Gangs, drugs and her

By parrillas_gang

38.2K 1.5K 378

Emma is an undercover detective sent to spy on a gang. Not just any gang. The biggest criminal gang there is... More



922 41 6
By parrillas_gang

"April calm down" Regina says to her sister with a sigh.

"Fine. Go on swan. What's you news" April asked looking across at me.

"Your moving prisons" I say with a slight smile.

"Where" she asked looking curiously at me.

I looked at Regina and smiled. I nod for her to say it. Regina looked at her sister who was still looking curious at us.

"New York. Your coming home" Regina says smiling brightly at her sister.

"I am" she asked looking shocked at me. I smiled slight and nodded. "Thank you Emma. Thats made me hate you a little less" April says looking at me.

"Thanks. You will change prisons in a month. Just sign here" I say while holding the forms in front of the glass.

"Got it" she replied after reading the form. I put them back in my bag. "I'm serious. Thanks Emma. Your a dick but I appreciate you getting me back to my sister" April says smiling softly at me.

"No problem" I say returning the gesture. I looked across at Regina who was smiling brightly. "She also has some big news" I say getting her attention.

"Ow yeah. So I am... pregnant" Regina awkwardly says with a slight smile.

"That's amazing... wait how" April asked starting off smiling and then looking confused.

"Mitch" Regina replied while going slightly red.

"Ow for fuck sake Regina. Why is that bastard still in your life? I thought I scared that stalker away" April sighed as she rested her head on her hands.

"He's gone. Emma has him arrested for all the stuff he did to me. But yeah I'm pregnant. When you come to New York I will have found out the gender so I'll tell you then" Regina says smiling at her sister.

"I'm happy for you. So what else is new" April asked with a smile at Regina.

"I just need to go to the toilet" Regina says as she stood up.

She walked away leaving me with April. I looked back to see her looking at me. She didn't look to happy.

"You! Don't you dare hurt Regina. I know how she really feels about you and whether you admit it or not I know how you feel about her. I saw it in your eyes. I know your getting married but I also know your not in love with Lola" April says as she sat forward with a glare at me.

"I do love my fiancé" I say knowing I'm lying.

"You may but I know true love when I see it. The way you two look at each other. The way you smile at each other. I know it. Just don't hurt her please. She is all I have left" April says now practically begging me.

"I care about Regina. I'm doing everything to stop her from being hurt. I tracked down that Mitch guy to make sure he can never hurt her again. I'm going to look after her baby with her so she doesn't do it alone" I say passionately so she knew I wasn't lying.

"Because you love her" April says smiling softly.

I looked a little surprised at what she said. Before I could speak Regina came back and sat down. They started talking and catching up while I just thought about what she said. April kept glancing at me and giving me that look like she knew what I was thinking. We were there for another 10 minutes.

"Visiting time is over" a guard says as he waked passed all the prisoners on the phone.

"Dam. This shit goes fast" April says with a sigh.

"I know. I'll come see you tomorrow be we go back home" Regina says looking a little disappointed.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow? Why not go sight seeing" April asked ignoring the guard.

"I have to get back to my son but I told Regina should stay longer" I replied causing April to look shocked.

"You got a son? How old" she asked looking curiously at me.

"He's 5"

"Now Mills" the guard snapped from behind April.

"I got to go. See you tomorrow sis. Love you. Later swan" April says as she stood up.

"Bye Ap" Regina says looking at upset at her sister leaving.

"Say hi to mum and dad for me" April requests looking vulnerable at Regina.

She hung the phone up and walked away. I looked across at Regina who was watching her sister walk away. She then looked at me and smiled slight. I stood up causing her to copy.

"We going straight to the hotel" Regina asked as we started walking towards the exit.

"Yeah it's getting late. Also there is something we need to talk about" I replied looking down at her.

"Sure. Good or bad though" she quickly asked looking up.

"Not sure yet" I replied with a shrug.

We left the prison and went down to the street. Regina got us a taxi and we headed to the hotel. We were sat in the back in silence.

"Thank you for bringing me here" Regina softly says looking up at me.

"It's my pleasure" I replied smiling at her.

"It's nice to talk to you and spend time with you without Lola up my ass" Regina says with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry about her. She's being really bitchy since we got engaged" I sighed knowing that Lola has changed.

"So tell me what you wanted to talk to me about" Regina quickly said as she looked down to change the subject.

"Ow right. It's about the deal I made with Lola for April to come home. It wasn't that I had to come down here. I had to anyway to get her to sign the papers" I replied softly since she might not take it well.

"So what was the deal" Regina asked looking confused at me.

"You... Lola doesn't want you... you can't come..." I stumble in the words since I really don't want to say it.

"Spill it" Regina snapped quickly as she looked even more confused.

"You can't come to our wedding" I blurt out a bit too fast.

"I can't? My own aunty actually banned me from her wedding? What a bitch! Sorry didn't mean to call your fiancé a bitch" Regina says sounding annoyed at the deal.

"It's fine. She's being a bitch. I know this is harsh of her but she said if she is bringing April  back to New York then you can't come to the wedding. I'm sorry" I softly say this time instead of blurting out.

"It's ok. It's just a wedding" Regina says smiling as she held my hand to reassure me.

"Yeah... just a wedding" I replied trying not to make it obvious I'm disappointed.

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