A Chance For Growth II

By Twisted_Truths

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We coming back at you in part two of this roller coaster ride. You're not safe yet, life ain't ever easy so... More

My Secrets, Your Questions
He's Not Family
Your Soulmate is Only Yours
I'll Always Protect You
Steps to a Better Life
Finally On Track
Where We Belong
No Need for Jealousy
You Can Handle It
Try and Make It Work
Keep It Pushing
Turn a Negative to Positive
Should've Been Done
What's Going On
And Then There Was 3
PSA: What's going on?
Strange Things are Happening
There's Beauty In The Struggle
This Can't Be
Get Out of Your Head
Please Don't Go, Not Again
No More Denial
This Isn't Our Ending
Can't Get Right
Two Can Play
This is Too Much
Too Soon
Time Has Passed
Like Magnets
Another Chance...Again
We Never Needed Him

These are Your Choices

749 52 121
By Twisted_Truths

Taraji popped a peice of gum into her mouth as her kids jumped out of the car. Too excited to see Bernice but more or less for gifts. Taraji got out, letting Cyrus out of his carseat. Putting him down on his feet she grabbed her purse then shut and locked her doors. Cyrus grabbed a hold of his moms pants legs pulling her torwards where the others ran off. She laughed at her impatient child, heading into the house, ripping was heard loud and ear.

"Grandmas baby." Bernice cheered seeing her youngest grandchild. He ran torwards her with a big smile giving her a quick hug before running back to Taraji.

"Cyrus go open gifts with your sister and brother." Taraji spoke picking up the Bonnie he had just dropped. He darted off following the noise. Bernice sighed giving her daughter a look.

"I don't want to talk about it mama. I'm fine." Taraji stated knowing that look.

"Are you really I mean he..."

"Terrence does what Terrence always does. At some point I have to realize that." Taraji muttered softly feeling the tears trying to come out. Bernice knew her child was hurting. It was written in the way she carried herself. Hell if she was having a hard time wrapping her head around it then Taraji was going through it. Life was tough, everyone was being hit with mess after mess.

"Baby I'm sure he just needs some time. He'll come back, I know he will." Bernice spoke trying to uplift her spirits.

"I know.....he always comes back." Taraji commented.

"As your mother though I need you to hear me and hear me good. Dont wait on this boy forever, it's not fair to you and it's not fair to your kids you hear me. I know you love him but you better love yourself more. No amount of love is worth killing yourself. So I'm saying give him time, but don't wait. Waiting means you're on pause, I need you to press play." Bernice spoke pulling Taraji in for a hug.

"I love you mama."

"I love you too."

Kissing her child's forhead she lead Taraji to where the kids were. Wrapping paper everywhere the kids all grinning from ear to ear. Marcel opened his last gift and froze his cheeks heating as he looked up at his grandmother. She smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

"What? What is it?" Taraji asked feeling left out. Marcel looked up at his mother and shook his head putting the gift behind his back. Taraji narrowed her eyes at her son as her mother laughed.

"Let me see." Raji pushed walking over to Cel. He grinned at his mom feeling like she needed a laugh.

"You really wanna see it?" He asked slowly getting up.

"Yessssssss...." He grinned rushing his mother picking her up and putting her over his shoulder. She screamed in fright before laughing. Heaven started laughing once Taraji started screaming for Marcel to put her down. He dropped his mother down on the couch. Before she puked from him spinning her around. It felt good to hear her laugh, he hadn't heard it in a long time. Smiling down at her, he was distracted when a little body attacked him.

"My mama!" Cyrus snapped

He held a mean mug as he swung at his brother trying to push him away from Taraji. Marcel laughed raising his hands in surrender. Cyrus huffed climbing onto the couch and looking Taraji over as if she had injuries. When his examination was done he laid his head down on her chest.

"He's a mama's boy alright." Bernice commented as the kids started cleaning up the wrapping paper. Cyrus hopped down grabbing one of his new toys and bringing it to show Taraji.

"I see baby. You want mama to open it?" She asked, he nodded waiting for her to do so. Breaking open the box she caught a glimpse at the gift Marcel was acting so embarrassed about. She wanted to laugh, her mother had gifted her own grandson a box of magnums. It reminded her of a time she did it to Terrence. At that thought her mood plummeted again.

"......mama?" Cyrus called tapping her face after calling her several times.

She shook herself out of her thoughts handing Cyrus the Transfomer toy. Putting on a fake smile she watched her family interact. The more her heart cried for Terrence, the more her mind sealed his fate. Her heart was understanding but her mind wasn't. Why did he always have to leave? Did he just love hurting her for fun? Was her heart an elaborate game that he mastered. Absentmindely she twirled the ring still displayed on her finger. They had set a date and everything, but now she didn't know whether to cancel plans or not.

Wedding planning had been going so smoothly. She was so excited to finally tie the knot after so long. Through all the bullshit and battles she felt like it was their time. Only for her to be slapped on the face with disappointment. Her father always said you have to really go through some things to be truly happy. How much more did she need to go through? How much more could she take?

Her mother forced her to eat before they left the house. Knowing her daughter to just not eat when she was going through it she wanted to make sure Taraji didn't loose anymore weight. Heading back to Alice's to say her goodbyes the next day to Aubrey and Hunter, she ran into Junior. She could tell by the way he looked at her that another round of pity party was coming her way.

"....How are you Raja?" He asked giving her a hug. She sighed and shrugged, no use in lying. Junior scowled a heated expression crossing his face.

"I can't believe he doing this shit to you again! What the fuck is his problem? I swear had it not been for mama I would have laid him out when he popped up out the blue!" Junior spat growing upset rather quickly.

"Its fine." Taraji mumbled.

"Its not fine Taraji. It's never gonna be fine, that ain't right. You're a good woman, the only woman I know that puts up with bullshit like this. I know he's my brother but he can be a no good bastard. When it's good....its fucking great. When it's bad shits bad man." Junior ranted not knowing he was putting Taraji in a mood. His words making her feel as if she had no back bone. When the tears sprung in her eyes he zipped his lips.

"Sorry....but look. I know the kids are gonna be hard, especially your mannish ass oldest son. If you need me to come whup his ass when he get out of line I'm on the first flight there." He spoke, making Taraji laugh.

"I got JJ around. If I really needed the help I'd call on him. He still puts fear in Marcel." Taraji responded shaking her head. The sounds of her children arguing meeting their ears.

"I put fear in him! Especially when I whupped that ass." Junior boasted putting his hands up and throwing a few air punches.

"Yeah see, that's not happening again." Taraji frowned. In seconds Aubrey and Marcel were arguing outside the house. Taraji turned to see what the problem was.

"You don't have to be such a fucking dick!" Aubrey yelled.

"I TOLD YOU I DIDN'T FUCKING WANT THE STUPID ASS LETTER!" Marcel roared getting in Aubreys face.

" Leave me alone when I say leave me alone. HE'S NOT MY FATHER!" He continued as Taraji started marching to him.

"He is our dad whether you like it or not. You should know you're acting like him right now!" Aubrey screamed on the verge of tears. Marcel snapped at the comparison.

"YOU KNOW WHAT. Fuck this shit, you're so ready to defend him. He left you too but shit I wouldn't know you going here and there with him. I should be used to it though. It's all about Aubrey right?" Marcel spat, Aubrey frowned confused.


"Don't what me you know. You think I want that stupid letter? Mines one page while yours is two, he had so much to say about you. So much love right. I'M HIS FIRSTBORN! NOT YOU, HE DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT ME AND HASN'T SINCE I WAS BORN OR YOU WOULDN'T BE HERE." The sibling faced off head to head, Marcel eyes dark like the night sky. Aubreys face bright red as tears slipped.

"Enough!" Alice yelled from the doorway as Taraji pushed the two apart. The loud booming voice not expected to come from Alice let alone a sick Alice. Yet she stood stern and strong with the young ones behind her. Junior just as dumbfounded about what happened as Taraji was.

"Bring your asses inside right now!!" Alice snapped with authority.

"Mama we have a plane to catch and...."

"In the damn house." Alice ordered turning around heading back into the house. Marcel huffed putting his hands on his head trying his best to calm down. Aubrey wiped her eyes being lead inside by Junior.

"Come on boy!" Taraji snapped grabbing him by the ear.

He whined embarrassed and in pain. He hadn't been grabbed like this since he was a child, and the truth is he was acting like one. Once inside Alice pointed to the empty couch. Cyrus ran across the room tripping over the carpet. Everyone avoided giving him attention, he knew better than to run in the house. Giving him attention would only make him cry even though he knew he was okay.

Picking hiself up he walked to Taraji rubbing his hand. Climbing into her lap he laid his head on her chest not at all hyper anymore.

"You guys are family. Brother and sister, when you don't have a mama or your father, no uncles, no aunts, that's all you got! You betta get it together, do not let someone steal your joy. I know you guys are hurting but bottling it up don't help no body." Alice lectured surveying the room.

"Y'all need to love your mother, she's doing the best she can. She is fierce and she is strong. Love her, respect her. Respect yourself, open up them mouths and tell her how you feel. Holding it inside doesn't do nothing but make the pain grow. I know it does, get it together. Marcel I love you baby, but the one close to you are not your enemies. Don't take out your anger on them."

Dropping his head he rubbed his curls. Looking over at Aubrey he made a face. It wasn't his intention to pop off on her but sometimes she didn't know when to stop.

"Im sorry Brey." He sincerely voiced.

"And Aubrey, baby don't force someone to talk. Telling them what they need to do is just gonna make someone upset. What about what you need to do? Know the limits." Alice spoke staring at her. Aubrey sighed looking over at Cel.

"I'm sorry too Cel." Aubrey apologized as they got up to hug it out before they were told to. Once they broke apart Junior lead Marcel outside for a man to man talk.

"Y'all behave okay. I'll send for you to visit soon. I know y'all don't want to do this but there's alot on my plate. At least try this then be open and honest with me. I'm only a phone call away, y'all know I will come running for you." Taraji spoke giving Aubrey a hug, trying her hardest not to cry. This would be the first time in forever the kids were officially moving out and back home.

"Mama.....I love you." Hunter whined giving her a hug. He didnt want her to go but he knew she had to. He wasn't sure how staying with Lori would be, but as of late she was better than he was use too. Gathering their things the Hensons were off to Chicago while the Howard's were off to their mother.

In California.....

"How are you mama?" Terrence questioned his mother over the phone.

He stood on the balcony of his Cali home, his first day off in a long time. He didnt know,what to do with hiself. Out here starting a movie called the Perfect Holiday, it was a comedic role and he was happy to work aling side some greats like Queen latufah, and his old friend Morris. They were always trying to get him to go out with them calling him a hermit crab cause he didn't ever go no where.

"I'm fine, Dashon." She responded shortly, he sighed putting his hand on his head.

"When's the last time you called Taraji?" She asked.

"Uhhhg....the other day." He lied scratching the back of his head.

"That's funny cause she was here. Quit lying to me." Alice snapped.

"I haven't talked to her." He admitted.

"Mhmm, I know. What do you expect from her. She's heart broken and you can't even pick up the phone and tell your...beloved, that you're okay and you love her? No you opt for silence. You havent talked to Heaven, Cyrus, or Marcel." Alice spat, he groaned.

He didnt always wanna talk about this, sometimes he wanted to know her health but she always flipped it to be about him. He knew what he was doing was hurting them, but being around them hurt them more. In his mind it was one of the other, and after pushing Raji that day he couldn't go back to her. He needed to get hiself together, and at the momemt he hadn't even started. His liver the perfect example.

"What do I say mama? " He asked truly distraught.

"I don't know, something. I know you love your kids but it don't seem like it. What do you want with Taraji? To marry her? Because if I was her I would snatch tgat ring off and rest of it, I told her that too." Alice spoke.

"MA!" He growled.

"Don't yell at me, I show as hell did. Your actiins have a reaction. How does she know what to think if you don't talk to her. There's only so much a woman can take. your lucky she's still wearing it. I don't know for how long. Get it together, I'm your mother and I love you but you're doing wrong." Alice spoke before hanging up. He cursed throwing his phone and stomping into his bedroom. Climbing into bed he shut out the world hiding hiself from his own thoughts.

February 2008

Taraji cleaned house Saturday morning music blasting. She had her kids washing walls pre-spring cleaning. It was more stress cleaning for her Boris's death anniversary passed along with Angel baby's. She was coping better than she thought, but once you've been in pain for so long new pain didn't hurt as much. You just flipped it into something positive.

So here she was waiting for 4 o'clock to roll around before she drove to the airport. Aubrey and Hunter were coming to visit for the weekend. They had skipped school and caught a plane ride. She was excited to see them and so was their siblings. In truth without them the house was kind of quiet besides Cyrus running around doing the most. Yes he was her shy quiet baby, but he was like a little monkey. Always hanging off of stuff and jumping off couches.

"My walls done, can I hang up the pictures?" Heaven asked bouncing in the room. Taraji nodded, she was sick of her empty walls, so she went and got pictures made to hang up. Heaven squealed running out of the kitchen, she had picked all her pictures out herself.

"Mama, mama mama!" Cyrus yelled looking for her.

"I'm in here Cyrus." He rounded the corner with something in his hand. Rushing up to her he showed her the gold chain.

"Daddy!" He cheered as he pointed at it. She let out a single chuckle giving him a sad smile.

"Mhmm." She smiled taking it from him, opening it she put it around his head her hear melting at his smile.

"You wanna ride with me baby?" She asked, he nodded quickly.

"Cel, I'm gonna head out. If Phires coming over keep it PG. When I get back we're going to dinner, I rented put our favorite spot." Taraji announced washing her hands.

"Okay!" Marcel yelled back going to call Phire, it's not like he was really listening either. With his mom leaving he didn't have to clean anymore. And Hev was just gonna put her face as many times as she could around the house. She was growing into her diva mindset rather quickly nowadays. Turning more and more into a mini Taraji. Cel wasn't ready to have two of them in the house just yet. One Taraji was enough for all.

A few hours later.....

"Boy get down." Taraji laughed staring at her son. Aubrey and Hunter were gonna meet them at the car at any second. Pulling out her camera she took a picture of Cyrus hanging from the interior handle of her car.

"You so silly baby." She teased tickling his side's. He burst into laughter squealing as he tried getting away from her hands. Spotting a fimilar pair of kids she got out. Hunter laying eyes on her jetted across the parking lot. Rushing into to hug her, she beamed down at him dlsqueezing him right.

"Hi baby. Your hairs getting long." Taraji commented ruffling Hunters hair.

"Hi! I miss you!" Hunter responded giving her a bear hug.

"How have been Mama Raji." Aubrey asked, Taraji smiled pulling Aubrey in for z hug.

"Good, I heard you had straight A's. That's my baby." Taraji praised putting their suitcases in the trunk. Cyrus bounced in excitement seeing his siblings.

"How's living with Lori?" Taraji asked as they headed home.

"Its kind of cool. I like it, she's nice now and we always go somewhere. Like the mall or the park." Hunter spoke playing with Cy in the back seat. Taraji felt a tinge jealous, she wished she could be that open with them. It worked when Terrence was around but now it didn't. It would look weird if she had his kids and he was nowhere in sight.

"Well that's good, what about you hun?"

"Its okay, I'm not really home much. I got a job at a Macy's." Aubrey spoke leaving out the part about running around with this girl she likes.

She couldn't tell you why she liked her so much, but she just did. She was confused, she didn't know if she should tell Taraji or not. She wanted to talk to someone about how she felt. The only person she trusted was Courtland and she hasn't seen him in months. She had to tell him that she had her first kiss with a girl and it went farther then any kiss she ever had with him. It was practically eating her up inside.

"Well good for you baby. Your rooms are the same, but when we get to the house were going out to eat." Taraji announced.

"Can I go see Courtland tomorrow?" She asked.

"I don't see why not." Taraji responded.

The next day.....

Aubrey walked around to Courtland's feeling anxious to see him. She wanted it to be a surprise so she opted out of texting him. They had called eachother frequently since she moved, both sad about being so far apart. Her first real friend would always remain his tittle.

As she headed the house she noticed him outside sitting on the trunk of his car. A girl swinging her car keys standing to his right. For an odd reason she felt herself get upset. She had never seen this girl ever, she wanted to know just where this girl came from. He hopped down smiling at the girl then giving her a hug. Aubrey slowed her walk down as she tried her hardest to see if there was any body language that gave off a relationship vibe. Courtland laughed turning his head and spotting her. His face lit up in seconds as he forgot he was having a conversation.

"Aubrey!" He cheered rushing her, picking her up he swing her around listening to her giggle.

"Yo Courtland, Ima head home." The girl called out unlocking her car. He nodded setting Aubrey down on her feet.

"How you been?"

"Who's she?" Aubrey asked ignoring his question.

"Oh her, that's Mya. She's in my chemistry class we got this project to finish. Why?" He responded with a teasing smirk. Aubrey blushed looking away and shrugged.

"No reason, I'm happy to see you though. We need to talk about so much." She smiled.

"Cool, come on. My mom's out of town so you can come in." He spoke grabbing her hand and leading her across his yard.

"So you're here by yourself?" She asked, he nodded opening his door and letting her go in first.

"How long you gonna be here?" He asked leading her to the couch.

"Just till Monday afternoon." She responded looking around the living room, she could tell he was here by hiself. Stuff everywhere, game controllers here and there. It reminded her of Marcel's room.

"So what's up?" He asked leaning back against the couch and stretching his legs. On instinct her eyes travled between his legs, him wearing sweatpants giving her the view she desired.

"Aubrey?" He called with a chuckle. She looked up blushing.

"I said what's up?"

"With what?" She responded losing her train of thought. He shook his head grabbing her leg and pulling it over his lap.

"Why is it everytime you look at me you staring at my junk?" He asked as she straddled him. She hummed resting her hands on his shoulders.

"I tried some stuff." She mumbled as his hands glided up her hips. He leaned in planting his lips on her neck.

"Like?" He questioned sucking on her sweet spot.

"Some things....." She responded giving him more room to kiss her neck. He pulled away looking at the gesture she made.

"With who?" He growled.

"A girl I met in D.C, her fingers kind of hurt at first but then it felt good." Aubrey admitted, he frowned and hummed.

"Did you like it?" He asked, she nodded rolling her hips in his lap. He grunted holding them in place.

"I got something to tell you too." He spoke seriously looking up at her. It bothered him that she was experimenting even though he told her to, but he'd tell her anything to make her happy. He'd do anything for her.

"If it's about you fucking that one girl a few years back you told me that." She spoke wanting to start some friction. Sitting on top of his manhood making her hot all over.

"No, actually I'm joining the academy." He announced, Aubrey looked down at him with confused eyes.

"Are you behind on credits?"

"No, if I do the academy I can graduate early and go straight into the military." He explained, she got off his lap frowning.

"The military? So I won't see you anymore when I visit? That's it, you're gone?" Aubrey snapped getting up. She grabbed her bag making a heated attempt for the door. Courtland groaned getting up and catching her.

"I'm not leaving till April. I always told you I wanna be like my dad. I have the chance, I go in for four years after the academy and then I have a choice to stay or not." He spoke, tears weld up in Aubreys eyes.

"What if you......die....like him?" She asked remembering the story of how they got this nice place. His father died in war and the military presented them with a big check.

"Don't think like that." He simply responded flashing his goofy smile. a few tears slipped from her eyes as she lounged at him, attacking his lips with a heated passionate kiss. Her mind running wild from all the scenarios. He tried pulling away but that resulted in her latching on to his neck. His manhood sprang to attention at that action.

"I want you to take my virginity." She whispered on hing her hands down his body.


"I don't trust anybody else but you Court.......I love you." Aubrey admitted neither of them sure what she meant.

I love you as a friend or as a lover, the line too blurry betwbetween the too. Without word he grabbed her thighs picking her up. Her purse dropping to the floor as he walked her down a long hall to his bedroom. Kicking his door open he laid her down on his bed, instead of fear he was raw confidence. She sat up pulling her shirt overhead, then pulling down her pants while he watched.

"Let me see it." She whispered as she took off her bra. He quickly shrugged off his shirt then dropped his pants, his manhood at attention for her. She motioned for him to come closer,she hadn't seen one live and up close before.

"Ima take care of you. Lay back." Court ordered some type of husky dominance in his voice that made her weak.

She did so feeling his fingers hook around her panties. Before she knew it she had a mouth on her core something she never experienced before. An air of saddness stayed in the room. She felt like this was the last time she would see him. She had so many feeling bottled up inside that she wanted to tell him. How she was kind of in love with him if that was what she felt inside her.

If love meant you often wondered about what being married would be like, then yeah she loved him.....a lot. Her eyes watered as her body forced her to take a deep breath in, a loud scream tearing from her lips shocking herself. Her body both wanting to scoot away, and get closer.

Courtland continued to eat her out until her juices started to drop from her core. Climbing up on top of her He looked down at her with a gentle tone. Reaching into a drawer he grabbed a condom and rolled it on. Giving her the option of how this all went she went for all at once.

She felt like the air had been knocked from her lungs when he pushed in all at once. Her core clenching at the intrusion. He kissed her slowly relaxing her, a feeling in his chest he couldn't explain. He made her look into his eyes the whole time, watching and loving the faces she made. Or the way she bit down on his shoulder, and the way she sung I love yous in his ear even if it was just in the moment.

A few hours later.....

"Girl stop, you said you needed to be home like an hour ago." Courtland laughed pushing Aubrey off his lap. Her new found sex drive was high. She took all of him like a champ then damn near attacked him for more. He quickly learned she liked to top more then she liked being a bottom, but then again she had a nack for getting hit from the back.

"Okay, Okay. I'll go, I don't want my mom sending out a search party." She spoke as she started pulling on her clothes. He held a goofy grin as he watched her get dressed. She whined every few seconds as the ache grew. Her body felt stretched and worn out.

"I'll drop you off." He offered getting up and getting dresses. Walking by her he slapped her ass making her yelp.

"What you slapping on, ain't much." She pouted rubbing where his heavy hand hit.

"Trust there will be, keep taking them backshots like you do and an ass will come." He grinned, she walked into the bathroom trying to fix her wild hair. She wanted to look as normal as possible but with the giddy way she was feeling it was impossible. Parked outside her home she stared at Courtland holding his hand. That saddness falling on them again.

"You better stay in contact with me. I don't care where you are in the world." Aubrey snapped giving him a look.

"I will, I promise. And if we ever loose contact, I'll search until I find you again." He promised kissing her hand.

"I love you Court."

"I love you too Brey." He leaned over claiming her lips in a slow kiss, his tongue playing a sensual game with hers. Finally pulling away he pecked her lips once before she got out. Heading inside she set her shoes down by the door. Speeding past the foyer to avoid her siblings in the living room.

"Brey's home!" Heaven yelled out seeing Aubrey running past the open archway. She took the stairs two at a time bumping into Hunter at the top of the stairs. He frowned when he looked at her, she looked so rough. Her hair puffy and her skin glistening. She rushed past him into her room shutting the door. Hunter shrugged heading back down stairs.

"You see Brey?" Marcel asked, Hunter nodded joining them on the couch.

"Yeah, I think she went for a run or something. She looks tired." Hunter pointed out, Marcel's head snapped torwards his little brother.

"What do you mean?" He barked.

"I don't know, she kind of limps. When is mama coming home?" Hunter questioned grabbing some popcorn.

"Soon. Watch him." Marcel spat laying Cyrus in his spot. Heading upstairs heated he heard the shower running. Heading into her room he sat on her bed and waited. By the time she entered he had made hiself comfortable. She was too worried about what she discovered to notice him.

"What were you doing at Courts?" Marcel blurted making her jump.

"Shit Cel! Nothing but catching up." She lied holding a hand over her heart.

"Then why you standing like that and looking guilty?" He asked getting upset.

"Because I can, get out Cel!!" Brey snapped.

"Fine, bet ima go fuck up that nigga then." Cel announced getting up.

"No you're not! What I do with my body is my business! I didn't ask you about Phire don't ask me about Courtland. If you go over there starting mess I'll go fight Phire then." Aubrey spat irritated. Why was it different when she did it?

"And get your ass beat?"

"So, it makes it even. At least I didn't fuck in mama house with her grieving and sleeping in the next room asshole." Aubrey threw out making him feel guilty.

"Fine, I'll drop it. I don't know how mom will react though." He sighed seeing his sister grow up in front of his eyes.

"I don't care, I need to ask her something. I'm worried..." She admitted, he looked at her in concern.

"Please tell me you used a condom." He rushed out.

"Of course! But I'm like blee....."

"No I don't wanna here that! Ask mom." He rushed out cutting her off. She laughed shaking her head, guess she had to tell Taraji after all.

The bass boomed, loud enough to feel it in your chest. Finally letting himself be dragged out of his home he sat in a club in his V.I.P section drinking and watching. He had to admit, Cali had some beautiful women out tonight. The more he drunk the more they were starting to look appealing to him.

He had lost Morris somewhere in the crowd a long long time ago. Sitting by hiself he couldn't help but notice all the looks from the girls looking for a quick come up. Catch a celebrity doing dirty, or being wild sell the pictures and get cash on deck. Or the girls looking to get in his bed and trap him with a baby or a sex tape.

He had enough kids and didn't need anymore. Kids that he hasn't seen in a minute. He was due to take a trip to see his mother soon, he was hoping all his kids would be in town but the chances of that was very very slim. Sighing he got up ready to head home, figuring he had enough drinks he sent a text to his new bodyguard Webb saying to pull up. Easily moving through the crowd he walked up to the bar to pay his tab.

"I NEED the strongest stuff you have in here, Pleaseeeeeeee!" A young woman lost requested plopping down into a bar seat. She let out a loud huff of frustration as she waited. Curiously Terrence looked at her, she had long black hair that cascaded down her back. She looked like she was short but you couldn't tell by her heels. She looked rough, like she was fresh off of work and in desperate need of a drink.

"Put her drink on my card too." He spoke to the bartender who nodded.

"You didn't have to do that, but thank you." The woman spoke looking up at him.

"You look like you needed it." He smiled getting his card back. The bartender served her and she thanked him as well.

"Well if you're gonna buy me a drink the least you could do is give me your name. I'm Michelle " She smiled as she stuck out her hand.

"Terrence." He responded shaking her hand. Realization dawned in her eyes, she recognized him from movies.

"Oh wow, why did you of all people buy me a drink?" She questioned wondering why a celebrity was even looking her way. Terrence shrugged flashing her his award winning smile.

"I'm only human, kindness is a thing. Have a good night." He responded turning to leave, she nibbled on her lip debating whether to stop him.

"Wait......I know this is weird but I could use someone to talk to. If you're not busy......nevermind I don't know why I asked." She muttered fumbling on her words. He turned staring at the woman, something strong in him said to say no. Yet like mostly everything lately in his life he ignored. Sooner or later he was gonna wish he had.


Hope you enjoyed!🤦🏿‍♀️

[Soooo peep that we skipped a year. From end of 2006 to beginning of 2008. Terry been gone a year and some change.]

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We often say, love is beautiful. But what we forget is what's beautiful is what can hurt you. Thought loving is easy? What happens when a fight break...