The Two Assassins

By 0Legendary0

18.6K 1K 279

When the Dark Knight falls, it's up to a former Talon, and young assassin, to save Gotham, and what hope is l... More

Beginnings | 1
Bonding | 2
Robin | 3
Being A Hero | 4
Hunting | 5
Fallen | 6
Cracks | 8
Ticking | 9
Shattered | 10
The Story | 11
Healing | 12
The New Night | 13
Set Back | 14
Laughter | 15
Dawn Of The Bat | 16
Defense | 17
New Beginnings | 18
Cold Blood | 19
Son | 20
Damian's Epilogue
Tim's Epilogue
Jason's Epilogue
Dick Epilogue
Ending Or Beginning?

Glass | 7

829 50 2
By 0Legendary0

Bat Cave - 11:56 AM

Dick Grayson, A.K.A Nightwing, and former Talon, was currently beating the ever loving crap out of a sand bag.  From kicks and punches, he was letting his wrath out on it.

"You know, you don't have to take the mantle." A voice- Jason- said.  The second oldest brother sat in the computer chair, watching the eldest train on the platform.

The former Talon didn't even pause, his golden eyes blazing.  "It is his last wishes.  I should respect them.  I shall respect them."  He responded.

Jason sighed. "Stop with the perfect speech, your not even wearing your mask."  He complained.  The talon looked over at him, for a heart beat, before continuing his beating on the sand bag.

"I apologize, but it is not my free will."  Dick admitted, as he kicked the bag harshly.  Jason looked sad for a moment, knowing of a few of his brothers scares from the court.

"Right..." He paused.  "He said it was your choice, Dick.  It wasn't a command."  He tried again.  "But it was his wish, brother."  Dick deflected. 

"His wish was for you to be happy.  All of us, to be happy.  His wish is for you to make the right choice for yourself."

"What if it's the to be the wrong choice...?"  The former Assassin asked carefully.  He stopped attacking the same bag, to stare at the platform flooring.

"It won't be.  Either way.  Just please, don't feel forced to do anything.  What is it you want?"  Jason said, trying to help his brother.

"I..."  Dick paused.  "I wish to be happy.  As well as the rest of you.  I want you all protected.  However, I do not want to bear the cowl just yet.  I do not feel ready..."  Dick informed.

"Then don't."  Jason stated.


"You are right." The talon said, ending the conversation and resumed to punch the sand bag.

Jason watched as his older brother murdered the sand bag.  His expression was sad, rare for the famous Red Hood. 

Dick suddenly stopped, lowering his fists,and turning away from the bag.  He headed off toward the elevator.  "Where you headin?"

"I have a appointment with child protective services.  It is to get custody of Tim and Damian."  The former Talon stated, before the elevator doors closed.

The cave was silent, expect for the rushing water underneath the platforms and ledges, squeaking bats, and a few loud, echoing drips.

"Good luck..."  Jason munbled as he sat there in the darkness of the cave.

Wayne Manor - 2:09 PM

Tim sat in the lounge room, along with Damian and Jason.  Tim was reading a book, but had yet to turn the page due to the fact that he couldn't focus on the words.

Damian was rubbing the shining blade of his katana with a white rag, using special oils, cleaning it, and lost in thought.  His eyes tracing over the blade, but mind elsewhere.

Jason flipped through channels on the wide screen TV, bored and nervous as the other two.  He had yet to settle for anything he turned on. 

"It has been confirmed that, Dick Grayson, will soon be the legal guardian of Tim Drake, and Damian Wayne, as soon as the two boys sign."  Vicky Vale, Gotham news reporter, stated to the camera. 

Jason watches, suddenly interested, as well as the other two boys.  Katana and book ling forgotten.

"The last flying Grayson has stated, that, 'In the end, it is not my decision, but theirs.'. So will the two other Wayne's sign?  I'm Vicky Vale, signing off." 

Jason turned it off, and stared at the black screen, quiet.  Tim suddenly felt like he could breath properly, and Damian felt silently thankful.

Wayne Manor - 2:37 PM

Dick Grayson entered the Manor, taking his coat off and hanging it up on the coat rack.  When he turned back around, his currently blue eyes met the faces of his three younger brothers.

A small uplift of his lips was all he gave, before raising the papers.  He handed one two Tim, and another to Damian.  "Remember, it's your choice.  You can go to court and prove you can be a legal adult."  He stated.

Tim hesitated, before shaking his head.  "Family sticks together, right?"  He smiled weakly.  He went and grabbed a pen off a coffee table near the stair case, and started to write his signature. 

He raised the paper, before handing it to Dick.  "Done."  He smiled, more genuinely.  Damian stated quiet, studying the paper.  "What of my mother? She is still alive..."  He said.

Dick shook his head.  "Bruce took care of that before he... left.  He had made it documented that you were not to go back to her legally."  The former Talon informed. 

Damian slowly nodded, still studying the words of the paper.  "May I have time to think about this all?" He asked with a small hesitation. 

Dick smiled reassuringly.  "Of course, Damian."

Bat Cave - 7:58 PM

The bat team was currently preparing for another night of vigilante work.  Tim, Sparrow, was updating his wrist computer, and checking his other gadgets.  (AN|The Sparrow suit is a black and grey red robin suit, but with a S instead of R)

Jason, Red Hood, was loading his guns and giving them a quick work over, and loading his belt. 

Damian, Robin, was grabbing his katana and adjusting his black league attire.  Mentally checking to see of he had everything.

Dick had left to put on his Nightwing costume. He turned the mantle away for now, stating it didn't feel wise to do it so soon.  Perhaps the future.

As such, the Talon stepped out of the locker room from around the corner of the left side of the monitors, without his mask, and golden eyes blazing.  His head was tilted down, eyes studying the floor.

Jason walked over to him and put his hands on his hips.  "You good, Dickie Bird?"  He asked quietly.  Dick cast him with a sad look.  "Jason, are you quiet sure of this?"  Dick asked quietly, looking despret.

"Its your choice, Dick.  Why?"  Jason tilted his head, but suspecting the answer.

"...Because I feel like Glass..."

Apparently I acidently posted this... of well.

Merry early Christmas!


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