The Beautiful World (Hetalia...

By Worldclass_Fuckup

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Hetalia Oneshots * aph hetalia * 2p! hetalia * nyotalia Requests always open! **J... More

Author's Note
One Number Away/America
May I/England
Just Tell Her I Love Her/Italy
Shut Up and Kiss Me/Romano
Author Note
Fuck Away the Pain/2P! America
Guilty/2P America
Author's Note
I Wish You Liked Girls/Nyo! America
More Than Books/Prussia
See Ya In The Mornin'?/Denmark
Dollhouse/2p FACE
Something Just Like This/Canada
Safe and Sound/Italy
Author's Note
Romeo and Juliet/Russia
Waiting For Superman/America
Escape/2p Italy
Childhood Promises/Iceland
Happy Birthday, Hero/America
Author's Note
Mistletoe/ Finland
Sleepy Cuddles/Greece
Couple quirks
Welcome to Wonderland
Author's Note
Wake Up Call/2p Italy
Forever With You/Italy&Romano
Love Letters/Sweden
This is my idea/2p Romano
Coming Home/Italy&Romano
Bye Bye, Loves
Howdy babes


653 12 3
By Worldclass_Fuckup

Song: None

Character:France/Francis Bonnefoy

Warnings: None



I looked out at the garden from my place on the patio, rubbing my large stomach, hoping to sooth the pain and aching there. 9 months down, and the baby was due any day now...

Arthur worked in the kitchen making some ginger tea for the pain.

Just days from the cradle, and I still haven't told Francis about the baby. He's called Arthur several time, and even showed up on our doorstep. All times I refused to speak to him, to look at him, to involve him in my life again.

I didn't want him to be a part of my child's life... Of our child's life...
But at the same time I did...

As much as it pains me to say it... I missed the Frenchman. I missed the way he held me at night, and the way he never for a second let me feel insecure. How he would whisper sweet nothings to me till I fell asleep again after I woke up from a nightmare. How we danced to sweet slow songs till we were both exhausted...

I missed Francis Bonnefoy... I missed my Francis...

What he did... Cheating on me...

It hurt...

But my love for him outweighed the hate...

Maybe I should call him...just once.

"Here you go, love" Arthur placed the ginger tea infront of me.

"Thank you, Artie " I take the cup and place it to my lips, and sip the sweet warm tea.

I sighed as the warmth soothed some of my abdominal pain.

Arthur smiled at me as he sipped his own tea. We sat in silence for awhile, just drinking our tea, and enjoying eachother's company.

"Hey, Arthur?" I said softly.

He hummed in reply.

"I think I'm ready to call Francis now..."

Arthur's emerald green eyes bore into mine with shock, "Are you sure, love?"

I nodded, "the baby is due any day now, and Francis doesn't even know I'm pregnant, I think it's time he knew.."

Arthur nodded, "When should we call?"

"Now, if it's alright" I took the last sip from my tea, "preferably before I chicken out again"

Arthur chuckled at my joke, and I smiled along.

"I'll go get the telephone, then" Arthur said as he stood up from his chair.

"No need, " I chimed in, "my cellphones just on the counter, I'll get it"

As I stood up a sharp pain shot through my stomach and I doubled over gripping the table for support.

Arthur rushed to my side, supporting, me as well.

"Are you alright?"

I nodded, "yea, just some small car-Ah" my sentence was cut off by a scream as a fresh pain went through my body.

I panted hard, trying to hold my composer.

Another pain went through me, and I felt warm liquid run down my legs, trickling to the wooden patio.

I stared at the liquid in shock.

Arthur took one look and his face paled.

"Alright, love, looks like it's time"

I nodded letting him led me into the house. He sat me down on the couch as he began to gather stuff into a bag. He handed me my cell, and gave me a stern look.

I knew what he wanted me to do, and I guess I had to now.

I called the familiar number putting the phone on speaker. My breaths came hard, as I tried my best to keep the pain down.

The phone rang a couple of times before a smooth French voice answered, "oui?"

"H-hey, love" I panted, with a nervous smile.

"(y/n)?" The shocked French voice said.

I laughed breathy cringing at the pain it caused, "yea, it's me."

"How are you, amour?" He asked,and I could pretty much hear the smile in his voice, "it's been so long, what have-"

He stopped when I let out a muffled cry biting my lip as bolt of pain flooded my stomach. Tears pricked my eyes, but I refused to let them fall.

"(y/n)? Amour?" Francis now sounded worried, "what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine," I reassured, "there just something I have to- shit!.."

I cried and groaned in pain, tears now rolling down my face. Arthur rushed to me, and I could hear the worried Frenchman practically screaming into the phone.

Arthur hoisted me up, taking the phone from my hand.

I cried, "I have to tell him..."

Arthur gave me a sad look as he led me to the car.

"Tell me what?" France screamed into the phone, "What do you have it tell me?"

Arthur's face twisted in anger, "She's having your fucking baby right now!"

Before France could say anything the phone was hung up and shoved in his pocket.

I wanted to reach for it, so Francis's soft voice could comfort me through this pain. I wanted my Frenchman here with me.

But I settled for Arthur gently helping me into the car, as we began the drive to the hospital. Arthur pulled out my phone and typed a quick message while keeping his eyes on the road.

"I told him what hospital to meet us at, if he wanted to come" he said

I nodded, breathing heavy, and biting my lip to avoid screaming. The thought of being able to see my love again made me happy, but I was in too much pain to smile.

As we arrived at the hospital Arthur rushed me into the office, and to my surprise I was greeted in the most calming way. By a smooth, worried French voice.

"Sacre bleu!" Francis exclaimed as he made his way to my side quickly.

I smiled reaching for him, "You came"

"But of course" he kissed me lovingly on the top of my (h/c) hair.

Nurses came to my aid, taking my to a room. It hurt so bad to move, but it hurts too much to fight it either.

Francis refused to leave my side as we arrived.

"Sirs, I'm afraid you'll have step out while we get miss (l/n) changed" one of the nurses says as she gently pushes Francis and Arthur toward the door.

Arthur was more willing to go than Francis, who refused to move.

"I will not leave her alone," he protested with the most serious face I ever saw him wear.

"Sir, please, it will just be a few minutes-"


"You bloody frog," Arthur cursed at Francis, "let them do what they need to do"

While the two argued, and the nurse trued to calm everyone. I sat there panting as pain shot through my body like sharp icicles in my back and pelvis.

Eventually the pain became too much and I let a cry on pain leave my lips as hot tears fell from my (e/c) eyes.

"Sir, please step out for one moment" the nurse pleaded as she rushed to my bed side.

It hurt so bad... I just wanted my love to be here, I didnt want him to leave me alone with these strangers.

Yes, he hurt me. Yes, I said I hate him. And yes, I didn't want him to know about the baby.

But I take it all back, every word.

I love him, and only him. I wanted him to be here to soothe my pain, I wanted him to be here through all of it, no matter what.

I shook my head, gripping the nurses uniform, "let him stay, please"

The nurse gave me an understanding look, and nodded.

"Alright, but step back so we can prepare everything"

Francis was pleased my her words, as he reluctanky stepped back to give them room.

"But only the father is allowed in the deliver room"

Arthur nodded, as he gave me a reassuring smile, and left the room.

The changed me out of my clothes, and into a hospital gown quickly. The one nurse took my vitals, giving me epidural. while the others arranged tools and medicines.

The nurse gave the okay for Francis to come closer, and he did without hesitation. The moment he reached my bedside he grabbed my hand bringing it to his lips.

"Oh, mon cheri," he said with a sad expression, "I am so sorry "

I nod, in too much pain to actually care. I just squeezed his hand gently, and breathed to my best efforts.

"Why didn't you tell me" he asked with a hurt expression.



Was the asshole serious?!

"Because you fucking cheated in me, you bloody git!" I snapped at him. He flinched, guilt sparkling in his memorizing blue eyes. I felt bad for screaming that out in front of the nurses who stared at us as if we were a TV drama show.

"But that was then this is now." I tried to calm my voice, but it still sounded aggressive.

He nodded, "Are you going to stick around zhis time? Or will zhis be zhe only time?"

I thought about if for a moment. I hated what he did to me, I hated that I accepted what happened. But I love him. And once you love someone, you never stop. Yes, the feeling may decrease or other feelings may overpower them, but they never stop.

And my love for this man hasn't changed a bit.

"You're not getting rid if me that easily, you stupid Frenchman" I hiss at him, "like hell I'll raise our kid by myself"

Francis smoked and laughed lightly, as he kissed my forehead.

"What's so funny?"

"Nozhing, amour," he said softy, "I am just seen how you are related to Arthur is all"

"You just wait till I-" my sentence was cut off by another cry of pain.

I gripped Francis's shirt tightly pulling him closer. He put his arms around me placing his head onto of mine. His blonde hair mixed with my (h/c) locks, falling infront of my face in little wisps.

I cried as I buried my face into his chest. Why the fuck does it hurt so much?? It felt like I was being ripped apart. White hot pain shot through my pelvic area making me cry out again.

"Alright, miss (l/n)," the nurse said with a smile, "it's time to start pushing"

I screamed as I pushed. I don't care what the fuck everyone says about epidural making it easier, it still hurt worse than anything I've ever felt.

"You are doing so well, amour," Francis said in a supportive way. I was happy he was trying to help, but I really, really, really wanted him to shut his damn mouth.

I gave another push, panting hard as my vison blurred with tears. My muscles hurt like a bitch. I wasn't even sure that I was going to be able to do this, it felt like I was dying.

"A little more, (y/n), you can do it"

My eyes twitched as I threw my head back, "Will you shut the fuck up already?!"

he flinched at my sudden outburst. "It's all your fault I'm in this mess, I hate you, you dumbass" I screamed pushing with all l my strength.

Half way through my rant my voice broke into a weak cry.

"I know" was all he said.

"Just a little more, miss" the nurse said patting my leg gently with a warm, gloved hand. I gave another push, letting grinding my teeth together, "I fucking hate you, France!"

"I love you too" he snickered, squeezing my hand.

"One more" the nurse said, "one more big push, okay?"

I gave one last push, squeezing Francis's hand enough for him to yelp in pain, and his knuckles to crack. I didn't stop pushing till I felt a relief of pressure, and heard a baby crying. I fell back onto the hospital bad panting, and gasping for air.

"You did it!" the nurse cheered as she held up a little baby. It's skin raw, with a red tint, and covering in blood. I gave an exhausted smile. Francis kissed away my tears, telling me how good I had done.

"Would you like to hold her?" the nurse asked handing me my crying baby wrapped in a blanket. I took the baby from her.

"Her?" I asked with a smile staring at the little baby in my arms.

The nurse nodded.

Fresh tears streamed down my face as I looked at the little life in that I had birthed.

These tears were of uncontrollable joy, not the pain from earlier. Granted my body still hurt like a bitch, but that didnt matter to me at the moment. All I cared about was my baby.

I laughed as I planted a soft kiss on the baby's head, that was covered in soft bits of blonde hair. I rubbed her soothingly, quitting her cries. Francis smiled or daughter running his fingers over her head gently. Tears rolled down France's face too as we both smiled at her.

I was so happy.

"What should we name her?" I asked.

My smiling Frenchman shook his head in disbelief, "I don't know"

"How about..." I hummed giving my new daughter another kiss on the head, " (insert baby name)?"

"I love it"

I turned held (baby name) close to my chest as she drifted to sleep. I sigh laying back. I was so tired...

I was hungry too...

"Here," Francis took (baby name) from my arms carefully. He leaned down to give me a kiss on the corner of my lips, "You should rest, you've done a lot today"

I nodded letting my exhaustion take over.


I woke up in a different room clean bed, and gown. I looked over at Francis holding (baby name) on his chest as he smiled and sang a soft French lullaby. I smiled at the scene as I sat up.

Francis turned to me with a loving smile, "Did you sleep well?"

I nodded, "yea" I looked around the room, noticing my brother wasn't here.

"Hey, where's Arthur?" I asked.

"He went to get some breakfeast" I nodded. Francis stood and sat next to me in the bed.

"Now that we have our daughter, can we be a family?" he asked, looking down at the infant laying,against his chest.

I pulled my knees to my chest, "I don't know"

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?" he seemed offended, maybe even hurt.

"I mean I don't know" I pushed (h/c) hair behind my ear, "you cheated on me, Francis. And you didn't even have the balls to own up to when you got caught. I hate you for it."

I looked at (baby name) sleeping peacefully on her father's chest, and I couldn't help but to smile.

"But I love you, too... And I want you to be in her life, I want us to be a family."

"Then why dont we?"

"I'm scared...I dont want to be hurt again"

Then it was silent. We sat in an awkward silence. I had nothing else to say. I didn't know what it say.

Francis laid (baby name) on the bed gently make sure she was laying flat. I had to say that he was rather good with children.

He locked eyes with me. His blue eyes staring into my (e/c) ones. He entwined our fingers with one hand using the other hand to hold my chin gently as he leaned in.

My mind told me to tell him no, to push away from him, but I wanted it. I wanted to feel his lips on mine, his arms around me, his heart beating in time with mine. I wanted him.

"You're not gonna pull away?" he asked, his lip just centimeters from mine.


He smiled as he connected our lips. It was a sweet kiss that was undeniable perfect. When we pulled away, I smiled and kissed him again. His lips tasted like wine, and he smelt like roses. His hand caressed my cheek softly, sending sparks through my veins.

I forgot how much I loved his touch.

When we separated for air, we smiled at eachother. I was ready to say yes, and move back to France, with (baby name). But there was still that weighted hesitation still lingered in my chest.

As much as I wanted to go with him, for me, for (baby name), I can't. I can't just be okay with his past mistake, maybe someday, but not now.

"We can be a family," I said, "but not right now... I promised Arthur I would run back to you the second the opportunity appeared."

"Zhen when?" he asked

"I'm not sure..." I reply with a sad smile, "soon, maybe?"

"One year" he said, "I'll give you everything you and (baby name) need, and I'll visit as often as possible , and in one year, if you still want to and you haven't found someone new...could we then?"

One year didnt sound too bad...

If I would want to? Hell yes.

Someone new? Hell no.

"Yea, one year" I agree, "and you will have the same guidelines"

France extends his hand to seal the deal. I take it only to be pulled to his chest. Francis's arms went around my waist, and mine went around his shoulders.

"How about we seal it with a kiss, yes?" he winked with a smile.

I smile back, leaning to connect our lips again.

Right as our lips touched the door opened and a shout cut the air, "what the bloody hell are you doing, frog?!"

We both turned to see Arthur with a bright blush on his face, and anger in his eyes.

"I leave for ten minutes to get food, and you make a move on my sister?!"

(Baby name) began to cry as she was woken up from her nap. I pull away from Francis picking up my baby, shushing her as I held her close.

"Angleterre, look what you did!" Francis teased as he tried to help quiet the little baby.

"What I did?" Arthur looked offended, "what about what you did?!?"

"Quiet, you are being too loud for (baby name)!" Francis said in a hushed voice.

"Me? Too loud?!"

The two men began arguing back and forth both shushing the other. I smiled at them. I can't believe I love those idiots.


//Not really a songfic, but the song did start all this idea,
You get to choose how it ends. You go through your year, maybe you get back with France, maybe you don't, its all you, boo.

y deepest apologies for taking so long. It's the last few weeks of school, and teachers are giving us a bunch of homework, and test to study for. I'm currently working on more chapters with what free tine I have, but I wouldn't be suorised if it takes another two weeks. So sorry a head of time.

Have a wonderful day/night/evening/morning.



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