighed.

"What could possibely be a catch to this?" I asked.

"It's a tour..." He told me. "Around the world."

"Wow.." I nodded, "So, you're gonna have to leave? When does it start?"

"In a few months.." He told me.

"What..." I looked at him. "That's a really sort notice.."

"Actually.. We found out a while ago.. when the guy talked to us at the gig we played.."

"You mean you knew all this time?" My voice shook. "And you didn't tell me?"

"I didn't know how to..." He raised his eyebrows in guilt. Tears stung my eyes and my whole world was crushing. Not only was my best friend gone, but the boy that I loved was leaving me too. Everything that I put myself out there for was leaving and I was losing the good things in my life.

"We can still see eachother.." Calum assured me.

"It's not the same Calum." I shook my head "I can't believe you kept this from me. This is what I was affraid of. You said you were scared of losing me because of this, Huh? You were right Calum. You thought right. Except that it's your fault. You're leaving me." I couldn't believe I just said that to him, but I was too angry to take it back. "I'm so sick of people keeping things from me and then when they finally tell me, they're packing up and leaving me. I get it. It's an amazing oportunity for you. I'm happy for you. I'm not happy that I spent all this time trusting you, after you helped me get over what Steven did to me, you're doing the exact same thing. Even after you said you'd never leave. I didn't expact you to stay forever Calum, but I also didn't expect you to drop out of school just like Steven and leave me to deal with no friends again."

"Ester.. I'm sorry" Calum had tears in his eyes too. "Please, we can still talk. We can work this out and it will just be a long distant relationship."

"Calum, I can't do that." I shook my head. "It wont work out i'm sorry. It's all over now Calum. I can't do that to myself or you."

I shook my head and turned around. Calum called my name but I just kept walking. I walked all the way home, leaving the boy of my dreams behind.

It looks like I was right. Calum Hood was the boy I didn't want to talk to because I believed he'd just hurt me, did just that.

I was right and for that I never spoke to him again.



wow its over i'm sorry. there's an epilogue coming up and ITS OVE R

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