Creepypasta: 24 Hours with Ho...

By Ash54thegravekeeper

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Adam, is newly graduated former high school student. Spending his summer nd new found freedom, on vacation wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

93 3 0
By Ash54thegravekeeper

Chapter 10

Adam's POV:
"I'm not dead! I'm not dead! This isn't death! This is hell!" I mumbled, no longer trying to get away from the darkness. I had stopped walking at some point and was sitting on a solid mass, that I tried to convince myself wasn't a pile of bodies. This voice that was talking to me had stopped aw well and the only thing I could hear was the constant static sound of the white noise. "I'm a good person. I don't deserve this. What did I ever do to deserve this?!"

"Maybe you did nothing at all...." I looked up at the voice. Amy stepped out of the darkness. She had blood on her face where she had been shot. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of her. "Adam..."

My mouth gaped open, but nothing came out, not even air. I didn't know what I wanted to do more; breathe, scream, or pass out, for the shock. "You can't be here...." I finally settled on, surprising myself.

"But I am....And so are you...." She answered, taking a slow step toward me.

I stayed rooted where I was, trying to remind myself this wasn't real. That none of this was real. She stared at me with dead eye that were so unlike her., as her slow steps placed her right before me. Slowly and wordlessly she reach for my hand, lacing her fingers through mine; just like when we were kids. "I'm dead aren't I?" I asked wanting her to confirm it, before I went crazy from this roller coaster ride.

"No...."She answered after staying silent. A breath of air escaped me in a form of a sigh at her words. "But you are close...." She lifted her head, and looked around the darkness as if there was someone else there with us. I looked with her, but saw nothing. However, after everything that has happened I wouldn't be surprised if there was something else in the darkness besides my dead best friend. "You must decide what you want, Adam.....Only you can choose."

I stared at her in silence digesting what she was saying. In truth, I knew that she was a figment of my mind, to try and cope with the trauma, to try and find comfort, where there was none. "I want to go home. I want all this to be a nightmare!" I said in a begging tone. Maybe if I pleaded with this version of my friend I would wake in my bed. "Whatever I did to deserve all this! I'm sorry! Okay! I'm sorry you died! I'm sorry I'm gay! That I'm not the best son! Or the smartest person that I could be! That I don't like certain foods! I'm sorry! I'm sorry for everything!" I ranted, tears escaping my eyes revealing just how broken this whole situation had made me.

She stared silently at me, as if letting me rant at her, like we use to do when one of us needed to someone to listen. "Maybe you did nothing to deserve this....Maybe you were in the wrong place at the right time....Maybe you were chosen."She said, once I had finished.

"Chosen?" I asked confused by her choice of words.

"You are a very emotional person....You are a very likable person...."She said.

I gaped at her. "I'm going through hell because I'm a good person?!" I bellowed. When she nodded I suddenly felt pissed off. "What the hell....?!" I was interrupted by a sudden surge of static that felt like it was going to crush my brain. I had to close my eyes and grab my head, less my head tried to explode on me.

"You still with me?"

My eyes snapped opened at the new voice revealing Brian. He was standing in front of me, giving me a quizzical look, as he held my wallet in his hands. "I uh...." I did a quick look around noticing we were no longer in the Bio-Domes. We were standing in the middle of the sidewalk. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Outside. I just noticed you were acting strange." Brian said. Glancing back to my wallet.

"Give me that!" I snapped, snatching back my wallet, looking through it to make sure nothing was missing.

"You live near here." He stated.

"Yeah. So? You shouldn't just pickpocket someone like that." I snapped.

"I thought I was going to have to take you to the hospital. I was looking for you information." He said, unfazed and seemingly uncaring.

"I don't even know you." I pointed out.

"You look like you need help." He countered, the edges of his mouth quirking up as if in a half smile, but his eyes did not share the action, in fact it made the half smile scary. I took a half a step back from him.

"How.....nice of you....?" I said, mentally wincing at how unconvincing it sounded. "But I don't know you." I pointed out again.

"But you do need help, don't you?" Brian said. "You said something about internet legends; about Creeypasta's?"

I resisted to grab my head as the white noise flickered to life in my head, as if reminding me that I did indeed need help, but there was probably nothing Brian could do for me, except take to the authorities; where I would tell them my tale and then get myself thrown in an asylum. I hated this. I did nothing to deserve this. My eyes bounced around not focusing on anything as the white noise got louder and louder. I finally rested my eye on Brian once again. He seemed normal, but them there was also something about him causing my fight or flight instinct to flare and it confused me even more. "I don't know if I want your help." I finally said, when the white noise passed. I should trust my instincts, that seemed like the best way to go.

Brian made no reaction to my words. In fact his half smile seemed to grow. "Then I will stay until you ask." He said. Moving to the side in gesture for me to lead the way. "Where do you want to go?"

I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat. I decided to take back what I said about Brian being normal. Normal people don't warm up that quickly to strangers. No one would stay that friendly to some one like me who told them internet legends Creepypasta's were real. Normal people would run from once they heard that in 'Get away from the weirdo' sort of way. But what was I going to so? He knew where I lived now and I wasn't about to go to my parents house or to any of my friends.; He could follow me if he wanted to. For all I know he could be one of those people who like to stalk other people. As I stood there contemplating Brian stood there patiently, for me to start moving.

Slowly, I started walking. Brian couldn't be as bad as those Proxy's from those woods. Brian wasn't a supernatural serial killer. Now Brian could be a normal serial killer, after everything I have seem, that didn't sound so scary anymore. I was slowly walking home, I needed to be around something familiar. Whether that meant Brian coming along, well, I knew where all potential weapons in my home was, if I needed them. I kept looking over my should every few minutes, just to see if he was still following me and with every step that led me home, it felt like rocks were in my gut knowing that he was still following me.

It seemed like every time I slowed down the pain and white noise would start back up, like it was pushing me forward; If that made any sense, and I would swear during an episode I caught Brian smirking his weird half smirk that never reached his eye. "You're very jumpy." He finally broke the silence. "You are scared of me." He stated, and God! If his voice wasn't so monotoned I would swear I could hear satisfaction in his voice.

I hunched my shoulders slightly at his voice, feeling uneasy by the second. Seriously, why was this guy so intent on following me?! I didn't answer his question. I stayed silent, and he let me be. I felt a surge of different emotions when my home came into view; Relief, dread, excitement, and worry. The surge of mixed emotions, caused the white noise to start up again, even though it had just left me. I stopped at my front door and looked briefly back to Brian. Everything in my body was telling me despite his appearance, there was something off about him. "Should I be scared of you?" I finally asked.

He tilted his head tot he side in thought as the forced smirk he had been wearing this whole time vanished. "I don't know." He answered, reaching past me and twisting the knob on the front door. I heard something inside the door squeak slightly and then snapped, as if by him doing that, broke the lock within it. He pushed my door open, and I tried to tell myself that I had simply forgot to lack my door. That Brian could not have broke the lock by just twisting the handle. It was easier for me to continue to walk inside my home with that thought, instead of believing what my eyes and ears were telling me. I did not turn around at the sound of my door closing, but I noticed that Brian had not moved away from the door either. He was watching me. We stood there for a minute, before the silence was broken by me gasping for breath as another wave of white noise pounded against my skull. "You're bleeding." He pointed out, when the episode had passed; Almost like he knew when it passed.

"Yeah. Yeah, I..." I rubbed my hands against my nose and ears, because they have been itching for a while and I was too busy watching Brian that I ignored it until now. My heartbeat sped up a notch when my hands came away with blood. My nose and ears! That definitely wasn't good. "Ex-Excuse me!" I said, quickly, running for the bathroom.

Hoodie's POV:

My time was running short with him, but oh, was it thrilling. I could see him trying to piece things together. I had tried to minimized the amount of times the Slender Sickness affected him trying to buy us more time, but even we Proxy's had limit to how much we could control the Sickness. At the sound of the door closing tot he bathroom, I began walking around his home. I had not bother the last time to even examine the place of which my prey lived in. And since Adam was special, I wanted to know a little more. I usually don't take interests in my prey, but if Slender was so keen on me doing so, then I shall. I was positive Slenderman wouldn't let me kill him otherwise. And I was not about to forfeit over Adam just yet.

The first area I examined was the family room. It wasn't much to look at however, a sofa, and lazy-boy chair seemed to be the only furniture that sat close to a television set that was hooked up to a PS4, that could only mean he like to play games. I wonder if he has enjoyed my game. Moving on I went to his kitchen, and was immediately greeted by the yellow hoodie that I had left during my first encounter with Adam, draped on the back of a kitchen chair. He had kept it. Something began bubbling inside my chest and I absentmindedly clawed my nails into my shirt to try and make it go away. So what if he had kept it. I snatched it off the chair's back and slipped it on. I paused midway however and sniffed the scent coming off it. It smelt like him. Growling slightly I finished slipping the hoodie back on. Now if only I had my mask then I would feel more comfortable and more myself. Before continuing I pulled the front of my hoodie close to my face and took another deep sniff again.

Frustrated I decided Adam had enough alone time. It was time to continue our time together. I had noticed halfway through my inspection of his home that Adam had left the bathroom and went into his room and so I silently made my way to his door. I could hear him moving around. It sounded like he was panicking. Interested, I listened.

"No! No! NO!! How did this get here?! This can't be here!" He was saying in a silent yell, intending for me to not hear. "I knew it! That Proxy is playing with me! And I bet Brian is in on this! I need to just kick him out!"

I silently laughed amused. I haven't felt so much joy in a long time, Adam really was strengthening something within me. I hated feeling. I didn't like feeling these feelings. However, I loved it when my prey was smart. It made the moment so enjoyable.

Too bad. Everything was coming to an end soon.

"Oh, you poor boy." A new voice said, from withing the room and I did not suppress the growl of annoyance that escaped me, for I knew who this was. How dare she follow us to my preys home?!

Adam's POV:

When I had entered my bathroom my mirror immediately confirmed what I had already knew. I was bleeding in much the same way as Amy and there wasn't anything I could do. I tried to wipe it all away and the blood would stop for a moment, but then start up again. I finally had enough and as quietly as I could made my way to my bedroom. I could see my uninvited guest scoping out my house, but I had more important things to worry about. I closed and locked my door and despite the constant pain in my head, I tried to take a relaxing breath. Only for it to be ruined at the sight of the one thing I never wanted to see again. That damn mask, that Hoodie wore.

"No! No! NO!! How did this get here?! This can't be here! I knew it! That Proxy is playing with me! And I bet Brian is in on this! I need to just kick him out!" I don't when I started lumping my uninvited guest in with the Proxy's; Honestly, I think it was just my instincts telling me so. And I wasn't about to question my instincts anymore.

"Oh, you poor boy." A voice cooed, stopping my panicking rant. Causing my to look toward my window, that was now wide open. Nurse Ann was standing in my room. "Look at you. You're so confused you don't know what to do." I immediately swung around ready to open my door only to find Nurse Ann's hand already on it keeping it closed. "And where are you going in such a hurry?" She asked, her tone mocking.

"I will scream. And – and someone will hear and call the cops" I threatened, even though I knew it was the wimpiest threat in existence.

"Are you talking about your little boyfriend out there." She practically sneered. "I wish he would come in here. I would love to break all the illusions that have been cast and take as my prey." She said gleefully.

I moved away from her, not really comprehending what she was saying. "What are you talking about?" I asked, groaning when the white noise and pain intensified.

She stalked closer. "First I would heal you, then I would chase you, and when I would catch you. I would then end you. Chopping you up piece by piece." With each step she took I would take a step back until my knees hit my bed and I fell on top it. "Oh, doesn't that just sound sooo~ delightfully fun?" She gushed, leaning over me. Her leather gloved hand caressing my injured arm almost lovingly.

My breath hitched in my chest as I lost the power to move to fear once more. She hummed in delight and leaned in closer to me, until my bedroom door flew off it hinges. "Get out!" Brian growled, obviously not fazed about the leather clad nurse in my room. It was that alone that had me deciding that he was part of this all along. "He is my prey." He stated, walking up to her and viciously grabbing her hair and pulling her away from me.

Nurse Ann, slammed into my dresser, releasing an angry scoff, as she glared daggers at Brian. "You and Masky always get to chose who you kill. I think its time you share!" She screeched the end lunging at Brian and colliding them both into my closet which stood wide open. Thinking quickly, I jumped from my bed and slammed the door shut before they both had a chance to reorient themselves, kicking my nightstand in front of the door to lock them in for the moment. I forced myself to not pay attention to the white noise even though it only made me want to throw up. I made a quick beeline for the closest exit I could think of which just happen to be the backdoor to the house. I pushed myself harder to run when I heard the clear sounds of wood splintering signaling that they had effectively destroyed my closet door. But no way was I stopping to see if they were still fighting each other.

I ran to my closest neighbors house and banged on the door desperately, praying and begging to whatever deity was listening to please let someone be home. After, thirty seconds the door seemed to give way to my pounding and immediately threw myself in, slamming the door shut and locking it. "Call the cops! Call someone quick!" I demanded, only to shut up when I noticed the person who had let me in was wearing a feminine mask and a tan jacket; I was in the presence of Masky! I went to rip the door off its hinges to get way, only to instead start using it as a support to hold myself up as the white noise decided this was the best time to cripple me.

I felt Masky's hand grip the back of my shirt and drag my behind him, letting me trip over my own feet as I tried to stay upright. Passing through the family room revealed to me what had happened to my neighbors. Masky had killed them. With the white noise calming down I began trying to fight against Maksy's hold, and coming up with nothing to show for, except the irritated sounding sigh that he released due to my efforts. "Let me go! Let me go!!" I demanded; pleading, as Masky pulled out me out the backdoor of my neighbors house. I noticed he was taking me back to my house.

I was being taken back to my house? But why? My struggles lessened some and Masky noticed and as a response, he slowed down his pace. In the distance we could hear Nurse Ann and Hoodie still fighting. Masky pulled me into my house only letting go of my shirt when he pushed me onto the couch in my living-room. I watched as he backed up from and stared at my for a good few minutes with his head tilted. I honestly didn't know what to say. From experience, I already knew pleading was going to do me no good.

"Stop shivering in fear. You are making me want to kill you." He mumble out.

My breathing had been coming out very fast and at his words I tried to slow it. "So, you don't want to kill me?" I asked hopefully.

"You are not mine to kill. You and Hoodie must choose. For you cannot stay here. You are too broken to stay." He said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. "And you have no where else to run."

I groan at another wave of white noise. "Just make it all stop." I begged. "What the hell do you all want?!"

"I want nothing from you. Hoodie, however is another story." Masky stated. "Besides, I think you are already Hoodie's anyway." He gestured to my left hand.

Looking at my own hand I noticed I had yet to drop Hoodies mask. Surprised at myself I tossed the black ski mask onto the next couch cushion.

"You haven't got long. And your choices are few. If neither of you can decide then Slenderman will be forced to make the decision for you. And you do not want that." He turned his head to the front door of my home. "He is coming back. I will give you two privacy." Masky said, walking back to my back door.

"No, don't leave me with him!" I begged. I don't know why, but Masky felt more human to me, even though I knew deep down he was a Creepypasta.

But he ignored me, and just as he exited out my back door, my front door burst open revealing a bloodied Brian, who looked eerily calm for whatever happened between him and Nurse Ann. I went to get up and but stopped by the white noise again, I was starting to think that maybe Proxy's had something to do with when it activated, but that sounded crazy even to me. Brian walked over to me and caged me into the couch so that I could not escape once the white noise cleared, leaving me feeling breathless. "She made us lose time." He stated, tilting his head and looking at my ears. Then his eyes kicked over to wear I had thrown his mask on the couch next to me; his hand slowly reaching for it and gripping it. His cold eyes landed back on me, as if he finally decided something. "Bedroom. Now." He said, pulling me up and dragging me back to my bedroom by my left wrist. Ignoring how I was resisting. I don't think I want to know what he had in mind.


A/N: So I meant to post this last Friday, but I got another job last weekend so I was delayed. I apologize for that. Anyway I hope all you Awesome Fellow Reader and Writer and Creepypasta Fans have enjoyed the new chapter. If you did please remember to Follow, Favorite, and/or Review, to let me know. Plus I always like reading what you all have to say.

Until Next Time


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