Come At Me

By _xautumnx_

273K 7.5K 1.6K

Anna Nicole is such a simple name, but is she really as simple as she is made out to be? She moves to Florida... More

Come At Me
chapter 1 •
chapter 3 •
chapter 4 •
chapter 5 •
chapter 6 •
chapter 7 •
chapter 8 •
chapter 9 •
chapter 10 •
chapter 11 •
chapter 12 •
chapter 13 •
chapter 14 •
chapter 15 •
chapter 16 •
chapter 17 •
chapter 18 •
chapter 19 •
chapter 20 •
chapter 21 •
chapter 22 •
chapter 23 •
chapter 24 •
chapter 25 •
chapter 26 •
chapter 27 •
chapter 28 •
chapter 29 •
chapter 30 •
chapter 31 •
chapter 32 •
chapter 33 •
chapter 34 •
chapter 35 •
chapter 36 •
chapter 37 •
my other books!

chapter 2 •

11.9K 281 73
By _xautumnx_

song above is awesome. i love him, and this song is about how much he misses home, so i decided to put it in this chapter. listen to itttt

me dudes second chapter !! this is honestly fun making new chapters and posting them... idk y'all should do it, lol. byeeee me dudes

Update: this is the longest chapter in the whole book lol


chapter two: "my dysfunctional group of psychopaths"

Present day

"Anna Nicole!! We need to talk to you" my Nana called out. Nana Gray. She is awesome. Right when i got to Florida she helped me with all my problems. The long story? Or the short one? Short one it is.

It turned out I had anorexia . She helped me with that by getting me treatment as well as going to therapy for trying to commit suicide. it wasn't really bad though. I really liked my therapist and he helped a lot.

Honestly with out my nana, I don't even know where i'd.

I walked into the living room where i heard my Nana call me. "Yes?" i ask Nana, gramps was there too. Oh no what is wrong?

"Your mother called..." Nana trailed off. Why did she call? She barely ever calls. Mainly just on my birthday.

"What does she want?" i ask and cringe

"Anna Nicole, sweety, you may think she does not care but she does. Your mother wants you home." No, there's no fucking way am i going back to L.A

"Why?" my voice raised little but fuck me if i am wrong. I do not care.

"Anna Nicole your mother wants you home. They miss you" i scoffed at my grandfathers words. Yeah right!

"Good joke, gramps" i told him and laughed nervously. I do not want to go back.

"We are not joking, Anna Nicole. You have to go back to L.A in 3 days." my eyes basically popped out at my Nana's words. No! Why would they want me back?

I feel my eyes start to water and i advert my eyes. "No! You know what happened back there! I can not go back!" i screamed at my grandparents. I am not going back. I was planning on living out here forever.

"Anna Nicole. You can and will go back. You are the most strongest and the most confident person i have ever met. You can do anything. I know it was hard for you, but you can not just run away from all of your problems and you can visit us anytime you want" my Nana told me her voice full of sympathy. I looked over at my grandfather and he nodded.

I know they care for me. Will this be good? Or bad? Bad.

"Okay" i told them. They both nodded and i excused myself to start packing.


it is the next day and it's my last day at Prescott High School. I leave tomorrow and it is my last day here. I still can not believe i am moving back to L.A. this will be the death of me.

I get off my motorcycle. Yes i have a motorcycle i am a badass. Just kidding, I have one because I have always wanted one. I do not have one for my image or rep.

I head straight to my tree at school. I started hanging out a this tree ever since high school started, and my friends did too.

I can not believe my mother wants me home. She never cared for me so why? And i am going back to the place that almost killed me. I do not know how i am going to cope. I eyes start watering at the thought.

"Anna Nicole!" i look over and see that my best friend Emilee is coming over to me. I already told her that i am moving and she said that she will move with me but i knew she was just kidding.

Emilee Lynn. she was my best friend ever since i moved here. I was alone on the first day and she came up to me and become best friends. We also found this group of amazing people. I am closest to Emilee though. She is my lifesaver. She knows about my past and everything about me and i know everything about her too. She did not judge me for my thoughts and she said that she would have done the same thing. I do not like thinking about it though. That was a low point in my life. Not that i have any other low points.

I give her a small smile and she gives me one back and she sits down next to me.

"So yesterday Max was trying to get a girl from pick up lines" stupid. "He said 'can you help? I'm late for an important date.. with you' she scoffed and flicked his forehead! It was so funny Anna Nicole! You should have been there!" She laughs and I laugh too. I am going to miss them all. I can not believe I have to move back. I mean senior year just started and I have to move back now?

"Oh babe don't cry! Crying is for tomorrow! Now today we are going to live the rest of today awesome. And if that means school then so be it!" Emilee said as she wiped away my tears. I did not even know I was crying..

I nod and we both get up and walk inside the school that i will miss. We start walking to my locker first and once we get there we see the twins and emma. Max, and Diego Anderson. I love them so much and i will miss them a lot. I knew them ever since i moved here. And Emma patterson. I also knew her ever since i moved here. She is the is the sweet inocent kid. I ship her with Diego. I know they have a thing but they will not admit it even though it is there.

"Hey guys" Emilee and i say at the same time. We look at each other and smile. Max walks up to me and slings his arm around my shoulder. I look up at him.

"So since you're leaving tomorrow we better just announce our undying love for eachother" Max said with a flirty smile that girls fall for all the time.

"Nice try Max" i say as i take his arm off me. He pouts and walks away.

"Hey where's Mason and Charlotte?" Emma asks. Oh yeah! Mason Smith. I have known him since i got here. He's that one guy bestfriend that everyone wishes they had. He is the second closest to me behind Emilee. Charlotte Stewart. She moved here in sophomore year and we hung out with her and she is cool. She is really pretty she is one of the girly girls basically those bitchy girls in school, but not bitchy at all. She is really sweet and kind.

I shrug and look over at Emilee and she nods and me. we are that close we have mind conversations. "Probably in the janitor's closet getting at it" Emilee tells Emma. she scrunched up her nose in disgust and everyone laughs. Mason and charlotte are dating. I totally called it.

Right on time Mason and charlotte come down the hall they both have messy hair and their lips are swollen.

Emilee and I turned to the group. "Told you" We both say to no one in particular. They all looked over to where Emilee and i were looking and laughed.

"Ohh Mason get some!!" Max yelled. "Already did!" Mason yelled back. Charlotte hit him on the back of his head, and pats down her hair.

Mason made eye contact with me and ran to me and picked me up in a hug. I yelp.

"Mason put me down!" i shout. "No! My best friend is leaving tomorrow and this will be one of our last hugs." "Mason i am still gonna visit" i say trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah whatever" Mason says as he put me down.

"Hey i thought i was your best friend!" Diego shouted at Mason. "Sorry man but Anna beats you" i smirked at Diego and he grunted. And muttered a 'whatever' and we all laugh.

"I am gonna miss my dysfunctional group of psychopaths" i told them honestly. They all smile sadly.

"We're ALL going to miss you too" Emma said. They all nodded. I already feel the tears.

"Okay guys we are causing a scene lets get to class. We can continue that sadness tomorrow when i leave. We are meeting at my house right?" i asked them they all nodded and i smiled. I can not believe i am leaving my friends who are basically family to me.

"hey we should hang out tonight. like one last time in Florida" Mason says. i get happy because that is exactly what i want.

"yeah we should!!" charlotte yells and we all agree.


We all ended up agreeing on bowling. we all met up at my house. I do not know why but we always go to my house.

I hear Emilee's voice downstairs and i grin to myself and go downstairs also. I walk into the kitchen where emilee is looking through my pantry. of course she is...

"EMILEE!" i yell and she jumps 10 feet in the air, turns around, and puts her hand over her heart. She acts like a cat when she gets scared..

"Anna Nicole... you... are... EVIL" she says breathlessly and i start laughing hard.

"it's not funny" she mutters and i laugh even harder. "yes, yes it was" i say and continue laughing. Emilee joins in soon after that.

the door bell rings and i look at emilee after we stop laughing and we race to the door. yeah, i know we are childish but i do not care, and neither does she.

Emilee wins and i grunt and she sticks out her tongue and open up the door.

the twins and emma walk in and say hey and walk into the kitchen. seriously? why do they raid my food before anything?

i follow after them and sure enough they are stuffing food in their faces. i sigh.


We are finally at the bowling alley it took us a while to get there because Max was being dumb and missed three turns so we got there like 30 minutes late...

"Look Max, we all love you but you can never drive us anywhere again" Charlotte says and pats his back. Max whines and pouts.

"I'm a perfect driver" he cries out, and we all laugh at him.

"No, Max no you are not" i say and he pouts again and walks ahead of us into the bowling alley. We all laugh and he sticks up his middle finger.

We all follow him in and get our shoes.

I was last when i said "size 5" the man smiled and gave me my shoes.

"Here you go" he said nervously. I smiled nicely and replied with a 'thanks' and went with the others.

"I'm gonna kick y'alls asses" Mason says and we all applied with 'surrre'. Mason is really competitive even though he sucks at bowling.

Mason walked up and swung his hand back and he threw the ball, the ball ended up going in the gutter and we all laughed at him.

"You're gonna kick our asses, huh?" Diego says and he walks up.  Mason pouts and sits next to Charlotte and she kissed his cheek.

Diego went and he got a strike. He turned around and winked at Emma. hmmmmmm... emma blushed and looked away.

The whole game basically went on with Mason failing, and Diego winning to look good in front of Emma.


The next day...

"Anna Nicole your friends are here!" my gramps shouted at me. I wiped away a few tears and made my way to the front room.

All my friends were there in a line ready to say bye. The first one was charlotte. She came up to me and hugged me. "Thank You for letting me be your friend when i came here in sophomore year. You were the first person to talk to me and you letting me in this crazy group made me meet Mason and i love him so much so thank you" Charlotte told me. I'm really happy that Mason has her and that she has Mason. I nod. And it's my turn to talk. "I am really happy i talked to you too. You have made Mason so happy and i can not thank you enough. You have been an awesome friend for the two years i have known you and i will miss you" i hugged her again and she walked away.

God i feel like Elena Gilbert in the season 6 finale.

Next was diego. "Oh Anna Nicole Gray. I will miss you so fucking much. You've done so much to all of our friends. You've made all of us happier in many ways and thank you" Diego's eyes start to water and i have never seen him cry. Mine start too. I nod and start talking again. "I love you, and you better man up and ask out Emma" i told him. His eyes widen and i smirk and wink as i hug him again.

Next was Emma. "Anna Nicole you have done so much for all of us and i stand for all of us when i say that you made us all different. You made our group better, and we were so lucky for you to hangout with us, and i'll miss you so much" Emma smiles at me and i smile back. "You are an awesome girl Emma you always were a great friend to me and you always listened to me rant about stupid things and i will miss you so much. Oh and whenever Diego asks you out you better say yes. I need my ship to sail" i told her in the most serious voice i could muster. She blushed and hugged me.

Next was Max. "oh Anna... even though you're rude to me and too stubborn to admit you're in love with me doesn't mean i don't love you. You are an amazing girl and i hope that you're fine in L.A i know you will because you are a strong girl, and like everyone else i'll miss you." max tells me and i laugh. "Oh Maxy. i do love you but i'm not in-love with you. You are goofy and you always somehow put a smile on my face. I am gonna miss you too." i tell him and bring him in for a hug. Right before i pulled away i gave him a kiss on the cheek and whisper in his ear 'there is that kiss you have always wanted' i pulled away and he smiles at me and walks away. I laughed and looked at Mason.

Mason walked up to me slowly. Once he was right in front of me he sighed and began talking. "Anna Nicole. words can't describe how much i'll miss you. You were one of the first people to want to get to know me beside these guys, and be my friend. You're one of my best friends and thank you for wanting to get to know me and becoming my friend. I love you" Mason said and i could feel the tears coming back. I smile weakly at him and he returned it.

"Oh mason you leave me speechless" he chuckled and i continued. "You thank me for wanting to get to know you, but the truth is who would not? And thank you for letting me in and becoming one of MY best friends. I am so glad you have charlotte with you. She makes you a better person and if you ever let her go i will fly out here and kick you in the balls." he chuckled and charlotte smiles. "But anyways thank you for wanting to become my friend and i love you too." i finish and i hug him. We let go and i move to the last person Emilee. I already feel the tears.

She walks towards me and brings me into a hug. We pulled away and she started talking. "We've came to the day where we say goodbye, but i don't want to. Since the first time i've talked to you i knew that we would be best friends and we are. You are the most strongest person i have ever met and you can get through anything that life throws at you. Life without you will be really different but we'll be okay. I hope you show all the bitches in L.A that you're back, and you're fearless. Don't show them weakness. don't show them a weak little girl because that's not you. Show them that they can ducking come at you and you won't give a fuck. Show them that you are the baddest bitch and they'll all be jealous of you. You. not anyone else, because you'll be the best thing ever. Just like you were in Florida. I love you so much, and i can't believe you're leaving, but i'll visit. We all will visit you, and you will too. We love you so much." Emilee finishes, and i wipe away my tears

"I love you all too. But Emilee you have helped me in more things than i can count. My life without you would not even be a life. You showed me that i should not care about my past and i dont want to. You are my lifesaver in so many ways. Thank you. And thank you for wanting to talk to me when i first moved here, and for introducing me to everyone in this room. I honestly don't know what i would have done without you. I would most likely be that one girl who is always lonely but you changed that and thank you so much. And i love you too. All of you!" i hug emilee again and after a little while Max screams 'GROUP HUG!" and we all hug.

"Promise me that you all will visit me?" i ask them. I do not know what i would do without all of them. I really hope they come over to L.A to visit me.

A string of replies came back and they were all 'of course' 'hell yeah' 'yes!" were replied. I smile and sniffle from crying.

"You'll visit us to right?" Mason asks very nervous. How could i not? I love them all. "Of course i will. After all, i still need to come and visit the grandparents" i state and start looking around wait. Where are they?

"They're in the car" Emilee said reading my mind. I smile and hug them all again.

"Ugh i am gonna miss all of you guys" i stated in no one in particular. They all replied with 'same' and 'me too'. I pull away from the hug and start walking to the door when i remembered something. I pulled Emilee over.

"Yeah?" she questioned. I stayed silent for a moment then before i could speak she speaks up

"You're wondering about him right?" i nod. How can she know what i am thinking?

"If he ever comes back and asks where i went, can you just tell him that I died or something?" i tell her. He might have hurt me but i still care about him, and always will.

She nods and laughs lightly and gives me a sad smile. I hug her again and wave to the rest of them and they all send me sad smiles and i give them one too. I turn around and walk to the car and get in.

I turn back and see them all waving bye. I smile and open the window and scream. "I will see you later, bitches!" they all laugh and i smile and close the window, sigh, and slightly frown.

Bye Florida.

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