The Two Assassins

By 0Legendary0

18.6K 1K 279

When the Dark Knight falls, it's up to a former Talon, and young assassin, to save Gotham, and what hope is l... More

Beginnings | 1
Bonding | 2
Robin | 3
Being A Hero | 4
Hunting | 5
Glass | 7
Cracks | 8
Ticking | 9
Shattered | 10
The Story | 11
Healing | 12
The New Night | 13
Set Back | 14
Laughter | 15
Dawn Of The Bat | 16
Defense | 17
New Beginnings | 18
Cold Blood | 19
Son | 20
Damian's Epilogue
Tim's Epilogue
Jason's Epilogue
Dick Epilogue
Ending Or Beginning?

Fallen | 6

873 54 33
By 0Legendary0

Everyone say at the table, eating and talking. It's been two minutes since Dick excused himself...

"What's taking Dick so long?" Jason asked, putting some turkey on his plate. "Don't know..." Tim responded.

Just then, Dick walked back in the room. His usual calm and collective attitude seemed to be like glass. Tim looked at him with furrowed eye brows. "Dick, everything alright?" He asked.

Dick looked at Tim, his blue eyes had a confused, desperate look in them. He slowly shook his head. "No..." He quietly said.

Jason got up, and walked over to him. "What's wrong, Dickie Bird?"

"Bruce... he's dead.

There was a sharp sound of plate being dropped, and shattered. Alfred had heard the news as he walked in, and it slipped from his grasp in shock.

Tim's mouth fell open tears welled in his eyes and he stared down. Jason nearly stumbled back, but Dick had grasped his arm as Jason stood in shock.

Damians eyes had widened, but nothing more, as he was trained not to, and he did not know Bruce as well as them. Even though they shared blood.

Alfreds son...

Tim's mentor...

Jasons... something...

Damians father...

Dicks hero...

Gotham's dark night...

The batman...

Is dead...

The Watch Tower - 7:26 PM

Dick had said they needed to head to... collect the body, and get the full story. So they all threw on their uniforms, Alfred included, with just a mask.

Nightwing, Sparrow, Red Hood, Robin, and Agent A, zetad onto the platform. Nightwing leading the way to the meeting room.

He pushed open the doors, and all the leaguers sat there at the table.

All but Batman at the head...

Martain Man Hunter, John, nodded, grief in his red eyes, and opened some files. "I'm glad you are here." He greeted.

"The league's seven founders where sent to protect planet glauxitis, from a invasion of darkseide(spelling?). In the end, Batman suffered a great blow through the planet's surface being shifted and scattered, resulting in a blow to the head... And a untimely death." John finished.

"Here I thought he would go out with explosions." Red Hood muttered.

Nightwing, keeping a steel expression, nodded sharply. "We will take him back to the manor. He will be given a proper burial." He said automatically.

The Martian nodded, sensing the family's sorrow.

Wayne Manor - The Next Day - 6:43 PM

Alfred Pennyworth stood at the grave stone, grieving over the loss of his son.

Bruce Wayne
Loving friend, son, and father.

The butler sighed in grief. "Ohhh master Bruce." He almost seemed to whine. "Whatever shall we do now?" He asked, turning to look toward the manor.

Bat Cave -6:45

Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian all gathered near the monitor, waiting for it to load.

Bruce had left a will. Besides the legal one. This one contained the same as the legal, and final words, and vigilante information.

Bruce appeared on screen, making Jason and Tim both glance away for a second.

"If your watching this, then I'm dead." Bruce said bluntly, it was almost funny. Then he seemed to soften. "I won't beat around the bush..." He sighed. "Dick, your the oldest, a legal adult, you need to take care of your brothers, as well as Wayne Enterprise's until Tim is old enough and ready for the company." He stated.

"Jason is legally dead, so that side is clear, but Tim and Damian are both minors. They will have to be put into your custody, Dick. Alfred is too old. Don't tell him I said that..." The recording smirked.

"Wayne Manor will go to Dick. Besides being the oldest, I believe he will keep it in good shape for you all." He supplied. "Money will be split evenly between you four. Not that it matters."

"What does matter, is the mantle of Batman." He sternly said.

"Dick, you've been training for years. Your the oldest, and have the most expireance. If the mantle did go to another, it would be you." Bruce informed.

"However," he added. "You do not have to pick it up. Gotham needs hero's, not just a giant bat. It needs a Nightwing, Sparrow, Red Hood, and Robin." He stated. "But it is a option, as well as your choice."

"I haven't treated any of you right..." Bruce said sadly. "I could never give the healing Dick really needed, or save Jason when he needed, or help Tim when needed, or be there for Damian when needed." He went on.

"For all that, I am sorry... I am... so... So sorry. "

"Jason, although you hate me, and have a right to, I am sorry. I do love you, greatly. Ever since I met you, a boy trying to steal tires off the Batmobile, I knew you were brave, and would be a great thing in this family's life, even if it was smaller then. You are my bravest son."

"Tim, although I haven't helped you or been there to teach you as I should have, since I could not look past Jason's death, you are a amazing boy. I may have not shown it, but I was- and am- impressed by your ever growing intelligence and skill. You are my smartest, brightest son."

"Damian. I know we haven't known each other long, nor have I been around for you. I am not close to you, yes. But, I do love you. Not because your my blood son, but because your my son. I'll always love you. You always surprise me with everything You do, which is amazing. You are my most stunning son."

"Dick... I'm sorry I couldn't... couldn't help you the way you needed. Taking care of a child, let alone a traumatised, brain washed, scarred, assassin one, was new to me. I tried my best, and I hope it was enough. You are my strongest son, for what you've gone through."

"I love you boys. All of you."

The screen faded to black.

Jason glanced at Dick, as did Tim and Damian. Dick still gazed at the screen, his golden eyes almost pleading, but yet, nothing at all.

He finally started to walk away. "I shall work on what has been asked of me..." He said. Using proper grammar, as if he was Nightwing.

Jason sighed and Tim shifted. "This wasn't supposed to happen..." was all that was said after that, in the dark, echoing cave.


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