By dolansworld1

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"Let me make love to you Val..." "You have the key." More



1.5K 29 5
By dolansworld1

Ethan's POV
"Where are you going?" Grayson asked as I threw on my blue hoodie. I look I the living and see Ava and Val playing a game.

"Rachel's.." he spits out his water and stares at me in shock.

"Are you kidding me Ethan? You and Val like just got together." I roll my eyes and grab my keys.

"Gray it's for a fucking science project, I wouldn't do that to her." His eyebrows furrowed and he laughed.

"Yea and since when do you just do a 'science project'?" A sigh escapes my mouth from annoyance. "And what do you mean you wouldn't do that to her? You did that to every girl u dated. Which lasted about two weeks."

"Well dickhead may it ever occur to you that I actually like Valarie." He stares at me for a minute and begins to burst out laughing.

"You? Like someone? Yeaa, have fun with that project." He pats my shoulder before exiting the kitchen. "Ava you want me to drive you home now?" He ask, she gets her bag and nods her head.

"See youse later." She says before walking out the front door, Grayson looks at me again and shrugs his shoulders.

Even if Grayson didn't believe me I do like Val, and not just because of the sex. Even though that was great too. Everything about her was great, and she understands me. She always did.

When I'm around her I can be myself and not be uncomfortable, or judged. I still don't know why she would want to be with someone like me. She deserves so much better, but I don't want anyone else to give her what I can't. I want to be enough.

But I know I'm not.

"I'm gonna go to Rachel's now." She rolls her eyes and leans towards me. Her eyes stay glued to my lips as mine do the same to her. I pull her closer and our lips connect. Her sweet cherry chapstick now on my lips.

Val's POV
I walk down the aisle and grab a bag of pretzels, " and Grayson?" Ava looks up from her phone and smacks my arm. "Ok, ok..did y'all fuck yet or?"

"Valarie! Stop." We both laugh until someone walks down the same aisle as us.


"Hey." Ryan walks up to me with a warm smile, his smile always made me feel better.

"Hey Ryan." His arms open for a hug and so do mine. His hands wrap around my waist right above my ass. I quickly detach myself from him reminding him I wasn't single.

"How's uh, you and Ethan?" I nod my head and laugh.

"Oh we're fine. Have you found..anyone yet?"

"I'm still waiting on you." My eyes widen and Ava starts to obnoxiously cough. He puts his head down and starts to laugh. "I'm having a party tomorrow, just a celebration for the warm weather. I'd love if you could come." He looks at Ava and smiles, "you too."

"I'll be there, and she will too." I squeeze my eyes shut and give him a nervous smile.

"I'll text you the time." Ava stares at him as he walks out of the aisle, and my eyes are stuck on her. She turns back around and jumps.


"You bitch. Ethan barely likes Ryan I can't go to his party!" I groan as I put another back of pretzels into my basket.

"Who said we were telling him?" I look over at her and she winks. "Ugh, don't you just love me?"

"Why did I even bring you with me?" I mutter looking for the salsa.

"Because you love me!" She throws the salsa in my basket and gives me a cheesy smile. "See, how'd I even know you were looking for that? I can even read your mind."

"Maybe because when we were in the car I told you that I needed salsa.." her arms fold across her chest, and she puts all her weight onto her left hip. "Just saying."

I close my bedroom door and grab my phone from off the dresser. I see a text message from Ryan three minutes ago.

Ryan: The party starts at 7, hope to see you and Ava there!

I smile at the text and begin to text him back.

Me: No promises :)

Ryan: ;)

My door opens revealing my mom standing there with a bag of McDonald's in her hand. A smile grows on my face as she walks towards me handing me the bag of food.

"How's you and Ethan?" I look at her weird and stuff a French fry in my mouth.

"Good. Why?" She inhales and rubs my leg.

Oh no, I already know what's coming

"Look Kyle didn't want to have the conversation with you-" I cover my ears and begin to yell.

"No! No! No! Mom!"

"If you and Ethan are having sex I want to make sure you guys are being safe. I already spoke to his mom and she agreed on having the same conversation with him. But are you?" I look at her in annoyance. "Using protection?"

"Yes mom! We are using protection."

"Okay good. See, I knew you were doing the right thing." She smiles at me and I give her a fake one back.

"Please leave."

Ethan's POV
"Do you want something to drink?" Rachel yelled.

"No thanks." She walks back in with her long blonde hair in a high ponytail, along with a white tank top and pajama shorts. I couldn't help but stare at her chest you could tell she didn't have a bra on.


She smirks before sitting down next to me, "So you can print the pictures and I'll write all the information in the board tomorrow night." She opens her water bottle and it spills on her shirt. "Oh fuck." She mutters.

Her breast were clearly seen through the tank since the water soaked in. Yea and I'm so not gonna get turned on right now. I quickly turn my head and I hear a chuckle escape her mouth.

"Don't act like you've never seen boobs before. You're Ethan Dolan." I keep my head turned until she grabs my chin and gently turns my head towards her. "That's better isn't it."

This is wrong but I couldn't do anything, I feel like I can't move or say anything.

Her hand slowly slides down to my pants, my cheeks begin to heat up.

No this is wrong

I grab her hand and sigh, "Rachel..I have a girlfriend." She laughs and backs away.

"Since when does that stop you?" I grab my phone and car keys, getting up from off the floor. "I get it, I get it. If you ever get lonely though.." she gets close to my ear and I feel my member grow.


"I'm only a phone call away." As she whispered her tongue slightly touched my ear. I grip the doorknob as she walks away, swaying her hips side to side.

I get into my car and immediately drive off. I promised myself this wouldn't happen. It didn't but it almost lead to something much worst.


I wake up from loud noise coming from my backyard. Who the fuck has this much energy early in the morning?

I walk outside to see Ava, Val, Gray and a few other of the boys. Valarie runs up to me wrapping her arms around my waist. She smelled of vanilla.

"Why the fuck are you guys so loud?" I rub eyes and Valarie laughs. The heat hit my body as she let go of me. "And why the fuck is it so hot? It's only spring." They all groan in annoyance.

"Someone's grumpy." Valarie mutters.

"Yea this is every morning." Grayson muttered back to her. I walk back inside with Valarie right behind me.

"So I gotta talk to you about something." She says, I pick her up and place her on top of the counter. My hands rest on her thighs as I wait for her to continue. "Ryan invited me and Ava to his party tonight." I suddenly feel my face heat up of anger and I walk to the fridge.

"And? What you want me to go?" I turn to face her and she nods her head. I burst out in laughter as she looks at me in all seriousness.

"Ethan come on." She whined.

"Sorry babygirl. I mean I don't care if you go, but I'm not gonna go so I can get into an argument with him over something stupid." I peck her lips and she smiles.


"Yea whatever. Just make sure you cover this." I grab her butt and she laughs. "That's mine babygirl."

"All yours." I grab the box of Cheerios out of the cabinet and pour some into my bowl. "So how did the project at Rachel's go?" I shrug my shoulders and grab the milk out of the fridge.

I wasn't gonna tell her that I couldn't stop staring at her boobs, and got a boner. Or the worst of them all, almost fucked.

"What does that mean?"

It means I don't wanna tell you I almost fucked up, and cheated on you.

"Babe I don't know. We worked on a project and that's it." Her eyebrows furrow at me.

"That's all you had to say. All I asked was how'd it go." She gets off from the counter and grabs a juice box.

"And I answered." I snap back.

"Alright asshole." She mumbles under her breath before walking past me. I run behind her and tackle her on the couch. "Ethan my juice!" She yells spilling it all over herself.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I sarcastically apologize. She laughs and pushes me off of her. The door opens and Grayson stands there with a confused look on his face.

"Well I wanna join!"

"Me too!"

Everyone jumps on top of me and Valarie knocking us off the couch. She crawls out and tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear.

I make eye contact with her and she smiles, "I hate you." She mouths.

I blow her a kiss and her cheeks turn red. I really can't fuck this up.

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