Finding roman..

By la_kinda67

36.8K 675 30

Hemlock grove, home of upirs, weres, demons and angels. Nadeline wasn't expecting nothing much from a cute li... More

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By la_kinda67

Romans pov

The next morning I woke up to the room spinning. I grabbed onto the bed and pulled myself up.. "nads??" I quickly got on my feet and looked around seeing the walls covered in blood. I quickly took off down stairs.. I breathed out to see my three children sitting on the floor next to Peter. I kneeled down taking them in my arms. "Where's your mom?"

I looked around the kitchen seeing no nads. "She took her.. " Peter groaned and sat up taking Nadia in his arms. "Is everyone OK? Where's Ben.. where's nadilene " my hearted sped up.. how could someone so evil take nadilene.. she was innocent.. she didn't deserve this.. "here.."

Ben walked around the corner. His arm was drenched in blood.. he walked into the kitchen and washed his arm off. "They took nads. And there not to give her back." I looked at him confused.

"Miranda was stage one getting her back. If she didn't succeeded then everyone here would be dead." I grabbed Tyler and Letha. "We can't stay here.."

I took off upstairs and sat them on my bed. I grabbed a suit case and filled it with clothes and sorts of things.. I looked at Letha. She looked exactly like her momma..

"Come here Letha." She got down from the bed and ran into my arms. I smiled at her and tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "You look exactly like your momma. Your so beautiful and daddy wants you to know.. if you ever come home with a boyfriend.. imma hurt him." She giggled and wrapped her arms around me.  I looked back at Tyler. "Come here." He got down from the bed and slowly made his way to me. "My little man.. I want you to know that your growing so tall and healthy. And I want you to have this.. OK?" I grabbed my valuable ring off the dresser and handed it to him. He shoved it into his pocket and smiled. "Your gonna go to my uncle's house. He's very nice and caring. Remember.. momma and dadda will always love you." They both nodded and hugged me.

"Roman." My uncle greeted me. Tyler and Letha smiled up at them.  "Uncle.. this is Tyler." He bent down at them and smiled. "And Letha." Letha stepped forward and wrapped her tiny arms around her.. "they are beautiful.." I smiled down at him. "And there's one more.." I walked back to my car and grabbed Nadia out. I walled back seeing my uncle's eyes on me.

"This is Nadia.." he reached out for me as a tear rolled down his face.. "she looks just like Letha.." I smiled and nodded giving my children a kiss on the forehead.

"I will see you two soon OK? Behave for daddy." They nodded and gave me one last hug before I got back in my car and drove down the road. When I returned home Peter and Ben sat in the front. "Have we any leads?"

They both shock their head.. I balled my fists up and felt the warm tears fall from my face.. how could they take away the only thing that has ever made me happy.. this is not fair..

I fell to the ground and screamed out... I will find her and get my beloved soon to be wife back.. and they will regret ever taking her..

Nadilenes pov

I groaned and sat up. I looked around my surroundings seeing myself in what looks like a basement. I sat in an old warn out double bed. The sheets were old and torn apart, the pillows were Nothing but newspaper and hay. I got up from the bed and made my way to the door located in the near left corner.. only to discover that it was chained up... 

"hello?" I wandered around the room aimlessly. The walls were dim and dark. The only light was coming from a lap sitting on the table beside the bed. I heard voices. Above me. So. I was in the basement.

"HELLO!!" the voices stopped. I heard footsteps and the door opening. "Hello." A man walked in. He was holding a silver knife in his hand. "How are you?" I stepped back as he closed the door.

"Who are you? Where am I?" He smirked and walked closer. My knees hit the back of the bed. "Don't worry child.. I won't hurt you.." I closed my eyes. Trying to tame the beast inside me.. "shifting wont help.. once you turn I will send my men to your children.. and let's just say it won't be a pretty sight.."

I calmed down.. "who are you.." I heard his small chuckle.. then he backed away. "My name is kyle. I came here to rid the monsters. You. Your brother. Your friends. And your children.. the demons.."

I looked at him confused.. "they are not demons.." he laughed again. "They are.. how do you suspect them growing fast?"

I thought back to my baby's. "But they've never done wrong?" The man smiled. "Not yet. Just look at roman.." my mind drafted back to roman..

"Your lying.. " the man laughed and turned around.. "what will you do with me.." the man began laughing..

"Well.. you see your children are rare.. so.. were going to harvest you.. breed you.. and then kill you.. so get some rest darling.. I'll be back in the morning."

I felt my heart sink.. the man opened the door and left.. leaving a small imprint of his sick sadistic laugh in my mind.. this.. this is sick.. I crawled on the bed and pulled my knees to my chest.. I closed my eyes and let the tears out..

Please roman.. please find me..

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