The Two Assassins

By 0Legendary0

19K 1K 293

When the Dark Knight falls, it's up to a former Talon, and young assassin, to save Gotham, and what hope is l... More

Beginnings | 1
Bonding | 2
Robin | 3
Being A Hero | 4
Hunting | 5
Fallen | 6
Glass | 7
Cracks | 8
Ticking | 9
The Story | 11
Healing | 12
The New Night | 13
Set Back | 14
Laughter | 15
Dawn Of The Bat | 16
Defense | 17
New Beginnings | 18
Cold Blood | 19
Son | 20
Damian's Epilogue
Tim's Epilogue
Jason's Epilogue
Dick Epilogue
Ending Or Beginning?

Shattered | 10

649 34 5
By 0Legendary0

Pyg stood there, in shock, with the talon gloved hand still piercing through his chest from behind. The gloves hand had his heart and few intestines in its clutch. Blood pouring from the new wound.

The arm suddenly jerked back, removing itself from Pygs chest and back. Blood momentarily gushing, before the now lifeless, squeaking body, of Pyg, fell to the ground, face first.

In his place, Nightwing stood there, elbow jerked back, and his hand still grasping the bloody heart and organs. His breathing was heavy and His eyes glowed bright gold, that it made the white lenses of his mask turn lightly yellow.

Robin laid on the table, in shock, but trying to crane his neck again to see the after math. His gaze flickered to the body of Pyg, which had a pool of blood leaking from it.

Nightwing stood there, panting for a moment. His arm slowly fell to his side, still holding the body parts. He then slowly walked, or stumbled, toward his partner laying on the table, and slipped his empty hand under the table. He pressed a button and Robin was released.

Robin proper himself up, his arms shaky. He then stood up, and gazed at his older brother, and took in his appearance.

Nightwing stood there, still panting, but not as much. His arm was drenched in crimson blood. The heart and organs still tightly in his gauntlets. The liquid stopped off his arm and onto the cold floor. He was sprayed with blood on his chest, stomach, and face, from where he plunged his arm into Pyg.

Robin opened his mouth, but only to close it when Nightwing spoke in a raspy, small voice.

"I..." He didn't finish. Unable to finish. Unable to make another word it felt like. Finally he slowly loosened his grip on the red lump and string, and it fell to the dusty floor with a squish.

He lifted his blood covered hand, which was shaking, and pressed his comms. "Shattered..." He quietly said into the comlink. Silence was all to be heard for a moment. "We're coming, Dickie." The voice wasn't Oracle, but Jason Todd.

Nightwing didn't reply, but nodded silently. He looked at Damian, and swallowed thickly. "I am sorry..." He said, tear tracks flowing out of the mask. Robin was confused, not understanding the apology. Yes, he was... disturbed, but why was his brother sorry?

Nightwing turned away and walked stiffly away from him, and disappeared into the shadows. Leaving Robin in the LED light, which flickered a bit, but stayed on.

Robin just decided to get down, and sit on his knees, hands folded on top of each other, and breathe. Not meditation per say, but waiting.

House Of Fun - ?:??

Creaking and banging echoed through the building, and a few curses from, obviously, Red Hood. Robin looked up in the direction of the sound, and saw the red vigilante running his way after stumbling on some rotten wood.

He stopped in front of Robin, his stance worried. He took in what was before him. Pyg in a pool of blood with a giant hole running through him, a surgical table, Robin seemingly meditating, and a heart and organs on the floor near the table.

"Where's Dick?" He asked, his voice confirming his feeling of worry. "No names on the field, Hood, and I don't kn-" He was cut off by the person in quiestion.

"Here..." The voice of Nightwing answered from the darkness. He stepped out of the shadow, his head bowed, and still trembling and splattered in blood, while his arm was soaked.

Red Hood took off his helmet and then, surprisingly, his mask. Revealing his green eyes, and becoming Jason Todd. He walked over to his older brother, and hugged him, despite the blood that was now getting on him.

"Its okay. Your fine, Dick." Jason said. Robin was confused. Dick had always said no killing, yet he did it just then, and later he said jumbled words. What was he missing?

"I-i'm so sorry... Jay... I... I just- i just slipped... he- I-i- Damia-" his words became more broken and clipped. He seemed to be panicking.

Robin watched, observing. He went through what he knew.

Grayson was a talon. Turned hero. He doesn't kill. Left the court. He must have not wanted to be a talon. Former Talon. Slipped? Slipped as in killed... lost control? He is upset that he took a life, and lost himself? The court controls their Talons... they controlled Grayson.

It made sence now.

And how he wished it didn't.

He lightly pitied the older man, watching the two older brothers hug. One broken, the other trying to support.

"Dick, Dick, your fine. Damians fine. We're fine. It's okay. It's gonna be okay." Jason consoled. He hugged the hero tight, and put his face in the olders, but shorters, hair.

"J-jay. What-what do I do? I... Bruce is... and I'm slipping... I-I..." Dick stuttered. Jason on kept him close. "Its gonna be okay, bro." He said.

Is it?

Bat Cave - 3:34 AM

When they had returned to the cave, Alfred had encouraged Dick to change, and freshen up. The younger man obeyed, and returned in a blue T and black sweats. His eyes still glowed, and he was stiff and had his head down.

Tim sat in the computer chair at the monitors, as Barbra had left, that being for the best, and Jason stood in front of Dick, and Damian stood near the computers with Tim.

Jason nodded to some extra chairs he set up near the computer and other two boys. Dick obeyed, and him and Jason went and sat down. "What happened? The second oldest asked the first.

Dick looked up at him tiredly. His golden eyes dull. "I killed Pyg." He stated bluntly. Jason suppressed a sigh and tried again. "What happened to trigger that?" He asked.

... "He was about to harm Damian." The former Talon answered. "So you were protecting him." Jason said. "Yes." Was the response, even though it wasn't a quiestion.

"Its alright, you only..." their voices faded into the background as Tim nudged Damian, and nodded at him. Damian caught on, and followed. They both took the elevator upstairs, giving the other two brothers privacy.

Once upstairs in the den, Tim sat down on the sofa near the burning fireplace. Damian sat down in the recliner. They both sat in silence for a moment, before Tim spoke up.

"You still don't know Dicks story, do you?" He asked quietly. Damian gazed at him, before shaking his head. Tim looked to the fire. "You should, so I'll tell you. Cause you need to know, with things turning darker than usual." He stated.

"Before meeting Bruce, before the court, before all of this, Dick had a family in Halys Circus." Tim started.

"The Flying Graysons."

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