Flawed | William Nylander (co...

By cursedbylove

76.2K 1K 66

In which she gets bullied out of her hockey team and journeys with the gang. Sage McKenna (hockey star) is fl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Thank You!

Chapter 18

1.2K 25 0
By cursedbylove

"I knew it!" The girl yells. The whole store looks at us. "But who's this girl? Are you trying to date my future husband?!" The girl says rudely. I just stare at her. Then she grabs my hood and tugs it down so quickly that I don't have time to stop her. "What?! Sage and William are together?! No way!!" Almost everyone in the store runs in our direction taking out their phones. "GO GO GO!" Will yells, dropping the food and grasping my hand. We try and dash threw the crowd but get held up by all the people. Even a news crew comes in and I hear the lady explain to the camera that she was at one of the shops next door and just happen to get a call that we're here. Stupid. All this is stupid.

Suddenly, someone grabs my arm. The one that Will was holding onto my hand. I feel our hands being pulled apart by all these crazy people. "Sage! Sage!" He calls and tries to push through the crowd. "Will!" I yell, holding back tears. "Don't take your eyes off me! I'm right here!" He yells. "Ok!" I scream. Then here come the questions... "How long have you and William Nylander been dating?" I ignore it and continue to try and reach Willy. "How do feel about Thea being the new captain of the Toronto Bulls?" I huff at that one but pretend I don't hear it. "How long have you been pregnant with Nylander's baby?" My eyes go wide. I turn around and they all shove mics in my face. "What are you talking about?!" "Three months? Four months? Don't be shy sweet heart, we're going to have to find out one way or another!" "I'm not having a baby!" I yell. The people look at each other and laugh. "Yeah ok hun, just admit it! Your already showing!" I just stare at her and she gives me a chessy smile.

"Sage!" I hear William yell. I look around and can't see him. More questions come...and even more after that. "What are you both going to name the baby?!" "Why are you at this specific store of all places?" "Can you speak on the fact that Thea is better than you?" I choke back tears of frustration and look the reporters and others dead in the eye, thinking they would understand and stop but these people have no mercy! They grab my jacket and tug at my hair. I'm pretty sure the sunglasses Will gave me are long gone. I sob into my sleeve, "Willy! Where are y-" I'm interupted by someone snickering and laughing next to me. "You! Shut it right now!" I scream at the girl. She just continues to laugh and snaps pictures of me on her phone." Tears roll down my cheeks. Everything hurts now and my head is pounding. I find my way to a wall and lean against it in support. I close my eyes and put a hand to my head.

"Hey! Sage!" I look up. A younger girl maybe fourteen or fifteen taps me on the shoulder. "Yes?" I say drowzy. "I can help you find William." I perk up, "Where is he?" "On the other side, with my friend." She says. I think for a minute but then shake my head."No, I don't want you to get trampled." She shakes her head, "Or else your never gonna get out of here." "Ok...thank you." She smiles and I hold her hand. She seems every happy about that and guides me toward Will. It takes us sometime but we get there. He's yelling at some guy, also holding a younger girls hand. "See! That's my friend!" She yells to me. "Will..." I say, wincing and holding my head. The girl looks at me worried, "Your gonna be ok Sage." She says and yells William's name, while still guiding me to him. He hears her eventually and the girl holding his hand lets go and they both run over to us. "Babe..." He says and hugs me. "My head..." I say. He kisses my cheek, "It's gonna be ok."

"Get away!" "GO!" "Move!" Security guards push away the fans and a guy who was wearing a no frills uniform with 'owner' on his name tag comes up to us and leads us away from the crowd. "Move girls.." He tells the teens who helped us. "No no, there with us...." I say weakly. "Yea they can stay." Will smiles at them and hugs me tighter. They smile back and watch everyone else leave the store. "I'm so sorry you two had to go through that." The owner apologizes. "It's fine, it's over now." Will says. The owner nods, "You guys can have your food for free and next time." "Thanks." Will says to him and extends his arm to shake his hand. "Um...is everything alright with the lady?" He asks. "She's dealing with a concussion." One of the girls says. "Yeah...we better get home soon." Will says. "Here let me just grab your stuff." The owner says and hands us the things we were going to buy. "Thanks so much." Will says. "We can carry that for you." The girls say. "You sure?" "Yea, you have to carry Sage." "I can walk." I say, pulling away from Will's chest, but he pulls me back in. "No come here babe." He says and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his torso and we walk out to the car, the girls following along.

Will places me in the front seat and and puts the food in trunk. "Hey, thanks you guys for everything." He thanks the two. "Anytime." They wave and begin to walk off. "Wait!" I say and open my door. They come over to me, "...You follow us on instagram?" They nod. "Dm me please I want to meet up at the arena or something and thank you two for real." They turn to each other and gush. "What you did was really amazing....me and Will would have still been there if it weren't for you." "Can I get a hug." Their eyes go wide. "Careful." Will says leaning against his car. "Shut up." I giggle and hug each of them. "Hey, but before you go...were you guys fans of me or him first." I gesture to Willy. "Well, we grew up playing hockey and always wanted to make it to the big leagues...so technically we saw you first, Sage." I smile at them. Will pouts and we all laugh. "Yeah, we started watching the NHL maybe three years ago and since we live in Toronto, the maple leafs are our favourite." Will nods, "Nice." I roll my eyes at him.

We thank the girls one last time before they had to go and promised me they would dm me and stuff. We get our seat belts on and start the drive home."What are you planning to do for those girls?" Will asks. I shurg, "I was thinking I would take them to one of my games or something." "That won't be for a while though babe." I sigh, "I know." "How bout they come to one of my games?" "I'd have to ask Babs first though, no?" I ask. He shakes his head, "I'll ask at our afternoon game tomorrow." "Shit I forgot you had a game....but at least it's early." He chuckles, "Yea..I still I wish I could stay home and cuddle with you." I smile, "I do to, but you have to go." He pouts, "I know." And takes my hand in his, "Does your head still hurt?" "Like a fucker." He chuckles, "We're almost home."

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